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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ahh, good, I'd feel so bad if they all hatched and I wasn't there... though, I may not be anyway considering the trip to Hespera with Giselle after this one. Yes, lets go get some food. she said, smiling as they all went downstairs to eat.

And then they were downstairs, after walking downstairs, which of course was implied by the downstairs part of their conversation for food.

Standing in the commons, and seeing the Arachnes all still drinking and being goofy. Waving at them all, Kylie then proceeded to be distracted by her roaring stomach, which was still insisting that she eat. Sitting down, Kylie flagged down the first serving person that could be flagged, and demanded meat in obscene portions, with a side of meat, and salt, and more meat. Kylie wanted to eat something, or several somethings that used to be alive, and if it wasn't present to her, she would grab a torch, go kill something with that torch, call it cooked, and eat it that way.

Looking at the others, Kylie smiled, and waited for them to order, before asking if they had any kind of fruitjuice as well, and ordering a ton of that as well.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I'd say some have already hatched most likely, or most of them if I had to guess. And you've got to go back and get Giselle before you can go to Hespera anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much about it really. But food now, we can talk while we eat, because I'm famished," Delilah said soothingly to Kylie, so she wouldn't worry so much about the other darkmantles.

Taking a seat down in the tavern main hall, the trio got prepared to order, having taken a seat next to the three driders, the two that weren't Eileen still eating dessert. A waitress came over almost as soon as Kylie began flagging one down, coming over and asking what they wanted.

"Hmm, I'll have today's special for myself," Delilah answered, looking over at Palla, who nodded her head and said that she'd have the same.

"What sort of meat would you like miss? We have beef, pork, and chicken on the menu tonight, more the first of the three than any, so it would be the best choice if you want a lot of meat," the waitress asked Kylie, informing her that beef was what they had the most of on the menu that night.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Beef, don't rightfully care how it's cooked, only that it is, and if you have ribs, more the better. I'm as starving as my companions here, so by all means, impress me. Kylie said with a smile, before perking up.

And Orange juice! And Coffee if you have it, sorry to be a pain but my companions have been traveling for quite awhile, and I just slept for 4 solid days. And if it's also available, but this is more optional I suppose, any pulled pork, just a small plate, for the little one here. If it's not, I'll feed him from my own meal. Kylie rattled off, patting Wraith on his little head with a smile.

Once that was all squared away, Kylie stomach rumbled at her again and she grimaced, before turning to regard Delilah. Delilah, you wouldn't happen to know how sensitive a Neko's ears or nose or eyes are would you? I've run into a bit of a tussle with one, and need any edge I can get. Not to skip straight to business, but I figured you might know as I haven't had a chance to discuss it with Ilyana yet. she said, pondering things, before handing Wraith her silverware to play with. He was a clever little bastard and she loved him for it.

Whether or not that line of questioning bore fruit, Kylie would sit there in thought, playing with her hair, twirling it around her index finger as she leaned on her elbow and looked around. I'm honestly just really glad you 2 made it here alright, it wasn't the easiest trip for any of us either. Had our own run in with gnolls, but we made enough of an example out of them that it was only the once. Actually... I need a fucking drink... Kylie said, rubbing her forehead and grumbling out an order for more netherworld scotch. She really was developing a liking for the stuff.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright sugar, we'll have your stuff brought out as soon as we can, and don't worry we can get enough for the little guy there too," the waitress told Kylie, winking before she headed off to get their orders.

"Hmm... I'm not entirely sure how sensitive their eyes are save that they can see in partial darkness but not full darkness, but I do know that they enjoy having their ears scratched and that their noses are good, but not quite as good as the noses of the okami. Hmm, you can of course get some catnip to use on the one you mentioned to... heh, tame her I guess. She'd never see it coming either if you keep it sealed up beforehand, then just take it out whenever and she'll be putty in your hands pretty much. At least that's how I'd deal with one anyway, knowing the weaknesses of your enemy and all," Delilah answered with a smile, obviously curious but not asking questions to bug Kylie with.

Wraith meanwhile had already taken up Kylie's spoon and took the fork up when she handed it over to him, where he floated about the table and poked Delilah and Palla both with the spoon and fork, as if testing to see which one did what to them. "Hmhm, you little stinker, stop that it tickles," Palla giggled when Wraith poked her in the belly with his spoon he'd taken.

Other than that, Kylie's new order for more scotch came quicker than her food, though that wasn't too far off and their food was all there within about 5 minutes after her getting the scotch she'd ordered extra. "Here you go girls, there should be plenty to go around for all of you, and just give me a shout if you need anything else, I'll hop on over as soon as I can," the waitress told them with another wink.

"Oh good, I'm absolutely starving. Can't wait to munch this all down," Palla said, looking at her plate, which had a nice big juicy steak on it, a large baked potato, and a salad and some bread on the side.

Palla wasted no time in cutting her steak up and chowing down, and neither did Delilah who followed suit. Wraith meanwhile floated back over as Kylie's food got out in front of her, 4 plates with pulled beef, one 12 ounce steak, a rack of beef ribs smothered in barbeque sauce, and a couple of cube steaks that had been fried perfectly to be crispy on the outside but tender on the inside. Kylie had also been brought a salad and a couple of baked potatoes as well, with the waitress telling her if asked why they were included with her orders that they were compliments of the house for ordering so much meat, so that she would have some variety of different foods to eat. Wraith meanwhile floated back over to Kylie, giving her a hopeful look that pretty much asked, "Can I have some please?"

"Oh gods this steak is delicious, Tear Cove always has the best steaks around the entire island. If our home wasn't back in Feynrial I'd move here permanently just for the steaks to be honest," Delilah said as she chewed up a piece of her steak.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled as Wraith went around with his utensils poking and prodding at her friends, chuckling as Palla shooed him off for being a spoon wielding pest. But quickly enough her scotch came, and kylie sipped it slowly, shuddering with pleasure at the taste as they waited for the meal.

They didn't have to wait too long for that either, Kylie thinking about catnip. But the smell of cooked beast brought her out of her thoughts quickly enough and she had to fight to not openly drool at the sight.

The first things to die were going to be the ribs, but Kylie first slid the pulled pork over to wraith. "You can eat as much as you like little one. Go right ahead" she said softly, brushing his head before attacking the ribs. The meal was more then enough to feed them all, and seeing palla and delilah enjoying it so brought a sincere smile to kylie's lips as she ate like anyone would after going without for 4 days, obliterating one plate after the next mercilessly..
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith as expected attacked his food eagerly, pulling small bits of the pulled pork up with one of his tentacles and munching it down quickly, seeming to enjoy it greatly. Palla looked over at Kylie with an impressed look on her face that she was able to devour so much food with relative ease, not seeming to be too full even after the ribs. As Kylie bit into her first rib it was an explosion of flavor in her mouth, being nearly the single best thing she'd eaten since coming to this island, and the spices involved in the cooking of these ribs was obviously top notch.

Over at the adjacent table just before she finished her ribs, Kylie would hear a clattering sound followed by a subsequent thump, and when she looked over she'd see Eileen had passed out drunk, a drunken smile on her lips. "Hah... my darling little niece what am I going to do with you?" Nina sighed and asked quietly as she stared at Eileen's unconscious form, taking another sip of her drink which Kylie could tell was the same scotch she was drinking from the color.


When Kylie had eaten all she could and was finished, she'd see Palla had completely cleaned her plate while Delilah had finished all but a last little bit of her potato, and Wraith had flopped down onto the table next to his plate and spread out, looking as if he were extremely happy now that he had stuffed his little belly. "Well that was absolutely delicious if I do say so myself, and it looks like he enjoyed his meal too I think," Delilah said with a smile after she finished with her food, reaching over and stroking Wraith with a couple of fingers, where he shuddered a bit as his eyes closed halfway, looking as if he enjoyed her touch like it was scratching his back or something.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Never know when your next meal will be Palla, eat big, and eat hard, treat every meal, every day, will be your last, and you'l never have any regrets." Kylie said in answer to Palla's expression regarding her ability to eat great amounts, and at voracious speeds.

