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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yay disciplines ooh tentacly goodness.

Rougarou but why I didn't break Lent. Aaragagh.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hey you guys, I'm almost there! *waves from so close* XD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Are there still any slots left open for another player?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, but I'm horribly uninspired currently, so I can't guarantee anything spectacular :/ go ahead and write up your character, I'll see what I can do.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Kind of in the same mood myself. I just wanted to make sure that when I'm feeling better, there'll be a spot for me to hop in.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yep, the system is meant to be run with upwards of 200 people, I think I can fit you in somewhere ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yep, the system is meant to be run with upwards of 200 people, I think I can fit you in somewhere ;)


Are you serious?! How does that even work?! XD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Mind's eye theater... an actual gathering of people for a "Masquerade" to pretend to be vampires? o_O;;
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Werewolves are designed to take down the abominations that are the living dead. One on one, my money's on the puppy.

I always pictured it as something along the lines of:

Werewolf = Fighter or Barbarian analogue

Vampire = Sorcerer or hybrid caster/fighter character.

Basically, in close combat, the vamp's fucked against weres.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Thus why we cheat and use the weaknesses of the werewolves against them...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

River's gone one on one against a werewolf. She didn't kill it, but she did do more damage to it than it to her before she ran :)

Yup, 200+ people. Generally, for every 10 of em you appoint 1 narrator, as I have done, but especially at those numbers, it tends to self-regulate, though you have to come up with a lot more plotlines and such.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

So what, everyone's together in the same area, and can shift between groups and story-lines, or are they like self-contained groups of 10 where the narrators meet up to find out what all has happened and relay that on to the players?

(XD That actually sounds like fun, as much as my "omg it's nerdy!" bells are ringing. Social nerdism is more exciting than loner-nerdism, after all!)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

It's all one massive group generally, though depending on where it's played, it could be people roaming over an entire town. Usually though, it's in a park or warehouse, and the narrators just try and keep an even spread through the group. The easiest way I've heard for planning something that monstrous is having all the narrators meet the day before and hammer out the plot and events, and then making them known as they happen via time, ie... 'It's 8:30, you all hear a massive explosion coming from the southeast' kind of idea.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Dude, that's still cool. XD Converting that to a forum-game would be pretty nifty, too.

(Also, I've enjoyed the prologue a lot! Thanks so much, Shrike! ^_^)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

No problem, I aim to please :D
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Basically, in close combat, the vamp's fucked against weres.

Given some of the Garou gifts, even at range, the vamp could be seriously buggered, too.

River's gone one on one against a werewolf. She didn't kill it, but she did do more damage to it than it to her before she ran :)

Yup, 200+ people. Generally, for every 10 of em you appoint 1 narrator, as I have done, but especially at those numbers, it tends to self-regulate, though you have to come up with a lot more plotlines and such.

I'd love to have larped in something that big and had it run *well.* We had decent sized larps but they tended to involve massive amounts of downtime because the ST did not have narrators.

Copper's "Fuck the Garou" storytime! So, in our larp, we had a guy that figured werewolves were the end-all, be-all badasses on the block, so he gets one of his friends to play one with him and they both decide to invade the vampire club down on our public pier (exterior layout: club, street, small wall, Lake Erie. Interior layout: back room that's vamps only, main club is open to the public...ohyeah, and there's a city celebration going on hardcore right outside the doors on the dock.) Current players: Assamite, Gangrel (me), Ventrue, Lasombra, smattering of other vamps, Brujah prince of the city who's been around since the *Crusades*. The Werewolves enter the club in human form and manage to bluff their way in to see the Prince (I *think* they came under the pretense of negotiating something.) The one werewolf goes off with the Prince, the other is hanging around with us. The first werewolf goes Crinos and starts trying to tear into the prince. The second werewolf does the same thing while in with the rest of us. The ST calls for a halt and brings in a second to handle the two different combats. The guy handling our combat goes "Okay, actions?" W: "Going Crinos." A: "Drawing my silver dagger" G: "Feral claws." V: "Drawing my gun." Others: *various attack statements* ST: Okay, now, on three point at the person you're attacking...one, two, three. *Five or six hands go at the werewolf, werewolf points at the Ventrue* ST: Dude, give me your sheet *rips it in half* Meanwhile, the Prince has put a world of hurt on the first Werewolf because Brujah have both Celerity *and* Potence and he has more blood than the Garou has Gnosis (what they use to fuel their powers.) ST, to Werewolf: What are you doing? W: I run out of the club and dive into the lake. ST: In Crinos? W: Yeah...

Werewolves, when in Crinos, induce a delerium in people to make them think that "No, I really didn't just see a 9 foot tall wolf-man run past me. It must have been someone in a gorilla outfit! Or something..." Or they make them *flee in terror* So the werewolf bolts, scattering his only cover, and swims across the lake to the caern on the peninsula there. In retaliation, the prince calls in a crop duster loaded with silver that dusts the place, killing him as soon as he reaches the beach.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

*facepalm* XD Well, that's just being dumbasses for you! Amusing, none the less!

I'm off to bed, anyways! I'll be back to post tomorrow morning sometime!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Night, Wall!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yep night wall, I'll be going in about half an hour myself have work in the morning.

Silly garous.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Tee hee, I love it when stupid people make asses of themselves :D

Unfortunately for you guys, the werewolves in Red Deer (yes, there are three that are still alive) are smarter than that, and probably smarter too. Oh, and did I mention their leader is a glasswalker with an artifact, or fetish, or whatever it's called? The damn thing is a krinos-sized tazer looking thing, with a bound elder storm elemental in it o_O