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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie gasped and visibly shuddered when she felt Nina's fangs, pressing more tightly against them just to give Nina the slightest drop of blood, before spinning away with a wink. 2 lovely ladies all to myself? Now that would be an interesting evening. she said, dashing off to her exploration.

She was soon enough, left standing on top of their building, taking a mental snapshot of what was indeed, a full and sprawling harbor city, buildings surrounding her next to a full port, and heedless of any warnings, she was GOING to have fun today.

It took her a little planning out as to her route, but it inevitably started out with the building closest to her, the assassin backing up, before making a running leap and roll to the next rooftop, and then continuing along in her own insane manner with a mad laugh of joy as she surveyed what the city had to offer to the north, it had to have a commerce district, and she was eager to find it... And she had seen gnomes, gnomes had technowizardry she was eager to see.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hopping to the next closest building, Kylie found it was someone's store, a large clothing store she'd see once she peered down at the sign at the front door. Heading northwards, Kylie soon came to a place where she could go no further across the rooftops or risk falling through the next one she jumped to, as they were a bit too far down to risk it, plus they were houses and not shops. Once down on the street, Kylie would easily find the central market area, which was full of different kinds of shops and market stalls to shop at.

It took a bit of searching, but eventually after half an hour of looking for them, Kylie was able to spot some gnomes running a store... well a couple of them anyway and both female, along with an elf man and a fairly short half-elf woman that were inside as well. "Welcome welcome, come on in and see our wares," one of the gnomes said to Kylie, a young female one with red hair, she stood at just under 3'10 tall give or take and looked up at Kylie from her position near the doors, where she was stocking a shelf with... boxes of bullets, of various sizes.

"What are you looking for miss? If it's one of the newer rifles I'm sorry we're sold out, they all got bought up by the city guard in preparation for a possible invasion from one of or possibly more of the Styrian nations," the elf man said from behind the counter. "But we do have some of the older rifles in stock for the moment," he added, gesturing at the rack of said guns behind his counter.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

KYLIE FOUND THE G-NOMES! Swinging down to the ground, mostly because she'd run out of rooftop in this direction, Kylie entered the store immediately and saw said gnomes, and bullets... Why bul... Guns. Bleh.

regard the gnome addressing her, Kylie shrugged. I'm actually looking for more... artful pieces of engineering, guns are too loud for my taste. But spring loaded blades, traps, bombs... those are too my liking, do you know where I could look? she asked, showing no interest whatsoever in said guns. She'd practiced too hard for too long with her weapon to give it up to something she saw as ridiculous, noisy, and cumbersome.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, well I know of a dwarf guy over by the docks that's good with springs and stuff, he might be able to make you something if you don't mind heading over that way. Then again he might not be able to do what you're wanting," the elven man said, thinking for a few moments before continuing. "Hmm, and you can find alchemical bomb and whatnot over at the apothecary down the street. Just take a left out the door and head down the road until you see a solid black owl in the window of a store. Traps you might have to look around, I don't dabble in those myself and don't know anyone who does honestly, sorry bout that. But don't think badly of our guns just because they're loud, they have their uses and are powerful weapons and these here on the wall behind me are all handmade by my wife there, the only ones that weren't were the ones the city guard bought up and my wife maintained all of them," he went on to say, pointing over at the gnome woman near the door as he spoke proudly of her.

Once she headed out with the new information as to where she could go to get the things she preferred, Kylie would easily be able to find the apothecary down the street, where inside she would see many different alchemical things, a few of which she wouldn't have seen at the one back in Feynrial.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie sighed and rubbed her forehead. Listen, I'm certain your wife is quite good at her craft, and meant no insult, though it seems one was certainly implied. I cannot do my work if my attacks draw unneeded attention, so I use a Bow, nor am I willing to pick up a new weapon and learn it's uses after working so hard to master this one. Fortune to your trade, thanks for the information. Kylie said, bowing before more appropriately phrasing her question.

I'm not looking for anything one could simply pick up off a shelf, but a truly skilled artificer that can take custom orders, and one just mad enough to bring the creations in my mind to life. I will go see the dwarf, and probably buy out the apothecary entirely. If you can think of anyone fitting my unique needs, please let me know. Kylie finished after being a bit more specific in her questioning.

Turning to leave if the gnomes had nothing more of value to share with her, Kylie would leave the store and head to the apothecary, not all that difficult to find all things considered, and head inside.

