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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie: 5 vs 20 Atropal A, crit miss and countered for 2 FP dmg
Elise: 7 vs 13 Atropal A, miss
Evangeline: 17 vs 2 Atropal B, crit hit for 3 FP dmg

Atropal A: 10 vs 10 Elise, miss
Atropal B: 3 vs 15 Evangeline, miss

Kylie: 11 vs 3 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg
Elise: 14 vs 12 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg
Evangeline: 9 vs 4 Atropal B, hit for 1 FP dmg

Atropal A: 6 vs 9 Kylie, miss
Atropal B: 2 vs 19 Evangeline, crit miss and countered for 4 FP dmg, and killed

Kylie fired both of her remaining arrows, which unfortunately sailed right past the Atopal's head as it ducked, and then Kylie suddenly saw it open its mouth and it hurtled a glob of decayed and rotted flesh right at her. The stuff slammed right into Kylie's chest, knocking her down as pain enveloped her.

"You dirty fuck," Elise growled and dove at the thing and stabbed it directly in the chest with her rapier, where it screeched in pain at her.

The Atropal's both missed their targets, going for Elise and Evangeline, as Elise stepped in front of Kylie to protect her from the Atropal that had just knocked her down.

Kylie managed to get wearily back to her feet, the pain making it tough, but not impossible for her. She moved in and slashed her daggers at the Atropal as Elise moved in with her and also slashed it, with Elise motioning Kylie to get around behind it since she was more winded than Elise was. Evangeline hit her opponent again, which seemed to daze it as her mace hit it right in the face and it staggered back. "Now it's time to end this," Evangeline said coldly to the Atropal, the tiara on her head beginning to glow a deep dark purple.

The Atropal that Kylie and Elise were facing turned quickly and tried to knock Kylie away, its decayed hand coming very near her face before she leaned back to prevent the blow. The other Atropal raised both arms high into the air in an effort to slam them straight down on Evangeline to kill her outright, but she literally phased through him as he did, coming out on the back side of him with a wicked grin on her face as the shimmering energy around her faded and in a single fluid motion she drew a shortsword from her right hip with her left hand and slashed straight upwards so fast that Kylie barely had time to register that she'd swung her blade before it was sheathed again. The other Atropal simply fell in two pieces mere feet away from Kylie and the purple glow on Evangeline's tiara brightened as something flowed into it from the Atropal's corpse.

"And now your soul is mine," Evangeline said before turning her gaze on the remaining Atropal.

Kylie - FP: 2/6, AP: 0/10,
Elise - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?
Evangeline - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?

Atropal A - FP: ?/?, Looks to be on its last legs now
Atropal B - FP: ?/?, Dead
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie finally got seriously hit, Annnd it hurt enough to send her screaming to her ass while she recovered and Elise covered for her. But soon enough she was back up thanks to the breathing room, but the pain in her chest sent her shots wide, since so much of her chest went into drawing the bow, soon Kylie tossing it aside before getting around behind it to knife it in the back.

Evangeline was doing.... Something. But it looked weak enough right now to try and end it as she leaned back to avoid a blow... before leaping onto it's back, trying to ram her hidden blades up into it's skull while Elise kept on at the front.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie: 12 vs 16 Atropal A, miss
Elise: 10 vs 13 Atropal A, miss
Evangeline: 12 vs 8 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg

Atropal A: 16 vs 12 Kylie, hit for 1 FP dmg

Kylie: 12 vs 17 Atropal A, miss
Elise: 10 vs 16 Atropal A, miss
Evangeline: 12 vs 9 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg

Atropal A: 20 vs 1 Kylie, blocked by Elise who takes the damage for Kylie

Kylie and Elise both took a few swings at the remaining Atropal, which somehow got a second wind enough to manage dodging them quite effectively. Evangeline however smashed the back of its knees with her mace, the thing's leg giving a bit as she hit it. The Atropal retaliated and swung at Kylie, backhanding her in the face and knocking her back a bit.

"Today, the curse is fulfilled," the Atropal said in a ghastly voice as Kylie staggered back from the blow.

