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Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Warder moans lewdly as she's force-fed all eleven inches of Kitsune dick, her tongue actually sticking out and licking at her balls as they slap against her chin. When the kitsune shifts and begins to slam into her face with them, she moans around the shaft, her stem starting to work to milk the shaft inside of it. With a squeal of glee, she's fed the first burst, and her mouth starts to work to suck down the kitsune's load, massive bulges full of cum working their way down the stem, as she wiggles in delight, several small dribbles leaking out of her mouth and down her chin, a few more leaking over her face from her leand-back position.

"Ooooh. I wouldn't mind you doing that to ME, little one. That looks wonderful." Zix says, her hands having moved up to grope at the Kitsune's breasts while she fucked the warder.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh yes... you don't know just how good that feels to cum like that girls," Lilia panted softly as she rested a bit while the last few small spurts of her seed spill from her cock and into the Warder's mouth.

She shuddered when Zix groped her breasts, her body instinctively leaning into the groping as she cooed softly. "Mmm, that's nice Zix. And I wouldn't mind giving you get the same treatment some time. If you'd like it that is," Lilia moaned softly at Zix, pulling her dick up and letting it pop free from the Warder's mouth. "You need more feeding dear? I've got plenty more where that... hmhm, cums from. And what can I call you by the way? I guess Warder would work, but calling you that when there may be another around would get confusing I suppose," Lilia then asked the Warder.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Warder sucks hard when the Kitsune moves to remove her cock from between its lips, causing it to pop free with a wet slurping sound, the Warder licking and smacking her lips. "Damn good stuff! That'll do for getting me situated and getting a garden growing. Now gimme some of them exotic seeds so I can put all that delicious food to work. And you can call me ash if you want, short for Ashleigh." the Warder says, seeming full of energy and Lilia will notice more roots growing into the earth, small vines and tendrils starting to spread along the surface.

Zix purrs her assent as she fondles the Kitsune's breasts some more. "It is so rare to find a partner willing to be so dominant without beating you rather badly beforehand, little one. I would very much like to be in Ash's position some day." she says, her saliva-coated tongue running along the back of the herm's neck and then licking up towards her other ear.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As the wet slurp sounded from the Warder's lips when she pulled her cock free, Lilia moaned softly and bit her bottom lip, the sound and feel of it nice to her. "Alright then, Ash it is. And you can get my seed whenever you need it, just give me a shout and I'll help you out and give you a good cream filling, hmhm," Lilia told the plant girl, gently stroking her stem while she recovered from her orgasm as she sat there.

Her ear twitched when Zix licked her neck and up to her fox ear, her body shuddering a little as she felt that nice tongue touching her. "So getting beaten up is a common thing then before you get... dominated and raped?" Lilia asked ix curiously, reaching over her shoulder and caressing the alien female's head as she leaned back against her. "And much as I'd love to just spend all day cumming my brains out with you two and giving you plenty of my seed to drink, I should probably spruce my shelter up some since I'm stuck here. Make it more comfortable for me and all. You think you can help with that Zix? Afterwards you can rest inside while I explore around a little bit into the woods, or you could come with me too if you'd like, it's up to you," Lilia went on to say, getting up again and collecting the seeds to give to Ash and telling her how each grew and whatnot before washing herself off again.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Thanks, stud! I'll be sure to ask when I need it." the Warder says, taking the seeds with little vines and tendrils and beginning her work to plant and prepare them in the dirt at the front of the shuttle, humming as she works.

Zix shudders at the thought of spending the rest of the day with the Kitsune being fucked and enjoying her company. "I don't need rest like most creatures. I'll go with you to ward off some of the less-kind creatures." Zix says, staying close to Lilia as she moves. "You may also want to hide your cock, lest the whole forest find out about you being a hermaphrodite."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you Ash, I really appreciate it," Lilia told Ash, leaning down and kissing her on the cheek after handing her the seeds.

