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Logs of the fortress manager

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

`Yeah, here I was, expecting artifact leather armour, and then that happens.

9 sandstone

Turns out 2 of those captured goblins were instead goats, running from the goblins they found their way into our traps. Well, lets just butcher them, free food. Anyway, we needed empty cages for the traps, so here's some more arena action for Kharak.

Snang, goblin master thief:0
Ngerxun, goblin master thief: 0, this one kept running around the arena until being harshly tackled by Kharak, instantly breaking both legs.
Stozu, goblin master thief: 0 escaped the arena, running right into the dog kennel which just happened to house ~15 war dogs, I'd say he lost. Badly.
Song, goblin wrestler:0 Head flew off at first strike.
Utes, goblin wrestler: 0 Big disappointment to the audience, died in 1 hit.
Snamoz, goblin wrestler: 0
After these, Kharak got thirsty, so that was the arena for today.

19 sandstone

Found the magma pipe properly, and sealed off the way in because it has a very healthy population of fire imps, and fire men. I'll order some bauxite for magma-proof things next year, and with luck, and preparation in the form of making the area and smelters/forges already, we will have magma forges in 2 years at most. This should give us something to do during the boring months of winter. Well, besides tossing goblins at Kharak in the arena, we need to save some goblins for the judgement of Beardy and the group.

28 sandstone

Ok, one of the miners is an idiot. He got really pissed since last goblin invasion, so he went around and broke a building. Fortunatly, the guards were there to arrest him, unfortunatly, it was a bridge he broke, and he was standing on top of it. He fell, broke both legs, and was then dragged off to jail. He also kicked his dog, and tried to fight the guard.

13 timber

Some animal caretaker died today, because he forgot to drink. That's it, he just didn't drink and died of it. Nothing spectacular here, however, on closer inspection, I notice it was the dwarf that went crazy during the invasion. Beardy adopted one of the cats the animal trainer used to have. I've also noticed the traders didn't send anyone to me this year, they probably went to the count. I'll just tell him about the need for bauxite.

4 moonstone

Arena special: marksdwarf training, 7 marksdwarves compete over who can land their bolts in the goblin bow user from behind a fortification, competition goes on till it's dead. Most hits wins. End result: one bolt to the head, the squad leader of the marksdwarves wins.

9 moonstone

Another goblin attack, meaning, more sparring recruits for Kharak. Like usual, everybody in, cages are ready, marksdwarves on the towers, and the axedwarves near the bridge. The battle went as planned, but halfway through Kharak thought of a better strategy, he just rushed at the goblins, tossed 3 off the bridge, killed roughly 10 of them, and then chased the others off, Sin's squad sees this, and joins, and a couple of civilians decide to start gathering the loot before all goblins start running. result:

10 captured goblins
4 escaped with minor injuries
6 escaped unharmed
1 escaped without eyes
2 war dogs killed

Also, during all this a jeweler became sneaky, grabbed a gem, and started working, I expect him to either rot in prison the rest of his life for stealing a gem, or to produce a nice artifact for us.

(Later that day)

That was fast, meet "Nobangvetek", Dismaltarget, a perfect brownish gem, value: 48 000, it's a perfect gem, what more is there to say? He took a gem and sharpened, polished, and cut a little of it to perfection. This is going into the vault, where else could it go?

26 moonstone

What the fuck is wrong with this justice system? Sure, the guy kicked a dog once, and destroyed a bridge, but 51 days in jail should be enough for just those, why did the guard get ordered to also use a hardened iron spear to beat the crap out of the starving miner that nobody remembered to give food or even water to after 20 days. Well, thanks a lot, dwarf justice, that's one miner with a bruised spine(Very bad), beaten half to death with his only son watching, and then they wonder why dwarves drink a lot of alcohol.
Damage to the miner:
no food/water for 31 days
heavily bruised lower spine
2 broken fingers
head damaged
some internal organs damaged.
lower legs bruised
beaten till unconscious
And smaller damage all over. I also suspect he was kicked between the legs.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Hmm... My dwarf captain is apparently as uncaring as I am.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 29, 12 opal, year 240

Damn goblins, even the dead ones try to hurt us by rotting in the entryway. I guess they don't really have a choice being dead and all, but they should just be dumped in the refuse pit, and I noticed it's full already. On the bright side, goblin bone bolts for everyone!
Digging out a bigger pit right now, and side note, we got a few obsidian swords.