Elise and Evangeline both moved to follow it as it hovered towards Kylie, with Kylie and Elise both swinging their blades and missing again while Evangeline managed to strike the fiend in its back, but it still didn't stop. It raised its arm as Kylie tripped and stumbled back, falling flat on her ass, where she saw its hand shifting into a very sharp looking bone like appendage. It thrust its arm straight at her face, preparing to finish her off, when suddenly someone jumped in front of her.

"GAH!" Elise cried out as she jumped in front of Kylie and took the blow meant to end Kylie's life.

Kylie saw it, Elise standing there with the Atropal's right arm up to its wrist shoved through Elise's right shoulder, where her skin immediately began to rot and decay before Kylie's eyes. "F-Fucking kill this thing already goddamn it Kylie!" Elise cried out in agony, dropping her Rapier from her right hand where it landed right in Kylie's hand.

Kylie - FP: 1/6, AP: 0/10,
Elise - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?, Her skin is slowly decaying before their eyes.
Evangeline - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?

Atropal A - FP: ?/?, Starting to bleed out, but attempting to take Elise with him
Atropal B - FP: ?/?, Dead
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie picked up the rapier and drove it forward into the Atropal, before she vanished only to appear behind it with a whisper and her brothers sword to cleave it's head from it's body. This kill belonged to her and her brother. They'd both been orphaned that day. Not just her. But she just kept going. Drawing power from the unholy creature with her now open and active enhancement as she continued to build momentum from the short fall and through the motions, faster and faster as she struck 6 more blows before appearing back next to Elise and sliding, pulling her back with her hard if really only because Elise was the only one she could grab to slow herself down and because she was a little dizzy @.@

Tearing the now severed limb out of Elise's shoulder, she lifted her up against her in the sand and wondered what the hell you did about a wound like that. What do I do!? Do you even know?! she asked, pulling off the remains of her shirt and shoving it into the open wound to keep her from bleeding out, while she shouted to Elise's companions.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As soon as the rapier had fallen into Kylie's hands, she lunged forward and shoved it through the Atropal's chest, where it froze from the stab. Then while Kylie vanished, Evangeline smashed her mace with both hands as hard as she could into the thing's back, and as Kylie reappeared Evangeline spun and swung her shortsword upwards and cut the arm that held Elise completely off at the elbow as Elise swung her longsword in her left hand at the thing's other arm, cutting into it and splitting the thing in two all the way from its hand to its elbow.

Kylie reappeared behind just as she planned, and her brother's blade sang as it cleaved into the decayed and rotted flesh and bone. When Kylie vanished again and reappeared at Elise's side a few moments later, the Atropal fell to its knees and then to the side as she grabbed Elise, the thing slumping down deader than the deadest door nail. As Kylie stumbled back with Elise leaning heavily against her, she managed to yank the severed Atropal arm from the gaping hold in Elise's shoulder.

"I... I'll be fine. Elena's on her way, and Lilia too. B-Been hurt far worse than this... b-before," Elise said weakly as she collapsed to the sand, her eyes fluttering slightly.

Kylie heard a wail of fright as Hazel flew straight at them and grabbed Elise, a look of worry and fear written all over her face. Kylie saw Hazel was crying, nay, sobbing her eyes out as she desperately took Kylie's shirt that Kylie had already been taking off, and ripping her own to bits to plug Elise's wound. "N-No no no Elise, you're okay, o-okay. ELENA! LILIA!" Hazel began saying before screaming to the top of her lungs for the two Elise had murmured about before, the matronly succubus losing her cool for the first time since Kylie had met her as she started completely breaking down, holding Elise against her tightly.

A few moments passed as an angel and a succubus landed next to them and rushed over, sliding to a halt as everyone else began to come down to check on them all. Kylie saw Evangeline pulling that same purplish light into her tiara again, save from the Atropal she killed moments before. "Mom, come on and give us some room okay so we can work," the new succubus said, pulling Hazel gently away from Elise and sitting Hazel down next to Kylie, where she chewed on her fingernails in a very unlady like manner.

"Hey Elena, Lilia. Yeah I got banged up again," Elise said jokingly, her voice weak as the decayed flesh began to spread some more.