Once all was said and done, Kylie would join delilah in gently stroking Wraith, smiling as the little darkmantle just laid there in his food coma. Kylie never doubted that he would always be there for her.

Facepalming as she witnessed Eileen passing out, drunk, Kylie got up and stretched, heading over to their table after excusing herself. "Well, if you're gonna drink I suppose" she said in unbidden answer to Nina's lament with a laugh. She had stopped drinking herself, hoping to avoid exactly this situation. "What should we do Nina, we can't carry her..." she said curiously, regarding the snoring arachne.

Leaning in, Kylie grinned and nibbled her ear. "Come on you, can't be sleeping here lover, get yourself up and to bed, and we can have some fun when you sober up" she whispered, hoping desire would rouse Eileen long enough to get her to bed.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I can tell, a good philosophy to live by I think, that way you can enjoy life a lot more," Palla replied when Kylie spoke up at the expression the goliath girl had on her face about the amount of food Kylie was able to eat.


Wraith wriggled as Kylie stroked him along with Delilah, seeming a bit ticklish to say the least with them both petting him as his little tentacles flailed about at them, though he of course was simply too small to stop them from doing it and she could almost imagine him giggling like mad if he could talk. "Hmhm, you're just adorable little one," Delilah said as she kept petting him.

Eileen in the meantime was mostly out cold, though she stirred when Kylie moved over and whispered in her ear to get up. "Heh, she's never quite gotten the hint that she can out drink me. She tries to every time she comes back and we meet up here to have a drink and catch up," Nina said with a smirk one her lips before coming over to help get her niece back up. "Come young one, you'll get sick if you stay on the cold dirty floor like that, and your mother would tan my hide if I left you here and she knew about it," Nina went on to say when shaking Eileen along with Kylie.

Eileen did stir a bit after some more shaking, throwing an arm around and at Kylie and Nina both as she moaned softly. "Mmm... no mom... I don't wanna go to school today. I wanna stay here and bake cookies with you," Eileen mumbled and rolled over a little bit. Nina looked at Kylie and for the first time since meeting her Kylie saw Nina laugh as she burst out laughing aloud, looking quite amused at her niece's words. Her laughing seemed to shock Eileen awake, if only a little bit. "I'm awake everyone... I'll have another drink please," Eileen then said with a heavy slur to her speech.

"Come along Carla dear, let's see if we can get your cousin here up to bed," Nina said to her daughter. It took some doing after that, but between the three of them they were able to rouse Eileen up enough to go and get to bed, with Delilah and Palla telling Kylie that they'd see her later and to come to their room if she wanted to talk some more.

When they got back to their room, Eileen stumbled unsteadily into the room and soon enough tumbled into her larger bed on the far side of the room. Her unprotected underbelly was exposed to pretty much everything as she lay there, giving Kylie ample opportunity to tickle her if she wanted to.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

With everyone's help, Eileen was eventually wrangled back into bed, Wraith scooped up and carried in Kylie's tunic since he'd overeaten and was feeling lazy. Setting him on the bed, Kylie turned to regard the upside down Arachne, noticing indeed that her underbelly was unprotected.

Grinning madly, and more then a little buzzed herself, having been having a steady drink now and again all day, Kylie pounced on the arachne and attacked the vulnerable underside with her fingers, cackling.

"I've got you now spider woman!" She laughed out, showing no mercy, and with a slight slur of her own, insidious fingers and deft hands exploiting the hilarious chink in the arachne's armor.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Pouncing on Eileen after they got her into the bed, where Nina and Carla both left a minute later, Kylie was able to get in quite a few good tickles before Eileen could even move enough to look at her, though her body reacted as it normally would and she giggled ticklishly in her sleep.

"Hahahahaha... stop Kylie... I'm awake I'm awake. Come on... hahahaha... please stop," Eileen giggled madly, unable to really maneuver back over without crushing Kylie underneath her, leaving her totally at Kylie's mercy. However soon enough Kylie's antics caused Eileen's body to become aroused enough that she felt something poke against her lower back as it nestled between her butt cheeks, and upon looking back Kylie would see Eileen's ovipositor/penis there, all hard and ready for action. "N-Now look at what you've done Kylie," Eileen whined at Kylie, her spidery legs flailing a bit.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Never!" Kylie cackled, continuing to torment Eileen without mercy, until she felt a poke. Raising an eyebrow and looking behind her, Kylie giggled as Eileen complained about it."Well! Looks like I made a friend" Kylie purred, tickling her with one hand, while reaching back to gently stroke the ovipositor with the other, grinning.

"I'm not gonna stop unless you make me" Kylie continued, too buzzed to know better and only thinking this was funnier.

Just to get her point across faster, Kylie stopped just long enough to pull her clothing off quickly. Soon grinding her rapidly slickening petals across the tip of Eileen's length, and tickling her with both hands now, not letting Eileen push into her either, just teasing her steadily.~
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Eileen cackled in reply as Kylie continued tickling her, her arms flailing about in an effort to get Kylie. When she reached behind her though and gently stroked her ovipositor though, Eileen went mostly limp in Kylie's arms and cooed softly, seeming to enjoy her touch even as she wriggled a little still to get free. Watching as Kylie undressed herself, Eileen seemed to get even more aroused as Kylie's nude form pressed against her, which Kylie would be able to tell as Eileen's tool twitched against her butt and seemed to grow even harder and slightly longer.

When Kylie began tickling her again, Eileen reached out where her hands gently went up her sides, as if feeling out all of Kylie's curves, though she was still giggling ticklishly while doing so. After a few seconds though she grabbed Kylie's hands to stop her, entwining her fingers with Kylie's. "Alright then, I will make you," Eileen said, gripping Kylie's hands and pulling her.

Kylie was soon pulled up enough for Eileen to flip her back over, where Eileen pressed her lips against Kylie's, moaning softly as she did so. Even if Kylie tried to break loose Eileen would hold her down and prevent her from doing so, her tongue exploring Kylie's mouth and wrestling Kylie's tongue down. "Mmm Kylie... I want you... I want you now, I'm so horny right now I can barely stand it," Eileen cooed in Kylie's ear as she broke their kiss.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie laughed as Eileen pulled her up and turned the tables, pinning Kylie and silencing her protests and half hearted struggles with an aggressive kiss. Moaning back into Eileen's lips as she squirmed playfully, Kylie smiled as Eileen made her desires very clear, Kylie bucking her his against the spidery length once, suggestively.

"Is that how a spider treats a fly? Asking? If you want me, then take me, you can do whatever you want to a fly if it's properly wrapped up tight can't you? So why am I not already bitten and being wrapped up tight?" Kylie whispered, a mad glint in her eye, letting Eileen know that she would have to take her like she meant it. And hoping that her drunken state would keep her from being so nice this time. Kylie wanted to feel helpless and squirm...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well... I don't... hic... have a web to put you in. A-And I'm a little drunk too... so my webs will be... hic... a bit crooked...j-just a bit though," Eileen said, holding her left hand up with her thumb and index finger apart from each other about an inch. "But that doesn't mean that you... hic... can't be my little fly though. Hehehehe, but then again, who says I need a web to make you mine tonight huh," Eileen added with a drunken giggle as she gave an affectionate kiss to Kylie's cheek, just before she pulled back and barred her spidery fangs, which practically dripped with the venom that laced them... though as drunk as Eileen was that could have just as easily been her saliva or something else entirely.

