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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"No worries my dear, so long as you don't destroy anything then I can overlook what happened before," Kairon said, pulling the tools over and starting on Kylie's back.

He worked very carefully, and his touch was light, to the point that Kylie almost didn't feel him poking her with the needles. "Hmm, well if she's just going to piss you off to meet you, then maybe we should wait. But... I have always wanted to meet her though," Giselle answered, a slightly dreamy look in her eyes at the thought of meeting Elise.

Kairon kept working while Kylie talked, and she would notice that he was very quick, but very good with his work. Within half an hour he was halfway done with all of the artwork for her back. He stopped on occasion to catch his breath, and to sprinkle a fine powder onto her back before muttering a spell under his breath. While he worked, Merrick pulled a spellbook from his satchel and looked to her and nodded. "This may cause you some pain. Such powerful spells being literally imprinted onto the body can tax it quite a bit," Merrick warned her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

If I was concerned for my comfort I wouldn't be having this done. Carry on by all means. And alright, we can meet her. I'll even behave. Kylie said, figuring that if Giselle wanted to meet her so badly then it why not. Not like she'd shoot her. She didn't have a contract for her.

Hardly noticing Kairon's work, Kylie just waited for the archmage to start his own work, wondering what he meant by tax. It would be interesting.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"We can? Yay, I've always wanted to meet her in person," Giselle said, her eyes lighting up as if she'd just gotten one of the best gifts in the world.

At one point, Kylie felt a small prick on her butt as Kairon began to finish the tattoo around that area, but it didn't hurt her any. As Merrick began weaving his magics, she felt her body tensing and heating up a bit, and a twinge of pain shot through her body as she felt a particularly strong burst of magic go through her.

"Alright, now this is where the tough part starts on the magics. I can't prevent the pain any, so you'll have to bear with it okay," Merrick told Kylie.

The pain was intense as Merrick brought his magic to bear on her. Her skin felt like it was searing off at first. It lessened a bit after a couple of minutes, but didn't subside completely. Kylie had to bear with the constant burning pain in her back for nearly ten straight minutes. "I told you it would be taxing on your body. Just another five minutes or so and I should be done," Merrick told her, his hands on her skin and slowly but steadily sliding downwards towards her ass.

As the next five minutes came and went, Kylie felt Merrick's hands on the top of her ass, the burning feeling starting to cool down a bit now. Giselle reached over and grasped Kylie's hand at some point during the spell weaving, and now she was squeezing down to help Kylie bear with the pain.

"Alright... it should be done. Don't try and call on those magics yet though. You have to give them time to set and your body to become accustomed to them. If you don't, then there could be a lot of backlash on you," Merrick told Kylie, warning her not to try and use her new magics yet. "And be careful with these too. Don't misuse them," he added.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ready when you are. Kylie said, tensing as she felt Merrick begin, her body heating before the pain really set in. After it started, Kylie found herself counting silently to 60, and then starting all over again, a very minor diversion technique to focus on something other then what was happening while she squeezed Giselle's hand, which had been grabbed at some point.

Time seemed to crawl and when it was over, as time is want to do, it seemed like it had only taken a moment, an exhausting, painful moment, but a moment none the less, and Kylie was relaxing on her tattoo bed, letting out a held breath and letting her head hit the rest while Merrick talked about being careful and not misusing them.

Merrick... she mumbled. Shush. Only Sworn Work. Ask Elise. she said, letting him figure out what that meant, which, if he asked Elise, as a founder, she'd translate it as "She only kills on contract" meaning simply that he'd have to accept that she killed people, and that's what these were likely to be used for at some point. But if it made him feel better, she did try to keep the murder to Rose contracts and reasons that were justifiable.

As for Time. How much Time. Hours, a Day. What? she asked, looking up at him while Giselle went about swiping the little bloblet above her ass, letting her dress herself in a simply white gown. And She had been right, it felt like she was wearing a wiggly slime, not fabric, But she was covered. It was enough. And despite being plugged, the pain had killed her libido for the moment.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Good, I don't want to have to track you down and take them away from you," Merrick told her as he continued. "Just, don't go on a rampage and slaughter every living thing in a town just to gather energy with these tattoos. I don't mind the killing part, hell I've seen plenty of it myself and dealt plenty of death as well, just don't do anything to piss off the wrong beings," he added.

