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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie said what she did about sleep, Reina bonked her on the head with a pillow. "As the town's head healer speaking to a former and probably future patient with the way you do things, sleep is never overrated Kylie. It is essential for healing. Now go and get cleaned up and then get some sleep, you shouldn't try and force yourself to remain awake for long periods of time, for it will leave you exhausted and unable to perform even the simplest tasks," Reina said with a nod of her head.

When Kylie headed on and back to the house, she found everyone still asleep, though she had blood all over her arms and a bit on her face and clothes so she couldn't just climb in bed without incurring the wrath of Giselle when she woke. Getting cleaned up didn't take long though as she didn't need a full on bath this time around thankfully.

When she finally did make it up to the bedroom, she found Giselle laying there with a lamp burning softly next to the side of the bed she was on, a book laying face down on her chest as she slept. She seemed to have fallen asleep while reading her book and looked quite peaceful laying there. Laying beside her on the bed were Maria's panties, which had been left behind earlier when Maria scrambled out of the house, literally pissing on herself as she did.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie cleaned up and moved the panties before crawling into bed. She didn't have the energy to feel guilty right now. She'd gotten her out of the waterfall and into the hands of friends who would calm her down and get her head screwed back on. Giselle could be pissed at her all she wanted later.

Naked, happy with her hunt, and after all the activity and the stabbing with a stinger, which had left a pair of nasty looking but overly harmless holes in her side scabbed over, Kylie fell asleep.

She wouldn't wake until someone woke her, namely Giselle getting up or coming to get her, because you know, someone dropped a wyvern head off. And that would probably demand half an explanation.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Going on to bed, Giselle snuggled up behind Kylie within a couple of minutes of covering up, the book falling off and into the floor as she did. Sleep quickly overtook Kylie after that, drawing her into a deep sleep.


Kylie next woke to Giselle shaking her softly, nibbling on her ear. "Kylie... it's time to wake up already. Breakfast has been ready for nearly an hour now," Giselle whispered softly into Kylie's ear as she woke up.

Opening her eyes, Kylie could see Giselle smiling down at her, where she leaned in and kissed Kylie right on the lips. Giselle pulled Kylie up and carried her to the bathroom after that, bringing her some clothes after that to change into while Kylie brushed her teeth and did her morning business. Breakfast consisted of a nice juicy breakfast steak, hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, and toast.

"I'm not taking no for an answer today honey, you're gonna eat your breakfast," Giselle said when Kylie came into the kitchen after finishing up in the bathroom. "Oh yeah, did um... did you make up with Maria?" Giselle then asked timidly, almost looking scared of the answer she might get.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grumbled a little, muttering something about not having a mission to day before coming around, Kissing Giselle back. She was carried, which was a nice change to her usual insanity, and took care of her business quickly, not minding eating breakfast either, actually glad for the meal.

Nope, no argument tonight, had a Motherfucker of a night. I got a Wyvern~ she said, Catfacing as she dug in, gesturing towards the icebox. Meat in there, and I have a head coming to hang. Also, I want Delilah to meet Kaal, he's got a library you wouldn't believe, they'll get along well. Kylie said, getting it out of the way so a surprise head wasn't an issue.

As for Maria, I didn't make up with her, that wasn't possible, but I did get her out of her hiding place, and into the hands of the other priestesses to calm down. You were right, she was in quite the state. You're better then I am for patching things up further, she trusts you a lot more. But yes, I told her I wasn't angry, told her why I got angry, all of it, but I'm not sure how much sunk in. I'm gonna avoid her for a few days, until everything has blown over a little bit and she's not so terrified. I didn't realize I was that scary. Kylie said, not saying much else on the matter, she'd summarized the night pretty nicely.

Still, she was enjoying her breakfast, enjoying having Giselle to herself for the morning, at least for the moment.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Ah good, I've not had wyvern meat in a long time. And that's great you bagged one too. Who's Kaal though? Is this Kaal perhaps a new rival I need to overcome for your heart, hmm?" Giselle said, asking who Kaal was, giggling as she joked about him being her rival for Kylie's affection.