Before Kylie could even blink, Eileen lunged her head forward and sank her fangs into her neck, injecting some of the venom that was held within them. Kylie felt her body weaken, her arms grew heavy as did her legs, along with the rest of her body. She wasn't totally immobile, just very sluggish, and every movement felt like it was taking... several seconds longer than it should have been. After releasing Kylie's neck, Eileen's fangs dripped a drop of Kylie's blood down onto her left breast just below her nipple, which she licked her lips and quickly moved down and ran her tongue up Kylie's breast where the blood had hit it, her wet tongue licking up the whole underside of Kylie's breast and across her nipple very erotically. The pleasure Kylie felt was a lot more than it should have been, likely thanks to the venom Eileen hit her with.

While her tongue worked Kylie's nipple, Eileen was working elsewhere too, with Kylie suddenly feeling something prodding against her crotch, covering it back up a bit. Kylie would be able to make out a drunken grin on Eileen's face as she felt her lower body lifted up in Eileen's strong arms while her two front spidery legs held up Kylie's legs, then the prodding feeling continued traveling down her taint and up the crevice of her ass, quickly covering her anus as well as her pussy, and then only a few seconds after that it felt like she was wearing panties again and if she looked down she'd see a silken pair of them on her form. Eileen didn't stop there though and kept spraying her webbing around, having fixed Kylie's new panties with a rope attached to the back, which if pulled acted as a crotch rope for her and pulled perfectly on her and rubbed her clitoris ever so slightly while it was under its protective hood.

But it still didn't stop as she attached a silken pair of anklets around Kylie's ankles and attached them together with her strong silk that made it feel as if her legs were held about a yard or a little more apart by a rubberband, preventing her from spreading them further without some effort, which she barely had. A second rope of her silk was attached to the front of her new panties and then to the strand of silk connecting her ankles, fixing it so if Kylie tried to spread her legs further, raise them up, or

Eileen's mouth then captured Kylie's nipple within it moments later, her tongue swirling around the tip of her mound a bit before she suckled on it, and then her fangs sank into Kylie's soft tit flesh just enough to pierce the skin and inject more of her venom directly into there. The second injection of venom skyrocketed Kylie's senses into a euphoric sort of bliss, which nearly overwhelmed her and probably would have had she not received a dose of the very same venom days before. She still had the slowed sluggish reflexes, but now most every movement felt pleasurable pretty much, and just as this feeling washed over her, Eileen sprayed her webbing some more and attached the crotch rope up so that it hung down next to her head before spraying some more and webbing Kylie's waist and shoulders down, but not her arms yet.

"Now you're my little... hic... fly, but... I don't have a real web made already so we'll just say the bed is my web okay, until I can get one set up, but in the meantime I'll have you warming up," Eileen said, hiccuping only once this time, seeming to have sobered up some... though only just a bit.

At that, Eileen began webbing Kylie up some more with her silk, fixing her into ( ) and placing a blindfold made of her warm silk, whispering that she was gonna give her a surprise, and then she tied her arms up behind her with her silk. Every time Kylie tried to move or wriggle about, the crotch rope dug into her pussy and pressed against her pleasure button just perfectly without hurting her any. While Kylie was blindfolded and otherwise indisposed, she could hear Eileen shuffling about and she could also hear her spraying more of her webbing above her somewhere, but she of course couldn't tell exactly where she was at.

After about 5 minutes of being left totally unattended, Kylie would feel herself lifted up as easily as a ragdoll and placed on what was obviously a hastily spun web. "Well... ish not my best work... but fuck it'll do," Eileen said with a drunken slur as she set Kylie down onto the web and pulled her blindfold back off.

With that, Kylie could now see and she was laying on the web which hung about 2 or 3 feet over the bed. "Now... I'm gonna fuck you shilly, but not before you... hic... beg me to do it," Eileen said after she pulled her blindfold off, her silly smile on her face still as she giggled.

Eileen then leaned in and kissed Kylie on the lips again, while at the same time she began to grind her human portion up and down against Kylie's bound form. After half a minute or so of that, Eileen switched to grinding he large ovipositor against Kylie's body, mostly over her panties that she'd made around her, but some against her belly and the insides of her thighs. Suddenly though Eileen grasped the crotch rope which she'd fixed up so she could pull on it by tugging on a rope that hung down next to Kylie's head. The pleasure spiked through Kylie as Eileen did this and she gave it another tug, causing Kylie's juices to begin to flow, more so than they already likely were.

"Now... unless you beg me to fuck you s-shilly Kylie, then I'm gonna... hic... I'm gonna... hic... you're gonna get bitten again, this time where you won't be able to speak for a while," Eileen said with her drunken slur, licking her lips as she bared her fangs again and leaned in towards Kylie again, this time down towards her crotch as if making to bite Kylie's clit with one of her fangs.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hahaha, I'm glad I finally got your attention. Kylie murmured, snuggling into Eileen before a rough gasp was pulled from her lips as Eileen bit her, the dose of venom high enough to leave Kylie swimming in her own senses, unable to make sense of up or down, unable to move properly either, everything brought to a slow crawl.

Her body was heavy, sluggish, limp. The moan that wanted to explode from her lungs as she felt her drunk lover of the night's tongue around her nipple was a quiet whimper, her body shaking slightly, back arching and her hands making a slow, feeble attempt to raise themselves to the back of Eileen's head, unable to exert the strength to pull her tighter to her chest, the burst of raw, drugged sensation rushing through her body like a bottle of liquid lightning unleashed upon her nervous system, leaving the assassin reeling.

To say Kylie didn't notice the prodding at her hips would be an outright falsehood as Eileen's spinnerets went to work, she didn't realize what was happening, lost in her sensations, but the wash of wet, warm silk that worked over and around her hips, across her lower lips and rear entrance, left Kylie trembling, mewling weakly in pleasure, her hips pushing upwards slightly as she shuddered in bliss, the drunken drider giving her exactly what she wanted, exactly what she had wanted for hours.

She did glance down to her hips, seeing the new garment wound carefully around her hips, as well as notice the cord, but her attention was drawn further down as Eileen spread her legs and fashioned what appeared to be silken shackles, her ankles held with a steady tension that left her legs parted, but effort was required to spread them further, leaving her hobbled, she'd be running nowhere, even if she wanted to. The next part though, left the drugged assassin moaning properly, the sound itself actually a squeal of pleasure, weakened as much as her muscles, as the second piece of the crotchrope was applied. If Eileen noticed the steady, gentle pulling of her ankles, or her slowly rolling hips, she didn't pay it any mind, Kylie willingly, eagerly, working the rope splitting her folds regularly, her slit already dripping and ready, Kylie wanting to be filled.

It was not to be however, she could feel Eileen moving, and once again, her tongue settled across the now raised, hard peaks of her nipples. Kylie was shivering with unrestrained need, and still had her mind, but a sharp pain was quickly followed with the loss of her caring mind as more venom pushed into her blood, her senses shockingly sensitive now. She was murmuring to herself in her need, though the words themselves were unintelligible at the moment as more silk was applied to keep her in place, before Eileen said something else, and suddenly Kylie was alone.

For 5 minutes that seemed like 5 hours, Kylie was left, pinned to the bed, partially bound, and moving as much as she could, pleasure echoing from her petals, mewls and eager moans wafting into the air. She hadn't even noticed the blindfold, but she did note it when she was lifted, her folds dripping, blind, and was settled into a hastily spun web. She was weightless now, beautifully weightless, and restricted. Her arms had been pulled behind her and bound together as well, the beautiful silken sack that tightly hugged her arms together also attached by a thread thin line to her crotchrope ensuring that each movement, each bounce, was another jarring affair of bliss.

