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ACT [Kyrieru] Kurovadis (RE093841)

Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Not bad, but you're killing way too many enemies and needlessly collecting powerup items.

An optimal run is somewhere around 20 minutes. It involves collecting no stat-up items (except one that lies right in your path iirc) and only killing enemies that die in 2 hits from level 2 onwards (charge attack + charge shot), and never ever stopping for anything. In practice though you have to slow down every now and again (lol skeletons), and take detours to save points to get your health back or you just get destroyed.

I detailed the timing of my level-ups a few pages back:
- Level 2 when you get the roll or shortly afterwards.
- Level 3 before the first boss.
- Level 4 before the first mansion save point.
- Level 5 before the succubus.
- All points go into Attack.

Once you get the laser, go to the lower room where 3 insects sit in a line. Enter and exit the room on the right, zap the bugs with a single charged beam shot to kill them, repeat to gain a bunch of levels in a matter of seconds. Stick a couple of points into defense so the final area doesn't kill you in 2 hits, and put the rest into attack so the last boss dies quicker. The speed you gain levels doing this makes any other levelling up almost completely pointless.

My best attempt was 24 minutes with 1 death. Unfortunately my plans to record and upload a deathless run were ruined when I found a shortcut to the beam gun that's harder to do than anything else in the entire game, and I really don't want to do a run without it because it saves a bunch of time and looks so damn cool when it works (details in a spoiler tag because it's really longwinded and complicated and this post is long enough already)
It basically involves using a Super Jump to jump all the way across the spike pit in the room where you collect the beam without waiting for the moving platform. Problem: There's an enemy there making it impossible to actually land on the platform, which calls for a huge workaround.
1. Charge your attack fully.
2. Open the menu and let go of attack.
3. Exit the menu. The charge will be maintained despite not holding the button.
4. Press attack again to punch.
5. Immediately open the menu so you pause mid-punch. Let go of attack.
6. Repeat this 2 more times so you get the third punch in the combo (dash-punch) without losing your charge attack.
7. Cancel the dash-punch into a jump without holding any directions to perform a super-jump.
8. Hold left shortly after leaving the ground to keep the momentum. You're now flying to the target platform at high speed with a fully charged attack.
9. Hit the enemy standing on the platform with both the charge attack and a charge shot while flying through the air.
10. You still won't make it... so wall jump off the side of the platform to bounce back up onto it.

Now do all this without stopping to think about it and without messing up or you fall right into the spike pit and the run is completely ruined.
I've only pulled it off once in a serious run, after which I promptly jumped into a metroid and died and threw my gamepad.
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Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Damn, that's pretty crazy stuff, I did it pretty unoptomized and unplanned, you're right, unfortuately I'm not really skilled enough to beat the second boss without some crazy luck(that's why I killed so many enemies on the way, I should have relied more on my luck and skipped the power-ups though, definitely), I wouldn't even call myself an amateur speedrunner, more like a guy who made 3 runs trying to see if he can go faster every time.
I thought about completely ignoring enemies after the second boss, because I'm fairly confident past that point if my fingers don't fuck up, but the thought happened too late.
Speaking of metroids, I act like a bitch around them in this run because there was a previous attempt where I lost 5 minutes to carelessly dying to a metroid...at which point I promptly threw my keyboard.
Now you have me interested in watching an even faster time.
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Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I thought you did pretty damn well on the second boss. Hell, that was one of the more well executed parts. You only got hit once and I think I saw a double damage attack in there too. Even at Level 5 with no defense you can afford 3 hits... You just have to make damn well sure you don't get hit by a heart, and the fight does go on for slightly longer at that level due to only having 2/3rds of the attack power unless you nail the timing for those double damage hits (attack just as she does)
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Thank you, I think that was my greatest moment right there as well, but I was also very lucky, even if my mind is capable of memorizing patterns, in a fight like that I feel a lot more comfortable(and a lot more badass~) playing by feel... don't make me try again without the defense upgrades and with even better planning, because god damn you're making me consider it!
No way in hell I'm trying to do that super jump thing though... speaking of, if you need to hit the monster with a charged punch during the crazy maneuver, shouldn't it be possible to just air roll through them after the wall jump anyway? Or is their attack timed in a way that you need to interrupt it or you get hit?
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Or is their attack timed in a way that you need to interrupt it or you get hit?

