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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I would be perfectly fine with removing the shield. I think it's way OP. The entire fun of platforming/action is knowing how to position yourself. Mario games do it (or did it, when they were good) solely by position. Sure, you had fireflower or the tail/cape, but even those required position and timing. Shield works everywhere.

In my wonderful world, shield would be removed; downward strike would only allow you to jump after completion, and not perform another attack; magic fire would have less shots, but recharge based on the number of times you hit the enemy with your sword. I'd like some sort of run mechanic to replace the charge blocks, so that you can do DYNAMIC ENTRIES whenever you want to, but be limited to maybe doing it once at the beginning of your battle, or perhaps after killing an enemy with a combo.

People call this game hard, but SNES games, and NES games in particular, were MUCH harder. The biggest issue I have with your apparent health is that it makes it more difficult to enjoy the knockdown segments before dying permanently.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I would be perfectly fine with removing the shield. I think it's way OP. The entire fun of platforming/action is knowing how to position yourself. Mario games do it (or did it, when they were good) solely by position. Sure, you had fireflower or the tail/cape, but even those required position and timing. Shield works everywhere.

In my wonderful world, shield would be removed; downward strike would only allow you to jump after completion, and not perform another attack; magic fire would have less shots, but recharge based on the number of times you hit the enemy with your sword. I'd like some sort of run mechanic to replace the charge blocks, so that you can do DYNAMIC ENTRIES whenever you want to, but be limited to maybe doing it once at the beginning of your battle, or perhaps after killing an enemy with a combo.

People call this game hard, but SNES games, and NES games in particular, were MUCH harder. The biggest issue I have with your apparent health is that it makes it more difficult to enjoy the knockdown segments before dying permanently.

in general i agree with everything here.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Camel was talking about Kyrieru's blog in one of his posts on his blog.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I would be perfectly fine with removing the shield. I think it's way OP. The entire fun of platforming/action is knowing how to position yourself. Mario games do it (or did it, when they were good) solely by position. Sure, you had fireflower or the tail/cape, but even those required position and timing. Shield works everywhere.
I think the issue is this has less in common with mario and a lot more in line with the wonderboy/Monster world series of games, with just a smidge of alkahest. Very reminiscent of monster world iv, but maybe that's just my opinion...been awhile since I played it, but this game makes me want to dust it off.

That being said, the way shields normally turn out is that you actually go through a few stages before you get any shield (or any decent shield), and by the time you get it the enemies have a tendency to do things to compromise or bypass it more often than not, leaving it more for projectiles or more thoughtful melee combat situations (like with other sword+shield wielding monsters). I think if the shield is applied in that way it'd work well...of course the alternative is the game just gets hard enough that effective use of the shield is the only thing between you and sticky doom. Which works too.

As for male v female...he's already made a fantastic game with a female protagonist, and while it's not necessarily my first choice, I haven't really seen a lot of platformers with male protagonists in this way. So I appreciate the variety it gives, but more importantly (for this project anyway) I appreciate the fact that this looks to be a solid game with some excellent h-content as a fantastic perk. Which is just the right ratio, I think.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm just getting a black screen but I can hear sounds in the background though so not sure why its not working properly.

EDIT: After playing this game and not even reaching the first save point. I have come to say even on easy this game stupid hard even for being on easy mode. More save points need to be added. Some people will say I suck I know I do because the input lag in this game is horrendous to the point I can't even jump properly.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

You havent reached confetti girl yet!? Helping you. See a cat? hold down (guard). It'll strike. After the strike, slash it twice. See a goo lamia? press up slash to shoot it. The spot you are prolly dying at is where the first fairy shows up. Run past the spinning spikes and just guard or focus on jumping over its shot. The platforming isnt really till after the first checkpoint. Edit: Input lag? First I've heard of that. The only time mine fails to jump is when riding the boulder. Maybe you're computer is bogged down by something?

I got all the heart fragments and they give you
1/4 blue overlay hp

Leveling up (using 25 sparkles at the gold platforms) only seems to do something the first time. Flaming sword. Flames seem to explode while grabbed as well.

Shield. What knight is without their shield? I say keep it. It lets you go toe to toe with a boss instead of just jumping. He's not a thief or rogue, he's a knight. '^'
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Leveling up (using 25 sparkles at the gold platforms) only seems to do something the first time. Flaming sword. Flames seem to explode while grabbed as well.

The second upgrade improves your up + attack magic fireball.

Shield. What knight is without their shield? I say keep it. It lets you go toe to toe with a boss instead of just jumping. He's not a thief or rogue, he's a knight. '^'

Then it should be made less abuse-able. Instead of holding down to keep it up indefinitely, maybe have a shield parry, where you have to use it with timing to stop the attack.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm just getting a black screen but I can hear sounds in the background though so not sure why its not working properly.