21 opal

Dumping all the dead goblins, that should help. Besides that, the count got promoted to duke, which apparently means he became more whiny since suddenly his room "Isn't good enough". I guess I should just dump some more stuff in there, seeing as he's been doing ok with mandates, nothing bad, just silver items and coins for him, and the wife wanted rock stuff that were already being made anyway. I've set up some animal traps near the magma pipe, you never know what we might catch.(Probably something with fire, so keep away from the booze)

4 granite, year 241

So, we seem to be out of cages, and Kharak is bored, so lets see which goblins we can toss into the arena with him until he gets bored again.

Bosa, goblin wrestler: 0
Bosa immediately jumped Kharak, and apparently tried to grab his arm. Kharak grabbed Bosa's chest. Using his axe. End fight.
Ozud, goblin axeman: 0
Ozud looked at Kharak, and was first hit in the leg, cutting off his foot, and then one axe strike to the head gave brain damage to Ozud. The fight ended not too long after that.
Tode, goblin maceman: 0
less then 5 seconds into the fight Tode lost his left arm. And then his right. And then his head.

Kharak then got bored and went out to grab some food.

14 granite

An elven caravan, and look, an elven diplomat, I'll let the duke handle the diplomat, and I'll do the trading. Shouldn't be a lot, probably just a load of cloth, but still, it's something, and we have more then enough rock to trade them. And as expected, the elves had nothing of value.

(Later that day)

The duke met with the elf, and I overheard the conversation. The elves seem to want us to stop cutting trees, and the duke laughed in his face, called him a treehugger, and asked him what else the elf wanted. The elf responded with making a joke about the height of dwarves, before running off. Diplomacy at it's finest, I guess this earned the duke a nice statue in his dining room. I've also heard another load of goblins arrived, so the usual, everybody in, military ready, and fuck the elves, they weren't in, and it's not my problem. These seem extra pathetic though, just a few with ranged weapons and a lot without anything at all.

Anyway, the battle, just as the goblins got into range for the marksdwarves, the ranged fighters decided it was time to take a break, and they left the tower to go drink a bit and do nothing. The goblins ran all the way to the bridge without any trouble at all, until they ran into the goblin kebab maker, a manned and ready ballista. The result was less then impressive, with the arrow quickly hitting a wall on the side, not even coming close to the goblins.
So now all that stands between them, and the fort, is one drawbridge, and Kharak, seeing as Sin's squad is still sleeping. Oh, and did I mention 30 war dogs? The animal trainer is just past the bridge. As they passed the bridge, Kharak hid in a small hole in the side, letting 4 goblins that rushed ahead pass by, right into the group of war dogs. Kharak then popped back out and cut down 3 of them that tried to run from the dogs. The fourth was ripped apart by the dogs. After that the marksdwarves returned, and they just shot most of the other goblins. After half their army died before reaching Kharak again, they decided to just run. We've also found a new reason to hate goblins, in the loot, one of them carried a dwarf leather amulet. Didn't do him much good, seeing as he got a few bolts to the head. After looting, a leatherworker got possessed, and if he even thinks about making a thong, I'll personally toss him into the magma pipe.


10 captured goblins
unknown number of escaped goblins, at least 20 unharmed decided that it wasn't worth trying. At least 10 have bolts in them.
1 kobolt thief killed(Tried to sneak in during the assault.)
No losses on our side.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 30, 12 slate, year 241

That could have been worse, a leather shirt, "Rodïmos", Nullcalled. worth 33 600, nothing special right? Well, unless you count the fact that it has gems in it, and not just gems, an image made of gems. The image is of Kharak laughing at a goblin he cut an arm off. Great, worth the leather, worth the time, into the vault, and keep it away from the thong before people think it's a set.

(Later that day)

Migrants, great, I bet they came because they heard of that awesome thong we have here. Whatever the case, new arrivals:
1 metalsmith
1 hunter
1 furnace operator(Smelting the ores)
6 recruits(Of which one now a squad leader for hammerdwarves)
1 guard
1 royal guard
1 marksdwarf(Squad leader now)
1 thresher(For making cloth)
1 jeweler
1 mechanic
1 mason
1 cook

also arrived:
3 mules
1 horse
1 cat

All in all, a strangely high amount of useless dwarves that went into the military.

