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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith wriggled and flailed his little tentacles at Kylie playfully, though once she let him go he floated about the room a little, zooming this way and that before coming to rest on Delilah's head after doing what seemed like exercising, though the middle siren sister was still quite asleep and didn't notice. Lazing about for a while with Wraith, Kylie would see the little critter float off of Delilah's head when he decided that she wasn't going to get back up and play with him, where he landed on Kylie's belly and wriggled his tentacles across it, tickling her slightly.

A while later, about an hour or so if Kylie remained in the room that is, she would see Palla come in carrying a couple of large sacks. "Oh hey Kylie, didn't know you were back yet," Palla said as she came in and noticed Kylie on the bed with Wraith and Delilah sleeping on the other side of it. "I got a few things in town earlier that looked interesting. Went back to the gambling house last night and won nearly a thousand gold, decided to splurge a bit and ordered some work to be done by this dwarf in town after I got this stuff. Ordered me a big axe and some chainmail to be made to have," she went on to say, hinting that she may have spoken with Oren as well for some work.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I'm glad. Kylie replied to Palla swiftly, smile firmly in place for however long she was observed. She'd have to be far more careful about any more eggings, this was getting truly ridiculous. Still, it had to be close and they were leaving soon enough.

Studying her gauntlets, Kylie spent most of her time familiarizing herself with the new attachments, though truthfully she hungered for the new design, and to be starting her own projects.

It'd be a lie to say she wasn't excited about Hespera, objectives aside there was fun to be had there, even she couldn't deny it. But there was still so much to do and the waiting, as always, drove her mad.

Meanwhile, Continents away, Horus and Chesire were marching stoically through an alien wilderness, the Halfling madwoman eagerly guiding him step by heavy metal step through a cackling and calling world towards a figment of his dreams and nightmares to save the life and hopefully the soul of a woman he knew only by what he had been shown, and he'd been shown much.

Still, while a normal man would talk if only to ease his own stresses and burdens, worries and pains, he remained silent encased in his armor, and simply listened while his companion rambled. Most of what she said was thought to be simple gibberish... nonsensical, but he'd learned years ago to listen. There wasn't a word that came out of her mouth that didn't have meaning, even if it wasn't apparent. They were all pieces to a puzzle that would reveal itself in time.

Step by thundering step, the weight of a thousand whispers to the ear but earthquakes to the eye. Flashes under a terrible sun, crimson upon a golden land. Messages misunderstood, pain underestimated, fear the enemy. she sang, hummed was more appropriate, and she's said this so many times that even Horus had memorized each word in the litany even as his massive blade played the role of machete for now.

But the Halfling turned, tattooed face flashing suddenly with clarity. You do not chase a rabbit. You call it to you. She will be animal upon your meeting. Place yourself between her, and her family, lest she cause true pain to herself. She will not know them, not trust what she sees. She will run, let her run, let her lose her pain in the sands, let her enemies come to her upon a battlefield of her choosing, and let her revel in their deaths. She does a god's work that day. she said softly, her eye flashing with a very real arcane light, before it faded and her smile was back in place, and her litany replaced it.

Horus took those words deep into his heart as he traveled. There were so many mistakes he had to avoid...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie sat there looking over her things, she was able to fairly easily handle her gauntlets as Oren had given her the instructions to do so. It wouldn't be too long before she had them fixed up with the new attachments. Palla meanwhile sat down in one of the chairs beside the bed to get out some of the things she'd bought with the money she won. Kylie would notice her pull out a bottle of the Netherworld scotch, a larger bottle that was at least a full pint, which she then handed to Kylie.

"Here you go Kylie, I thought you'd like this here scotch I found in town. A whole liquor store that sells just about any kind of alcoholic drink you can think of. I got five bottles of it, and I remember you liked it a bit, so I decided to give you one of them to have," Palla said, handing Kylie the bottle of scotch she pulled out of her bags.