EDIT: After playing this game and not even reaching the first save point. I have come to say even on easy this game stupid hard even for being on easy mode. More save points need to be added. Some people will say I suck I know I do because the input lag in this game is horrendous to the point I can't even jump properly.
There is no input lag in the game. If you are experiencing any, it's because of some other problem or incompatibility, unfortunately.

As for what people are saying about the shield being OP, if I made it less effective or harder to use, people would just complain that it's too difficult. As it stands, it's a lot slower and less effective than just dodging attacks completely and countering.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Like all things, it's easy enough just to pretend it doesn't exist and not use it. That's how I make artificial difficulty changes in most other games.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I don't know why people hate this game. Well..../
Ok, not my favorite. But I think it's still good. I think it's a bit harder then his last game, mainly for the poor placement of checkpoints. I think this game feels more like Monster Girl Quest (however you call it).
I have some notes. How about a air dodge? The fairy's attack are annoying already, when you jump and can't move in time...........
A button for a side step. Maybe it's in the game, I don't know.
No animation for the boss? Suckz bro :(
I'd give the demo a 3.5 out of 5.
Still a demo, I know. But I hope there is more content for this game.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I don't know why people hate this game. Well..../
Ok, not my favorite. But I think it's still good. I think it's a bit harder then his last game, mainly for the poor placement of checkpoints. I think this game feels more like Monster Girl Quest (however you call it).
I have some notes. How about a air dodge? The fairy's attack are annoying already, when you jump and can't move in time...........
A button for a side step. Maybe it's in the game, I don't know.
No animation for the boss? Suckz bro :(
I'd give the demo a 3.5 out of 5.
Still a demo, I know. But I hope there is more content for this game.

Nobody hate the game , I think
Everyone just didn't get used to Shota being raped

The game is hard..... at the beginning
But if You play play play , it become less harder than the first
But still , to have the check point at 7'th screen is harsh
I think 5'th screen would do the trick~
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I don't know why people hate this game. Well..../
Ok, not my favorite. But I think it's still good. I think it's a bit harder then his last game, mainly for the poor placement of checkpoints. I think this game feels more like Monster Girl Quest (however you call it).
I have some notes. How about a air dodge? The fairy's attack are annoying already, when you jump and can't move in time...........
A button for a side step. Maybe it's in the game, I don't know.
No animation for the boss? Suckz bro :(
I'd give the demo a 3.5 out of 5.
Still a demo, I know. But I hope there is more content for this game.

Obviously there is more content than the demo included. In fact, he even asked if we would rather wait until he added more things to his demo, but 90% of the people who responded wanted it sooner rather than later with more content.

So yeah, I wouldn't worry about that. I'm sure that boss, and all the other enemies he includes have a great chance of having animations, cgs, or both.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Obviously there is more content than the demo included. In fact, he even asked if we would rather wait until he added more things to his demo, but 90% of the people who responded wanted it sooner rather than later with more content.

So yeah, I wouldn't worry about that. I'm sure that boss, and all the other enemies he includes have a great chance of having animations, cgs, or both.

Everybody want's the game earlier becoz Kyrie is quite "Wols"
Everybody who keep tracks after KuroVadis know
First is Girl capturing some ghost idea ==> Axe'd
Then Some Swordman/Samurai girl ==> Axe'd
Harpy girl? ==> Axe'd
Shovel Shovel Shovel??? ===> AXE'd

Maybe that's why many lose hope and left some becoming sarcastic
And when he said gonna release some demo but asking wheter now/next time

Of course anyone would prefer now , coz they are wait for long
Or maybe they just want some proof of him making a game , not only on his mind. lol
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Please keep in mind that this game is simply a mini-project, and it's a prelude to another game that will receive more time, funding, and innovation. You could say that Kyrieru is gearing up toward a better future.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Everybody want's the game earlier becoz Kyrie is quite "Wols"
Everybody who keep tracks after KuroVadis know
First is Girl capturing some ghost idea ==> Was just concept art and thinking about design
Then Some Swordman/Samurai girl ==> Was just concept art
Harpy girl? ==> Was just concept art
Shovel Shovel Shovel??? ===> Refering to the game I took a break from to do this one.

Maybe that's why many lose hope and left some becoming sarcastic
And when he said gonna release some demo but asking wheter now/next time

Of course anyone would prefer now , coz they are wait for long
Or maybe they just want some proof of him making a game , not only on his mind. lol
So, yeah.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

After playing the demo, I'm not happy to wait, but it takes time to get projects like that done.

It's not going to be an easy game for me as I am a bit sluggish with the controls, and this game requires some great sense of timing.

I will however, enjoy the fuck out of the cg, sights and sounds, and of course the sexy sprite sex.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

So, yeah.

Oh you internet~
You even told us those were just concepts and thinking aloud. But some people just look over the words and read what they want to read.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Oh you internet~
You even told us those were just concepts and thinking aloud. But some people just look over the words and read what they want to read.

Normal human nature if you ask me. *hmph* This is why humans are so...