27 slate

So, we need cages, and we have caged goblins, solution? Instead of Kharak, I've ordered 7 war dogs to be put into the arena, and then tossed 7 goblins in. The resulting battle was as follows, it was short, with 4 goblins being ripped apart almost instantly, followed by 7 dogs being killed. The remaining 3 goblins were used for marksdwarf practise, the marksdwarves stood around doing nothing because they forgot to bring ammo. So a diferent squad gets called and the goblins died shortly after that. I think the only reason the goblins won was because they had a leader in there with them, a strong whip master(Mistress apparently, but I don't want more details).

14 hematite

Halfway through summer already, and nothing happened so far, so just making everything ready for the human caravan, a human diplomat already arrived today, but I doubt he really wants anything. Oh, and another guard died today, spear from an untrained recruit through the chest.

(Later that day)

More goblins, they caught Sally Redshirt out in the open, and surrounded her before beating her to death. For an organised military, the goblinsare worthless, but to individuals they can be dangerous. They probably aren't a threat to the caravan, but I've got the new hammerdwarves set near the entrance, they might learn a bit. After a few seconds a royal guard, a hammerdwarf, and a recruit crossbowdwarf decide to head out, and while they hit a goblin so hard he would spend the rest of his life in a bed, but they are quickly killed(Except the hammerdwarf, which is running around at random). Later on a guard arrives as well, but without any weapons, he dies too. Then Kharak decided he wanted something there, walks past a group of 6 goblins who where chasing the hammerdwarf, grabs a new leather boot of a corpse, and then throws a bolt from Sally at a goblin, killing one before running in and killing the rest(Except one), then walking back to the fort as if nothing happened. (Ignoring the hammerdwarf which is still being chased by one goblin, which was in turn chased by 3 war dogs.)

After the battle the duke informs me the human diplomat said nothing special, he liked the place, enjoyed a drink, and left.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 31, 24 hematite, year 241

Trading with the humans got us nothing special, but at least they took some of the rocks off our hands, nothing special has been ordered for next year either. Anyway, what I am writing for is to say one of the hammer dwarves got his brain damaged, so he won't ever spar again, making him kinda worthless as soldier. However, and tell me if you see a problem with this, I'll just give him, and all future braindamaged dwarves crossbows, and some ammo, he should just train in that instead, so we can at least use him for that. Returning him to a civilian is not an option, we do not need a soap maker.

1 malachite

Another group of goblins, spotted by Chip this time, they had 2 bowusers, so he couldn't hope to defeat them all, but he did punch a goblin's face in and then ran all the way back to the fort while dodging arrows. At the fort we had the military at the ready, even though that was not at all needed, almost all the goblins ran into cage traps, giving us 10 more goblins in cages, and 2 dead goblins. 2 civilians were shot when they ignored the goblins standing at the entrance and tried to get out, they survived with no permanent injuries. One of Sin's squad got shot by an arrow in the heart, and unfortunatly he bled to death. Kharak was standing right next to the now dead axedwarf, and he charged the last bowgoblin, first cutting off the arm it used to hold the bow, and then it got kinda bloody. My guess is the goblin died somewhere between the axe to the chest, and getting punched in the face repeatedly. 2 of Kharak's dogs were injured in the fight.

17 malachite

Damn goblins. One of them took a kid, not of someone I know, but it's definitely not a good idea of them to do that. I'll make sure to personally torture 5 goblins for every child they steal. It was probably the child of someone working outside, as there is no way for a clumsy goblin to come into the fort, so many of them tried, and come to think of it, it's time to toss those into the arena with Kharak. Besides that, another of the children is acting sneaky, and is secretly gathering materials.

25 malachite

The kid completed his artifact, "Nosimnïr", kindnesslands, a small goblin bone bracelet. It's worth 42 000, and has decorations of more goblinbones, silk, and jaguar leather. It also includes bands of silk, more bone, even more bone and a shell. It has spikes out of cloth, and wood in it, which has the image of a tree carved into it. And all I could think of when I first saw it, "Better then a bone thong"

12 galena

Anybody want a tame fire snake? The animal traps at the magma pipe caught us 3 fire snakes, and I've told the dungeon master to tame them. So we're getting some new pets soon. Well, 2 of them, as I left, the dungeon master went right for the traps, opened one, ate the snake while it was still alive, and then went on to tame the other 2. I think we might need more traps, maybe some outside, see if we can catch those fluffy wamblers that seem to be close to going extinct.