Another kiss, The blindfold had been removed... when? it didn't matter. Kylie's tongue wrestled with Eileen's own weakly, but with agility, the hot, grinding body pressing up against her bound own having Kylie tugging ineffectively at her bindings just to feel the pleasure. She had missed Eileen's message, panting raggedly with need, but she understood what could happen next as Eileen leaned down, she could practically see in her mind, the fang poised over her clit, and all that mattered to Kylie, was that the ovipositor she remembered feeling just moments earlier, would be buried in her soon.

At first, the sentence that tumbled from her lips, was so quiet, that Eileen could not have caught it, but the tug on the rope that attached to the crotchrope caused Kylie to give another whimper that should have been a scream. Please... Eileen..... Fuck me... anything you want... finish... the binding... do whatever you want to me. Kylie murmured, her eyes glazed, truly trapped in the situation and happy to be so as her mind immediately gave in as freely as her body.

And then Kylie waited in seconds that were years for whatever would happen next, her body yearning for Eileen to use it as she saw fit, and all other thoughts driven from her mind like birds before a storm.


In another land though, such pleasure was not to be found. Kimredha, fractured city states, blasted forest land full of twisted life, shattered plants and cracked stone... It seemed like the day was always so short here, and the scattered 'cities' were little more then small towns, their walls high, their people hard and enduring as always. The undead and the accursed truly ruled here, and the people, the halflings, humans, and scatterings of other races, simply held on to what hard earned land they had carved out against what seemed to be a truly cursed onslaught. While an Assassin begged for the fulfillment of her own flavor of blissful torments, a man of high honor and unbendable will prayed to his god, simply to survive another night. A blade, long, heavy, and emblazoned with a golden sun upon a silver hilt, lashed through another shambling corpse, the body falling limp as gilt weaponry guided by divine training and honed muscles cleaved the head free. Father Malashi, a whole house of the gods driven to this evil...

The Paladin, in Armor that used to shine, but now was stained in old blood, and older scars, hefted his immaculate shield, as tall as his own torso, and just as wide. Horus had been too long at his task, but he would see it through. Falling to his knee, the danger passed for now, the bodies of the reanimated people newly reslain scattered around him, Horus bowed his head behind the massive sun emblazoned across hardened mithril, and said the holy rights of Pelor over the bodies, hoping their souls at least, would find rest, though their bodies had not. Once the prayer had finished, Horus stood once more, but he did not sheath his blade, he did not lower his guard, and instead, prepared for an unending night in his lonely, and sanctified duty, he stepped back into the twisted woods, while holy light split the clouds for the briefest of moments, and incinerated the bodies of the cursed.

He stalked along the worn road to the haunting cry of crows, nearly 6 and a half foot high, and broad, Horus, even without his armor, was an imposing sight, but in it, as he was now, with moonlight washing over the metal, he was a massive figure to strike fear into the evil hearts that cursed men to rise back to a facsimile of life, a mockery of existence, and in the power he held, forbidden by the entire pantheon, a truly blessed and favored man in both arm and power under his Lord Pelor, walked back to his home and his mentor.

The armor was she slowly as peace was found behind softly glowing runes etched into the stone by the hands of Horus' mentor Nikolai, and gently laid to rest against that same stone, Horus stepped out of the padding, and into a simple tunic and breeches. His sandy blonde hair was cropped short, his body was every ounce as hard as the armor he wore, and only a woman he dreamed of, could match his scars in count, if not in size. Some part of him hoped she dreamed of him also, so that he would someday know the purpose of these haunting visions. So many were happy before, despite the pain he had witnessed in her life, but now, now he knew her memories had been restored, even as he knew they had been taken, and he had never once learned of her location, Nikolai simply stating that when it was time, he would reveal their purpose. Surely Pelor would guide him as he always did, and he was at peace here, doing his job in protecting all he could, and purifying the evils he found.

Horus collapsed into his bed, and into his dreams, hoping to see his shadowy figure again, a strange comfort to a man that was as pure in his thoughts, as he was in his miracles, though it was likely the woman would not feel the same, and Horus had to recite prayers for weeks, when he was paid witness to her more carnal appetites. But it was the way she fought that drew him to her, the fearlessness he strove for, the absolute totality of her drive. He had wept, waking when she had nearly been killed by a devil, rejoiced from thousands of miles away, when she had adopted a young alraune. But tonight.... Tonight, bot Horus, and Kylie, the Assassin of which he dreamed, were paid visit by a different god, an old god, a god who even in death, in his own domain, clung to his duties, and dreamt of vengeance against those who planned to defile his ways.

The Halfing chuckled insanely to herself as she stood outside the cave of the holy man, her eyes constantly moving. She knew only her own name, the rest was all flashes of powerful magic, and locations she would never visit, but a dread purpose always drove her forward, and chaos followed in her wake as she slept. Wee Jas called to them all in their dreams, and his Last Disciple, a fragment of all that was left of the old god, stood outside the domain of pelor within Kimredha, and guided his vision.

Horus and Kylie shared at least the first part of this dream, but the rest was stolen from the assassin by the goddess that strove to give the young and powerfully fated woman purpose, the FateSpinner had worked long and hard to weave this girls life into it's true form, and even now she could feel the other gods beginning their search for her meddling, and she would abide their presence not. Not in Her Domain.

Horus restlessly turned as a younger Kylie strode into the cave during her testing, deeper into the shadows, the assassin, not as silent as she was now, not as sure of her motions. The Halfling looked up from her place, to look into the sky and see the ravens and the sunlight in a standoff, as an older force worked beneath them without their knowledge. The Halfling smiled grimly and continued his work.

Kylie worked deeper into the caves of her trials, further into true shadow, that feeling crawling along her flesh making her shudder, before she exited out into a small chamber, lit only with the dull light of candles, and in its center stood a creature. It had once been a man perhaps? She couldn't tell, but it's flesh rotted from it's bone, and it's eyes were missing. Maybe 25 feet separated the pair, and the undead.... thing, turned a sightless face to it's side, listening intently. It stood upon a small island surrounded by water, only ankle deep, but Kylie knew immediately the purpose of this chamber. She had no weapons, an earlier test wresting them all from her in these caverns, but here.... Looking at a creature without eyes, clad only in rags, but with hands tipped with fearsome claws, she knew that the slightest sound, would give her away.

Slipping to the ground as quietly as a shadow, she sat, and watched, and meditated, her eyes never closing, her ears always open, even as she went over her teachings. No assassin was taught everything, each was unique in their skills, but Gestalt knew she had been teaching herself from the libraries, and her test reflected all the shrewd weaponmaster knew of her own studies of old texts and forbidden ways. He knew she had been delving into knowledge beyond her station for awhile, and had never said anything, only increased her training.

Now she sat, and ran through everything she had tried, and failed to Master, and one thing squared firmly in her mind. Silence, she had to be silent. She didn't need to kill this thing, she doubted she could, she only needed to pass it without disturbing the water. She had to move as a shadow, as a ghost. Hours passed, though for Horus watching from the outside in, it passed so swiftly. Slowly she stood, and focused her own energies, now outwards as any mage would, but inwards, in a rare display of power that most assassin's simply weren't capable of anymore, the teachings misunderstood or lost, and the removed her boots, setting them aside. This simple act took over 10 minutes to accomplish in silence, but when she put her bare feet back against stone, Kylie could feel the earth beneath her, and the water beyond, and with a smile to match that of a meddling Halfling and her dead god, Kylie strode forward.

Her steps were perfectly silent, without any sound, truly she moved as she wished, and when her feet hit water, she simply kept moving, walking not through, but over, atop the water. She passed the creature, and exited the chamber to finish her graduation, and earned her name within her order.

All knew her then on, as Kylie the Silent, but those who had witnessed her trial, gave her another name, as the doors slid shut behind her. A name taken from the technique she had mastered in secret, and tested under true danger. Ghost Walker...

