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Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Only if you want to be, Lilia. Don't be a stranger!" Salina calls after the kitsune as they exit the cave, beginning to work their way back to the surface.

Zix holds Lilia's hand as she guides her mate through the darkness, a slight spring to her step. "Where should we go next, my love? West to the Centaurs, East to the out of control garden? Or maybe we can continue north, and see what lies there." the alien woman asks, as they finally make it to the outside, the sun still up at midday position.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Heh, would she see me as her mother I suppose would be the better question to ask there," Lilia chuckled at Salina's response, winking at her one last time before taking Zix's hand and heading out with her, catching her by surprise again with a sudden kiss on the cheek as they got back into the light just enough for her to see and do it.

"Oh the garden of course my love. Who doesn't like a bit of garden tending, hmhm," Lilia giggled playfully as she bounced about, feeling great and full of energy again after their four to five hour stay in the cave with the lamia. "Besides we might find some more fruits and vegetables to bring back to Ash and make her happier," she added with a confident nod.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix purrs as she's kissed by her mate, holding her close and beginning to head East. "You do know we're going to be raped. Repeatedly. An out of control Warder Garden is something to be feared. Are you sure you want to head that way? There's no telling what long-term effects they might have on us." the alien womans says as they walk.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, probably gonna get raped yeah... maybe we ought to head to the centaur lands instead. I suppose when we get to the garden we can see what it looks like and if it seems too overgrown and whatnot we can maybe just back off. I'm really up for either honestly sweetie," Lilia suggested, thinking to just take a peek at the garden and such before maybe going in. She looked up at Zix to see what her thoughts on the matter were before making a final decision, but if Zix thought it safer to go to the centaur lands instead then Lilia would smile and agree with her before heading west instead.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"We'll take a look. And if it isn't too bad, we'll stay and...Help the Warder regain control." Zix says rather suggestively as they resume walking.

Within a few hours, the women find themselves approaching a massive clearing in the trees, covered in the same giant flowers and vegetables that Ash's garden was, except the overall size of the garden is nearly triple that. At the center, a lone hill with a large Warder stands, the flowery woman bathing in the sun. Large vines writhe through the air and across the ground, and the pleasured sounds of many different creatures of both genders can be heard. Several different humanoid animals can be seen, wrapped in vines and being raped rather hard. Zix looks over at her Mate, clutching her hand tighter. "Do you still want to...Have fun here?" she asks, though her arousal is plain as day on her thighs.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Alright hon, let's do that then," Lilia replied, heading on with Zix towards the garden, looking quite energetic at the moment.

A few short hours passed as they walked, with Lilia having to stop a few times to rest some along the way, but they eventually made it finally. "Wow... she doesn't even look like she cares what's going on around her garden. How could she let it get this out of control?" Lilia said as she beheld the sight of the garden. "You think we can slip in unnoticed to the Warder up there Zix? I hate to leave all these people here like this," Lilia asked Zix with a hopeful look on her face.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I do not know, my Mate. It is likely the plants will catch us before we get there." Zix says, holding her mate against her. "But we can try. At the very least, we won't go without pleasure for a while." she says suggestively, as she begins to approach the Garden.

As the two begin to approach, several of the vines undulate and clear a path directly to the hill, as many of the rather genital-looking plants align themselves to the side of the path, a sweet, flowery scent rising from all of them, and once inhaled, acts as an aphrodisiac, exciting both women present, as the Warder atop the hill turns to just barely regard them with her eyes, before curling back up and looking dead to the rest of the world.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Alright, stay close, and if it looks like we can't make it without getting caught then we'll run and pray that these poor people will be alright," Lilia said quietly, kissing Zix on the cheek as she followed her in.

As they made their way in, Lilia noticed that the vines seemed to be making way for them to pass through unscathed from the looks of it. She had to wonder just what was going on here, as the Warder seemed to have enough control to command the vines to do this... at least she thought she did anyway. The floral scent wafting up into their nostrils was an aphrodisiac Lilia could tell, just from how she and Zix both reacted from it.

"Oh dear, this may be tough. But then again she may be clearing us a path. If so then she may not have lost control and just wanted an orgy or something," Lilia said softly as they approached, smirking at Zix and winking at her before moving quickly forward towards the Warder atop the hill, though turning back if the plants seemed to try anything.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix stays close to her mate, her arousal running down her thighs in a stream, as the two women advance, the vines undulating a little, as if anticipating something, though they maintain their distance.