17 galena

Need new cages for the cage traps.
We have a dwarf named Kharak.
We have an arena.
Simple math, Kharak gets some more sparring partners.

Snamoz, goblin wrestler:0 Kharak had his axe get stuck in the goblin's torso, so he punched the goblin to death, and then took his axe back.
Tode, goblin wrestler: 0, standard match, Kharak tossed him around a bit, killed him, moved on.
Ngokang, goblin wrestler: 0
Bax, goblin maceman: 0
Strodno, goblin lasher(Whipuser): 0, Strodno started out by trying to run away, but after noticing the arena had no exits for him, he was tackled to the ground and chopped to bits. It also seems Strodno was female, and for some reason all those female goblins use whips. I'm not sure if I want to continue this line of thought, so lets leave it at that.

During the arena combat a fire imp jumped out of the magma pipe, and injured a thresher that was gathering rocks. The fire imp was smacked on the head repeatedly by a nearby child(!), and had chunks of it ripped out by the child. It managed to get away through.

11 limestone

The dwarven caravan already, this year we tell them we need bauxite, and next year we get it. So for this year, lets just dump more rock with them. Oh, and I should probably mention that just behind the caravan, there was another goblin invasion. More goblins then usual, and the caravan isn't even in yet, I think they're in trouble.

(Updated later: )
The merchants refused to trade after one of their traders, 2 guards, and a donkey of them got shot and killed by goblins. Their loss, I can still get the bauxite order in. Actually, they even just turned back and went out again, moving right into the mass of goblins trying to attack. Idiots. (Note to self, loot the remains and give the dead dwarves a proper burial after the goblins left) The merchants guards took out a full squad of goblins though.

20 limestone

The goblins finally turned their focus back to the fort, and are massing at the entrance. We didn't have the empty cages to reload all the traps, so they're just going to die now instead of later. Except for 5 of them.
They just walked in, the marksdwarves(All 3 squads) had decided to take a break, and just sin's axesquad was standing between them and the fort.
The first goblin group attacks, and all the military decides the break is over and returns to stations. Kharak rushes in, kills a few goblins, then takes the eyes out of a maceman and tosses him off the bridge. The rest of the goblins run, and only one survives.


5 goblins captured
1 war dog lost
Traders refused to trade.
Entire entrance covered in blood, chunks, goblin parts, and worthless goblin stuff. (Someone remind me to think of a way to make something that will wash away all the junk by just flicking a switch)

12 sandstone

Migrants, great, we can use some more military to fight off all those damn goblins. And some workers would be nice too, we still don't have any free time. Anyway, the new migrants:

1 guard
1 useless, which is now going to spend most/all his time giving food and water to the wounded.
1 axedwarf(Now with Sin's squad)
1 miner(Great, we still aren't done with the magma forges)
1 fisher
1 mason, the more the better
...Thats all.

25 sandstone

A craftsdwarf screwed up today, and he punched a cat. The cat was barely inujured, but our justice system decided that as punishment, the trained hammerer, master of the warhammer, would hit him once for every time he hit the cat. And so it happened, lucky for him, it was a hit at the hand, so while pretty much all bones in his hand were broken, at least he's still alive.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Hmm... Who is the one that decides what kind of punishment a dwarf gets?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

A craftsdwarf screwed up today, and he punched a cat. The cat was barely inujured, but our justice system decided that as punishment, the trained hammerer, master of the warhammer, would hit him once for every time he hit the cat. And so it happened, lucky for him, it was a hit at the hand, so while pretty much all bones in his hand were broken, at least he's still alive.

He so deserved that. A hit in the stomach through next time.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Hmm... Who is the one that decides what kind of punishment a dwarf gets?

It's dwarven justice, it's completely random, sadistic, doesn't seem to have any relation between crime and punishment, and still the best justice system I've seen in a game.

In a different version I've had a dwarf fail a mandate once, earning him 5 hits from the hammerer, which is equal to death. However, after reloading an earlier save just before the punishment was given suddenly that same dwarf got punished by 30 days in jail. Another reload gave a different dwarf, for the same crime, 250 days in jail.