Hello~! I'm looking for the owner of this establishment! Kylie called out when she walked inside, loudly, even as she looked over the various bottled creations there were to see.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I understand, she takes a lot of pride in her work is all I meant," the elf man said, leaning in close to Kylie where he whispered quietly. "Just don't mention how short she is, gnomes tend to get huffy when people do," he then whispered in her ear.

"And if you can afford to buy the whole apothecary out then go ahead and try. I doubt the owners would be willing to sell their store to you though," he went on to say aloud again with a shrug of his shoulders.

After leaving the gun store and heading down to the apothecary, Kylie would find not much need to call out to find the owners of the place, as there was a middle aged human woman standing at the counter. "What do you need hon? My husband is in the back right now mixing some potions," the woman asked Kylie, beckoning her over to the counter.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I'm starting a country wide research group into medicines, toxins, and the like, and I'm starting this off by making sure I have the minds, and the resources to achieve it. I've come to purchase your business, though only in the most basic of senses. Kylie said simply, though she was certainly looking around at what the place had to offer that Alan's did not.

I'm very interested you see, in a lot of things, machines, medicines, magic... my own work. I've already purchased Alan's apothecary in Feynrial. 1 man with my ideas however, can only achieve so much, and my goals are much longer reaching then a single lifetime. In short, how would you an your husband, like to work for me? The store would remain yours, though I would collect a small percentage of the profits, while providing a budget for any research I'd like to have done. You would not have to change anything about the way you do business, or where, in fact, I'm counting against it, what would change is that you would most certainly have time set aside for personal projects, and research. And just to be clear, this wouldn't be into topics like, new makeup for human brothels. To give you an idea, if you say yes, your first research budget would be the same as Alan's currently, one hundred fifty thousand gold. Kylie said, though she was extremely discreet about the sum, whispering it as gently as anyone could.

Regardless of your decision, which I do hope you take the time to think about, I would prefer if you were... discreet, about the offer. I'm fairly new here, and if the news that a woman like myself was parading around the city with a great deal of coin, it could attract unwanted attention from less reputable sources. Think it over with your husband later. Maybe for now you could show me around the store? Tell me what's for sale? I'm proficient myself in certain things, but potions and elixirs are utterly beyond me. Alan introduced me to these wonderful shapeshifting potions, among other things. What do you have to offer? Kylie asked, smiling
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Looking around as she spoke, Kylie would see a few other potions and herbs around the place that Alan didn't have back in Feynrial, and a few obviously more potent ones as well that he did have. She would see a small case inside the glass counter of the potions of giant's strength that Alan had mentioned he'd like more of if she could get them, though there were only a dozen in the case at the moment it looked like. There were also a few others on his list that she saw the names of, such as one of the paralyzing agents that he'd wanted more of to restock his on supply of it.

"Well young lady, I have to say you make a good offer, that much can't be denied. But I'm going to have to decline your offer, at least for the time being until I speak with my husband, then we'd have to get to know you enough to see if you can be trusted, and even then you could just take away our livelyhood if you owned the place by simply kicking us out if you wished. There's a lot of things to consider dearie, I hope you understand any hesitance in your offer. It's an offer that's almost too good to be true you might say, since we already make quite a bit for ourselves as it is," the lady behind the counter replied about selling the place, though she then came out from behind said counter when Kylie asked to be shown around the place. "I can show you around though at least, but you needn't worry about my telling anyone about how much money you have, it's none of my business how much you've got or what you do with it. I know Alan though, he comes or sends someone once or sometimes twice a season to buy things from us and a our main supplier of the herbs and other reagents over on the edge of town. But enough about that for now. What sorts of things are you looking for hon?" she went on to say, gesturing for Kylie to follow her as she asked what all she was looking for.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I understand, absolutely. If you know Alan, you can certainly ask him, or anyone in Feynrial or the priestesses at the temple. Hazel and Amara could certainly help clarify things. As for what I need, there's this list here from Alan for me to pick up for him. And then well, as for what I'm looking for, that's always a toss up. Kylie said cheerfully, peering around what the store had to offer as she got her tour.

It was certainly a larger selection then Alan had, which wasn't surprising. But what really caught Kylie's attention were the things under the glass in the case, higher priced for obvious reasons, including her personal favourite potions of I get to throw trees now. Handy things.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see, let me have a look and I can have everything we can provide for him rounded up and boxed up for you," the lady said, taking the list from Kylie and going back behind the counter for a moment to have a look at it. "M'kay... yeah we've got those. Some of these too, but not as many of these as I'd like," she mumbled to herself as she checked her books for what they had in stock on Alan's list.