In his dreams, Horus smiled, and applauded the young assassin her victory, but whereas Kylie reclaimed the last pieces of her lost past, and was freed from the chains of her dreams, Horus' night was only beginning. Cheshire giggled madly to herself, a soot blackened young face still peering up into the moon as she guided Horus not to the past, but into the future, and a grim future it was.

Horus was watching now, not a young woman holding her head high no matter the situation, but a woman in her own rags, still young, still hard, but slightly older, bearing more scars, and in chains. She stood under a harsh sun, barefoot, surrounded by the roaring cheers of so many who had come here to witness bloodshed, and the man she stood before smiled down at her, fat, repugnant, and snapped his fingers. Instantly the tattoos that were hidden upon the assassin's flesh, flared to life for just a moment, and shattered the shackles, before the man snapped his fingers again, and the collar around her neck arched with power, and suppressed the magic that was inked into her flesh.

What has it been now Woman? Ghost? 2 years by my count, 2 years!!! and not one soul has come to find you as you promised so long ago, when my men took you, and I took your magic from you. Now the only thing you fight for is my pleasure. Take a look folks! Did you know not a single man could lay hands on her? Even after we took her? She has never known the touch of ANY of my men! Her vagina bites as surely as if it had teeth! I still feel the pain of the first poor sod who tried. But she still fights as surely as if she was a tiger herself! You all know her! Though none knows her name, You all Love her! Though I'm certain she hates us all. And you ALL came to see her die! As I've been trying to accomplish for 730 suns and moons! Here in Athasia! Here at my Arena, the only place she'll ever know again! Come! Place your bets! Today you all witness once again! the Steel Tempest! the man cried, spreading his arms, purple and gold silk hanging around his body, overfed, gold chains leading to a thin and well kept beard, and falcon like blue eyes.

Sharife retook his seat, and once again, tried to end his favorite slaves life, for the 70th time. Kylie glared up at the man who kept her prisoner, had given her a new name, had enslaved her 2 years ago, had ripped her from her love and child, and for the 70th time, she pledged not his death, but her own freedom. Kept in chains, sealed by iron, beaten, whipped... how many nights had this man demanded to know the purpose of the ring she wore, that he could not steal from her, that still, thanks to the skills of a talented enchanter, and the interference of a god, could not be removed.... Long, unkempt hair spilled around her shoulders, her skin long having tanned under the sun, and the thunderous applause of the blood crazed drove her onwards back to battle. The Raven Queen would decide their fates, and Kord would smile upon the battle. She was no holy woman by any means, Kylie never had been, but she did not doubt that at least two gods were here this day.

Every night she still spoke to the ring, could still feel Giselle, how she had screamed and wept at the sorrow that had overcome her wife. But eventually that sadness had turned to anger, and then to determination. Kylie still clung to that hope firmly, that her family would come for her, and then reached down to pick up the long length of steel chain she would fight with this day, as 3 men, fully armed, and armored in leather and steel as was the custom in this desert land, strode out to meet their ends at her hands.

Horus watched the killing that unfolded, before the dream was shattered, and wizened hands, calloused with years of holding a blade, and strong from that work, shook the Paladin.

It is Done. Go my child. Go to her, the location of your meeting has finally been revealed to you. Go find her wife, follow the ring, and find your true purpose under our god. Nikolai said, the holy symbol he wore outside his worn homespun robes dangling with dread purpose over Horus. The Paladin nodded, standing slowly, and embracing his mentor for the last time, before packing his things, donning his armor once more, and striding out into the night.

So we're finally leaving then!? the Halfling asked, beaming giddily up at the mass of armor that called itself Horus. Yes Young One, Little Gharisha, Cheshire. I cannot be rid of you, as surely as you wont leave me be. Come, we seek my dreams. Horus answered, picking the Halfling woman up, who scrambled onto his shoulder, light as a breeze, and together they began their journey to intercept the mad dreams of gods and men.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I'm g-gonna fuck you Kylie... don't worry about that, and good girl... for hic... for begging," Eileen replied to Kylie, petting her head gently as her fang brushed across Kylie's protective hood around her clit, drawing the tip ever closer to her nub.

Finally after a few more moments of teasing, Eileen bit down into Kylie's clit, only the barest of piercings with the tip of her fang, which was like a small needle prick. It did however cause Kylie's body to light up like a Christmas tree, a fire having been set in her loins almost literally, and her body sped back up a little bit so she was only at about ha quarter speed instead of nearly complete slow motion. She ached, burned, and desired for Eileen to split her open with that magnificent ovipositor dick of her's, and as she lay there after only a few seconds Kylie would find her body instinctively trying to grind against Eileen to get said ovipositor inside of her somehow. Eileen followed Kylie's request in the meantime and finished her binding after that, wrapping her up tightly so she could do nothing but wriggle a little bit, and every time she did her body lit up anew with pleasure and ecstasy.

"Mmm, good girl, now get ready, Eileen's gonna... hic... make you feel real good okay. You might feel a bit... hic... full afterwards for a while, but real good," Eileen told Kylie with a naughty and slightly evil grin. "But first you might want to suck on it some... hic... get it all lathered up for that tight little pussy of yours. Don't want to hurt you any," she added as she maneuvered around, where into Kylie's view came Eileen's large ovipositor cock, which flopped right down across her chest, with the tip landing right against her lips.

When Kylie undoubtedly did as Eileen ordered her to, the gorgeous horny drider moaned out loud for anyone tin the adjacent rooms to overhear her, obviously not caring at this point. After Kylie sucked on her cock enough to her liking, Eileen pulled it out a couple of minutes later, leaving Kylie's mouth empty once more. She didn't keep Kylie waiting for long however and inched her way down, sliding her large cock down Kylie's body as she went until it was perfectly between Kylie's breasts, where Eileen squeezed them together and began thrusting back and forth a bit, stopping that after only a minute and dragging her cock down the rest of her body until her crown was pressing against Kylie's incredibly moist pussy.

"Now you're all mine... hic... and s-stuff," Eileen mumbled before thrusting inside of Kylie, impaling her upon her large dick.

The passionate moan that Kylie heard from Eileen was so lewd that she could tell simply from that that Eileen was already about to cum. Suddenly Eileen began thrusting in and out feverishly, but at a steady pace, one that would keep Kylie on edge but not overwhelm her just yet. It didn't take long after that, but Eileen was obviously about to burst and hanging on just barely, and Kylie despite the venom was only about halfway there. So Eileen spun a strong strand of web down and around the base of her ovipositor cock to prevent herself from cumming prematurely.

Finally after a couple of more minutes, Eileen was looking straight into Kylie's eyes as the string literally snapped that's how tight it had gotten around her ovipositor. "AAAH F-FUCK YES... T-TAKE MY EGGS KYLIE... TAKE THEM ALL, GIVE ME SOME BABIES KYLIE," Eileen cried out as she slammed her ovipositor forward into Kylie, poking the tip of it directly into her womb after knocking at the entrance of it with almost every thrust since she began pounding Kylie.

Kylie felt the large member inside her twitch and throb greatly a few times as her own orgasm struck her silly in a lewd way, and then as she watched with half lidded eyes, a large bulge began forming at the base of Eileen's ovipositor cock. Her orgasm after a few seconds had actually shocked her body enough to bring her back to a lucid enough state to speak and think straight as that first bulge began pressing against her outer walls before finally forcing its way inside her love canal. It was an entirely new feeling of pleasure and as pushed deeper and deeper into Kylie, the young assassin would be rocked by full on orgasms, every 10 seconds or so a new one striking her. Finally as that first egg began bumping against her cervix and the entrance to her womb, the lust driven drider pulled back a tiny bit and gave one last thrust which forced Kylie's womb, her very core to open up for her, where the egg slid into her womb with a near thumping sound. It was hard to tell just how big it was at first, but judging from how many little ones Trisha had with her, Kylie could only imagine.