On reaching the hill, the Warder looks over at them for a moment, standing up to full height and looking them over. "So. Two women have entered my garden of pleasure. Why did you come here, so willingly?" she says, as the tendrils begin to form around the hill, and behinds the two women, into a wall of sorts, locking them in.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As they approached, Lilia began to feel the uncomfortably pangs of arousal stretching her willpower to hold her amp in place to keep her dick hidden. She was glad the vines seemed to have been under the Warder's control, at least they seemed to be, as they didn't attack. When they approached, Lilia let the Warder address them and raised an eyebrow as she looked around.

"We came here because we heard that a Warder's garden had gone out of control. But... you don't seem to be in any trouble from the looks of it. I must say though that you shouldn't be doing this. These people are being raped against their will. So please stop this. I'll feed you good if you need it, but let these poor things go before you drive them mad," Lilia said to the Warder, pleading for mercy for the beings she had trapped in there as she turned her amp off and revealed her true form to the Warder, her cock already hard as a rock and ready for action.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Warder turns to regard the Kitsune, looking at her cock, and then at her green-tinted orbs beneath it. "Hmph. So, you've been tended to by a Nymph, have you? You may just be able to satisfy my needs." the Warder says, as suddenly Lilia and Zix find vines wrapped around their arms, hefting them into the air and soaking more aphrodisiac into their skin. Several vines begin to approach them, two heading towards Zix's nethers, and two towards her breast, the ends of those two capped in big, transparent cups that soon fit entirely over the Alien woman's breasts, causing her to moan in arousal.

Five vines head towards Lilia, two of them capped in the same broad cups that latch onto her breasts and then begin to suck. Two more, tipped in phalluses, move beneath her male equip[ment to find her more feminine bits, and the fifth, a much longer, narrower cup on it, begins to move towards her dick. "The question now, is can you keep your sanity while being milked dry?" the Warder says, before the cup darts down and fully captures the Kitsune's shaft, sucking hard and trying to milk it and her breasts.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Before she could react after the Warder spoke and mentioned that maybe Lilia could satisfy her, the young kitsune herm was scooped up in her vines and held in place. She squirmed futilely against the vines, which only ended up wriggling her hips enticingly along with her cock and balls, the latter of which sloshed around heavily with her seed. Lilia watched as the tentacle vines made for Zix, a couple encasing her breasts in suction cup like tips.

Looking back to the Warder, Lilia got a serious look on her face as the vines made for her this time as she steeled herself. "I can handle it... I've had plenty of lovely ladies since coming here, even other Warders. I think I can handle another one," Lilia said, lying a little as she'd only had one other Warder, but this one needn't know that particular bit of information.

When her breasts were captured, Lilia gasped, and when her lower holes were invaded she moaned aloud. When her cock was latched onto by the thing and it began suckling hard in an effort to milk her dry, Lilia squealed lewdly. "A-Ahh yes... s-suck it just like that dear. You can suck my balls dry... just... let the others there go. And... don't change me either please... if possible... I kinda like myself the way I am now," Lilia panted softly to the Warder.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I will not change you. Much." the Warder responds simply, before Lilia can feel a poking into her testicles in multiple places, long, thin thorns on the tips of more tentacles having poked into them, as she can feel a cold fluid slowly entering her body, her balls beginning to churn harder, slowly growing with even more seed. Likewise, she feels another set of jabs into her breasts through the suction cups, and can feel her breasts beginning to swell, both with milk, and in size, as the two vines in her lower holes begin to piston in and out in opposite movements, ensuring that at least one of them is always driving into her. "After all, if you're going to satisfy me, you'll need to produce much more than that." the Warder says simply, as the three suction cups continue to suck hard on her, trying to coax out both types of milk from her body.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia barely had time to think before other vines poke into her balls, making her squeal in pain momentarily as her body wriggles in a slightly more determined to get away manner. She then felt her breasts done in the same way as they were stabbed too, both sets of orbs slowly growing to larger sizes in order to produce more of both kinds of her milk. "N-Ngh... f-fuck me... that stings a bit. But... god yes, that... feels so good," Lilia panted as the suction began increasing in intensity and before long she felt her seed churning and traveling up her length.