After a couple of minutes she handed the list back to Kylie and a nod. "Alright, we've got about three quarters of the stuff he's wanting, at least in the amounts he's wanting anyway. As for the potions of giant's strength... well these twelve here are the only ones, and we can't sell all of them to you at least until we can make more. These things are rather tough to do even for a skilled alchemist like my husband. There are a couple of others that like them too is why I can't sell you all of them. I can sell half of them to you, maybe eight at most, but we've got to keep a couple of them in stock for the others that come in to get them. We don't actually make these ourselves here, we get them from a supplier too, and I don't know if she's in town at the moment. But you could ask around for Asha at the adventurers guild, they might be able to help you find her if she isn't in town, but you could check her place too of course, it's over by the guild hall actually," she said about the potions of giant's strength, which might not make Kylie too happy to hear, but at least she could get more of them and had the possibility of meeting the lady that apparently made them. "He's also got some slow-step oil, some invisibility elixirs, and some spider potions on his list, which we don't have anywhere near enough to make up the amounts he wants. Says on the list that he wants five dozen of each, which would take us at least a week to make that many in bulk. If you don't mind waiting that long then it'd be fine I suppose, but if you're looking to hurry back with it all to him then you're out of luck on those. Most of this is basic stuff though that we usually supply him and the other towns with to the south, because we can make a lot of them in bulk fairly easy, some of them are just time consuming to make is all, like the three I mentioned before," she went on to say, naming off three things on Alan's list that they might not be able to supply him with this time around, unless Kylie didn't mind waiting for them to get done that is.

"Hmm... I could sell you some of the things to make those three potions themselves to take to Alan, he's a pretty good brewer himself so he ought to be able to manage it, just doesn't always have access to all of the things he needs to do it. The rest you should be able to get at the market or the actual herbalist though," she said after a few moments, giving Kylie another option for the ones they didn't have enough of.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened carefully to what the woman had to say before answering herself. I had planned on being here for about 4 full days, though that could change, so a full week would be out, but getting the materials shipped down to him would certainly be fine, as well as such materials having the availability to be used for other more pressing projects if there's an emergency. Kylie pondered aloud, thinking things through with her eyes closed for a moment.

Very well, that will be fine, and I'll go speak to this herbalist as well to make sure other ingredients are made available to him, and you if you do decide to accept my offer. As I said, you have all the time you need to make a final decision. Please start on whatever of Alan's list you can handle, and I'll make sure you receive payment. I'll make sure it's here in the morning for you. Kylie said, turning to depart unless she had something else to say to the assassin.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alrighty dear, it'll probably take us until tomorrow morning at least to get all of the things together that we can provide, at least to do that and box it all up properly so nothing shifts around and breaks on the journey back," the shopkeeper lady said about the supplies. "Asha goes out to get her own herbs and whatnot to make potions, and she ha a few helpers that go with her or for her most of the time, so she has a large stockpile that you could buy some of if you want to make some of these things with. How many of these potions of giant's strength did you want by the way? So I can go ahead and put them aside and stuff too," she added.

After finishing with that and leaving, Kylie would see in the city streets on her way over to the adventurer's guild several lamias, driders, alraune, devils, and even a few angels walking alongside the various humans, elves, and shifter races that were there also. It looked as if there was no discrimination at all it seemed. When she arrived at Asha's place which was beside the adventurers guild, Kylie would see that it was open and inside at the counter was a young neko running the place.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled softly at the question as she borrowed something to mark off her list for things she would need from the herbalist. Well, I'll need 2 of them for emergencies personally, you really never know. And the rest should go to Alan for the same reason. He doesn't sell them often, which means in my mind, that he saves them for real situations that might warrant the extra muscle, it can get quite nasty down on the coast I'm sure. I'm actually his top buyer for them. Kylie said, pondering it out. Still, Ill make certain all of your payment is here in the morning, I'm going to go find this herbalist to make sure this chore is done for Alan as quickly as possible. I'd hate for someone to go without when I'm right here to help. Thanks for everything. Kylie said, taking the two bottles for herself and handing over the admittedly small amount of coin over as a personal payment for them.

Heading out to this Asha... Kylie took the time to note her surroundings, seeing just about every race here without any problems, and a lot of foot traffic. Well, that was a city for you.

