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Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score

Re: In today's news...

"D: I can't study if I need to go to the washroom!"

"Not for another four hours, young lady!"

Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

This is awesome. I want some for my future children just so I can threaten them with it. Not actually going to use them of course :D
Re: In today's news...

Next up is the study time attack dog that attacks you if you stop studying.
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Should the School Destroy the Year Books?

* No, its her fault. (83.0%)

Owned, that should have her learn the proper use of underwear.
Re: In today's news...

The ball and chain should be heavier. No son of mine is gonna be so weak that he can't walk with 21 pounds on him.

Also, I want a copy of that yearbook.
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If a girl is going to go commando on picture day, why can't she be smoking?
Re: In today's news...

attach more than one?
Re: In today's news...

Say, two on each leg, and another one on each arm?

Personally, I'd be inclined to let them get up for the can, at least.

...Then again, I was one of those rare cases that studying actually screwed over my score, rather than helping it.

The tests that I studied for: 70-80. Tests that I didn't: 80-90. That's percentage score.
Re: In today's news...

attach more than one?

That's their plan right there. It's so light, you gotta buy another one to keep them down. The bastards.
Re: In today's news...

That thing ain't gonna help kids study. Hell, most kids will be so tired from running from the damn thing they'll fall asleep instead of studying.

... screw a study aid, that thing's a sleep aid >.<
Re: In today's news...


Re: In today's news...

A knockout-snorkel.

Don't confuse it with your scuba snorkel or bad things will happen. BAD THINGS.
Re: In today's news...

Oh my fucking God. It's about time they made this. That damned L block has been stressing me out so much, I always break my Gameboy when I play Tetris.
Re: In today's news...

They should make those for adults, too.