She then pulled out a variety of things. One was a purse of all things, which Kylie doubted Palla would use it for its intended purpose most likely, the thing being made of dark brown leather with a silk interior. Another thing she pulled out was a pretty nice ranger's cloak, made of cotton on the inside and leather on outside that was all dyed dark green like the woods. A third thing she pulled out was a large pair of boots, which would be the first actual shoes like that Kylie would have seen the goliath girl with, the shoes she'd been wearing being nothing more than sandals really.

"Took them a while at the shop I got these at, but they finally found me a pair that would fit and stuff. Glad they did too, because I don't think my sandals were going to last much longer. The poor things were starting to all apart on me when you and Giselle found me," Palla said as she set her new boots down and pulled out a pair of rather sexy and seductive dark blue silk stockings. "Um... I don't think these will go with these boots. Why did that guy keep telling me that these would suit me I wonder? He did say I should get something called high heels to go with these though," Palla said quietly, not so much at Kylie, just simply saying it aloud as she unraveled the stockings and looked at them.

While she sat there looking at the stockings, Palla seemed stumped as to why the shop guy pushed these stockings on her when they didn't go with her boots, but from the looks of it she simply didn't understand the point of stockings or high heels.

(I figure that I'll not write anything out for Horus and Chesire yet since they aren't really around Kylie to be a part of the story save in her dreams and stuff.)
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie couldn't stop the chuckle that came out of her mouth when she saw everything that Palla had brought in, only interrupted with a short squeak when Wraith latched on to her breast, leaving the assassin stroking the little flying squid gently while he got his meal.

When Kylie heard that Palla had no idea what heels were though, she rubbed her forehead. They're shoes meant to show off your legs and ass Palla. They make you walk a little higher on your toes, very sexy. Kylie answered swiftly enough, the question not really asked, but there.

As for Giselle, she always appreciates someone dressing up. And it's nice to finally see you sporting some real boots. she continued, slowly standing and heading for the temple, regardless of the time. She needed a bath if only to sooth her aching back.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh? I see... well I guess that explains why his hands kept lingering on my upper legs and butt. He also convinced me to get a couple of these here," Palla replied before lifting up a couple of very skimpy skirts that would barely go down over the bottom of her ass Kylie could tell. "I see I see... need to remember that about Giselle then. And thanks, I've needed some new boots for a while, just haven't had the money to get them myself. Also I hope that these eggs don't hurt coming out when they do," Palla went on to say, before getting up and joining Kylie unless the young human didn't mind her joining her.

They made their way over to the temple, where Palla did her prayers and made an offering of 3 silver pieces before she entered the large cleansing baths. Once inside with Kylie, the young assassin saw Palla slip out of her clothing to reveal her well muscled yet rather attractive body. Palla sat down next to Kylie and relaxed in the bath, laying her head back onto a folded up towel she placed behind her head on the side of the bath, while Kylie likely did the same with her own towel.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

His hands were lingering because he's a perv, and you should have hit him unless you liked it~ Kylie teased, giggling as she saw the skirts. Yea, Giselle would appreciate those.

As for the eggs, I have no idea, little Wraith didn't hurt overmuch.. I think... I was kinda out of it, but Bob's eggs are larger then Eileen's so I wouldn't worry too much. Not like you have a say in the matter at this point anyway.

Heading to the bath, apparently together, Kylie didn't offer any coin, instead paying in blood once more upon Sehanine's alter, a few drops to tolerate her presence here, the Raven Queen's shrine pointedly ignored right now.

Soaking in the water, Kylie just closed her eyes, letting the pool do it's work, likewise resting her head on a towel, but keeping her ears wide open as she relaxed, anything out of the ordinary once she became accustomed immediately opening her eyes while Wraith floated around, fed, or otherwise entertained himself in the water, the little guy liked bathtime.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh... well I think maybe someone needs a smack on the noggin for feeling me up then. I thought it was just a part of getting my measurements taken and stuff because one of the ladies in there mentioned that it might feel like I was being groped by whoever did it but that they weren't really trying to and were just bumping into me and stuff," Palla said, biting her bottom lip a bit as she looked back at her butt.