Finding the herbalist, Kylie saw the young neko and strode inside with the remainder of her list of stuff. Alan sent me on a supply run from Feynrial. I need everything here not checked off, including the potions, which I need the ingredients for. It'd be better that way anyway. Kylie said simply, not really interested in buying out this establishment yet, though she had considered it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alrighty then. I suppose you'll decide on how many extras to get in the morning then?" she asked, getting 2 of the potions in question out and handing them to Kylie, taking the gold they cost and putting it away, which as much as Kylie had was pretty much a drop in the bucket, but it was still quite a bit, which came out to a total of 320 gold. "Now those are the first tier ones like Alan got from us the last time, the more powerful potions like those are out of our ability to make here ourselves, but Asha can make the next tier up in potency of them, if you can convince her to give you one of them," she added to Kylie.


"Um... okay then, let me see them and I'll see what we can do for you miss," the neko said, looking up at Kylie when she came inside and spoke, her tail swishing behind her some that someone was there to shop.

She took the list from Kylie and looked it over, then nodded her head and set it down on the counter while she turned around to look at the shelves behind the counter which were full of various herbs, reagents, and other various things to make potions and things like that. "Alrighty, I can have it packed up for you to pick up when you leave town if you want. But... I'm not allowed to sell these to just anyone without miss Asha's permission, the potions of giant's strength I mean. She's very cautious who she sells them to because of the potential danger," the young neko told Kylie, pausing a moment as if she didn't want to tell her she couldn't sell her something. "Miss Asha should be on her way back by now though and ought to be here tomorrow or later tonight if you don't mind waiting for her to return," she added with an apologetic look.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

O I don't mind the wait at all, I'm sure miss Asha and I will get along famously, though I will insist we speak in private in the morning. Please tell her I'll be stopping by and to have some time set aside. Against my first impression, I've decided to extend an offer, and some information her way because we could do eachother a great deal of good. For now, Please be certain that the items on that list for Alan are all set and ready to go. I'm certain this isn't the first time she's heard of his large orders. he's getting on in years and simply can't gather them all himself anymore. Kylie said, smiling pleasantly, she liked the neko, and her demeanor spoke volumes about her employers own.

Though I wonder if you could help me with something. Do you have any Viper Venom? I procured my own in the jungle on the way here, and found it was extremely useful for some of the more dangerous things we encountered. If you had more, or knew where I could get it just in case... Kylie asked, wondering if a high caliber herbalist would have, or sell such a thing. She was certain it was used in antivenoms for bites and had to be kept fresh, but whether or not they had the actual venom on hand at the moment was an uncertainty, a lot of people didn't like to go out hunting snakes... And even less kept dangerous ones on hand to milk.

Once her questions were answered, and everything was sorted out, Kylie would leave the shop again. Her friends were due back soon, but not That soon, and the gnomes had spoken about a dwarf who was good with springs, it was time to pay him a visit... And with that thought firmly in mind, Kylie was hunting through the city again, on one last errand before meeting up with her friends and family.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright, that I can do. Is there anywhere specific you'd like this all sent or are you going to pick it up yourself? Either way I'll have it all gathered by noon tomorrow. And yes we do carry venoms of various kinds, to help make antivenom for things, we've got viper venom, spider venom, drider venom, it really depends on what sort you want. Check the shelves over that way and you'll see all we carry," the neko said with a smile, pointing over at an aisle on the far end of the store from both the door and the counter, almost as if it were kept out of the way so no one would notice it right off the bat when they came inside.

A few were kept in glass lock boxes so they could be viewed but not taken by just anyone, and one of those was the drider venom the neko had mentioned, though there were various kinds of drider venom inside the glassed in area. There were 4 other glassed in cases that housed other venoms, one of which was obviously very rare as it was in a white oak box and there were 5 vials of it, the label reading Bebelith venom. The price was exorbitant compared to the rest of the venoms in there considering, being a whopping 5,000 gold per vial.

Aside from those Kylie would indeed find herself some viper venom like she was looking for, and there were several vials of the venoms of the different vipers around the island, with a decent amount in stock of most of them save pit viper venom which was running low with only half a dozen vials left of it. "We have a store house where we keep snakes and spiders and things like that to milk the venom from, a couple of professional hunters do it for us. Most of those in the glass cases though are kinds that are too rare to leave sitting out, though the drider venom is obviously rather easy to get considering we have so many about the city. But the reason they are in the glass case too is because of all the different specific effects that they can have on people. There's some that'll act as a very powerful aphrodisiac, some that'll act like a paralytic agent, and a few others," the neko called to Kylie from the counter.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Very interesting, and prudent. Hopefully after I speak with Asha myself, you'll find you have nothing to worry about in entrusting such things to me. My morals are quite literally, incorruptible. For now, I'll take whatever pit viper venom you have left, as well as a preserved antivenom for the same, and anything that will act as a full paralytic agent. Sometimes I need to take my targets alive, because hurting them was never the goal in mind. It helps with relocating more dangerous prey to somewhere they wont cause harm. Kylie said simply, smiling as she plucked several vials of snake venom off the shelves, those clearly labeled as Viper, as vipers she well knew, almost all had hemotoxic venom that acted quickly, especially in high dose.