The angel, Elena, placed her hands on Elise's shoulder and a bright white light suddenly emanated from her hands, blinding all who looked at it momentarily. The succubus, Lilia, in the meantime placed her hands on top of Elena's and amplified the power coursing into Elise. Elise grunted a bit before suddenly crying out in agony as the wound was slowly sealing up under the hands of the two forcing their magics out into Elise's body.

"F-Fucking hell that hurts!" Elise cried out, her left hand darting out to grasp one of Evangeline's hands to endure the pain.

"Try and remain calm Elise, and don't fidget. The more you do, the more it'll hurt," Elena told her gently.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just watched it all, in a daze, tired, but not drained. And all the magic being slung around while Elise was being healed and Hazel was losing her mind was making Kylie's back itch as the amount in the air just increased and so did the draw she was taking in not to mention the killing blow on such a powerful abomination. But since Elise would be alright, and the Atropals were actually dead, Kylie let out a sigh of relief, her brother's sword in her lap, Kylie stroking the blade. It's done. she said simply, standing stiffly to leave Hazel to panic while she stumbled off to rinse off the blade in the water, before sheathing it and deciding she'd likely never draw it again.

It wasn't her weapon. It wasn't her way.

She didn't offer such open chances as a Duel of Petals.

But she was stripping weapons now and stumbling towards Giselle and Maria, heading for Cosimo and Gestalt. Cmon captain 'Information is so great' lets get to a good bar. I've had more then enough excitement today. She'll catch up. she said, though the look on her face said she was more shaken by seeing Elise's flesh rot away then anything else. Having never wanted to see that again.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As soon as Kylie whispered that it was done, she felt someone hug her from behind and knew who those hands belonged to. Looking over her shoulder she saw it was Giselle, who had tears in her eyes, but said nothing yet. As Kylie sheathed her blade, Giselle gently took it from her and held it lovingly with one arm, while her other arm remained around Kylie, refusing to let her go as she stumbled towards Cosimo and Gestalt.

"Kylie... please wait and let them heal you too. I... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you now," Giselle pleaded with Kylie as she tried to leave the beach for now.

No matter what Kylie did, Giselle wouldn't let her leave the beach until Elena had at least checked her out to see if she needed any major healing. "You've got a few bumps and bruises, but nothing that won't heal up on its own. I'd still like to make sure this is alright though on your chest. Andy said you got thumped really hard there," Elena told Kylie, placing both hands gently on Kylie's chest and pushing a bit of magic through to heal the bruise that was already forming there, which was quite painful.

Hazel was clinging to Elise and refusing to let her go, with Elise simply smiling weakly at the succubus. "I'm alright Hazel. You know I get hurt like this all the time," Elise told Hazel softly, leaning up and kissing her on the lips, where Hazel returned the kiss passionately. "I need a drink. Something strong and hard. Preferably some scotch," Elise then said where Kylie could hear as Hazel almost literally carried her along behind Kylie, following to wherever Kylie decided to go.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, who didn't know her way around Hespera for fuck all, now GRABBED Cosimo, and gave him a push. When he led them to whatever establishment HE thought would suit their needs, she'd stop pushing him so damned much and flop into a seat at a large table. Enough Drama for one night. Seriously. Done. Done and a Half. Elise of Crimea, Giselle of Feynrial. She's wanted to meet you quite a bit. All the murder derailed the fan girl moment she was going to have. she said, before tapping a server. Open a tab and bring several Bottles. We've had quite a night. she told her, before putting the sword on the table and eyeing Gestalt. Still mad at you. she sniffed, before turning to Elise. You gonna live? she asked plainly, taking her gauntlets off, and her hooking them in her belt, rubbing her hands.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Cosimo nodded and smiled, leading them off the beach and up to a nearby building, where Kylie saw that it was a bar that had a balcony overlooking the beach. "Y-Yeah, um... I've always wanted to meet you matriarch. Ever since I was little. B-Because you were like me and all, a... y-you know. A futanari," Giselle said, ending in a whisper as Elise and Hazel sat down across from Kylie, with Evangeline sitting down on the edge of the booth seat they all had together, her tiara glowing a soft purple on two points that looked like gemstones.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Giselle. Hazel's told me a lot about you and her friends around Feynrial," Elise said, reaching across to take Giselle's hand, where she leaned down and kissed it softly, at which Giselle looked like she was about to faint almost, despite what all had just happened.