Also, a hit in the stomach from a ultrapowerfull hammermaster that is trained to kill would most likely break someone's spine, which would mean he's better off dead.

also, possibly another log soon.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 32, 25 timber, year 241

A clothesmaker crawled out of bed, with an arrow still stuck in his leg. He crawled up 2 floors, through a few corridors, and then poked a working dwarf in the leg to tell them he claimed the workshop they were in. He then went on to slowly crawl around and gather things. Anyway, we need empty cages, and Kharak is in the arena, I've decided to toss the goblins in from a bit higher to stop them from scaring the workers.

Kharak: 10
Ber, goblin lasher: 0
Nako, goblin wrestler:0
Nako(Yes, another), goblin wrestler:0
Stasost, goblin thief: 0
Dostngosp, goblin wrestler: 0
Dostngosp(Again, wrestler) : 0
Utes, goblin spearman: 0
Snang and Snang, goblin thieves: -1 One of the Snang's tried to escape, but he was being taken to the arena by no other then the hammerer himself, so all he achieved was a hammer to the face. Damnit, now we got to clean the cage storage.
Ago, goblin wrestler: 0
Snodub, goblin wrestler: 0

By now I've noticed that dropping goblins from 3 stories up does not help improve their combat abilities, and it's not the height that's scaring the workers, it's time to expand the arena. Whatever the case, enough empty cages for now.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 32(Continued), 12 moonstone, year 241

...Dear. Fucking. Gods. What the hell is wrong with these dwarves? Why do they have to torture me in such a way? Meet our latest artifact, "Nothisogges"(..not-this-again?), The Grieving Hole, and get ready for it, a giant cave spider silk..THONG! The thing has 5 different shells on it for decoration, has a deep dark blue dye colour, and has dark green gem rings hanging from it. It also uses leather, and more silk, it has a small rock tablet on the front, engraved with the image of a bridge. And the worst thing is, when asked about the second most valuable thing the fort has made, I will be forced to answer: "A silken thong", since it's worth 103 800....Actually, I think I'll just wear it, can't be that bad with all the silk.

24 opal
A few small things, firstly, Bagash Headbanger, the captain of the guard, bought himself a cow. No idea why, but he now owns a cow.
Beardy adopted 3 more cats.
We ran out of wood(again) while making mechanical systems for the magma forges.
For some reason people have been decorating one-use mechanisms with the best materials.
We still need some tombs
I've heard a hammerdwarf bled to death, training accident, spear to the heart.
Nothissogez is kinda comfy.

28 opal

Winter is boring, lets watch Kharak kill goblins.

Kharak: 5
Asno, stasost, and stosbub, goblin wrestlers(at the same time to make it more fair with Kharak's dogs): 0 Kharak tossed one of them out of the arena, and it landed next to Shrike. Shrike finished it off, seeing as it was unconscious and had no legs anyway.
2 mountain gnomes: 0
After just this, Kharak requested to have time off to take care of the dogs, one of them got hit a few times, no real damage though.

7 granite, year 242

We lost a trapper to a fire imp today, Burrito and Kharak were near, but couldn't save the trapper. They did beat the crap out of the fire imp though, broke nearly all it's bones. But, somehow it still managed to escape. What makes it worse, the trapper was Clothiw's husband, father of 3 kids. The body was burning, and could not be retrieved, maybe the clothes will survive to be placed in the tomb. from a permanent injury the imp had, it is likely that this is the same imp that injured the clothesmaker before. I think we should turn the whole magma pipe into a practise range to get back at it, but for now we don't have the manpower to even try.

10 granite

Revenge. The fire imp was nice enough to stick around, so I was nice enough to send a military squad at him. Did you know fire imps have no defence whatsoever against 5 large, pointy metal bolts moving at high speed? Point is, he's dead, and he suffered a lot with those broken bones everywhere. The trapper's corpse stopped burning, so we can now gather the bones, and whats left of the clothing, which is not a lot, but it seems the most valuable things didn't burn. Estimates say there are 4 more fire imps, a fire man, and a magma man.