With great force, Lilia came, her seed spurting into the suction cup along with her breast milk. Her seed shot out of her so hard she thought if the suction cup hadn't been there it would likely have gone at least a good 8 to 10 feet before hitting the ground. After nearly half a minute of cumming her brains out, Lilia went limp in the vines embrace, her tongue lolling out slightly as she panted like crazy to catch her breath. Her cock though was still hard as a rock and ready for more milking as Lilia wriggled her hips enticingly, urging the suction cup to suck more if it had stopped any at all during that whole orgasm. If it had kept going though, Lilia would just moan aloud into the garden, her body save her cock and nipples going limp and allowing the Warder plant to milk her balls and breasts as dry as she liked, as Lilia couldn't very well stop her.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Warder continues to milk Lilia and Zix, as the needle-tipped vines eventually pull free and stop enhancing her body. Once they stop growing, Lilia's breasts round out at a solid F-cup, and her balls have almost doubled in size from their previous Baseball-like state, hanging even heavier with even more cum. It's then that Lilia feels needles beginning to poke into the base of her cock, and that as well begins to swell larger, as the Warder milks the Kitsune for all she's worth, the fox-woman's shaft eventually stopping its growth at an absurd twenty inches long, and four inches wide, her urethra having also expanded to pump out even more of her copious seed, as Zix screams out in orgasm from the vines fucking her.

"Mmmm. You're so delicious. I might just keep you here to feed me forever." the Warder says, as Lilia can see another vine moving towards her mouth, dripping green fluid very similar to Zix's breast milk. It shoves itself into her mouth, and then begins to pump the fluid into her, tasting exactly like Zix's milk.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As her breast swelled up larger and larger, Lilia could only feel pure pleasure as everything kept happening to her, until finally the needles stopped injecting the fluid into her body and leaving her breasts large and bouncy. Her cock on the other hand grew to a score of inches long and at least as wide as her hand now was, while her balls swelled up to softball sized as she lay there panting, unable to do anything to prevent it from happening because the pleasure was simply too much.

"N-No please... not forever... that's... s-so cruel of, mmph..." Lilia tried to say in a pleading tone as her mouth was stuffed with the vine dripping a substance that resembled Zix's milk, with Lilia sucking hard on it on pure instinct more than anything.

She could only allow the vines to continue milking her as her cock spurted load after load of her seed into the suction cup vine, her eyes rolling up into her head as this happened. All Lilia could really hope for now was that she could hold out until the Warder was satiated on her cum, though how long that might take she didn't know... but she also hoped that these new changes weren't permanent, else the only beings she'd be able to fuck with her dick anymore would be those centaurs Zix had mentioned, for she'd be too large for anything else.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The warder continues to suck and feast on the two women's fluids for another ten minutes, before finally the suction stops and the vines pull free of both women, Zix having climaxed thrice during the whole endeavor, slumping down to the ground as the vines release her and Lilia. The garden seems to calm, as the sounds of sexual pleasure begin to slowly die down. The vines remain around the hill, though Lilia can tell, if she's still conscious, that the Warder is very much satisfied. "Mmm. Yeah. That was a damn good meal. That'll last me...Quite a few cycles." she says, withdrawing all of her tendrils from the two women entirely, and leaving them laying next to each other.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia goes practically into a stupor as the Warder continues raping her, milking her dick on and on and drawing out several orgasms before she was finally done, with Lilia's crotch and inner thighs painted white with any of her seed that might have splashed back against her and was unable to be captured by the Warder. "Oh god it... it feels so good. C-Can't think straight," Lilia mumbled softly as the Warder continued milking her.

When it was over with, Lilia barely noticed the garden calming down now as she was laid down next to Zix, her body instinctively moving to cuddle with her mate as her body cooled down from the massive amount of pleasure that had overwhelmed her so effectively. She twitched uncontrollably at first while cuddling, but it soon died down thankfully and she simply cuddled against Zix, hoping her dick and balls at the very least would shrink back down.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Instinct kicks in as the alien woman cuddles against Lilia, instinctually pulling her head against her chest and feeding her mate as she purrs with contentment. The Warder is content to let them rest, waiting until they are conscious enough to approach her. Unfortunately, Lilia's organs remain their enhanced size, showing no signs of returning to normal.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she lay there recovering, Lilia fell into a doze and slept some, her body needing it after such a long day and all. Soon enough she woke back up though, and she found that her body was still the same as it'd been when the Warder first changed her. She gasped and looked up at Warder before groaning softly. "N-No dammit. You said it wouldn't be that much of a change. This is a lot. You made my dick too big to even fit in anything anymore without hurting them, save maybe a centaur or something. That's just cruel," Lilia said to the Warder, sniffling softly and looking quite sad at this.