"Heh, that's true I guess. There isn't really too much to do about it all," Palla said after a few moments.

As Kylie paid her dues as it were in the form of a drop or two of blood into the offering bin, she saw the water turn a murky reddish color as it spread around in there. Kylie would feel a sense of peace and calm as she entered the pool, as if Sehanine were giving her nod of consent that she could be there to relax and whatnot. The sacred holy water of the pool made Kylie feel cleansed in body as well as soul, and brought a sense of peace just as it had the previous time she had been in there the other day with Brianna.

Wraith used his tentacles to propel himself through the water similar to a jellyfish, the little critter floating and swimming all around the pool, bumping into Kylie's tits before tickling one of her nipples with a little tentacle before submerging and starting for Palla, who was sitting next to Kylie with her head laid back on her towels to rest and relax. She was unprepared for Wraith to float up to her own chest where he latched onto her breast closer to Kylie and began suckling.

"Mmm, this is such a nice pool, just so relaxing and... h-hey, you little devil, let go... oh man. Why does that have to feel so nice? Relieving all that pressure that's building up because of the milk," Palla began saying before she was cut off and ended with a soft moan.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's continued preference to pay her respects in drops of her own life's blood seemed to be the right way, or perhaps the true way to do things. Gods had no need of coin.

As she relaxed into the water, she enjoyed that moment of peace and clarity of thinking for what it was, less panicked and driven for the time being regarding her personal problems. Wraith on the other hand, took the opportunity to feed, as he had constantly made sure Kylie's own breasts were never really full. But hearing Palla getting that relief made her grin and the human gave a full, happy sigh as she closed her eyes and relaxed.

Sleep was not on the menu for her, as she tumbled over and through her own tangled thoughts, sifting through the various problems that assaulted her, and deciding which she could do something about, and which she could not. There was always the third category of those she was unsure of, but those were already being planned for and acted on and she'd have definite answers.

It seemed, no matter how peaceful her life had become, that this paradise itself had it's own share of issues to be handled, and if Kylie wanted it to stay her paradise, she would need to do so, as well as handle the dregs of her past that were sure to follow her. Her latest plan to seek a longer lifespan would help handle several.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Palla sighed softly as her breasts were drained of milk, with Wraith ensuring that she was empty on one breast before switching to the other one. "Your little friend here is really hungry Kylie. Dunno if it's just because he's growing or what, but he's a really good milker," Palla said with a smirk as Wraith drained her other tit of milk.

By the time Wraith was done milking Palla, both her and Kylie had been in there for a good 15 minutes or so, and the two of them had noticed that the pool had lost none of its warmth while they sat in there soaking and basking in the water. "Well... wanna go ahead and get out Kylie? I believe Delilah's rested enough to get us back home if you want to go ahead and leave. Besides, it'll give us a chance to get back into our own beds and stuff so we don't have to travel when we're all pregnant and everything, and so we don't have to carry a whole bunch of eggs in a bag or something," Palla asked Kylie once Wraith was through milking her boobies dry of their bounty, standing up as she spoke.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

We wouldn't be that lucky, they'd all hatch and pester us the entire way back by wandering off and getting into trouble. Just watch, they're all gonna scamper all over Wraith there and... So much, just wait. Kylie said, laughing as Wraith had his way with Palla's chest.

And yes, he is growing, he's always growing, and eating. You remember how big Bob is, he Swallowed you. Apparently Darkmantles get larger in captivity since they can eat more regularly, but Bob is huge and he was entirely wild. He just really likes lounging in my treasure pile. Kylie continued, still just enjoying lounging in the warm water.