By the time the first egg had been deposited into Kylie's womb, Eileen already had the second egg pushing against Kylie's lower lips and into Kylie. The second egg pushed its way into Kylie's womb as the third one began pushing inside of her. Kylie felt the last egg thump into her womb, ending her count at 11. After a few moments Eileen pulled her ovipositor out of Kylie when the eleventh egg finally fell into her womb. Soon after she had pull out, Eileen thrust back inside and let loose with a long moan of ecstasy as Kylie felt Eileen's hot cum blast into her like a dam had burst, fertilizing all of her eggs. "F-Fuck me s-sideways... that feels incredible," Eileen panted as she spurted her seed into Kylie's womb hard.

Finally when Kylie's pussy had been filled to the brim with Eileen's hot cum and her eggs fertilized within Kylie's womb she pulled it out and let it flop back down between Kylie's tits, the tip of her large thing laying against her lips again, the sheer size of her cock having increased since she'd began until its current size which was at least a good 16 to 18 inches long and an inch and a half wide, so enough to fill her perfectly without hurting her unless Eileen tried to just jam it into her, which she apparently had more than enough self control not to do that despite the now slightly frenzied look in her eyes. "Yes... gods yes... more... take more of my eggs. I want you full... o-of my babies. You're mine dammit... and my babies belong in there," Eileen said with a bit of a slur as she rolled Kylie over onto her belly and thrust back into her pussy, having cut the threads all enough to do so, which inadvertently freed Kylie some now that the damage was already done in that her womb was full of eggs and soon to be even fuller.

It didn't take her too long to reach her peak again as she pulled Kylie up against her, her body contorting around so that she could lean her head around to kiss Kylie on the lips, as if marking her with her lips as another much smaller batch of only 3 eggs were deposited into Kylie's womb, followed by another wave of hot cum that was so pleasurable and slightly addictive to a lust addled human like herself. "More... you deserve more Kylie... my babies all deserve a nice home. Your... Your womb is full now... I don't want to hurt it, so your ass is next love, so spread them cheeks for me okay," Eileen said as she grasped Kylie's perfectly rounded ass with both hands and spread her cheeks apart and ran her tongue right across Kyle's taint and then up and across her pucker, not bothered in doing so one bit.

Eileen licked her butt for nearly a minute before inserting her middle finger up to the first knuckle, then after a bit more licking she began thrusting it in and out upwards to the next knuckle. A minute after that, Kylie's anus began to relax and spread open as Eileen's index finger joined the middle finger and she started stretching her ass open a little at a time. "Gotta make sure... you can... hic... take my b-big fat cock after all. I love you Kylie, don't want to hurt you," Eileen said as she worked on loosening Kylie's asshole enough to keep from tearing it and hurting Kylie.

It took her the better part of 10 minutes, but she soon had Kylie's ass stretched enough to her liking that she laid her still incredibly hard length right there against her ass as she pulled Kylie's rear up into the air and suspended it with some of her silk to hold it up so it was nice and vulnerable for probing by Eileen, which she did as she thrust into Kylie's anus. Eileen set a good pace and soon had Kylie panting as her asshole was filled so much by her big thick ovipositor cock. There was little to no pain, the venom drugging having the effect of heightening her sensitivity to pleasure so that each thrust into her even by such a large member was pleasurable.

Eileen soon howled in ecstasy again and Kylie felt the first of another dozen eggs slipping inside of her, these all burying themselves in her bowels and before Eileen pulled out and panted a bit as she rubbed her cock up and down between Kylie's ass cheeks for a few seconds before burying it back inside Kylie's asshole and cumming hard, her seed filling her so full along with the eggs that her belly had swollen to make her look around 8 to 9 months pregnant. "Oh gods... more... I want to fuck more... more eggs... gotta lay more eggs... want more babies," Eileen panted as she finished cumming inside Kylie's ass, the look on Eileen's face if Kylie looked over her shoulder being one of pure bliss mixed with hunger.

"Hey Kylie did you get Eileen in bed alright? I brought Scarlett and your friend Palla since they're both big strong girls in case you... n-need help... oh goodness," Kylie heard Ilyana's voice call into the room all of a sudden, where upon looking to her left Kylie would indeed see Ilyana standing there with both the half orc paladin and the big strong goliath girl standing just behind and to either side of her. "I... think we'll just leave for now and... EEK!" Ilyana began saying with a squeal as Eileen hopped over before the trio could react and she'd snatched Ilyana in her arms and webbed the other two's ankles and caused them to fall down where she quickly tied them up enough that they couldn't get away and she gagged them too so they couldn't scream for help.

With a naughty grin on her face, Eileen stumbled a bit and climbed back up and over to her web bed she'd made for herself and expanded it, taking nearly 10 minutes to do so until it encompassed half of their bedroom. She gently lifted Kylie, no longer wanting to fuck and possibly hurt her, then she lay her down onto the web bed and webbed her down securely but not uncomfortably, more a countermeasure so she didn't fall out, as it was more a silk blanket than anything, though it didn't cover her so tightly she couldn't move around under it if she wished.

Eileen then picked up each of the other girls and webbed them down onto the web bed with Kylie, tying them securely so that they couldn't get free as she licked her lips hungrily. "Mmm... pussies... more pussies to put my babies in. Ahh, you girls really take good care of yourselves, I can tell just from how tight they look," Eileen said with a strange distant look in her eyes, as if she no longer could control herself at all.

Pulling Palla up over next to Kylie, Kylie could see a slightly fearful, yet slightly curious look in Palla's eyes, making it obvious the girl had been drinking some. Eileen fixed her up in the same manner she'd done to Kylie at first, tying her up and all on her back with her legs spread wide while the other two watched on, Ilyana almost looking like she wished it was her next and Scarlett looking a bit scared herself, but not like she was terrified. Eileen bit Palla's neck just as she'd done to Kylie's, then she bit her again on the opposite side, then a third time on her left breast, injecting a bit more venom than she had to Kylie, as Palla was a larger woman. "Oh yeah baby... you're bigger than Kylie... can pump more eggs into that... tight pussy of yours, and then your cute butt," Eileen whispered loud enough to Palla that Kylie and the rest could hear.

Eileen went down on Palla, licking her pussy for a couple of minutes to get her good and wet, and really riled up thanks to the venom and all, where she then mounted her and thrust into her pussy in the same manner as she'd done to Kylie, going at a slow pace at first until she saw that Palla was ready for a faster one without it hurting her, the horny drider still having enough of her mind left to make sure that she didn't hurt her egg bearers. After a good 5 to 6 minutes or so, Kylie saw Eileen let out a cry as she cut Palla's webbing on her arms, and the gag too, where Palla wrapped them around Eileen and held her tight riding out the tidal wave of pleasure that came with their orgasms. "YES... GIVE ME YOUR BABIES... MAKE ME A MOMMA!" Palla cried, her eyes totally glazed over with lust, one of her hands going down to tease her clit with its fingers to drive herself even more wild with pleasure.

Kylie could see the first bulge work its way down and into Palla, followed by a second, and then a third, the final tally being a total of 16 that Palla got in her womb. While Palla lay there as Eileen pulled out and her body loaded up its sperm to fertilize the eggs, Kylie could see that Palla looked like she was in heaven, her other hand that had been holding onto Eileen now gently caressing her belly gently with a... happy smile on her lips, and not one of anger or sadness. Eileen then fertilized the eggs with a few lewd moans that filled the room.