"I know you are Little Bird, and I ain't mad about it. Just drink, and relax for now. You've earned it," Gestalt told Kylie with a smirk, leaving her there with her friends while he and Cosimo went to gather them all some good strong drinks.

"Yeah I'll live. Been through worse. Once had a demon trying to suck my soul out," Elise told Kylie, leaning weakly against Hazel who continued holding Elise close to her.

As Kylie's gauntlets came off, she felt Giselle's hands entwine with her own, her fingers wrapping around Kylie's hand gently as she kissed her. Maria sat there next to Kylie on the opposite side from Giselle, where she leaned over and hugged Kylie, laying her head on her shoulder. "Are you alright Kylie?" Maria asked softly as Cosimo and Gestalt set their drinks down in front of them, two bottles of genuine Netherworld scotch, which they poured into glasses for everyone.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie squeezed Giselle's hand tightly and closed her eyes, shuddering. She'd refused most of the healing, all except what had been insisted on. The burst of power from the dying atropal was still buzzing around as she tried to get used to the new sensations. It was definitely stronger then the slight annoyance she'd gotten when she'd first tapped it. It was making her uncomfortable.

But she took solace in Giselle and Maria being there, sighing before Maria leaned in and asked her if she was alright, Kylie slamming a glass of netherworld with a hiss and shaking her head, before pouring herself another, or trying to. Her hands were shaking too badly to manage it and Gestalt had to do it for her. Cosimo Answered Maria's question for her though, sparing her having to think about it all too hard. Sadly no Maria. She's not, and she wont be for a bit. You see, Kylie was close to Mastering a long blade. Gestalt is... Insistent in his training. Before Reginald died, she practiced with them both every day. But when he passed, she couldn't hold a longsword without thinking of him. She'd fly into a rage, or she'd break down. Regardless it meant her movements were never fluid enough, her footing was never just where it needed to be. And her skills fell off. Just being near that sword I'm sure is painful for her enough. After having to win it. She hasn't even mentioned what I said earlier. And then there are the Atropals we slew tonight. Creatures straight out of her most painful memories. Dead or not, she's shaken too badly to be anything but in pain. And yet, she's showing more restraint and willingness to be around others then she ever has. She's allowing someone to touch her, speak to her, hold her. Cosimo explained softly, reading her mind, speaking for her, as he had always been able to. And it annoyed her so damned much. But a part of her was extraordinarily grateful he was here.

She nodded to everything he said to Maria in answer while she drank. And Gestalt chuckled, tapping the swords hilt. Too much baggage on the weapon. She can't use it. She can't fight without thinkin too hard Lass. Not unless she's in a fury like you saw. But I never imagined she'd be smart enough to fall in love with a Siren! She did it by accident didn't she. Gestalt said, laughing with a smile, causing Kylie to glare at him which only made him smile wider as he sipped on his own glass.

Kylie sighed and pulled Giselle and Maria in tighter and kissed them both. They're right. I'm not alright. But I will be. she said, resting a hand over the sword gently, wondering what to do with it. It'd be too much to know if you found the other blade... she asked Cosimo and Gestalt hopefully, wanting to be able to reunite the set.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria and Giselle sat there and listened to Cosimo speak about Kylie, with Giselle tearing up slightly and simply kissing Kylie on the cheek, refusing to let her go. "Yeah kinda, for me it was love at first sight, and Kylie too... at least I think anyway, or I'd like to think it at least, hmhm," Giselle said to Gestalt and Cosimo, hugging Kylie and kissing her again.

When Kylie mentioned wanting to find the other blade if possible, Cosimo smiled softly at her and from under his cloak, out of the bag of holding she knew he always carried with him, he pulled out a cloth that had something wrapped inside of it. He set it gently on the table and unfolded it, where Kylie saw the other blade of Reggie's. It was or rather had been broken in two, the last foot and a half of the blade having been snapped somehow, despite being mythril.