She wanted to go home, she wanted to see Giselle and Hope and Tina, Everyone. Getting out of the water and stretching, Kylie held out her arms for Wraith, a towel in one hand and dried them both off, before getting redressed and heading back with Palla to check in on Delilah. It was time to go home.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye I remember how big he is. Bob is huge compared to Wraith here though. But if Wraith keeps feeding constantly like he's been doing then he'll be just as big in no time I'll wager. But come, homeward bound we go, or should go at least. And please, don't even joke about the little ones trying to escape, even though I know they will. I don't want them to get hurt or anything by getting into something they ought not be getting into," Palla replied as Kylie took Wraith and dried herself and him both off while Palla did the same for herself.

Heading back to the inn and their room there, the girls found Delilah still sleeping soundly in the bed, though she looked more rested than she had, however it was still up to Kylie whether or not she wanted to wake the siren and her soon to be sister in law up or not.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just chuckled at Palla as she voiced her concerns, not having been around for the first Arachne children Kylie had met, which apart from being the cutest things she'd seen barring Hope, were noted all by their mother as being mischievous without mercy.

Pondering that special kind of anarchy, Kylie decided to wake Delilah, running a hand through her hair until she woke up, Kylie smiling down at her. Let's go Home.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Huh... what is it?" Delilah mumbled sleepily as Kylie woke her up.

Delilah slowly raised up, yawning as she did, and stretching after that. It took her a few minutes, but she managed to stumble out of bed and to the bathroom, where Kylie heard a thump sound from within and when she looked in there to see what had happened, she'd notice Delilah was sitting on the toilet with her head laid back against the wall, a soft snoring coming from the middle siren sister.

Palla noticed Delilah sitting back on the toilet as well and sighed with a shake of her head before stepping in there and grabbing Delilah's shoulders and giving her a couple of good shakes before calling to her and giving her a light slap across the cheek to get her attention. Thankfully it worked and Delilah seemed to have been roused up at that point. "Mmm... I'm up I'm up," she said to Kylie and Palla.

"Alright good... I'm gonna go get the others alright, see if they're ready to come on too," Palla said, nodding to Kylie as she passed to go get the others ready. "Make sure she stays awake for us okay Kylie," Palla added before heading on.

"Mmm... hey Kylie... can you get me a cup of coffee please? Or just something to drink would be fine really. Would prefer some coffee though or something nice and warm to drink," Delilah asked Kylie as they waited for Palla to return.


When Palla did finally return about half an hour later, she had pretty much all of the other parties involved in their... sexcapades the other night, all save Scarlett really. Eileen came in last to their room, where Delilah had gotten all of her things ready and stacked all of the books she'd brought in there up on a table. "Alright then, ready to go everyone?" Delilah asked the girls, waiting to see if anyone had any last things they needed to do before they left. "Just so you all know, I can come back here any time now that I know the ritual myself to do it. Just... try and not make too much of a habit of wanting to come back and forth very often if you don't mind, the ritual components are costly after a while," she added to the girls as they traveled to the temple grounds for her to do the portal ritual to take them home.

After looking amongst each other a few times once Delilah had everything ready, which took her about 15 minutes once they arrived at the temple, everyone nodded and they decided that it was time to go as they all hefted their bags up. Then suddenly, just as the Delilah was about finish the ritual and crack her staff down onto the ritual circle that she'd drawn, they heard someone call out to them. "Hey... wait.... Wait for me dammit. You all are the reason I'm pregnant, now wait for my now fat ass," the voice called to them, and looking around, Kylie would see Scarlett walking as fast as she could, a backpack slung over her shoulder and a large bag in either hand.

Everyone there save Delilah looked curiously at Scarlett for a few moments before Eileen stepped forward. "Um... Scarlett. How come you're here? And why are you dressed like that?" Eileen asked curiously.

