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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I dunno, maybe different kinds of the bees come from us and her or something," Giselle commented as they lay there. "I mean, those do look a little larger than the ones inside of us feel like they are," she added, reaching over and caressing Kylie's cheek gently.

The next hour or so passed mostly uneventful, with the bees dropping a piece or two of honeycomb in Kylie's and Giselle's mouths, though not the same kind as before. Then the girls suddenly felt the goo loosening as it crumbled away, and the bees didn't seem to mind that they could get up now, though if Kylie or Giselle moved for the doors they stopped them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, waddling her way towards the doors as soon as she was able, was pushed back by the bees, to which she immediately stuck her fingers in her mouth, and whistled again. Because she could, before porting Through the doors and passed the bees and continuing to waddle away just to see what they'd do about it, Giselle probably giggling up a storm as she did as she made her way back to the hallway of pinkbeehell. Fuck you guys, I do what I want. she said, cos she was a strong independent Kylie who didn't need no man.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie moved towards the doors, Giselle did indeed giggle as the Guardian bees moved to intercept Kylie, not doing anything specifically to her, but trying to direct her away from the chamber entrance. When she ported through the doorway as they blocked her, they buzzed after her and kept hounding her to go back. Behind her, Kylie heard Giselle cackling like mad when she ported through the wall, obviously amused.

Porting again, Kylie was easily able to show them that she wasn't staying put for now, and Giselle got up and followed along behind her, with the bees trying to stop her as well, but she pointed at Kylie who ported around again to keep some Sentries from putting her on the wall. In the end, the Guardians decided to simply follow them around, seemingly finally fed up with Kylie's antics.

"Now that is funny. I've never seen them act like that," Giselle said with a giggle.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was giggling now as well as Giselle's laughter got her to smile wider before the sound spilled out of her lips. She almost decided to just let the Bees stick her in the wall, that was hot in it's own way. But this was too funny to stop right and as she wandered around, moving to hold Giselle's hand as she did, she stopped porting away as they decided just to follow her, confused and a bit fed up with her it seemed.

I'm building a mental map of this place so I can come back for more Jelly, and Draw it out later. Kylie said, looking around and memorizing the tunnels on this floor and the one below it, because they had been the most complicated and once she was sure she had them, she turned to Giselle. Ok, Feet hurt now. she said, kssing Giselle and turning to flop against one of the fluffy guardians to get a ride.

Wasn't like she was running away, she had their eggs and that would be cruel, and dangerous. They didn't need TWO hives filled with women... though... Mmmmm... wall ladies.... Yummy.

What do you think Giselle. Does the idea of being stuck in the wall like the barmaid you were fucking earlier turn you on? she asked, because it certainly did her. If she was taken back to the queen's chamber, she'd eat a bit of honeycomb first though and poke at the Queen, curious as she nibbled.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Sounds like a good plan to me," Giselle replied as she took Kylie's hand and followed along with her, the two Guardian bees still buzzing angrily behind them, but not trying to lead them back to the queen's chamber. "And we aren't leaving with the eggs you guys, we're just walking. If we were going to leave with the eggs, do you think we'd still be here?" Giselle said to the Guardians as the buzzed behind them, though it was hard to tell if they understood her words or not.

As Kylie finished her walking and her mental map of the top floors, Giselle followed her over to the Guardians as Kylie flopped against one of the fluffy things, where it lowered itself down and let her climb up. Giselle climbed up onto it as well and the Guardian buzzed them around, seeming to loosen up a little bit as it took them through some of the tunnels and let the wind blow through their hair. "Mmm, I dunno, so long as I was being railed constantly, or whenever the bees pleased and got horny as they passed me by, then sure. But if it's just to keep me still so I don't run away with their eggs, then I wouldn't really want to all that much. Unless I'm laid back a bit in a more comfortable position so I can just relax and sleep that is," Giselle replied as they rode

Eventually he took them back up to the queen's chamber though and Giselle slid down and helped Kylie, where they sat down near the queen again, who had slipped a few more eggs out that were likely fertilized by Giselle. When Kylie began poking the queen, the tentacle from before rose up and wiggled right in her face against her nose, as if the queen were telling her, "Stop that unless you want the same,"

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giggling as the queen waggled a tentacle at her, Kylie stopped the poking and went to look at the eggs the Queen was laying, before walking over to the sticky wall, holding out her arms as she turned her back on it, and then jumped backwards while she ported straight up, the momentum throwing her back against the sticky wall spread eagled where she laughed, wriggling around.