"Well, I can't say for certain, but I'd suggest waiting at least a day or two before you try to really do anything big in terms of powers. And as for what kinds of powers you've got with this, it'll help you absorb the natural energies around you, which you can gather and use in order empower yourself. I can go into a bit more detail later, but just take it easy in terms of using them," he went on to say.

Pulling his hands away, Merrick sighs a bit and wipes his brow as Kylie fixed her slime clothing up, deciding on whatever she wished to wear. "Also, these tattoos can be switched to be visible at will. And those shouldn't interfere with your main magics," Merrick told her as Kairon put his tools aside.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Long as we're clear on that then. And alright, I'll take it easy for a bit. Kylie said, giving herself a moment before trying to stand, and then carefully stretching.

Turning to Kairon, she shrugged. Don't know what I owe you. But it's tempting to say put it on Elise's tab. she said, grinning at the idea before looking at Giselle who had all the money.

Once he was paid though, Kylie would change her temporary toga into some simple breeches and a white backless tunic, letting Giselle look at the tattoo for awhile while she tucked the bitchsuit into the bag of many things.

Whatchamathink? she asked, clipping her leash back on at least while Giselle looked.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well, with something this big, I usually don't charge less ten thousand, especially since you want the partial invisibility spell woven into it. But with all of those extra magics woven into it, it's going to cost a lot more, especially since Merrick had to bring in his own supplies for said magics," Kairon replied as he wiped his hands with a rag.

"I think you look just as beautiful as you always do sweetie," Giselle told Kylie when asked what she thought, slipping her arms around and hugging Kylie before tugging the leash to force Kylie into a deep kiss with her. "And I'll handle the money, just tell me how much. We've got plenty," Giselle added.

A few minutes later, Kylie and Giselle were leaving Kairon's tattoo parlor, with Merrick a couple of steps behind. It ended up costing them about two hundred thousand gold altogether, which took some time to count out of course. Merrick helped things along though with a couple of spells with which to sort the gold. "So... if you did want to meet with Elise, I know a couple of places she'll probably be here in Hespera. And I also know where she's staying too of course," Merrick said as they stepped onto the street.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie returned the kiss passionately, moaning softly before the gold was all sorted out and Kylie went about the costs so far for this trip, which was rounding out currently to about 350,000 gold. Not that she cared, but it helped to keep track. Then she had to collect from Alan again, which wasn't a lot, her cut was small, but it helped.

Merrick, with all do respect, I've already met her once on her own terms and it was less then pleasant, both in the set up, and the repercussions. Excuse me for being rude, But I'd like her to meet me tonight, at the lighthouse around 10. We'll be in the lighthouse proper. Kylie said, insisting a little in this.

Not to hammer the point home, but she makes me more then a little nervous, both as the one who insisted my memories be sealed, and as the matriarch of another country, let alone a founder of my order. I don't care how much good will she might have, but I'll be choosing somewhere I can be more comfortable. she continued, turning to regard him and holding up her finger against the leash to forestall any tugging, as this particular conversation did not factor into playtime.

Whether Merrick agreed to relay that particular message was up to him, but she added one last point.

She can bring whatever escort or guard she wants, if she thinks she might need one. Hazel would likely be more then enough though, if nothing else because Hazel knows me well enough. But yes, I'm willing to meet, but I have to insist on my own terms at least this once.

Once that was said and done though, Kylie would take her finger away from the leash. Sorry Mistress, Pet forgot her place for a moment. Can we please go see the Shrines? Master Merrick can join us if Mistress likes. Pet doesn't mind.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright, just a suggestion. And you shouldn't have to worry about her trying anything. She's on vacation the same as you, and she's not gonna ruin that, because she loves Hespera. And technically she's not the actual main matriarch of Crimea anymore, she abdicated to her successor over nearly a hundred and fifty years ago. So now it's her granddaughter that runs the country for the most part. But since she does still live in Crimea and whatnot, her granddaughter comes to her for advice all the time because she's still pretty young and everything. But I know how you feel about wanting to talk on your own terms, believe me. I've dealt with many powerful beings over my lifetime, and I hate not being in the better position in those cases," Merrick replied before stretching. "And I'll relay your message if I see her. I'm on vacation here too after all, and my wife is waiting for me, take care you two, and be careful with those magics Kylie," he added before waving to them and walking off towards the beach.

"No no honey, do what you gotta do, it's alright with me," Giselle answered with a smile, giving a small tug to make Kylie lean over and kiss her again. "To the temple then?" she asked after breaking their kiss.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled in the kiss, before following Giselle towards the shrines, her body seeming just a little lighter and her muscles aching like she'd fought hard all day. Probably that adjusting she had to do.