"I... I found it nearby Reggie's body when we got there. He'd managed to kill someone with it before he died, or at least wounded someone, because it was stained with blood. I can only imagine that it was the one who'd killed him in the end, or at least that's what I believe anyway. I cleaned it up and I've kept it all these years to give to you when you were ready. I... I actually thought that you might want to give it to your firstborn child, should you ever have any children of course. So when we came here I called in a favor to have it reforged for you. You need only take it there when you're ready. And I suggest you take Giselle here with you when you go," Cosimo said softly, smiling kindly at her like a father as he gently pushed the broken sword over in front of her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie picked up the broken piece and drew in a deep breath, before burying her tears. There'd been enough of those all around tonight. And scooping it up, she wrapped them back up and slid them into her own bag. At least they're with family again. Blood. Kylie muttered, polishing off her second glass and now managing to pour her own. Turning to Elise she shrugged. Don't know what I really wanted to do with you. Punch you, stab you. Something, I've been angry at you for quite awhile. But... I don't have any reason to be any more. If the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I shudder to think what the road to heaven is paved with. she said.

Though what possessed you to draw out both monsters at once is beyond me. Amaranthine's gonna be looking twice as hard now their pet monsters are dead. And the corsairs back home will get restless eventually. Doesn't matter how much that old Pirate there does in the end. They'll start raiding again soon enough. Don't be fooled Giselle, Cosimo there is no Nobleman. He's as salty as the sea goddess herself. Kylie muttered, cracking a smile finally. Still, make some good friends on the water in a mercenary state like our home. Hazel.... you and Giselle and Maria plan the wedding stuff. I'm just bad at that kind of thing. Kylie admitted, blushing before leaning into Giselle and closing her eyes. Lucky this is Hespera, Bella'd never let me in topless like this. she said, looking around as she nursed her third glass and the drug she'd taken started to wear off. Before fatigue and exhaustion finally took their toll and she showed she simply didn't have the stamina of the older warriors yet, passing out gently against Giselle, her glass half empty on the table, the pain fading with her thoughts.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle gently wiped a tear away from Kylie's right eye, and kissed the tears away from her left eye as she held her there in her arms. "Hey go ahead if you wanna punch me, I probably deserve it after all. Just avoid the shoulder please," Elise commented on Kylie mentioning punching or stabbing her, to which Hazel held Elise tighter against her in an even more protective manner if that were possible.

"No, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you," Hazel said softly.

"Well, figured we might as well get both of the remaining ones at the same time. And don't worry about the mage that summoned them the first time and all. He won't find out until he tries to summon them the next time, and since we have bits of those two on the beach, when he tries, we'll know where he's at, and Cosimo and Gestalt here and strike and kill that bastard," Elise said before taking a big drink of her scotch.

"I am too a nobleman, when I need to be," Cosimo said, mocking looking hurt at Kylie's words that he wasn't a nobleman.

"Well he's a gentleman regardless. And I like that," Giselle said, smiling at him.

When Kylie began to drift off to sleep in Giselle's arms, she felt Giselle kiss her on the forehead one final time before sleep overtook her.


When Kylie next woke, she wasn't in the beach house bed where the spiderlings were all at. She was in a larger bed, one that was incredibly comfortable, and she could feel Giselle and Maria both snuggled up in front and behind her respectively. When she opened her eyes, she saw through a window that the sun had risen, but wasn't up very high just yet. The bedroom they were in was more lavish than the one in the beach house.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just let her beef go with Elise, before passing out and waking up... Somewhere.... Else. Snuggling between the two, Kylie just... didn't move. She didn't want to exercise, she just wanted to lay there. She was sore, someone had bandaged her back up and her chest. But she really did just hurt all over and took Elise's earlier advice when she'd flown into combat a second time. She did Nothing. Today would be a lazy day. She could get her blacksmith visit over with for Oren and her brother's sword reforged properly there.... AND SOME MORE FUCKING ARROWS >_<;

Settling between Maria and Giselle, she just laid there, waiting for them to wake up, enjoying where she was, no urge to flop out and do pushups or go running or murder something. Just... bleh.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle and Maria both laid there without moving for quite a while, nearly half an hour or more according to the large clock standing against the wall past the foot of the bed. "Mmm, morning sweetie. You feeling any better after getting some sleep? We put the bandages on you after we got you here. We're at the beach manor we bought. In the master bedroom," Giselle said, gently caressing Kylie's cheek and kissing her on the lips.