"Hmhm, would that be such a bad thing though if the whole forest knew? They probably wouldn't try to hurt me from what you said, and many would likely try to protect me if they're like you and Ash here. But I don't mind hiding it. It makes it easier to move anyway. But, if I run low on my magical energies to fuel my amp, then it'll run out. So... gotta be careful with that. But so long as I don't overdo it too much I should be able to maintain the ruse," Lilia asked with a giggle, chuckling also at Zix's shudder at the thought of spending all day with Lilia in bed for some fun.

Once she was clean again, Lilia got dressed, hiding her cock and balls before Zix coaxed her into having more fun and wasting the rest of the day or something. After that, she looked to Zix and asked if she could help get the cockpit door opened up again so she could see how buried it was. If it was several feet under the dirt, Lilia would move in and knock the glass out with the butt of her shotgun since it wouldn't be useable any longer like that anyway.

Once that was done, she'd get some of her stored tools and dig out a small pit or alcove just beyond the glass, where she'd then move around to the topside of the shuttle and dig downward in a small hole until she reached the small pit, gathering some of the water from the ocean to splash in there and wet the dirt to shape it into a makeshift chimney. When that was finished up, Lilia would then gather up a hull plate from the debris that broke off the ship to use as a chimney top, which she'd brace up with a couple of rocks and strap it down to the ground so the wind didn't blow it away. This would allow smoke from the fire she planned on putting in there to get out of there without smothering her.

When she and Zix were finally done with that whole task, Lilia sat down to rest for a few minutes, sighing softly and wiping her brow. "Whew, now that should be alright and in the winter I'll be able to heat the place up pretty good, especially since I can close the doors over here and stuff. Does Ash need to worry about the cold very much?" Lilia said once they were done.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ash giggles when she's kissed turning to her garden and beginning her work.

Zix moves to assist Lilia as she spruces up her shuttle a bit, making herself a fire pit and preparing for winter, before washing herself off. "Ash, and other Garden Warders, can send themselves and their gardens into hibernation when the winter comes, so she'll be perfectly fine." the Alien says, sitting behind the Kitsune and gently stroking her ears, fascinated with the fuzzy things. "How about I show you the garden I got her from? The plants there will likely be eaten by the time the sun rises tomorrow." she coos into one of her ears, keeping her body pressed against the Kitsune as much as possible.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh that's good, I'm glad that she can, I'd hate for something to happen to her, and the plants. And aw that's sad, I hope that she didn't give up too much to move to here. Maybe we can get some of the plants and stuff from there and the seeds to bring here for her," Lilia replied to Zix as she sat there and rested up a bit, giggling at the strokes to her ears as she shuddered at Zix's touch, with her ears twitching slightly at the touches to them as she leaned against Zix, letting the alien female know that she was enjoying her affections. "Does a garden get bigger with the more Warders around?" she asked curiously as she got up and smiled, preparing to head out and eager to explore the planet some.

"Hey Ash, we'll be back shortly okay. Zix is gonna take me to the garden she brought you from and I'll see if we can bring some of the plants and vegetables for you to get the seeds from," Lilia said to Ash as they went by, with Lilia checking her gear and making sure that it was in order.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Have fun you two! No need to worry about bringin' 'em back, I got all their seeds with me." the warder says happily, humming as she works.

Zix shakes her head when asked about the warders, leading the Kitsune through the forest at a slow pace. "Warders hate each other. Having two tending the same garden would be a recipe for disaster." the alien says, using her long arms to move branches and fallen logs out of the way for the Kitsune as they move. Eventually, they come to a clearing flooded with every color of the rainbow, and then some, massive flowers bigger than the shuttle and strange vegetables as big as Lilia's body growing wildly and unorganized. None of the local wildlife has seen fit to try and claim some of it yet, but it's likely only a matter of time.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh okay then, well we can collect them and I can preserve them for eating perhaps. That way I'll have plenty of food and needn't use my own rations for a time," Lilia said to Ash as they prepared to leave, winking at the plant girl before heading on.


"Oh, I didn't know. That's kind of sad though when you think about it. Thanks by the way, for helping me to clear the path," Lilia replied, looking a bit sad about the Warders hating each other.