When Kylie answered her about Maria though, Giselle looked sad as she heaved a sigh. "Well, you did scare me a bit too remember. So even as well as I know you, which really isn't all that much, if you scared me, then you were damn sure gonna scare her. I mean... you literally scared the piss out of her Kylie. That's pretty damn humiliating, so you did more than just scare her really honey. But yeah I think a day or two will help her calm down. I do hope that she's not too scared to come back though, it'd be sad if she were," Giselle said as she poured herself and Kylie both a cup of coffee and sat down, passing Kylie's cup over to her fiancee while sipping her own.

While Kylie sat there eating, Giselle reached across the table and gently squeezed her hand, smiling over at her. "I think we should go up there tomorrow or the next day and talk to her. I had been talking to her about maybe coming with us to Hespera after all. And I'd hate for her to miss out on going to that beautiful beach over this," Giselle said, breaking off a small piece of Kylie's toast to nibble on. "Plus the little ones all seem to like her quite a bit, so I'd say they would be sad if she stopped coming around," she added with a shrug of her shoulders.

"But anyway, on to other things, happier things. What do you want to do today sweetie?" Giselle asked Kylie after that, trying to move the subject away from Maria now and looking excited about what they could do that day as she looked at Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yes yes, I'm well aware I have a temper, and it causes problems. And I try to reign it in. I do, I stay active, I work out the stress outdoors, but last night was supposed to be special. That really hurt, even if it wasn't meant to. I'm not used to all this yet. You don't know me that well, but I haven't really had time to adjust either. She's with the other priestesses, she's with Hazel and Amara. She'll recover and we'll give her a few days and come see her again. Kylie answered, eating her breakfast before turning her head when Giselle asked what they were going to do today.

I'm not really sure hun. I mean, the squidlets liked being outdoors in the grove with the other little ones. And we can always go visit them, say hello. And I wanted to send Delilah off to meet with Kaal, who I have yet to explain. No, he's not a rival, he's a Dragon who lives nearby. I was helping him out when I bagged the Wyvern. Just an accidental meeting really. I was out and about roaming around and then I look up and there's fucking lizards in the sky. she said, dropping her head to the table with a thunk.

No one told me crazy shit like that was here..... So imagine my fucking surprise. Soo... last night I did a thing, and I made friends with a dragon, and I rescued Maria from her waterfall of eternal sadness. It was a good night. But today... I really don't care as long as I'm with you...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I know you somewhat, but not that much in all honesty. Not as much as I'd like anyway. But yeah hopefully she'll be alright soon," Giselle said, gently squeezing Kylie's hand again.

"Mmm, well I'd hate to have to fight a dragon. Dunno if I could win. But... you really know how to make a ruckus don't you honey. A wyvern, to help a dragon. Well... did you at least blow off your steam you had?" Giselle said, smirking at Kylie.

"Well, you never asked if that kind of crazy shit was here you goof," Giselle said after a few moments when Kylie had finished talking, leaning across the table to kiss her on the lips. "And alright, why don't we go to the beach. Down near where we found the shipwreck and stuff. I want to swim around some with you in preparation for Hespera's beach, and we can go spear fishing too. And on the way back we can stop off in the Alraune village," Giselle suggested, smiling a bit.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bah, you know I really care about you. That's what really matters. The crazy will work itself out. As for knowing me better? I mean... There's not a whole lot to tell. You know what happened when I was a kid. You know... I kill people for a living. I mean, there wasn't a whole lot after that. I got my memory wiped by an angel and started training, and training, and training. When I graduated to a full assassin, I was the youngest in the order to date. But that's because I started so early. It was just me and my brother Regi... I was caught on a job with him, and tortured. And... after a few days of that, they managed to pry out where we were supposed to meet and killed him. Then I got loose and Killed ALL of them. I don't want to get into detail, because the detail hurts, a lot. But that's why I don't like drugs that mess with my mind, I don't like whips or pain. I've had too much of that. And then it was just me on my own. Didn't talk to anyone, I was just a mute orphan who did her job and was good at it. I spent a lot of my time in the archives when I wasn't working, reading and learning. I mean, I never say I'm from Garellia, I say I'm from the Garellian Branch, because... that's where I really lived. Underground where I had this makeshift little family who cared by giving me space. Letting me figure it all out. Having people this close... it's scary, it's unnerving. I haven't had people like this since Regi... and I remember all too well how that ended... I remember everything... So yes, I'm Kylie, a woman with a nasty chip on her shoulder and a tendency to bite when I should bark. I'm learning, I'm trying. And I mean, I want to open up, but there really isn't much there. Kylie said, trying, and probably failing, to let Giselle in a little more. But she was trying.

