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ACT [Kyrieru] Kurovadis (RE093841)

Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Really enjoyed Kudovadis, i tried the demo out a long time ago and didnt enjoy it that much, but than i came back to it, bought it and played all the way through in a single night. amazing game, had to bring the APM back for that one, especially on the succubus boss.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I look forward to your next game as well :D

I think I got more entertainment value out of Kurovadis, then I've done for a good chunk of my recent purchases...which is saying something given how often I buy games >.>
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Considering how the original namesake for this forum has all but disappeared off the face of the internet, I propose we rename this place "The Unofficial Kyrieru Forums" ;P
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Considering how the original namesake for this forum has all but disappeared off the face of the internet, I propose we rename this place "The Unofficial Kyrieru Forums" ;P

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Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

So, yeah. Tried the demo and had an absolute blast.

It has nothing to do with the H-content actually, it's just that the game itself is actually quite fun. Been a while since I've played a game in this style XD

Just bought the game now and I'm gonna see how far I can get. I was an idiot in the demo though and ended up trying to melee the giant tentacle monster guarding the rolling technique.

Still, for that split second when I was successfully punching it, I felt like an absolute badass :cool:
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)


...not only do we agree, but we both also apparently love the ponies. You just made my night. XD
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

...not only do we agree, but we both also apparently love the ponies. You just made my night. XD

Nice to meet a fellow pony pony lover :D Happy to help lol.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Would you believe I just now finally beat this game... On easy... I am pathetic. Amazing game though.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I got all the way to the last boss... I think, anyway. But I simply can't beat it. @.@
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Well it took me a while to figure it out so if you're having the same problem the trick is once it becomes seemingly invincible and drops those platforms down. You have to jump from the platforms to his head then use the down combo attack while standing on him. The ice weapon seems to work best.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

See, I haven't even seen any platforms. (Maybe this isn't the last boss after all...?) I can't even get a quarter of its health down before I'm KO'd. I'll try again later though.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

After the boss's health comes down enough, rock pillars will drop down from the ceiling, and you jump on those.
Re: Kurovadis Demo (Read the first post)

Seriously guys, the day OF and the maker of the game regularly comes to this thread and you assholes want to pirate? You REALLY need that McDonalds meal?[/QUOTE]

i agree against the pirating thing,but i had to throw in my two-bits worth (or i guess my five dollers and two bits worth?) but i work at mcdonalds and i resent the above statment! XD :D
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Really my one complaint about this game is that unlike most people I like to see a story. Sure in regular porn it's not important but I think in games especially games like this a story can make it way hotter. Not to mention knowing more about the protagonist and being more emotionally connected makes her getting raped more emotional and thus hotter. Basically I just wish we knew who she was and what the story was especially with the beginning hinting at some kind of story.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

I think there was a post describing what the story WOULD be if there was one earlier in this thread.

It was on Kyrieru's blog as well maybe? I personally never saw it, but he's deleted most of his older posts anyway and thus it's not there anymore.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

It's still there, it's just buried under tons of comments.

Here it is. Edited a little.

"There is a virus outbreak within the city that mutates people and drives them to spread the virus to others through contact (often sexual, of course) and reproduction. The virus itself only manifests itself in people at night, and people are not in danger of being infected during the day. In the past, the virus had only appeared in small numbers and had been dealt with quickly.

Kuro is a "Tier", one of three people who protect the city against outbreaks of the virus. She and two others were selected because they were somehow naturally resistant to it's effects in short amounts of time, as opposed to others who turn instantly. They are referred to as Tier I,II, and III based on their resistance level to the virus, Kuro being III, with the lowest amount of resistance.

Since the three of them were so important to the military as a means of fighting the virus, they were implanted with machines (the headgear you see) that manipulates their will, causing them to fight without question. Though their personalities and conscience remain somewhat, they have lost any memory of their normal lives.

Since the virus only appears at night, the three are forced into a perpetual cycle of fighting the virus during the night, and then returning to pods where they are kept in a state of suspended animation until the next outbreak. They are deployed based on the degree of the outbreak, and the amount of resistance that would be required to combat it.

One night, there is a tier II outbreak. As Tier III, Kuro's resistance would not be strong enough, so the other two are deployed to deal with it. For unknown reasons the virus spreads faster than usual infecting most of the city, and the Tiers are overrun and defeated.

The base containing Kuro is also overun, and with the military infected, nobody awakens Kuro, leaving her in suspended animation for an undetermined amount of time. One night, Kuro's pod malfunctions and she is released. The virus has since spread across the world, and it's uncertain how many normal people are left. Under the control of the headgear, she has no choice but to hopelessly fight against the virus and it's mutations. The only thing that keeps her sane is a vague recollection of walking in the sun in her previous life, and the possibility that perhaps she can finally see it again."

In the ending, she is seen without her headgear, which would have been destroyed during the battle with the final boss. She survives to see the sun once again, and regains a semblance of her former self. Everything beyond that is up in the air.
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

So does that mean that the first and second bosses happened to be Tier I and Tier II, with the last boss being the largest propagator of the virus?
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

It's still there, it's just buried under tons of comments.

Here it is. Edited a little.


In the ending, she is seen without her headgear, which would have been destroyed during the battle with the final boss. She survives to see the sun once again, and regains a semblance of her former self. Everything beyond that is up in the air.

Gotta say that's incredibly depressing or at least harrowing until the end which brought a little smile, Love the game over all, made me mad as heck at times but I like that, so well done and thank you for the great game
Re: Kurovadis (OUT NOW! BUY IT)

Yeah see knowing this story the game seems a lot more interesting. A very good story too.