16 granite

The elves are arriving, I doubt they have anything useful, but I've ordered some rocks to the trade depot anyway. Oh, and they've send another diplomat to meet with the duke. Turns out, he asked us to not cut all the trees down, just after we were bringing in the last one, so the duke decided he would be interested in hearing what the diplomat had to offer. During that, the elf made an insult, so the duke pulled down his pants and mooned the elf, placing his hands on his ass to imitate a mouth as he responded "They're only treeeeees, so sayeth the assface", pulling his ass aside for the elf to see every time he spoke a vowel. The elf responded with a joke on dwarf length, and quickly ran off. I like this duke. It also turns out Clothiw's husband had a small fortune in coins. After trading, the elves only had cloth, useless, we make our own, but extra is still nice.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Make Clotiw marry Chip :D
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Okay, the count is pretty cool.

... Another thong? Dear gods.

Why did Bagash buy a cow? Nevermind. I'd like to order a tomb for him, decorated with pictures of cows.

How many men do we need to seize control of the whole magma pipe?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I can't force marriage Dia, sorry.

As for the count, yeah, he's a good one, mandates things that are a bit of difficulty, but not the hardest things he can think of. He got promoted to Duke even, so guess he's good at more then just that.

And we're going to need fireproof dwarves that can fly to perfectly clean out the magma pipe, but to just keep the top perfectly safe would mean at least 30-40 dwarves stationed there I guess, magma man/fire man, those fireballs are really a problem for dwarves, fire isn't such a nice thing with those beards.

Tomb for Bagash, can do that, cow engravements...Going to be a problem, dwarves engrave the history they know of, so no cows, or very little cows.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Then how about engraving pictures of goblins being beaten to death?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Sure, goblin engravements would work, but it may take a while to get the engravers to do that, instead of all the dwarves surrounded by dwarves engravements.

Leaders log, page 33, 19 slate, year 242

Migrants, about time, lets see what we are getting.

1 Axedwarf, guess he's getting his own squad soon.
2 recruits
3 guards
1 royal guard
1 siege engineer
1 mason

Also arrived:
2 children

And that was all, a little disappointing, but at least we got an extra military squad, and guards are a nice thing.

24 slate

In order to entertain the new arrivals(And clear out some cages we need), here's another round of the arena.

Kharak: 3
Song and Atu, goblin thieves: fight cancelled because Song attacked the guy moving him to the arena, he was captured again and will be tossed into the magma pipe when a suitable construction for that is done.
Utes, goblin thief: 0
Xuspgas, goblin lasher: 0
Usbu, goblin wrestler:0, I didn't know goblins could fly that far.
Ago, goblin wrestler: 0

Then Kharak got bored again and took a break.

17 hematite

There are 2 things of note today, firstly, the humans arrived with a caravan and a trading guild member, and secondly, we now have a small place just above the magma pipe where we can toss goblins into, with a lever nearby to drop them into it. But first, trading with the humans, we need wood for the magma smelters to get magma, and they have wood. While they are unloading, I'll talk with the guild member, see what they want next year and see if they have anything special for us in return. After some small talk and a few barrels of booze, I figured they had unloaded and went to trade. As it turns out, they had more metal then usual, and a lot of wood, but they also had plenty of extra food for us. Not that we're running low on food, just that some dwarves have a favourite food that we can't make here ourselves, so trade is a nice way to get that food. The wood was enough to get the mechanical things build, but now we got to wait for the bauxite from the dwarven caravan.
Side note, 5 goblins, intent on stealing children, have run into cage traps while everybody was busy trading. I've put Kharak near the entryway to make sure nothing else can try to sneak in.

6 malachite

And I was just wondering, could this be the first time a caravan arrives without any bloodshed? Could we finally break this tradition? Nope, Dvorki Bloodaxe, one of the founding 7, was out fishing when she was ambushed by goblins, and even though she literally bitch-slapped one to death, the other goblins eventually managed to kill her. Sin's squad and Kharak both run out to kill the goblins, saving another fisher that was caught outside, killing 6 goblins(4 by Kharak), and sadly, injuring Kharak's arm. It will heal, but it's going to take a lot of time. He apparently didn't like having a goblin hurt his arm, as he managed to get payback on the goblin that did it with his other arm, and I should say, it was entertaining to watch a goblin without arms trying to run away.
I will miss Dvorki, and hope to be able to get a carp in an aquarium somewhere public in memory to her.(She was also a friend to all the founders, so they will be sad for a while)