Following Zix along, Lilia gasped out loud when they came to the garden and saw the various plants. "Holy hell. This is an amazing garden. These things are absolutely huge. How many of these fruits and vegetables can you carry Zix, these would last me a good long while I think. Especially if I can preserve them on my ship. I doubt I could store too many of them at one time, but just a few of these, assuming they're good at least, will be more than enough. I'd wager I could probably live a week on just one of these," Lilia said at the sight of the garden, her eyes going wide as she beheld everything.

Being curious like she was, Lilia went over to one of the larger flowers and reached out to touch it, running her hand along its petals. She would repeat this on a couple of the other plants around as well as the edible ones, testing their weight in her hands to see just how heavy they are.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As the Kitsune moves about the garden, she eventually finds a vine full of what appears to be purple tomatoes, twice as big around as she is tall. When she gets near it, Zix calls out from across the garden "Lilia! Get away from those purple things!" she shouts, charging through the garden. Before Lilia can respond to her shout, the one closest to her suddenly opens a massive maw lined with tentacles and roars at her, lashing its tentacles out, though she does manage to have enough time to react and perhaps evade the lashing tendrils.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"So pretty," Lilia said softly as she touches the various flowers, taking samples here and there of everything she can to document it later.

When she spots the purplish tomatoes, Lilia is moving closer to take a sample when Zix calls out to her to get away from the thing. Lilia does her best to jump back, though in her rush she was likely to trip over something in the process as she scrambled to pull her shotgun up to defend herself. "W-What the hell is this thing?" Lilia called back as she tried to back away from the thing before it grabbed her.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Tomato roars, pulling back and growling, holes forming like nostrils and sniffing at the air. "Careful! That's a Swallow Bulb! They eat women and men alike, and then suck out their seed and ovum to feed on until they're completely empty...You don't want to know what they do when you're empty." Zix says as she steps slightly in front of Lilia, her right arm held out to block her somewhat as the Swallow Bulb growls at them both, before lashing out tendrils at the two of them, hoping to latch onto both of them, and succeeding in swiping Lilia across the torso.

Zix, however, manages to dodge the swipe, growling as she drops into a defensive stance.


Lilia: 7 vs 16, failure, -1 FP, Failure is less than 10, not grappled.

Zix: 13 vs 4, success, no damage.

Swallow Bulb: 8/8 FP

Lilia: 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP

Zix: 6/6 FP, 0/10 AP

Also, is Lilia in her bikini now? Or is she still naked, just with hidden maleparts?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"O-Okay, don't get caught... got it. GAH!" Lilia replied, yelping as she was whipped across her waist, which left a small welt there.

"So... can I kill it then? Or if I do that will things want to try and kill me instead?" Lilia asked quickly, pulling her shotgun up and taking aim at the thing, waiting only for Zix's reply to know if she could shoot or not. If she could shoot, she'd move a little in front of Zix in a protective manner, getting between Zix's egg filled belly and the Swallow Bulb as she'd called it, and then she'd fire, telling Zix to cover her ears if she had any because things were going to get loud. "You're not gonna hurt my babies you bastard!" Lilia cried protectively at the beast as she shot, or should Zix tell her not to kill it then she'd extend the blade on her shotgun and slice the tentacles coming at them.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"These things? Everybody wants to kill them. Go ahead and do what you have to do little one." Zix says, before covering her ears as instructed, hearing the gunshot from the shotgun. "Strange weapon to make such noise." she says, before she leaps at the Swallow Bulb to try and rip its tendrils away, and failing miserably. Lilia's slug hits true, tearing into the monster and making it roar in anger, lashing out at them again.

The creature's lash goes wide, and instead of hitting her on the torso, it spanks her rear, the creature growling as it does so.

Lilia: 11 vs 4, Success, Swallow Bulb takes -1 FP.

Zix: 18 vs 19, failure, no damage.

Lilia: 5 vs 14, failure, +2 AP

Zix: 15 vs 3, success, no damage.

