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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As they came up to the ferry, Kylie looked around quickly at everything to be offered. A small settlement, some people, some buildings, and inn, a tired boat crew, spider people... Well, that wasn't necessarily new, but a little odd. She had remembered meeting one her first day in the Village, but hadn't seen any since that time.

Watching them fish, Kylie giggled. That was not how spiders caught things to eat, they sat and waited and then OMNOMNOM. Still, it was definitely more productive. Kylie was almost glad at that point that spiders, large and small, DIDN'T hunt like the driders were fishing, because then they'd be a lot more troublesome.

Shaking the odd thought from her mind, Kylie made a mental note to avoid them lest she jump into a net just to see how annoyed they'd get, and how much she'd enjoy it.

Nodding at Ilyana slowly, Kylie shrugged and answered. Personally no, I'd prefer to travel day and night, and make this trip in half the time, with double the risks, just for fun. But sanity demands I take you up on the offer of rest. Kylie said, giggling at Ilyana before heading towards the Inn. If there was drink to be had, it would be there.

Making a distinct effort to go unnoticed, Kylie already had her cloak on, and the hood up, staying in Ilyana's shadow and in all fairness, doing a pretty good impression of one. Trouble would only lengthen the journey.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well in these lands taking risks like that isn't advised, by anyone not just me. Because I don't want to end up like auntie Dahlia did that time before dad took the throne of the Netherworld. Long story short she was traveling around, got captured by some Hell Wasps and was used as a breeder for a time until grandma Hazel and momma Lilia rescued her with auntie Ginny. Anyway though they've got this nice coconut and something drink here, tastes delicious, and that's another reason I wanna stop, because this is like the only place around that has it is this tavern here, and they won't share the recipe with anyone else," Ilyana said as they made for the Inn and tavern which were the same building really.

Heading on inside they found three other patrons wetting their whistles as well, an elven man who was sitting at the bar and a pair of drow women who were both sitting a small table near the door with a window to look out, and the two of them were armed as well with light ringmail on. Ilyana nodded over at them as they passed by them, with the pair both nodding back to her and raising their glasses to her as well.

"Ah hello ladies... Ilyana my dear welcome welcome. Come on in and take a load off. What'll ya have, the usual?" the man tending the bar said.

"Hello there Quinn, and yes one of those nice coconut drinks please, with the ice definitely, because this heat is absolutely horrendous after that storm yesterday. And my friend here will have a.... Hmm, what do you want Kylie?" Ilyana replied, glancing over at Kylie to see what she wished to drink.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mmm, Breeder slave... Was all Kylie had to say in response to Ilyana's story, a glazed look in her eyes for a moment before wiping her chin with a sleeve and snapping back to reality.

Looking around, Kylie just followed Ilyana as she was, hooded and discreet until they entered the building proper, Ilyana prattling on about some kind of special drink in a coconut.

Reaching the bar, Ilyana was greeted in a friendly enough manner, and too kylie's Horror, her traveling companion brought her to everyone else's attention by asking her what she wanted to drink.

Water, please. Kylie answered quickly, and quietly, before leaning in to whisper to Ilyana. I haven't been laid in almost a week, and I am a sex fiend. This is not only unacceptable, but if I drink any alcohol, I will say yes to the first dick or nice ass I see, whether they asked or not. Personality flaw? Maybe. But the reality. she hissed, narrowing her eyes for a moment, before reaching for her glass, and continuing to not interact with anyone, ignoring any comments directed at her, and appearing to look deeply into her glass as she drank her water.

This was annoying, after having told Palla to control her urges by exercising them, Kylie was now in the same annoying spot her goliath friend had been in, and it was troublesome.

Refusing to speak on the subject again, Kylie was glad Ilyana had found something she liked, and friends, but had no desire whatsoever to deal with other people, at all. Although a fluffy tail, or a drider nice enough to net her would immediately be her undoing, and she wouldn't care in the slightest, which was why she wasn't moving around, wasn't looking around, and was making the effort NOT to get into trouble.

They would take the ferry, Kylie would suffer for another night, they would camp, and then she would take care of her pent up frustration herself if she had to. For an island that had no shortage of odd things that wanted to fuck her, she had hit an impossible dry spell, it was like winning the shitty lottery. This had never been a problem before she had come here, but getting used to getting laid every day for a week, sometimes multiple times a day, in all manners, had given her a heavier taste for sex then she'd ever had before.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aight lass, water it is, I'll give you some ice too to help cool you down some more," Quinn the barkeep said as he got their drinks, passing Kylie her ice water and handing Ilyana her coconut drink.

Sipping their drinks, the girls were left relatively alone by the other patrons, and after a few minutes the two drow lady guards got up and paid the barkeep what they owed and headed on out to likely do their guard jobs if their garb was any indication as to what they did. After finishing up her drink, Ilyana paid the man for her's, with him telling Kylie she didn't need to worry for the water that it was on the house just because it was so hot out.

Heading on over to the ferry, Ilyana talked to the people manning the boat who agreed to take them on across after she paid them the toll. Soon after that the duo were on their way across, with a couple of others that were apparently heading over to the other side, where they could see a few more houses and buildings. The ones coming with them were a kitsune woman and an elven man, with the foxy lady being one of the ones doing the laundry at the Inn earlier. After about forty five minutes they had made it across to the other side and were docking to disembark.