Palla was then rolled over and Eileen did to her ass what she'd done to Kylie's, loosening it up for a few minutes before sticking it in, though it didn't take quite as long as with Kylie because Palla was a larger woman, so a larger ass. Palla's arms hadn't been retied as she was diddling her slit and clit the whole time with one hand while her other had been gently holding her belly after being turned over. Once loosened up, Eileen tied her belly up like Kylie's to hold her butt up high, then she mounted Palla again and set to work, pounding her asshole good and deep, with Palla holding her ass cheeks apart for the most of her anal probing. When Eileen reached her peak and drove Palla over the edge, she lifted her up, as she was no longer tied down, where she rolled over so that Palla was on top of her and she was holding her up with her hands and a couple of her spidery legs so that she didn't fully impale herself on her giant ovipositor cock and get hurt, and Kylie was able to count the second batch of eggs that Palla would get, a total of 14 this time, making her grand total of 30, and Palla looked simply like she was in heaven the whole time and even gave a few bounces on Eileen's cock as if wanting more, but Eileen lifted her off and laid her down gently next to Kylie underneath the same little silken blanket.

"Mmm... take good care of her for me Kylie. I have two more tight pussies and asses to fill up with my eggs," Eileen said to Kylie, having sobered up now after Palla and licking her lips hungrily as her lust and instincts to fuck and breed guided her.

With that, Eileen pulled Scarlett over and tied her down next to Kylie, as Palla was on the opposite side and had snuggled up behind Kylie, pressing her swollen belly against Kylie's back and laying an arm around Kylie, the goliath girl looking extremely pleased and happy now despite the fear that'd been there before, as she'd gotten her wish of a strong mate that would give her many strong babies. It was Scarlett's turn this time Kylie saw and Eileen wasn't about to take it easy on her just because she was a paladin.

Just then though before she could start, a knock sounded on the door and a voice outside could be heard. "Hey um... Eileen... you in there hon. It's Angela. Come on you big overgrown spiderling, I know you're in there, Nina told me this was your room," the voice called.

Eileen had an almost crazed gleam in her eyes, as if saying to herself, "My god the flies just keep buzzing into my web,". She crawled off of Scarlett who breathed a sigh of relief and began going at her bindings in vain as no matter how strong she was she couldn't break drider silk that easily. Eileen opened the door where Angela smiled up at her, and all Kylie saw after that was Eileen pulling her into the room and against her in a loving hug.

"Oof... you big silly spider, I love you too, now come on, we ought to catch up and have a drink or... s-something. Hey Eileen, something wrong spider butt?" Angela said, finally realizing something was up, but alas too late to keep Eileen from webbing her up too and carrying her over to the bed over her shoulder as the red skinned devil woman squealed and kicked her legs.

After tying Angela down too, including her long tail, Eileen went back to Scarlett and quickly finished undressing her before warming her up with her hands and tongue. Not long after, Eileen had Scarlett wet and ready for her and bit her 3 times to loosen her up a good bit so she didn't struggle too much or tense up too much, and then she plunged into her tight slit, with Scarlett letting out a muffled squeal as she was filled with Eileen's girth, her hands clenching and unclenching several times until Eileen started moving inside of her.

"H-Holy fuck Scarlett... you're f-fucking tight as h-hell. You really are d-divine after all," Eileen said as she knocked away at Scarlett's apparently extremely tight folds.

It lasted only about 5 or 6 minutes just like with Palla, Eileen slowing when need be to keep them around the same. Scarlett soon looked like she was liking it more and more, and her struggles lessened until about a minute before their orgasms struck she had stopped altogether as her body's instincts took over and she was grinding her hips up against Eileen. When finally they reached their peaks, Eileen yanked the gag out of Scarlett's mouth to let her squeal of pleasure sound throughout the room, likely making Kylie giggle at the sight of the paladin woman arching her back in pure ecstasy.

Then Eileen's eggs began making their way into Scarlett's flower, spreading her open as each one aided by gravity fell securely into her womb. Kylie would count a total of 16 that fell into Scarlett's womb, her eyes totally glazed over by the time the last fell into place. Eileen gave her a few moments to recover before rolling her over and loosening her butt up, giving it a soft little spank as she began licking and fingering it. Soon after Eileen began stuffing her length into Scarlett's ass, her girth spreading the poor half orc's buttcheeks that had likely never been spread like that before. It was a tight fit obviously from the looks of it, but Eileen was able to stretch her out enough before it began to hurt and soon enough even Scarlett was moaning in pleasure from her rear being plowed by Eileen, her body hoisted up like Kylie's and Palla's had been. It didn't take too much longer before Eileen bottomed out again and they both climaxed together, with an additional 11 eggs joining the first 16 for a total of 27 now residing in Scarlett, her belly now looking similar to what poor Tina's did when her and Selara had gotten done with their fun a while back.

Eileen barely took a rest before moving on to Angela, only taking a minute after laying Scarlett in next to Kylie and kissing them both and asking Kylie to make sure she stayed safe there just like with Palla. Ilyana looked more than willing enough already as she kept wiggling her ass enticingly at Eileen, who did give it a kiss as she grabbed Angela, seeming to figure since Ilyana was so willing that she'd not try to escape. Angela, after seeing what had happened to the last girls before her, gave a fearful look and tried to struggle, though this seemed to rile Eileen up even more and she slapped Angela right across the face with her ovipositor, chuckling as she did. "Heh, you wanna wrestle me to try and get free Angela? You know you won't win... and my eggs are tickling me so much and need a good strong woman like yourself to grow in. But if you want to fight me, I'll put you in your place, which is underneath me spreading your pussy open for me to lay my eggs in there," Eileen asked curiously, a gleam in her eyes that seemed to scare Angela into submission as she stopped struggling and allowed herself to be moved over into place where all could see her.

Scarlett and Palla both looked exhausted as they cuddled up instinctively to Kylie, one bulging belly pressing against her own from Scarlett and the other against her back from Palla. Angela was done a bit differently though as Eileen seemed to want a change and rolled her over onto her belly first, then after getting her wet and ready, she bit down 3 times into Angela's red skin. Once into her right butt cheek, once on he left shoulder, and once on her left breast. Angela clawed at the silken bedding, not to try and get free, but to ride out the overload of lust building up within her as Eileen lined herself up and plunged inside, not stopping until she hilted within Angela, who seemed to be able to take the whole thing... barely, and she was obviously being stretched to her limits. Eileen set about pounding her tight red lipped cunny deep with each thrust, the look on Angela's face quickly turning into one of sheer joy as she was taken by Eileen.

Eileen removed Angela's gag when she began moaning in pleasure, and not long after removing it, Angela let out a lewd high pitched squeal of pure bliss as their mutual climaxes hit, then Eileen's eggs began going down into her tight love tunnel, a total of 13 that Angela looked like she wasn't too sad about getting now that she had a look of bliss on her face. Eileen hoisted her up like the others and then did the same to her butt like she'd done to them too, with Angela's tail swishing about happily in the air behind her as this happened. Angela was actively fucking back after her asshole was filled with Eileen's girth, the first since Kylie most likely to do so, and she was well rewarded too, getting an additional 13 eggs in her rear that she happily took without complaint, the venom coursing through her making her act somewhat like a succubus as she shook her butt a bit to try and entice Eileen for more.

"No no Angela, sorry but I don't wanna hurt you okay, so here... you get some rest for now, and now it's Ilyana's turn," Eileen whispered after she kissed Angela on the lips, laying her under the blanket next to Scarlett, the devil woman's tail laying over across Scarlett's and Kylie's bodies where it draped down over the small of Kylie's back.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)


Ilyana's turn was next and she was eager to have some fun apparently and literally jumped into Eileen's arms and wrapped her legs around her humanoid half as she kissed her, a smile on her lips. "Come on big girl, fuck me raw. And make me feel good," Ilyana said as she grasped the back of Eileen's head and pulled it in where she kissed her on the lips again, then she pulled it down further until Eileen's lips were at her neck, Ilyana freely allowing her to bite if she wished.