"Well I am now on vacation thanks to you Eileen. The... the governor of the island found out that... I'm pregnant," Scarlett said with a sigh, looking unhappy at saying this to them. Ilyana smirked at Kylie as Scarlett said this and winked at her, giving Kylie the hint that she already knew this about Scarlett. "I... I was visited by the governor himself this morning. And he said that someone informed him that I was pregnant by a certain... drider. He told me that he wouldn't ask me to resign my post or anything like that, nor would he let it become public knowledge. But he told me that... since I have two months of vacation leave saved up, that I should take it... all of it, or he would make me resign. So... I guess I'm now on vacation for the next couple of months. I do hope you all know a place that I can stay at in your town, because I can't stay here in Tear Cove for my vacation time. Governor's orders... he said that I have to... get out for a while, away from Tear Cove, else I'll keep trying to work despite being on vacation," Scarlett went on to say to the others, where Eileen chuckled and went over to help her grab her things over into the ritual circle, where Delilah was holding it at the ready to take them home.

With that, Delilah cracked her staff into the ground where she stood in the middle of the ritual circle, where a bright flash of light shined about them for a moment before clearing up, leaving a glowing bright blue portal in front of them. "Hurry along, it'll only stay up for about thirty seconds at most, so let's get through before it closes okay," Delilah said with a yawn, waiting for everyone else to go through first before she too stepped through.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie could only laugh as Delilah proved to be harder to wake then either of her sisters, though she still remembered Tina's reaction to being bitchslapped with a pillow to get her up. Once Palla had Delilah good and awake, Kylie set about getting their stuff ready while the siren did her magic thing and Palla did... whatever Palla was doing.

Palla's task became apparent when the other members of their party started to show up, Ilyana and her huggers, Wraith was safely tucked in Kylie's cleavage, Eileen, Angela. The damn pregnant gang was here! Except Scarlett.

Kylie sighed, considering the paladin wasn't going to show, especially after basically losing her mind over being pregnant, but when she was proven wrong, and the reason became she'd been found out and been sent to take her vacation time, Kylie couldn't help but crack up, laughing at the Paladin's expense while holding her own swollen midriff.

O no, poor you. Whatever shall you do. Kylie said in a deadpan, before giggling again, and then starting to huck luggage through the portal, before diving through herself, looking for Giselle, not ENTIRELY sure where they'd portalled to... hopefully the basement...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As they walked through, Ilyana's little huggers were all perched on her shoulders, head, and one was nestled happily between her breasts, its tail coiled around her waist. Wraith floated up and laid on Kylie's head like a hat just before she walked through the portal. When they stepped through the portal, Kylie found herself in a slightly dark room, where Ilyana let out a soft sigh. "Ahh... home sweet home. We're in the temple by the way Kylie," Ilyana said as she stretched.

"Aye, the teleportation circle here in Feynrial is at the temple. But... I can learn how to make one so we could come back straight to the house when the new place is finished being built," Delilah said as she came through last, where the portal then closed behind her.

"And Scarlett... you can stay here at the temple with us if you want, so you'll have a place to sleep and all," Ilyana told the half-orc paladin girl with a smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate that. And... I'm not... angry at you Eileen. I just... kinda wish you'd asked me before you... well... you know," Scarlett said, looking a bit embarrassed to outright say it.

"Before she raped you Scarlett? Because that is essentially what she did. And it's all Kylie's fault for getting her all riled up after she got drunk, but hey, gives me a good reason to take a vacation myself, so I'm not mad or anything," Angela asked Scarlett with a smirk on her lips before she looked over at Kylie. "You do hope have a place for me to sleep too don't you? If you'll have me that is. I'd like to be with Eileen and I wager she'll be staying with you," she then asked Kylie.

"Now Scarlett, don't get your panties in a bunch alright. You need to relax okay, it's bad for the babies if you don't relax and rest for them you know," Ilyana said to Scarlett, which calmed the paladin girl down as she sighed softly.

