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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Should I update the first post? :$
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Just noticed Kyrieru's new post. Maybe you should also try starting with the things you don't enjoy doing first? That way you use your fresh project motivation on the annoying stuff, and can play around with the stuff you enjoy once that wears off.

I kind of have the problem of overthinking things as well, and then I end up making excuses for why I can't finish something. I know how hard it is to push passed that, still working on it myself. It seems like you're getting the hang of it, that's good. I think at some points it's just better to finish whatever you're doing, even if it isn't exactly how you wanted. Imagine how many retail games would never be released if most developers were perfectionists.

It's good to remember that if you're pretty hard on yourself already, most your customers/fans probably won't even notice small things that bug you. Of course there are people who aren't aware enough of their own faults *Cough*

Edit: Ah read some of the comments on that blog post, kind of made most of this redundant, oh well.

Should I update the first post? :$

Linking to the main front blog page instead of a specific post would be good, not a big deal though. You could post the few sample images of the new game I suppose? I think that sprite you have in the first post wasn't even created for a game, so it's kind of misleading.
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Just noticed Kyrieru's new post. Maybe you should also try starting with the things you don't enjoy doing first? That way you use your fresh project motivation on the annoying stuff, and can play around with the stuff you enjoy once that wears off.
The problem with doing them first is that H animations tend to be done last since the player character and enemies are always subject to change. If I do them all first, I'm sort of stuck with them.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I hate to say this, but honestly I think you are simply the type of person (at this point in your development as an artist and game designer) that shouldn't interact with his audience as much as you do. I feel like, by doing so, you are opening yourself up to myriad sources of frustration and, ultimately, stagnation. You're not good at ignoring people, which is an absolutely essential skill if you're going to continue to crowdsource as you have.

My (unsolicited, inexperienced) advice would be to limit your communications with your audience. Not altogether, but make one post and be done with it. Skim the comments the next day, respond to the ones that are well thought-out (because those are the ones most likely to provide you with actually useful perspectives). You are tying yourself down by constantly reacting to feedback -- if I may remind you -- feedback that is made by anyone with a pulse and a deviant sex drive, and based solely on cursory glances at out-of-context sketches and comparisons.

You are the artist. Make what feels best, then show it to us at the end, when you're satisfied (which should be THE SINGULAR criterion for releasing it... other than financial imperative, obviously).
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I hate to say this, but honestly I think you are simply the type of person (at this point in your development as an artist and game designer) that shouldn't interact with his audience as much as you do. I feel like, by doing so, you are opening yourself up to myriad sources of frustration and, ultimately, stagnation. You're not good at ignoring people, which is an absolutely essential skill if you're going to continue to crowdsource as you have.

My (unsolicited, inexperienced) advice would be to limit your communications with your audience. Not altogether, but make one post and be done with it. Skim the comments the next day, respond to the ones that are well thought-out (because those are the ones most likely to provide you with actually useful perspectives). You are tying yourself down by constantly reacting to feedback -- if I may remind you -- feedback that is made by anyone with a pulse and a deviant sex drive, and based solely on cursory glances at out-of-context sketches and comparisons.

You are the artist. Make what feels best, then show it to us at the end, when you're satisfied (which should be THE SINGULAR criterion for releasing it... other than financial imperative, obviously).

I read every comment, but I wouldn't say that I'm bad at ignoring people when I need to. I tend to avoid responding to comments that I know will lead to emotionally charged arguments or too much negativity. I just tell myself "it's not worth the trouble", whenever it comes to that.

I think communication is important, though, even if it's just answering simple questions. People like to know that they're being heard.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Goomba stomping on enemies is fun. Sorta like Erico, with it's pseudo bounce off of enemys' heads. There's just something very entertaining about using your opponents heads as trampolines.

So, would like to see more of that.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Okay, I finally got the time to update the first post. God damn school. -_-
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I read every comment, but I wouldn't say that I'm bad at ignoring people when I need to. I tend to avoid responding to comments that I know will lead to emotionally charged arguments or too much negativity. I just tell myself "it's not worth the trouble", whenever it comes to that.

I think communication is important, though, even if it's just answering simple questions. People like to know that they're being heard.

I agree with your general outlook. I just think that you put too much consideration into individual opinions. If you listen to and consider and have a conversation with every person who presents an apparently valid point, you will spend a lot of time burning through motivation you could have used on tangible progress.