We should have Alan figure this stuff out. make it a town game for a festival or something and have people throw themselves at a big sticky target. she called to Giselle, still laughing and entertaining herself however she felt cos indepen blah blah blah. But then it was a question of trying to unstick herself from the wall so she could do it again.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, I'm sure we can figure something out sweetie," Giselle said, watching as Kylie flung herself at the wall after teleporting into the air.

As she wriggled around to try and unstick herself from the wall, Kylie saw the queen's tentacle wiggle in her face again, tickling her nose as she teased Kylie and got her back for the poking before. Giselle started laughing at the whole scene as Kylie finally managed to unstick herself after a bit of struggling and a teleport that got her back to the floor. Kylie suddenly heard Giselle squeal out in laughter as the queen's tentacle thing began goosing her now, with Giselle squirming around on the ground and seemingly enjoying herself while Kylie ported up again as she flung herself at the sticky wall.

After doing that a few more times, and after Giselle was tickled almost to the point she peed herself, the pair was left alone to rest, which after Giselle relieved herself she did so, laying on the sticky bed like place near the queen with Kylie snuggled up in front of her. "I don't care what happens, this was so fun. Hmhm, I wonder when we have our first baby, do you think she'll be more like me, or more like you? And no I don't mean human or siren, I don't care about that. I mean do you think she'll be a futanari or a girl," Giselle said as they lay there in each others arms.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie seemed to enjoy herself making a sticky angel of sorts before the Queen started to play with them. It seemed the reward for making it this far was Guardian eggs and a good amount of freedom compared to the others. Once Giselle had gotten herself tickled to near death, she flopped onto the sticky bed near the Queen, Kylie doing the same, though she made sure to get as much of the stuff on her as possible before sticking herself to Giselle's front as the little spoon.

Hrming happily and tired, yawning, Kylie pondered. I'm not sure. I've never seen such a thing back home. I suppose we'll find out. And it may be a Boy Giselle. Didn't you know? I'm pregnant. she said softly, pushing her ass back into Giselle and reaching around after a bit of stretching of the goo, to pull Giselle's hand to her front, letting her, and only her know.

I'm pregnant with our baby. Word of a Goddess. Cross my heart. she said quietly, smiling warmly and wriggling herself even closer to Giselle, pushing her back against her chest and curling up, while she put Giselle's hand on her currently swollen belly, holding it there. This was a good place to tell her. All alone, after some fun.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle cooed as Kylie stuck herself to her front, with Giselle's arms wrapping around Kylie lovingly as they lay there together. "W-What? You... you are?" Giselle asked, astounded by the knowledge.

Kylie heard Giselle sniffling after a few moments, and she felt a couple of tears drip onto her cheek, but when she looked over her shoulder at Giselle she only saw a smile and happiness written on Giselle's face. Giselle's hands cradled Kylie's belly as she leaned around and kissed Kylie on the lips in the most loving and kind kiss Kylie had ever received from anyone in her life. It instantly relieved any and all stress that Kylie had left from the whole ordeal in Hespera, and Giselle giggled softly as she held Kylie.

"Oh Kylie I'm so happy. We can't tell the others just yet though. I want this to be our secret for now," Giselle said, outright crying now, but in a happy way.

Giselle held Kylie as close as she could, her hand continuously caressing Kylie's belly as she held her. "But wait, if you've got eggs in there now, then how are you pregnant with our baby?" Giselle asked suddenly, looking worried.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled at the sudden question, before taking Giselle's hand and placing it firmly over the tattoo there. Because we're getting a little help. Don't worry. she answered smoothly, just happy to be so tightly snuggled up with Giselle and yawning.

9 months and he or she will be born. Kylie said, letting herself doze a little since the world had devolved to cuddly hugs and the egging and fucking seemed to have stopped for now. How long she had no idea.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle let Kylie's hand direct her hand wherever, her fingers lightly tickling Kylie as she did. "Alright, if you say so then I'll trust you sweetie. Hmhm, I just can't believe it," Giselle giggled as she hugged Kylie all of a sudden. "And I don't see how it could be a he when we're both girly girls," she then said, cooing softly in Kylie's ear as they both drifted off to sleep after Kylie answered.