"Y-Yeah... I guess you're right. What's done is done, and it's not like I can go back and change the past," Scarlett sighed, her hand idly caressing her pregnant belly, which brought a smirk to Ilyana's lips, as well as Eileen's and all the others as well. It was easy to see that while Scarlett was a bit skeptical about bearing children and stuff, she was positively glowing.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bah, My fault, I! Wanted her all to myself. You're the ones who had to come check on us. Besides, I got to watch the whole show, poisoned to high heaven or not so I'm just tucking that memory away for a lonely night and a bottle of red wine. she said, sticking her tongue out at the assembled group before looking around the temple.

Turning to Delilah, Kylie just pulled her into a hug and kissed her on the cheek, done brooding for now and in a better mood now that she had a plan. Plans always brought her back to her old self, gave her a feeling of being more in control when she thought she was losing it.

I mean, if we're being completely honest here, I set up Kagome for a similar thing, Ilyana has her favorite rapists riding on her, that was another fun night. I mean really, if that's what you want, you should see my basement. Speaking of which... I need to see Bob as badly as I need to see Giselle and Hope, though mainly just to keep him happy and introduce little Wraith here to his daddy. Should be interesting... O lords, the other eggs... I need to see if my House is finished as well.. I doubt it... but maybe. Kylie continued, already starting to load herself up with everything she could carry, before looking at Elise and starting to load her up as well, kissing the Drider on the cheek while she was at it.

Personally I'm surprised Hazel hasn't already swooped down on us with the other priestesses to fret and worry, though, knowing her she's already plotting something... Either way, I'm glad to be back home, I never realized how much I would miss it until I left. Cmon, I'm homesick, and lovesick. she finished, practically shoving the party along to get home and see everyone.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hey... I'm not saying I didn't enjoy myself, and I was the last one there to the party, while you were the first, so I can only say it was your fault for getting her started," Angela said with a wink, smiling at Kylie as she stuck her tongue out at her.

Delilah returned Kylie's kiss with one of her own before smiling at her. "Well... someone is in a much better mood than before, I'm glad Kylie... and I know someone else who will be delighted... and confused... maybe a bit jealous too," Delilah told Kylie with a smirk, hinting at Giselle with her words. "And I doubt the house is finished yet, it's only been about... what a couple of weeks since you talked about getting it built," she added with a shrug.

"Hmhm... actually auntie Hazel isn't here right now. She's back in Crimea with Elise, probably having sex if I know her... and Elise," Amara said from the doorway with a giggle. "I heard the portal open and felt the spike of energies and came to check and see who... or what was coming through," she then explained, coming over and kissing Kylie on both cheeks before doing so to Ilyana as well, welcoming them back. She then went around and kissed the others too, smiling at Scarlett and whispering something to her that Kylie couldn't quite hear before letting her go, with Scarlett looking relieved about something.

With that, Ilyana got her things and told Scarlett that she'd show her to a room that she could use while she was staying there in Feynrial. Delilah got Kylie's things for her and loaded them up onto Eileen's back, while Palla hauled her own stuff up onto her shoulder and followed Delilah, Kylie, Angels and Eileen out of there, leaving the priestesses to their business.

Delilah led the way with Kylie back to the house, with Eileen getting a few stares from the townsfolk, but not many really. Angela hopped up on Eileen's back after about halfway back to the house, getting a ride and looking comfortable up on her perch. When Kylie and the others made their way back to the siren sisters home, Kylie saw Tina sitting on the front porch in an old rocking chair, her legs propped up on a leg rest with a glass of lemonade on a small table next to her chair, with Selara coiled up beside her on the porch, her head laying over in Tina's lap.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Delilah mentioned the house not being done, Kylie turned and shook her lightly by the shoulders WHERE ARE ALL THESE KIDS GONNA STAY!? she exclaimed, looking every ounce as crazy as she really was before Amara showed up, and spared Delilah from further shakings, which was for the best, Kylie preferred her in-laws Stirred.