I'm not saying "ignore everyone". I am saying that in addition to avoiding comments that lead to arguments/emotion/negativity, I believe you should only be investing energy on replying/conversing with the commentators that provide exciting ideas or present insightful analyses -- stuff that jumps out at you. Until you have everything settled and you're confident you could power through the game without issue, I think you need to raise your standards in regards to which comments merit focused consideration as opposed to a quick, "hey, thanks for the feedback. :D" response.

Just my two cents.

EDIT: Also, don't focus on the word 'comments' here. I'm talking in general; when you wanna get shit done, sometimes you just need to say "look guys, I know a lot of you could provide useful advice here, but I really want to get this thing done first". More info, more perspectives, etc. are always going to theoretically help you feel satisfied with a finished product... but in practice, stagnating for too long as you redact decisions, and "going back to the drawing board" too many times, will sap your motivation until you just get frustrated and never finish it. There has to be a threshold at which pragmatism and practicality overshadow ambition if you intend to profit off of something (or even come out even). If money's great and you're making something for fun, yeah, go nuts.
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Something I would like to see that would fulfil a gameplay mechanic as well as hitting a specific kink is a power-up that makes the protagonist horny and enjoy the sex, and regain health from it instead. With appropriate expressions.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Something I would like to see that would fulfil a gameplay mechanic as well as hitting a specific kink is a power-up that makes the protagonist horny and enjoy the sex, and regain health from it instead. With appropriate expressions.

Hah! That'l be the day!

Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Hah! That'l be the day!


Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Hmm..you don't really need to update the first page so often. For instance, that rock wasn't really related to the game, it was just a digital painting exercise -_-

This image I posted a while back would probably be more informative as to what the current game actually looks like.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

You are the artist. Make what feels best, then show it to us at the end, when you're satisfied (which should be THE SINGULAR criterion for releasing it... other than financial imperative, obviously).

I completely agree, especially with that last remark.

There are way too many ppl on ulmf who try to criticize game developers about the schedule or the performance issues that don't get fixed until the final demo...

...and yet these 'so called' critics know nothing about game development, coding, or the amount of effort that goes into game development.

Like this post for example:

Bad thing is, he aren't good to schedule something
I think he said about 2-3 time, the game will be out this month

Let's hope he doing it right this month
Though I'm gonna skip Eroico/Erocio/whatever the name

Let just hope the next game will be good , since he said gonna recruit and make a team of it
Don't get too high hopes though
He try to sell his game in Universal way
So probably it's not 100% Hentai anymore

Still He's one of a good developer out there

It's nice that at the end he actually did say something nice about Kyrieru, but that one final remark does not even come close to fixing all of the ignorant sh*t that came out of that post.

If ppl are going to bitch and whine then maybe they should shut up, put down there sticky porn mags, and contribute to the world of h gaming by making an h game that is better than the games they are complaining about.

And if not they should shut up and be happy that they have h-games to play.

And even though most h games are less than $15 most often H games are not bought, but downloaded for free....

So really what do ppl have to complain about?

Am I the only one that sees something wrong with the logic that ppl use when they bitch about something they got for free?

"I am getting a free H game...but wait...omg this h-game (that I got for free) doesn't live up to the expectations that I have for the $40 console game, which I had to pay for!"

That does not make a damn bit if sense to me, but that is the logic of ppl who bitch about free games.

Even if they paid for it, what do they expect for $5 or $10??

God knows if all video games had to be neat and orderly as they are in the controlled and reliable world of console gaming, H games would not even exist.

Most h games are made by indie developers.

If you guys want Kyrieru and other developers to have a team they have to be able to make money. Which means you guys have to stop uploading their games and actually pay they $5 or $10 they are asking.

"We want great games from Kyrieru but we don't want to pay him for his effort"
You can't have it both ways.

Yes, I come on here and ask for DL links, too.
But I don't bitch about games that I'm not willing to pay for.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Hmm..you don't really need to update the first page so often. For instance, that rock wasn't really related to the game, it was just a digital painting exercise -_-

This image I posted a while back would probably be more informative as to what the current game actually looks like.

Where is the dinosaur? :(
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

For someone called thoughtmachine, you don't think much.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

For someone called thoughtmachine, you don't think much.

If I don't think then how did I come to a set of conclusions?