Sighing, she tried to keep going. I mean, I call this place paradise, because to me, that's what it is, jungle and life and people. But you don't just bring a tiger into your home. I don't know the rules like you do. I just.... I always tumble into old nasty memories and faces and then I'm back to being a nasty bitch. You know the nicest thing about this place? I have people like you shouting at me to stop when I start to think in old lines. There's no real corruption here, people aren't being murdered in the streets or sold as slaves. but gah, I've rambled on enough. Let's go see that beach. I like fish. she said, finishing with a sticking outing of the tongue before standing, setting her dishes aside.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle sat there quietly and listened to Kylie talk, reaching over and holding her hand tight as Kylie spoke about her brother. By the time she'd finished talking about her past, Giselle had a couple of tears rolling down her cheeks.

"You're here now though with us, and we love you very much Kylie. And now that I know that, I can let Maria know so it won't happen again. But just know that you don't have to worry about us doing that kind of thing to you, and that if something happens that hurts you we're so very sorry and didn't mean it in the least bit," Giselle said softly to Kylie in an apologetic tone, looking a bit sad to learn such things about Kylie, but happy as well that she trusted her enough to tell her. "But is having me this close to you scary Kylie? Or Hope when she's around? We love you Kylie, and we all care about you. We... don't really know about all the things that happened in your past, so we don't know how to relate to it and stuff. All we know is that around here, everyone helps everyone out, and family and friends are always there for each other, whether it's to provide a shoulder to cry on or what have you. We all trust you though Kylie, so don't ever hesitate to talk to us okay... we'll listen and not ask anything in return, because we love you," Giselle went on to say, smiling kindly at Kylie and leaning across the table to kiss her on the lips.

With that, Giselle got up and took Kylie's hand and led her out, grabbing her spear along the way and telling Kylie to grab her gear just in case. "You never know what we might run into. But I'd like to go spear fishing some," Giselle said on their way out, winking at Kylie. "And on the way back we can stop at the alraune village and see Hope and the others. It'll make you feel better," Giselle went on to say with a smile as she led the way out, holding Kylie's hand.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Gah! don't cry! don't cry!! Kylie said, flailing and panicking a little, wiping Giselle's tears away before laughing softly as she was kissed. It's ok. Like I said, I'm learning, it'll be slow, and a little hard. But I'm trying. What scares me so much is that people ARE close to me now... again. I don't want my past coming back into this place... it's why I'm so adamant about getting things done. Finishing up... it wont be safe for anyone here until it's all done. It's about losing what I've gained.... I couldn't do that again. she explained, before following Giselle out, grabbing her gear and getting set up as they walked.

O! We need to go to the blacksmith, I'm almost out of arrows. she said, shaking the almost empty quiver, only 2 arrows rattling around. Making sure they made that stop to pick up more. Probably whatever he had on hand. She wasn't sure if he would keep steel arrows on hand for her. She certainly hoped so.

Which also raised the question of some of the more complicated designs she could bring to Hespera to be forged.

Once that was done she'd have no arguments about heading to the beach for some fishing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I'm not crying, it's just sad to hear that is all. But we're all strong too, especially Tina. Besides, we care about you, so we'd never leave your side willingly Kylie... you know that." Giselle replied as they got up and prepared to head out, with Giselle nodding at Kylie when she mentioned needing to stop by the blacksmith for more arrows.