It was fine though, now that she was away from all the seriousness, her smile was quick to slip back into place and her arousal was quick to rejoin her smile as she was led around, blushing slightly and rubbing her thighs together a little while they walked, enjoying her vacation.

O! Mistress! After we see the shrines we should get nametags for Mine and Maria Pets Collars! I saw some lewd ones in the blindfold. Kylie remembered, blushing a little brighter as she remembered the scene and clenching around her plug.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Indeed we should. I have to get a cute little collar for both you and Maria. I'm thinking maybe something similar to what she's already got, but with her new name fixed up with the gemstones or something. Same for yours," Giselle told Kylie, pinching her butt as they traveled to the grand temple.

When they arrived at the temple, Kylie saw it was enormous. It was easily one of the largest buildings she'd seen thus far in Hespera, aside from the palace and some of the larger mansions. It was very beautifully constructed as well, and was also placed perfectly so that when the moon was high up it would shine directly down upon the solid silver statues of Sehanine there.

As they walked inside, they passed by quite a few young women coming and going, mostly succubi, but here and there were quite a few mortals as well of all kinds. The main shrine inside had a line of people coming up to give thanks and say prayers. Kylie saw where the offerings went, into a small pool of crystal clear water, and each girl she saw put in three silver coins, never more or less, and never a different kind of coin.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

What's the point of the coins? Kylie asked, having never personally observed this ritual herself, Garellia only having a single shrine being the mountain port city that it was, to the goddess of the sea. Only the Raven Queen was the other goddess to hold a shrine in Garellia, and it wasn't anywhere a normal person could reach... And Melora only took offerings in Blood. Given to the Ocean itself.

Still, she'd eventually find three silver coins in the bag of obscene wealth, and add them to the pool, before leaning down to dip her fingers in the water, and put them to her forehead in thanks. But then she was done here, sweet, simple, and over with. She supposed the only other thing she could do was likely get knocked up by Giselle at this very temple...

Maybe she was putting off getting pregnant for no good reason, but what would happen to that child if she took a long trip? Could she really do that? Leave her newborn for a month? A year? She probably could, and if she could what kind of parent did that make her?

She shook it off for now. Having Giselle's child would have to wait until she had her own life sorted, and that had a lot to do. She'd have her child when she could make the decision to settle down for a proper length of time. But the thought of having Giselle's child made her blush and squirm in place for several long moments, whining softly in open arousal before hugging Giselle.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"One of her names is the Silver Moonbow, and all of her statues that aren't made of just stone are at least coated with silver. Because the moon looks silvery in the sky and stuff. It's to show thanks to her for her blessings. She is very revered here in the Netherworld, because she accepted the succubi and all the other devils that fled the Nine Hells and came here during the Refugia, and because she's given the most help to the Netherworld out of all of the gods and goddesses," Giselle whispered in Kylie's ear as they made their way closer as the line dwindled.

Kylie felt a gentle breeze blow against her forehead, cooling the water she'd just put on it, letting her know that Sehanine had heard her thanks and was smiling down upon her. Kylie also got the sense that when she was ready, she'd have all the blessings Sehanine could offer to ensure she had a child with her beloved Giselle.

Giselle dropped her three coins in as soon as she stepped up, kneeling and saying a prayer under her breath. She remained there for a good three or four minutes before getting back up, and had a look of relief on her face. "I'm ready whenever you are honey. Do you want to go to the beach again and relax? Maybe take a stroll? I'm fine with anything so long as I'm with you," Giselle said, smiling at Kylie and holding her hands.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie leaned in and kissed Giselle's neck, before nibbling on her ear, taking the leash and putting it firmly back in her Mistress' hand. Our only errand left Love, is our collars. And we can do that last if you like. The whole day is yours, whatever you want. she whispered, before biting her earlobe again and adding Even if you just want to fuck me at this shrine in front of everyone. Whatever. You. Want. she continued whispering. If there was ever anything you wanted to do here in Hespera. Let's go do it. Cmon. she said, stepping back after being a royal tease, letting the leash go tense with a smile.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright then, let's go get those collars designed and stuff," Giselle giggled as Kylie kissed her neck.