It would never be said she didn't at least know her basic poisons, or their effects, but it was jarring to her that there was a toxin on that shelf, that she was complete unaware of, both in it's effects and potency, as well as it's source. Something in her gut however, told her quite plainly, that seeing the effects of that venom, would haunt her for the rest of her life if it was ever administered by her own hand, and she rarely ignored such a feeling. She'd ask Asha about it in the morning.

Taking her purchase and paying for it, once again nothing more then a drop in the ocean to her expenses, Kylie left the store cheerfully knowing that she had an option at her disposal for a good long while if the target was dangerous.

She had a Dwarf who was good with Springs, to hunt down...And she had some very interesting ideas....
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"True I guess, and while we do keep some of the actual antivenoms here with us those are for emergencies mostly, we merely supply the doctors and whatnot with the majority of it so you'd probably be better off getting it from them if you'd like to get any large amounts of it," the neko told her, bagging up all of her vials of antivenom that she'd gotten and taking 50 gold exactly for a full 20 vials of different paralyzing venoms. "Each of those vials can coat a blade for a good long while in whatever it is, while with arrows I'd say you could probably coat about... ten or so before there was too little left to do any more," she added to Kylie as she handed her the bag with the vials.

Heading out with the neko waving by to her, Kylie went over towards the docks as the older lady from the apothecary had told her to do. After getting nearer the docks, Kylie was easily able to pick out the dwarf's place with a bit of direction from the various people along the streets, if she asked any of them that is. If she didn't then it would take her a good 20 minutes more but in the end she would find the place in question.

Upon entering the building, Kylie would hear a bell jingling at the door, where she'd hear someone call from the counter. "Aye come on in lass, I'm working on something at the moment, so give me a minute," a dwarf man said from a desk behind the counter, where when she looked closer she'd see that he was holding a pair of pliers bending a thick copper wire into place around what looked like a metal wizards staff.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was quite happy with her purchase, and even went so far as to carefully wrap the vials up so she could stash them away for now. It had been a good start, she was getting to see a little of the city, had seen a gnome... and now she was talking to a dwarf. Human cities were boring compared to this!

Nodding as she entered and the dwarf told her to hang a moment, Kylie did as she was told, for all of half a second, instead wandering over and looking at what he was doing as intently as he was, watching him bend the wire into place.

this is really interesting... she whispered quietly, completely serious. I was told to come here by a very proud Gnome trying to sell me guns. He wasn't happy that I didn't want his rifles. Asked who was good with springs and he sent me straight here. I've come looking for a madman. Tell me, could you be that very man? Kylie continued, quirking an eyebrow at him with a grin. Granted, she was a slip of a girl carrying a bow larger then she was and as disheveled as ever, as Giselle had not been around to enforce the hair brushing law of the land.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"You mean she... only one gunsmith in town, and she's a gnome. Gianna's her name, but you're right about her being very proud of her work. I'm almost envious of it myself, those bloody little gnomes and their small hands can work many wonders... even on a man if you know what I mean. But I guarantee you that there's nobody else in town, probably the whole island that can do this with magic weapons... enhance them using technology," the dwarf replied to Kylie as she whispered to him and he finished bending the copper coil into place how he wanted it. "This right here is a wizard staff, already magical and coated in mythril, but with this coil around it, the thing's lightning capabilities will be even more potent," he added, patting the staff, which told Kylie it was a staff as she probably suspected it was.

"They sent you to the right dwarf though... but no I'm no madman though, as far as I can tell at least," he went on to say as he headed over to a sink, chuckling at what she had to say. Then he turned around as he dried his hands and shooed her back around across the counter. "Get back over there lass, employees only back here. And Moradin's beard... you could almost be mistaken for a frail little dwarf with hair like that. If you were about a foot shorter I'd have thought you were a dwarf. Anyway though lass, what is it you want of me? I am good with springs and spring loaded weapons to answer that question," he added with a chuckle, asking what she wanted with him.