As they went out the door, Giselle stopped by the shed in their backyard and got a couple of fishing rods out, one of which she handed to Kylie. Kylie saw it had a very rudimentary reel attached to it. Giselle held Kylie's hand as they walked into town, heading over to the blacksmith who did indeed have some of Kylie's steel arrows in stock, chuckling as he handed a bundle over to her after taking her gold for them and telling her that he'd made a handful of bundles of the things for whenever she needed to restock her arrows.

With that, the engaged couple headed down the southern road for the beach, still holding hands as they went. "Looks like a nice clear day for a change amazingly," Giselle commented on the weather as they walked, sighing pleasantly as she let go of Kylie's hand and wrapped her arm around the young assassin.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

A clear day, my greatest enemy Kylie answered, looking around for someplace to hide. She was in the open! in Daylight! SHE WAS EXPOSED!!!!

Chuckling she leaned into Giselle and off they went, Kylie so decked out in weaponry one had to wonder if the fishing pole was also for killing people. She'd probably have better luck punching the fish then actually trying to hook them. And why were they fishing? They had flying skylizard meat to last them for awhile.

That leaves a question though, where did Delilah and Tina get off to? I know Tina sleeps in, but it's strange for Delilah to stay in bed for so long... Kylie said as they walked, a little confused that she hadn't seen the other sisters, or even the Lamia munchkins around the house before they'd left.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, what are you a vampire sweetie?" Giselle asked with a giggle. "And the others are all out and about. Got an early start. Delilah went to the library for some stuff, Palla's still in bed, and the others all went out. Tina and Selara both took the little ones out for a picnic with the alraune so that they could play with them some," she added to her fiancee, kissing Kylie on the cheek.

Not too long later, about half an hour to an hour, the pair made their way to the southern beaches. Giselle took Kylie over to a small cove where the waves crashed into the small crescent shaped area and splashed water up onto them a bit. "Come on, around here is where we can get the best fishing in down on the rocks to the other side of this," Giselle said, leading Kylie carefully around the cove and down the other side where Kylie saw the perfect fishing area that Giselle was talking about as Giselle walked down to one of the large flat rocks and sat down, patting it to get Kylie to join her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Nope, just used to hiding. Kylie answered, nodding and Mmming when Giselle explained where the others had gotten to, simply following Giselle down to the beach, a full quiver of arrows and feeling pretty good. If she knew Maria, and more importantly, Hazel, Hazel would steer her to speak Kylie's language a bit more, using the lessons Kylie had imparted to her in their limited encounters, that meant facing her fear and coming to Kylie, not with an apology, but a decision to be careful.

Was it unfair? Yes, it was, and Kylie knew it was, that people had to tread carefully around her, but it was simply a question of how deep her scars ran, and how very unpassed them she was. She wasn't, her carefree attitude just a mask to hide the fury that bubbled below the surface at the unfairness of everything so far.

She had found a life here that seemed to try and make up for the pain, but it was almost as much a curse, a part of the assassin still terrified that she'd lose it all like everything else.

These thoughts and a few others bubbled through her mind behind her smile, half of her urging her to relax, and smile, and be there for her friends, the other as alert as any predator and just as careful, wary and hungry. They were meeting though, not as protector and pain, or a wounded soul and it's teeth, but as two parts of a whole that had been sundered long ago trying to figure it all out. She was growing up.

As they made it to the beach, Kylie giggled and followed Giselle, squeezing her hand until she'd plopped down on a rock with her for some fishing, not entirely sure how to fish, but willing to give it a shot.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When they sat down, Giselle pulled a pouch from her belt and set her pack down and pulled out a smaller bag from within it and a couple of boxes. In the first box was... packed dirt, though Kylie soon noticed what it was exactly as she spotted a worm wriggling down in the dirt. The second box held a bunch of crickets and grasshoppers, one of the latter which jumped out and landed on Kylie's lap as Giselle opened the box and then shut it again very quickly.

"Whoops... catch him Kylie, that's our bait," Giselle called to Kylie, reaching for the grasshopper and grabbing it unless Kylie did so herself.