Giselle walked with Kylie, arm in arm, and the leash in one hand as well. Kylie felt Giselle's hand reaching down and groping her ass as they started walking out of the temple, with many succubi giggling at Giselle along the way. Kylie would see why as soon as she looked down, noticing the tenting of Giselle's trousers. She was managing to keep herself together though rather well amazingly, but Kylie could tell that she was struggling to hold herself back. It was made even more difficult by the fact that a passing succubus winked at Kylie and brushed her tail across the tent in Giselle's trousers.

Giselle gasped and nearly collapsed before grabbing hold of Kylie. "D-Dammit, should have known one of them would do that to tease me," Giselle grumbled softly, but didn't look angry about it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as she noticed Giselle's arousal matching her own, but not when one of the succubi let her tail brush across her member, Kylie bristling immediately. Snatching up the tail, Kylie yanked her back and grabbed a fistful of her hair yanking her head back harshly and glaring into her eyes making something exceedingly clear. Touch her Again... Kylie growled, finding nothing funny about another person doing something so rude to her fiancé in public.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"O-OW!" the succubus cried out as Kylie grabbed her tail and a handful of hair.

All heads in the temple turned towards them and the succubus' friend grabbed at Kylie's hand on her friend's tail to prize it off. "L-Let me go you crazy bitch, that hurts!" the grabbed succubus said trying to get her tail loose as her knees quaked.

"Kylie honey... calm down, please. And let her go, she was only teasing like succubi do, I'm not mad about it," Giselle told Kylie calmly.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" a woman shouted from Kylie's left.

Moments later she saw another succubus in priestess clothing walking towards them, staring daggers at both Kylie and the succubus she was holding. "Priestess, t-this crazy bitch just grabbed me for no reason," the succubus Kylie was holding whimpered, her legs starting to give out.

The succubus priestess merely stared at Kylie with her hands on her hips until she let the other succubus go. "Okay, now that everyone's calmed down. What happened here? Why did you grab her? What reason did you have to grab a succubus' most sensitive place? I'm sure that whatever she didn't warrant grabbing her like that," the priestess asked Kylie in a softer tone once she'd released the other succubus and the commotion starting to calm down around them.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie seemed to have gotten her point across. Crazy Bitch is Right. Don't forget it. Kylie hissed, before turning to regard the priestess. She used her tail to grope my fiance's erection. That's what she did. My Fiance. You don't even know her, how Dare you touch her. Kylie fumed. And since she seems to think she's entitled to touch a sensitive spot on my soon to be Wife. I felt perhaps a little lesson in manners was in order. Just think. she said, turning to regard the succubus proclaiming innocence. I usually wear Bladed Gauntlets. she finished.

But yes, it's over with. I'm done if she is. Kylie said, regarding the priestess.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"And you're in a temple of Sehanine, the goddess of love and trysts, where succubi worship her. Succubi do that, it's in our nature, and it's not illegal to tease here in the Netherworld," the succubus she'd grabbed said, holding her tail in both hands protectively.

"Your fiance is very lovely, so it was bound to happen sooner or later I'd wager. But there's no need to cause a ruckus in the temple. This is a place of worship, and besides, your fiance doesn't look like she minded all that much," the priestess said gently before looking to the other succubus and then back to Kylie. "Now can you both apologize to one another and let bygones be bygones? There's no lasting harm done to your tail I don't think hon. And I'm sure you have places to go as well. Just, don't let it anger you so much if any other succubi tease your fiance here, because as lovely as she is, I'm almost positive it will happen again," the priestess then asked the two as she looked between them.

"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry. You didn't have to yank my tail or my hair like that though, because that really hurt. And I didn't hurt your fiance any at all," the succubus she'd grabbed said.

"I'm fine Kylie, she just caught me off guard with her tail like that. There's no need to hold a grudge. This happened to me several times when I came to Hespera before, mostly on the beach though when it was fairly obvious what I was," Giselle said, hugging Kylie from behind to try and calm her down.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Be that as it may Priestess. Kylie said, calmer now and sounding as such While it may be legal and in your nature it is in mine to defend those I love. We are made higher beings by knowing how to rise above our natures. So. I apologize for causing you undo pain in this place. But for the love of the gods, think next time. Even had we not been engaged you couldn't have thought it wise to tease a Mistress in front of her Sub. It's like touching anyone else walking a pet, you're asking to be attacked. Kylie said evenly, turning when she felt Giselle and letting it all bleed away.

You're right Love. You're right. I'm sorry. Kylie said, turning to the priestess, Kylie bowed. If you'll excuse us. she said, letting Giselle lead her away without any trouble.