"Yeah, it took us an hour or so because you were dead weight for us pretty much, hmhm," Maria cooed softly in her ear from behind, kissing Kylie's cheek.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie slapped Maria's butt as she said it took SOOO long to get her there. Callin me fat now? Rood. Kylie said, wriggling around until she was properly spooned between everyone. And not really, I feel like I got the crap kicked out of me twice. she said, sticking her tongue out before the call of nature sounded and everyone made a mad scramble for the bathroom. Once that was all seen to. Kylie would be seen wriggling back under the blankets and poking her head out, curling up. What were we supposed to do today... she wondered, wriggling around until she'd made a little nest for herself.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I meant it took us an hour to bandage you up properly silly, hmhm," Maria giggled as Kylie spanked her butt.

"You kind of did get the crap kicked out of you twice," Giselle said softly, still caressing Kylie's cheek.

After everyone had managed to get to the bathroom and finished their business inside, they all climbed wearily back into bed with one another. "I think we were supposed to take your brother's sword to get it repaired. Cosimo and Elise both said to take it to a dwarf named Orik at Mt. Gelugon at the center of the island. Wasn't that the same dwarf that someone else told you to go see?" Giselle said while they cuddled with each other.

"Also I took the liberty of calling for the maids to bring us some breakfast in bed while you two took your turns in the bathroom. So that we could get something to eat, because I'm really hungry," Maria said, where sure enough a few minutes later four trays were brought in, one that had all of the food, and the other three for the girls, each with a glass of orange juice on it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yeah, Oren in Tear Cove wanted me to see him about a forge. So yeah, lets head on over. Kylie said after breakfast, of which she ate nothing, drinking her orange juice and generally being extremely melancholy.

She didn't really want to talk, about anything. She had her dead brother's sword to repair. And a business deal to handle. That was all. There was nothing bright or happy about this day. And wouldn't be if her mood held like it was. She was already getting dressed in her full gear though he hand strayed up to brush her collar before sighing, waiting for the others.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As they sat there eating breakfast, Giselle noticed Kylie wasn't touching much if any of her food, where she sighed softly. "Honey, please eat something at least. You're still recovering and everything. I know you don't feel great, but you need to eat so you can recover faster," Giselle said softly, pleading with Kylie to eat at least a little. "Please don't be sad. You finally got revenge for your mother. And you've got your brothers blades now too, I thought you'd be really happy now," she went on to say, wrapping an arm around Kylie and trying to cheer her up.

Regardless of whether or not Kylie did eat anything, Giselle and Maria both did and got ready when she was ready to leave so they could go with her. Giselle showed Kylie more affection as they got ready to leave, reaching over and gently caressing her cheek and hugging her when she thought Kylie looked like she needed one. Maria was doing much the same as Giselle, though not as often, mainly because Giselle was doing it herself before Maria really could.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie sighed and returned the hug, but still didn't eat anything, remembering the night before, among other things. It was never about revenge Love. Revenge doesn't bring anyone back. It was about Justice, and there's a whole lot left to be meted out. The atropals are just mindless beasts in a sense, doing someone else's bidding. This particular problem wont be truly over until that soul is taken. But you're right, we've gained some safety and some breathing room. she said, though she couldn't shake the mood as she slung her brother's sword over her shoulder, her hand lingering on the hilt before shaking her head.

Just... Really wish you could have met him. You'd have gotten along so well. she whispered, heading for the door and then towards the center of the island. There was no bounce in her step and no smile in her eyes. It was just business for now, doted on by her lovers or not. This was simply a hard day for her. Giselle had seen her like this before, she knew she'd bounce back with a vengeance.