That's exactly the problem. It always shoots just as you get to the platform, making it pretty much impossible to land on it. You have to get rid of it before it has time to attack, and you need a charge attack to do it at the level I'm arriving there at.

Also I forgot to mention; you have to time the height of the jump pretty much perfectly too. If you jump too high you whack your head on the cog above and fall into the spike pit. If you don't jump high enough then you simply don't make it and fall into the spike pit.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

hmm well no there is no update sure some people are going to be upset from that. But I'm wondering about the new game, and Kyrieru. just been thinking about it if the numbers I got are right this next game needs top be on sale by November or the funds from Kurovaids should be about to run out. of course I'm just basing this on my work week to the cost of living with out extra spending. I know the plain was to be a full time game maker so I'm hoping for you to pull this off and not with just skim by game to game.. also I would have taken that money Kurovaids made and turned it into a car payment.hehe
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

hmm well no there is no update sure some people are going to be upset from that. But I'm wondering about the new game, and Kyrieru. just been thinking about it if the numbers I got are right this next game needs top be on sale by November or the funds from Kurovaids should be about to run out. of course I'm just basing this on my work week to the cost of living with out extra spending. I know the plain was to be a full time game maker so I'm hoping for you to pull this off and not with just skim by game to game.. also I would have taken that money Kurovaids made and turned it into a car payment.hehe

Ignoring other sales, the total DLsite sales alone would last me around 12+ months (from release) after taxes, and on top of that the game is still selling more than enough each month to cover a month's living expenses. I don't really have to worry about just scraping by.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Ignoring other sales, the total DLsite sales alone would last me around 12+ months (from release) after taxes, and on top of that the game is still selling more than enough each month to cover a month's living expenses. I don't really have to worry about just scraping by.

You're one step from buying Electronic Arts. :D :D
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Ignoring other sales, the total DLsite sales alone would last me around 12+ months (from release) after taxes, and on top of that the game is still selling more than enough each month to cover a month's living expenses. I don't really have to worry about just scraping by.

that is really good to hear would have been a shame after all that great work to hear you can't eat. the Electronic Arts thing is funny but just maybe that is what the future holds for you to start your own company. after all how many main stream games end up with some type of nude mod if not a full blown sex system.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

that is really good to hear would have been a shame after all that great work to hear you can't eat. the Electronic Arts thing is funny but just maybe that is what the future holds for you to start your own company. after all how many main stream games end up with some type of nude mod if not a full blown sex system.

as kyrieru is the one whi made me realise i could probably pull off making a game, i've been keeping an eye on his dlsite sales ^^ not sure what the taxes are but making over $19000 gross profit is excellent
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Have you considered releasing the soundtrack? Because it's pretty fantastic!
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

from my inbox

pashek said:
hey man,can u pls share with your Kurovadis V6 Demo Unlock File,I am very poor to buy it =_=.As my thanks I can share a game that u cannot found anywhere now-Elementaler(have hentai content too).U can google it and I d like to say game is just legendary.Wait for your responce.

as kyrieru is a fellow designer i refuse to share his game...also i still have my copy of elementaler...it's great isnt it

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Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

got a question I paid for kurovadis as soon as it was out, do I have to repay for the update?
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

No, just email me the paypal receipt, and I'll send you the unlock code that works with the demo.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I didnt use paypal I d/l using my card way back when.... in may I believe
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Lol. I always thought to myself "Why doesn't anyone ever set up a shill site with just the game exe that works over the demo, in order to take paypal?"
Apparently it is as doable as I had suspected.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Lol. I always thought to myself "Why doesn't anyone ever set up a shill site with just the game exe that works over the demo, in order to take paypal?"
Apparently it is as doable as I had suspected.

Because they're lazy fucks and don't like gigantic piles of money.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

The demo is on my blog.