Eileen took her up on that and bit down, injecting a lot of her venom through that first bite, where by the time she pulled away Ilyana's eyes had glazed over with lust, and then Eileen laid her down and pulled her legs up with two of her spidery legs, while her humanoid arms spread her lower lips as she delved deep inside with her tongue, licking up all of Ilyana's juices that were already leaking quite a bit out of her. She licked Ilyana's folds until she drove her over the edge, and while she was in the middle of cumming, her juices even squirting a bit, Eileen bit down directly into her clit with one of her fangs, injecting some more venom through there, where Ilyana's squeal of bliss had to be muffled by Eileen's hand it was so loud.

With a couple of tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, Ilyana spread her legs as far as she could as Eileen got into position over her and lay her large ovipositor cock across Ilyana's body, rubbing it up and down a few times across her petals before plunging inside. Ilyana's eyes crossed from the pleasure and she wrapped her arms around Eileen and held on for dear life, with Eileen going at a quick pace, her stamina obviously weakened now after cumming so much and laying so many eggs already. How long had it been since they began? Kylie couldn't tell but it had been at least an hour or so she knew. Another few short minutes passed with Ilyana's moans and squeals echoing about the room while the others all watched and listened as they were at their feet on the large web bed, and soon enough they both tensed up as Eileen bottomed out once more, depositing 14 eggs into Ilyana's well lubricated cunny, and after she was through egging her there, she rolled Ilyana over and hoisted her up to fill her ass with her eggs too and finish her off before she fell over too exhausted to finish what she'd started, her lust still there and the frenzy still going.

"Fuck me... my ovipositor... my dick... it's so sore now, but goddamn it's one helluva good sore," Eileen panted as she worked Ilyana's ass to stretch it enough to accommodate her girth.

When finally she was able to enter Ilyana's tight little rear, Eileen's ovipositor had shrunk down a few inches and she was able to hilt herself a few times without hurting the drow girl, who looked like she was enjoying every second of it as she was plundered, her tongue lolling out as she climaxed for the 4th time since they started. Eileen kept going through the tightened grip of Ilyana's climax and soon after another minute Ilyana came again, this time with Eileen, who deposited another 14 eggs into Ilyana's poor tight rump.

As soon as she'd finished pushing the last egg out and into place, Eileen, with an exhausted look on her face lifted Ilyana and laid her down behind Palla, then she collapsed herself in a heap at their heads, her head next to Kylie's as she lay there recovering. "Oh fuck me... Kylie... girls you're all so good... I love you my little fly... all of my little flies," Eileen panted tiredly as she lay there next to Kylie, leaning down to kiss her on the lips one last time before fainting from sheer exhaustion, leaving the girls all there with their bulging bellies full of new life that would hatch and bring forth an army of tiny driders just like Trisha's little ones, and Eileen's right hand was laying on Kylie's belly as her head lay next to Kylie's, and her left one was on Palla's belly, both hands gently caressing their bellies in her sleep.

Kylie was a bit sore and exhausted, but not so sore she couldn't move around some if she wanted to. Their blanket was warm and large, keeping them totally covered up, and Palla nuzzled against Kylie's neck from her back, pulling her around to lay on her back so that her's and Scarlett's bellies both pressed against the side of her own, while the other two snuggled up behind Palla and Scarlett, all of the other 4 having blissful smiles on their faces, despite the fact that they were all essentially raped by Eileen, and all seemed tired too as their flowers leaked Eileen's seed, with Scarlett looking the most out of it and already on the verge of sleep, while the others could probably be talked to if Kylie wanted to do so.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's fucking continued as she wanted, badly, and she had no protests to make in the slightest as she writhed in bliss. She had been lost to the venom for awhile, but even otherwise, she wouldn't have cared.

When she was stuffed full to the brim, Eileen bothered to cut her loose to a point, but her arms were still wrapped tightly together as she was placed back in the web to rest. What caught her by surprise however, was how many people had come up to make sure she and Eileen were ok, which was a mistake.

No amount of guilt about the situation would stop Kylie from smiling impishly and shuddering in pleasure as her hands tugged at their bindings under the silken blanket, watching as Ilyana, Palla, and Scarlet, her new paladin acquaintance were all ambushed, bound up swiftly, and gagged. The speed with which the drider could work was impressive, and Kylie secretly wished she had been ambushed like that, it made her shudder to herself as she watched. As if three more people to fuck senseless after poisoning them into a horny brainless state wasn't enough, Eileen's devil friend joined them as well.

While watching the other 4 getting fucked into oblivion was enough to keep Kylie writhing and dripping, she found herself cuddling into Palla, and then her other friends one by one as they joined her. She didn't speak, her brain was still mush, but she did wriggle into the pile of Eileen's victims. Eileen had had enough sense left in her head to blast a wash of hot silk over their overstuffed holes to keep any eggs from escaping early, and after the vigorous pounding, and the feeling of having those wonderful eggs stretching her holes, and depths with their passage, it was enough to send each of them into one last shuddering peak.

Kylie was soon asleep, just after Eileen passed out next to all of them, and the first to wake up, blinking tiredly and pulling at her bound arms. Struggling slightly, Kylie woke up fully and remembered the events of last night quickly. It was needless to say, she would have facepalmed if she could, and she found herself leaning over to lick Eileen where she lay.

Wake up o Zealous one. You went a bit overboard last night. Don't care if you let us go, but I need to pee...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie woke, she'd find her arms were still stuck to the webbing that'd been holding them down, though it seemed to have loosened a bit while she'd slept. The others bindings seemed to have been loosened up a bit too from the looks of it, as they had all rolled over a bit through the night and were in different positions, all save Palla, who was still snuggled up behind Kylie with her arms around her, both hands resting on Kylie's belly, and Scarlett was still in front of Kylie with her belly gently pressed against her own still.

All the others were still asleep from the looks and sounds of it, but Kylie's licking of Eileen's cheek caused the drider to stir a bit as her eyes fluttered open a few moments later. "Mmm... w-what's going on? K-Kylie?" Eileen mumbled sleepily as she woke up, seeming in a bit of a daze about everything. After a few seconds she groaned and rubbed her face with one hand, her thumb and index finger rubbing her eyes some before she suddenly gasped and looked directly at Kylie. "Oh... s-shit. W-What have I done? Oh man... auntie Nina is gonna really let me have it when she finds out about this," Eileen then said, starting to panic some before snapping back to reality at Kylie mentioning needing to pee.

"Kylie I'm so sorry about last night. I was drunk and... oh please forgive me. Oh everyone's gonna be so mad at me," Eileen said, looking sad about what she'd done and scared of what might happen to her now as she pulled Kylie's bindings loose and freed her, where she helped her out of their bed by lifting her up like a princess and setting her down and even going so far as to walk her to the bathroom, one hand protectively over Kylie's belly. The others in the meantime snoozed on for the time being, with only Ilyana stirring a bit as Kylie was gotten out of bed.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just chuckled to herself as Eileen started to panic, mentioning her aunt and even apologizing. Hahaha, don't apologize, I asked for it, and the others certainly didn't mind after a little convincing. Though if I apologized to anyone, it would be scarlett, but trust me, she moaned and came her brains out as much as we all did. Nothing to worry about. Kylie said, patting Eileen on her big spidery rump as she was guided to the bathroom.

Hell, if you want to make it up to me, help me find a big bag of catnip today, I still have that duel with the Neko. And I have no intention of playing fair~ she continued as soon as she was done, ruffling up her hair with her hands and giggling at herself.

Come on, lets wake the others and start the morning slash breakfast party, one giant baby shower coming up! And really, I don't mind, tiny driders are adorable. Ilyana wanted it just as bad as I did, the others just needed a little warming up, heck, Angela was begging you to keep going. You may have been bad, but it was the best bad I've seen out of you yet. Kylie went on, smiling from ear to ear as she started to rouse the others gently.