When they woke back up sometime later, Kylie saw through some of the smaller holes in the ceiling that the sun was shining faintly through, indicating that it was setting. Looking down she saw a that something had been draped over them like a blanket, a sticky filmy piece of the sticky goo. It served to keep them warm and comfortable, and wasn't so sticky that they couldn't get it off to get up. Giselle was snoozing still, and the Guardians were still buzzing around, albeit more softly, as the queen appeared to be resting right now too from the looks of it.

Giselle was still holding her close and protectively, both hands now on Kylie's belly, cradling it lovingly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie waking up sometime around sunset, noticed two thinks. A delightfully kinky slimey filmy blanket thing, which wasn't quite sticky enough. And Giselle, still cuddlesnugging her to death. But she was awake and Giselle... well there was really no telling how long Giselle would sleep or when, but she didn't want to bother her. While everyone was resting, Kylie wriggled out from under the blanket... thing. And Giselle, and started to wander around the hive again, heading all the way back down to the collection of elves in the wall, looking at them, inspecting the covering over their eyes, especially the one Giselle had fucked earlier.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle didn't let her go at first, snuggling tightly, but eventually letting Kylie go with a coo. The Guardians noticed Kylie moving about and one made to follow her while the other buzzed about and did Guardian things. At one point during her wandering she encountered one of the pink spotted bees that she was sure would aroused her like the regular pinks did Giselle, and amazingly the Guardian buzzed down and bumped against her, urging her to climb up where he flew her over the pink spotted bee as it shook the pollen like stuff off into the chamber, keeping Kylie from being affected by it and letting her down after it got her across.

When she made her way to the elven women, she saw one of them was down, though not the one Giselle had fucked. She was sitting on the floor, straining and grunting as she pushed some eggs out, a couple already laying next to her. She hadn't taken her blindfold thing off yet despite having her hands free to do so. "O-Oh gods... another one's c-coming," the elf girl panted, straining as she pushed, her body incredibly tense and she looked like this was obviously her first time in here like this.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as the Guardian floated her up over the superhorny bee, and she continued on to the Egged and Walled girls, soon finding one down from the wall and giving birth.

Listening to her, but seeing her blindfold still on, Kylie giggled and moved over to take it off gently, before sitting behind her and holding her, letting her lean back against her while she laid the eggs. Hi! she said cheerfully, letting the Guardian do whatever it was doing, Kylie's own brood growing a little too swiftly for her liking, but what could you do.

As the elf pushed, Kylie just held her hands and let her lay back. Got caught taking honey? Kylie asked her curiously, before Oooing! as the Elf managed to push out her next egg. There you go. Get em all out. You're not one of Bella's girls are you? I'm Kylie. Crazy woman, moved In with the Sirens. Kylie said conversationally, working to help keep the elf distracted a little from her first egg laying, make it easier. Yup, cmon now, Push when you feel the need to, don't force it any. You have no idea how many eggs I've laid. Love it though. she continued, just working her through it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie gently pulled the blindfold thingy off of the elf girl and sat down behind her to hold the poor thing while she pushed out the eggs, she gasped and turned her head. "W-What? I... I thought we were the only ones in here," she replied, still in a bit of a daze. "A-And yeah, we're f-from the town of Vesper, the three of us. I'm... Lysa, a-and that's my sister... NHG!!!" she went on to say, introducing herself before trailing off with a deep groan as she pushed another egg out.

"O-Oh goddess... t-that's so intense," Lysa panted before looking back to Kylie. "T-That's my sister Thessa, a-and our friend Myra," she then said, pointing at Thessa whom Giselle had screwed, and then Myra.

Lysa pushed a few more times before Kylie told her not to try and force it, where she laid back and tried to relax. "Thank you miss Kylie, f-for helping me through this. We were gathering honey to take back h-home. We use it to make a d-delicacy from our village," Lysa told Kylie after that, squeezing her hands as another egg finally began to come out.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Never been, but yup, take it slow, not a race. But yes, it is intense. The only thing better then them coming out, is going in. Kylie said, giggling while her guardian putzed about watching over Kylie, which made her wonder if she had special eggs or something.

Me and my Wife made it allll the way to the top before we got caught. But we still got caught. Kylie continued, chuckling as another egg popped out, Lysa taking it like a Champ! A champ that was probably pretty close to cumming, but a champ anyway!