26 malachite

Oh, thanks for bringing Kharak back in, he was laying outside for 20 days while you idiots were looting the goblins, and Dvorki's body isn't even in yet. Sometimes I wonder if I am in charge of a fort full of morons, but still, better a fort full of morons then nothing at all. A leatherworker claimed a workshop, and kept everybody out to stop them from looking, so I'm guessing we have another artifact coming soon. (please don't be a thong)

(Later that day)

...And they dropped Kharak right in front of the entrance, and left him there. I do not know if I should thank whoever did that for bringing Kharak closer, or to get the crap beaten out of them for dropping him randomly. Oh, and a goblin tried to sneak in, just as the animal trainer went out to loot something with 20 trained war dogs behind him. It did not end well for the goblin.

2 galena

Well, it's not a thong, and it's actually useful. Meet "Melbilkas Kast Dumed", Tomequiet the Genius of fortifying. Leather leggings.(The lower part of armour) It's worth 43 800, is made with cougar leather, has gems and marble decorations, marble spikes,and in bone, images of a donkey, the grate made by Burrito, and... A thong..Anyway, it's better then being a thong, so this is fine.
Dvorki's corpse is inside by now, though already rotting a bit, well, the clothes are next.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Dammit, it's sad that one of the founders died... And once again, we learn that our dwarves are f***ing idiots.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

So sad.... Who did Dvoraki belong to?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

She was the first dwarf of Random Knight, I think.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Would a tame Fire Snake be of use to a Butcher/Weaponsmith?

If so, I think Bofur could use a pet :p
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Fire snakes have 3 uses,
1. eaten raw, some dwarves like it.
2. Dissected for expensive extract trade goods.(Needs glass)
3. pets, but only for those who love them, the others will ignore them.

So, no real use for Bofur, I could give him a caged one as furniture for his room though.

Also, for now, I have an available tomb with an engravement of 2 fighting titans, view of the defences(After optional windows, not perfect view either), a lot of space, and a lot of extra stuff. if anybody wants it. Furniture of choice available.

And yes, Dvorki was the first Kharak.

Leaders log, page 34, 16 limestone, year 242

Well, that was boring, nothing worth writing about happening these days. So finally, the dwarven caravan, with luck this would mean we get the bauxite we needed for the magma forges, and maybe some extra stuff.

And just as the dwarves get in, we can welcome a goblin invasion, so the usual aproach here, just everybody inside, military ready, that stuff. Kharak is still injured, so he can't fight now. So, trading.. We got.. 4 rocks of bauxite, and a lot of other things to keep the civilians busy during the attack. I'm expecting the caravan to stay for a while, they always stay around for the rest of the season, while we fight. The fight was short, seeing as they had no ranged weapons, Sin's squad and all other dwarves around had some fun killing goblins easily, no casualties on our side at all, 10 goblins captured, and an unknown amount ran away. These goblins are pathetic as always, so now to make the bauxite into a few usuable things, and wait for next year for some more.
And to top today's victory off, the duchess had a baby girl.

27 sandstone

A woodcutter has been possessed, and went right for the carpenter's workshop, so time to wait for the next useful artifact. Not much happened besides that, the 4 bauxite rocks were processed, and used, and we still need a lot more.

5 timber

...Ok, I understand he wanted to help, but this really isn't that useful, sure, it's expensive, and it's the kind of thing we need, but this material is less then firesafe, so we can't really use it with the magma. Meet "Mïkstal Zon", The Ownership of Helms. A wooden grate, worth 42 000, gem wood and shell decorations, and an image of dwarf being made king in it. Well, guess it's for use in the vault.

18 timber

Happy birthday whoever it was, I already forgot who, but a child grew up to be a peasant, he's now in the food business, basicly just a farmer. Besides that, one of the hammerdwarves(1 left now), had braindamage, so he's now a royal guard with a crossbow. He can still move, but he won't be able to spar, and will be useless for close range combat.

? moonstone

Every year there's more goblins, Chip spotted some out in the field today, and as usual, everybody back inside, military ready, that stuff. Strangely, nobody seems to ever bother using the safehouse outside. Chip got back in safely. (Screen went black, game stopped responding, attack will be between 10-20 moonstone, first thing next log)