Conclusions require thought.

just b/c you disagree does not mean I don't think.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

The stupider you are, the smarter you think you are because you can't understand how intelligent the people around you are. A good example: Ask a child if they're smarter than you with a question they'll understand. Something like: "Do you think you understand this better than I do?". Try not to laugh at their response. But this is unrelated to any previous messages here of course...

Go go power Kyrieru, glad to see lots of updates. I agree that any animation is usually better than still images unless the art is super amazing (With a level of detail that would be near impossible to animate well) or the animation is complete shit. Looks pretty good though. Making me want to play with some animating x.X Back to the good ol' bouncy ball.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

If I don't think then how did I come to a set of conclusions?

Conclusions require thought.

just b/c you disagree does not mean I don't think.

thoughtmachine in a private message said:
and here is another conclusion:
you are a mod in this forum
you shouldn't be insulting people.
you are supposed to above all of that.

If as a mod you have problem you should come to with a warning and not fling insults simply b/c you disagree with my evaluation of other people.

Nope, that's not how I do shit. I don't ever pretend to act above anyone else, nor do I ever try to give my word as law unless a thread has been derailed. I feel any authority figure shouldn't have to be an example, they should just be everyone else. What that kind of paternalism instills isn't respect, it's a farce of people not wanting to get in trouble. If you look at any argument I have here, you'll notice a trend: people can shittalk right back at me. Even though I'm a mod, I can be wrong and people should have every right to tell me the same way they'd tell anyone else.

My powers, I only ever use quietly to quell things. For instance, when you triple posted in another thread instead of hitting the edit button, which is there for that exact reason, I just went ahead merged the posts. Or like when you requested a game (even though there was a request thread) in the hentai games section (even though it wasn't a hentai game), I just quietly deleted it.

So when I come to another thread where you immediately pair criticism with being unappreciative (which is ridiculously generalizing, especially with the logic that free things can't have criticism), and fight back against claims that Kyrieru even admitted to himself (if you read the thread and the argument at hand) and try to use that as a reason for people to quiet their opinions, then I'm gonna tell you where you can stuff it. In the meantime, grow up. Kyrieru is an adult and deals with any criticism he receives in the manner in which he decides and people aren't always nice to each other just cuz you think they should. You reacted negatively to their criticism, but your post is criticism too, criticism of their posts. Why shouldn't I be able to react negatively to yours in kind?
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Nope, that's not how I do shit. I don't ever pretend to act above anyone else, nor do I ever try to give my word as law unless a thread has been derailed. I feel any authority figure shouldn't have to be an example, they should just be everyone else. What that kind of paternalism instills isn't respect, it's a farce of people not wanting to get in trouble. If you look at any argument I have here, you'll notice a trend: people can shittalk right back at me. Even though I'm a mod, I can be wrong and people should have every right to tell me the same way they'd tell anyone else.

My powers, I only ever use quietly to quell things. For instance, when you triple posted in another thread instead of hitting the edit button, which is there for that exact reason, I just went ahead merged the posts. Or like when you requested a game (even though there was a request thread) in the hentai games section (even though it wasn't a hentai game), I just quietly deleted it.

So when I come to another thread where you immediately pair criticism with being unappreciative (which is ridiculously generalizing, especially with the logic that free things can't have criticism), and fight back against claims that Kyrieru even admitted to himself (if you read the thread and the argument at hand) and try to use that as a reason for people to quiet their opinions, then I'm gonna tell you where you can stuff it. In the meantime, grow up. Kyrieru is an adult and deals with any criticism he receives in the manner in which he decides and people aren't always nice to each other just cuz you think they should. You reacted negatively to their criticism, but your post is criticism too, criticism of their posts. Why shouldn't I be able to react negatively to yours in kind?

Tox is angry, if I were you, I'd format my computer, and I would move to another planet.

Also, Kyri, tell me what you think of the first post. :)
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Tox is angry, if I were you, I'd format my computer, and I would move to another planet.

Also, Kyri, tell me what you think of the first post. :)

He already responded on the last page. I don't think you need to post all his practice stuff. If people come in here months later and still see that stuff, they might get confused. Everybody can see his practice stuff on his blog after all, so all you really need is the sample image he posted and a link to his blog I think. We don't know what he'll actually put in the game yet, so adding anything else there is potentially risky.

I don't know about Kyri but when I'm practicing something, even if I post it on my own site to be viewed, I wouldn't want it being spread around. Practice is practice.
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