Not to be that gal though, but I don't think I can get you out. If they don't let you go you'll just have to wait. They will let you go though... eventually. It's pretty normal for them. Kylie said, relaying the info she'd gotten from Giselle since it seemed this was Lysa first time.

Cmon, you're almost to the end. A few more and we're allll done. I'm a little jealous actually, I never got stuck in the wall like you did. Which kind of annoyed me. Realllly think that's hot. I mean... Look! That's hot! Kylie said, gesturing to her sisters who were still stuck in the wall in prime breeding position.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Lysa moaned out as the next egg popped out of her folds, her hands clenching Kylie's as she pushed. "T-They won't let us go until we're all done? Well... at least we g-get to stay together," Lysa asked with a worried expression.

Lysa kept pushing as another egg began to work its way out too, literally moments after that last had come out, not even giving her a chance to recover. "I d-didn't know we shouldn't gather the honey from the hive here if the bees were looking. T-They grabbed us up and raped us silly. I don't know how long we've been here or anything, but I think it's been... t-two or three days," Lysa said when the next egg finally came out, panting softly as she hung her head.

As Lysa's body was put through its paces, she couldn't help but cry out in ecstasy a couple of times in climax as she birthed her first clutch of eggs, of which she ended up having nearly a dozen and a half, though smaller than Kylie's and Giselle's were. "Oh goddess... p-please let that be the last one. I don't... I don't think I can take anymore," Lysa panted softly, her head thumping back against Kylie's breasts. "And... if they haven't yet, then just give them time," she commented to Kylie when she complained about not getting stuck to the wall.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie laughed as Lysa finished her birthing, cradling her gently as she slumped, worn out and just being a cuddle buddy for a bit, unsure what the bees would do with her now. But it seemed that Lysa herself wanted to sleep, or at least just relax, Kylie cradling her head between her breasts and stroking her hair.

Feels good when it's all done and over doesn't it. Kylie said, chuckling. As for the bees? It's not that you Shouldn't collect the Honey. It's that you shouldn't get CAUGHT collecting the honey. The more people you bring, the harder it is to manage because One of you will make a noise, or a mistake or something. As for the bees? They're really quite friendly. Kylie said, waving a hand over at her Guardian so she could pet it cos it was fluffy, putting Lysa's hand on it to cos fluffy bee.

Also don't try to tell time in a place like this. If you can't really see the sun? There's no way to know. Kylie said, shrugging as she shared that tidbit from some darker experience, kissing Lysa's forehead.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Lysa was left alone for now while she rested in Kylie's arms, her body drenched in sweat as she did so. "Y-Yeah, kind of. But... it was just so exhausting. And this is my first time coming here with Thessa and Myra. They warned me what might happen, but I wasn't careful enough and when one of those... Sentries they called them, when it poked my butt, I screamed and ran, throwing my bucket up into the air where it hit it on the head. Thessa and Myra both sighed and then we were all scooped up, s-starting with me. I'd only ever had sex with a man once before, m-my boyfriend," Lysa said softly as she rested.

When Kylie put Lysa's hand on the Guardian bee, the elven girl tensed up a bit until seeing that the Guardian wasn't going to do anything more to her. "I... I see, well... I just think it's been two or three days, I remember we got here on Friday, around noon," Lysa said as she patted the Guardian's side, telling the day she'd gotten there with the other two, which Kylie would know was three days ago, as it was around noon Monday.

"S-So how long have you been here Kylie?" Lysa asked curiously.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hrm me? Ha Shit uhhh... about 10 hours if I had to guess. she answered, trying to figure the time and then taking her own advice and giving up. And yeah, I could see the sentries getting pretty pissy if they got wanged with a bucket. That's the trick, the catch to this place. If you hurt the bees, well, you're outnumbered and they have big stingers. But you wont get any honey. And if you get the honey but get caught, well... This happens. So no weapons, no fighting, no panicking. Just take it easy. Notice? See how relaxed he is? As long as we're relaxed so is he? If we get horny? she continued, sliding a hand down her front to between her thighs, stroking her gently, slowly. They'll react to that too. That's all they're doing, reacting. Kylie said, stopping her teasing once the Guardian took notice, though only slightly, so Lysa could calm down.

Seriously, if you just stand there when they poke you? They leave you alone. But if you've been here for three days already they'll probably take you back out, but again, I don't know.