After that, Giselle would get a worm as well and bait both hooks, showing Kylie how to do so properly as well as weighting the hooks a little with a small lead ball, and kissing her on the cheek as she finished. "Now, just hold this little trigger button here down, and swing forward over your head and get the line out as far as you want really. It'll take you a few tries to gauge the distance you'll get with each throw, but you're a quick study sweetie, you'll have it in no time flat. But fishing is just... relaxing, it's why I wanted to do it with you, because of everything that's happened, not just yesterday, but just... everything, you know," Giselle said as she told Kylie what to do with her own fishing rod as Kylie watched Giselle cast her line a good fifteen to twenty yards out, where it hit the water with a small splash.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

if you say so... Kylie said, snapping the hopper out of the air and handing it to her, watching her fiddle with all this stuff that to her may as well have been from another planet. Eh, if she lost her patience with this she'd just dive in and kill the fish with her hands... somehow....

Being handed a rod, with a baited line, and instructed to fling it out into the water, Kylie did so, arching the line out about half as far as Giselle, not quite getting the angle right.

This is relaxing? she asked, looking at the rod in her hand, and the water.... What was... relaxing? Was that a thing normal people did? There was always her bow too... not like she had wood arrows, steels would punch the water pretty solidly... and she had all this string on the reel....

Plans B and C were formulated. She would defeat the fish somehow. And yea, suppose everything's been kinda crazy. Ok... really crazy. No more getting kidnapped you. she said, sticking out her tongue and watching the floaty thing on her string of fish catching. With her luck she's probably catch a boot, or a box of horseshoes.... or a whale. This was the ocean... and her luck was pretty bad/amazing depending on how willing to kill the result of her luck she was.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

(Sorry for the 3 day wait for a post dude. Just had a lot on my mind with my grandma being in the hospital and everything, and it's a lot easier to write a post as a player than it is to think up stuff to write one as a GM.)

"Hmhm, for someone who's as patient as you are when you're working or hunting, you have no patience when it comes to this sort of thing. You can't expect a catch right off the bat though. Honestly... there's been times where I caught nothing after fishing for about four hours before," Giselle chuckled at Kylie seeming a bit anxious and impatient.

Giselle sat there with Kylie for a good fifteen minutes with nothing taking the bait, and with Giselle having to redo the bait on her own line after it got a snag from a fish that didn't stick good and the fish got away. Then when Kylie pulled her line in and cast it back out, within moments she felt something tug on the line... something strong. It wasn't enough to pull her off her feet, but Kylie could feel that whatever it was seemed pretty big.

"Whoa there Kylie... hang on honey I got you. Alright, lock the line and hold it a bit, let him struggle against you to wear him down, but let him go a little when he pulls real hard, and reel him in some more when he isn't thrashing around madly," Giselle said to Kylie, moving up behind her and holding her from behind and showing her what to do.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie shrugged as they set about this... fish.... hunting... thing. This wasn't hunting, this was... there was no telling what this was. Natural Selection? only the excessively dumb fish became dinner?

But she stayed with Giselle without complaint, recasting her line and just enjoying the moment until the moment about pulled the pole out of her fucking hand. Jumping up, Kylie flailed with a free hand for a moment as she pulled back. WhattaIdowhattaIdo?! she cried, looking for somewhere to anchor the pole.

We caught it now we put the pole somewhere jump into the water and kill it right?! @.@ she asked in a panic, trying to do as she was told.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, no no, we don't need to jump in there with it and give it the advantage. It'll take a little work, but we'll wear him down... or her maybe, not sure what it is just yet really," Giselle said with a smile as she moved up behind Kylie and helped show her what to do.

Giselle locked the reel and moved Kylie's flailing hand back down to grip the rod, where she let the thing tug and pull in a vain attempt to get free before giving some line to it as she released the reel's lock. "Let it have a bit of line, but not too much. Then reel it in some more, because this time it'll be weaker. Just stay calm and relaxed, don't overexert yourself any and just comfortably work it in," Giselle said confidently, obviously having done this before by the confident movements and look on her face.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

huhohokaythen she replied, fumbling through the motions of the fishing like a normal person rather then an insane one...which was apparently working? there was no telling, she couldn't see under water, she didn't know what was going on on the other end of this line, what if it was an extradimensional demon from the abyss that was only interested in taking all her cranberries?!