Either way, once Amara was done explaining that Hazel had buggered off, and they loaded up Eileen, then it was time to go. Waving goodbye to Amara, since the giant-breasted angel still gave Kylie the heebie jeebies for some reason, they headed off.

As they walked through town, the packmule/Drider got a few stares, but once the sideshow was over, Angela providing comic backdrop to the entire scene but it was all completely forgotten as they made it back to the house, where Tina was apparently dozing with Selara, which left Kylie waddling furiously towards the pair, waving a hand and angry that she couldn't dive into the cuddle pile since she was pregnant. TIIIIIIINAAAA!!!!!! she shouted, bouncing as best she could... which was fairly well even loaded down... but that still eventually left her flailing into Tina and Selara in a big derpy hug

Tina! Tina! Tina!!!! I missed you!!!
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I'm sure we'll find some place for them all. Besides, the eggs might not hatch for a good week or two after they come out. It depends on the mother really... at least I think it does anyway," Eileen said, looking a tiny bit unsure about it, though she was still quite young considering, so she genuinely might not know.

Either way, when the girls left and Kylie waved bye to Amara, the busty angel waved back and smiled warmly at Kylie, making her feel at ease for some reason. When she shouted at Tina and Selara, Kylie saw the oldest of the siren sisters wake up with a gasp of fright, her eyes looking around to Kylie. "Oh... hey there, you're back. I'm so glad," Tina replied as Kylie came over, where Tina got up and hugged her tight. "Giselle's been worrying and wondering when you'd be back. But Maria's been keeping her company though, coming by every night since you left, and keeping Selara and me both up at night with their moans. I hate to say this, but I'll be kinda glad when the new house is done with that sound proofing you asked for," Tina went on to say as she released Kylie and let Selara hug her, the lamia's tail coiling around Kylie a bit as she did.

Tina led them on inside where on the couch Kylie saw a little pile of 16 tiny lamias all asleep and snuggled in together with a blanket wrapped around them like a little nest, all about a foot and a half to two feet long from their heads to the tips of their tails. Some had blonde hair, some red, some brown, some black, and there was one particular one who's hair was snowy white who looked the smallest of the whole group, the runt of the litter as it were, but she was on top of the rest of the little ones. Selara slithered over to them and fixed the blanket around them a bit on one side where it was starting to fall over.

"It's their nap time is why they're asleep in the middle of the day," Selara explained in a whisper to Kylie.

"Aye, Giselle's taking a bath with Maria, and Miu is downstairs washing Bob off with a big old sponge and a bucket of soapy water, as well as the little critters that hatched last week," Tina whispered, inviting the others inside and taking them into the kitchen to get the story of why they were all pregnant and who some of them were exactly, with Delilah joining them and winking at Kylie, shooing her off to the baths to see Giselle.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as Tina about shat herself at her loud awakening, laughing as she gave hugs all around and managed to get shooed inside somehow where she immediately waddled over to the pile of little Lamia children. Biting her knuckle to keep from exclaiming loudly about how adorable they all were, Kylie just turned to the pair and smiled, bouncing momentarily in place, barefoot and silent with a silly little smile on her face

but there was further shooing as she was further filled in, with Miu playing babysitter to Bob and the little Boblings, but she was saved from the kitchen by Delilah so she could go see Giselle...

Kylie WAS momentarily tempted to go get All the little darkmantles and burst into the Bath with them in tow in a giant chaotic shower of complete insanity, but that moment passed and she disappeared from the group and snuck around, heading for the baths.

Knocking was out of the question as well... Maria was fun to scare.

Opening the door with a loud thud, Kylie adopted a comically inept angry face and glared around Who's Bathing with my Fiance... she growled, scowling around before breaking into giggles and flinging herself at Giselle with as much warning as she'd given the door, to hell with staying dry, she wanted a hug!