Swallow Bulb: 7/8 FP

Lilia: 4/5 FP, 2/10 AP

Zix: 6/6 FP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hearing Zix's go ahead to kill it, Lilia smirked and fired her shot at the thing, her slug hitting it right where she aimed and tearing into it. "Heh, yeah, I can explain more about it later, but just know that it's no something you'd want to get hit by," Lilia said as Zix took a swipe at the creature, a hole where her slug penetrated it.

While she was reveling in her small victory of hitting the Swallow Bulb plant, Lilia was ill prepared when it swatted its tentacle out and spanked her rear. She yelped and jumped a bit before aiming her shotgun again and firing at it, aiming for where the tentacles were coming out from to maybe either put an end to the thing or scare it back enough to leave them alone. She could feel a bit aroused from that spank though. Why though? It was just a little spank on the ass, and she'd gotten plenty of those and they didn't arouse her quite this much.

"Hey Zix, do these things have an aphrodisiac like your saliva on their tentacles?" Lilia asked curiously before firing her gun again, giving Zix enough warning to cover her ears if she needed to.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah! Most creatures on this planet have some kind of aphrodisiac or another." Zix says, growling as she leaps at the creature's tendrils and tries to bite them off.

Zix succeeds in biting at the tendrils, while Lilia's shot goes wide and fails at hitting anything. More tendrils burst forth from the creature's mouth, reaching out and wrapping around Lilia's belly, lifting her off the ground as its aphrodisiacs seep into her flesh. The tendrils Zix had bitten retaliate by smacking her on the head, causing her to growl in annoyance.


Lilia: 8 vs 10, failure, no damage.

Zix: 13 vs 10, success, -1 FP, Zix gains +2 AP


Lilia: 4 vs 14, failure, grappled and cannot take any action other than struggle, +2 AP.

Zix: 7 vs 15, failure, -1 FP

Swallow Bulb: 6/8 FP

Lilia: 4/5 FP, 4/10 AP

Zix: 5/6 FP 2/10 AP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well, that's good to know at least," Lilia replied to Zix about the aphrodisiac in the tentacles, now knowing at least that most everything on the planet had some of a sort to use against her.

Firing her shot at the Swallow Bulb, Lilia's slug missed and hits elsewhere behind the thing, with her growling at her failure to hit the thing. Zix however managed to bite at the tentacles flailing at them, taking one out of commission thankfully so that at least one of them managed to hurt it.

"Damn, stupid thing, Gotta get... W-WHOA SHIT!" Lilia began saying before she yelped as she was lifted of the ground by the tentacles. "N-No... s-starting to lose... f-focus. Let... me... GO!" Lilia said after a few moments, crying out as she pulled at the tentacles to get free, though if that didn't work she would put the barrel of her shotgun to them and press the button to release her blade out into them to force them to release her.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia succeeds in slicing off the tentacle holding her, right at the same time two more move in to replace it, rubbing more aphrodisiac into her body, her arousal starting to burn within her. Zix attempts to bite the tentacles attacking her friend, and is repaid by being slithered on by two of the tendrils, letting out a lusty moan. "L-Lilia...G-get away if you can...I d-don't want you hurt..." she pants out, her lust clear as day on her thighs.


Lilia: 9 vs 13, failure, still grappled.

Zix: 1 vs 16, critical failure, Zix gains 2 AP


Lilia: Grappled, automatic hit, +2 AP

Zix: 3 vs 19, failure, +2 AP


Swallow Bulb: 6/8 FP

Lilia: 4/5 FP, 6/10 AP

Zix: 5/6 FP, 6/10 AP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Slicing into the tentacle holding her, Lilia managed to get herself free, where she started to fall but was grabbed by a couple of more before she could even touch the ground. Her body was burning up with arousal now as well as more of the tentacles aphrodisiac slime was rubbed into her skin. Her focus was slipping more and more and she knew that soon she wouldn't be able to keep her manly parts in check.

"N-No Zix... you're carrying our babies. I'd rather just me be caught than both of us, especially if... this thing might try and take our babies," Lilia panted at Zix as she struggled against the tentacles to get free, trying to get Zix to retreat if she couldn't get free. "I'm more concerned for you Zix," she added protectively.