Now that they were over here, Kylie could see another few buildings that were about enough for another 30 to 40 people on this side of the river as well. Evening was beginning to fall by the time they'd gotten off the boat and were on their way again, which was likely Kylie's preference in any case. They weren't really bothered along their way through and out, aside from Ilyana getting a few waves from some people, and here they saw a few children running around playing of various races and ages. As they made their way out, they'd hear a call from the ferrymen telling any that needed to go back to the other side of the river to come along now as it was the last launch of the day.

"Well, looks like we're good to keep on going, and we're making decent time again now too that the rain has stopped. We're about another couple of days from the lamia village, maybe less if we rush it some, but in the night I'd rather not, especially around these parts now that we're closer to the mountain," Ilyana said as they went on into the woods north of the riverside village.

A few hours later while they traveled through the night/very early morning, their relative peaceful journey was interrupted by some rustling in the trees around them about 3 hours past midnight and a good 3 to 4 leagues from the village, which instantly put Ilyana on guard. "Damn, knew our luck wouldn't hold for too long. Don't know what it is, but stay ready for anything, Probably just an Ochu or something though this deep in the jungle at night, that's about the only thing large enough to rustle the trees like that other than Roper pods, and the latter of those two are slow as hell and easy to move past," Ilyana said, her night eyes peering around as she drew her bow from its holder as she grabbed an arrow with her other hand.

Ilyana moved around to behind Kylie, taking up a back to back stance so nothing got the drop on the two of them as she notched an arrow while Kylie likely did the same. The rustling got closer and closer to them, the whole time likely reminding Kylie of the Ochu that attacked her and Delilah the other day when she first arrived. After a minute or so, Kylie would suddenly hear Ilyana let out a muffled cry as she staggered back into Kylie and bumped her, dropping her bow and the arrow she'd had notched onto it. Kylie would see a greyish bug like creature with a 4 foot long tail that had a penis shaped tip on the end of it, and six legs that were wrapped around Ilyana's head hugging her face tightly to it and blocking her vision. Another one followed suit and latched onto Ilyana's waist before either of them could do anything while the first one's tail looped around Ilyana's neck to hold itself firmly in place.

Kylie's reflexes kicked in just in the nick of time as another pair of the things flew out of the nearby trees and attempted and failed luckily to grab her. It looked like she was on her own for now on this one, as Ilyana was in quite the predicament herself.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Good, I'm glad to be moving on. I've been restless for ages now, and I needed this trip. Problem is now, I need a dicking. Kylie said without any shame whatsoever, giggling to herself as they ferried over, and moved on.

Their luck did indeed run out though, despite their good progress into the night, the darkness of the jungle grew unusually quiet around them, and Kylie was perking up for trouble before they'd even heard any rustling, the assassin matching her companions statement with a nod before they moved back to back, though Kylie thought this would be a terrible idea against an ochu, which would just grab BOTH of them... that would be cramped.

Lost in that thought for a moment, Kylie sighed before returning her attention to their more current problem, only to feel Ilyana bump into her as she gave a quickly muffled shout of alarm. Turning, Kylie saw the odd creatures, one latched tightly to her face as it's long tail coiled around her throat to make it even more difficult to remove, and another grabbed onto her hips, the blind archer unable to stop it as she dropped her weapons in surprise.

Seeing two, Kylie immediately decided there were more of them, and indeed, managed to twist out of the way of her own ambush, the two creatures going wide of their mark, though Kylie got a good look at their tails as they sailed passed.

Well, this creature, or critters, seemed intent to give them a surprise fucking. If kylie were alone... Probably would just see if she could strip down faster then they could grab her, but she wasn't, and Ilyana was already in a tough spot. Drawing her bow and an arrow in a fluid motion, Kylie knocked it and turned to follow the odd grabby things that had launched themselves passed her, her bowstring humming for a moment before her arrow flashed out towards the nearest, looking to kill it and move on to the next if she could, all while staying balanced on her feet and trying to dodge if they turned and tried again... though it was very hard not to watch what was happening to Ilyana...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's arrow shot through the air and missed her target, where she heard it thunk into a tree nearby, though she'd have to retrieve it later after this was over and done with. Ilyana meanwhile continued struggling with the thing on her face, which was muffling her screams, and while it was doing that the one around her waist curled its tail around to help as it began going at her robes, pulling them off enough for its tail to worm inside and get against her bare skin.

As Kylie moved around and tried to dodge her foes, one of them flung itself straight at her again, though she was able to keep it from latching onto her face, it did however grab hold of her waist. The second one dove at her before she could react after the first one hit her, grabbing hold of her face. Kylie could feel something hard poking at her lips, as if demanding entry, but it wasn't able to force itself inside just yet, giving her the chance to try and get free.

Struggling against the things didn't really bring Kylie any success, and she couldn't really see much so it was hard to tell what else was going on. However Kylie could hear Ilyana struggling from behind the veil of darkness a bit, and soon enough she'd hear Ilyana let loose a gasp as she apparently tugged the one off of her face. "Dammit... g-get off of me you... EEEEK!" Ilyana began saying before she suddenly squealed out. Over the course of a few seconds Kylie would hear more struggling before Ilyana spoke again, this time much more distressed than before. "N-No damn you... n-not there, not my ass, please not my ass... EEEEEEEK!" Ilyana begged the thing, then let out another louder and lewder squeal as the thing apparently anally penetrated her as well, likely with its tail.

The ones on Kylie attempted to keep up the pressure on her, the one on her face continually poking the hard thing against her lips until it gained entry, forcing her lips open enough to stick the hard and slimy appendage into Kylie's mouth. The one down around her waist however couldn't gain entry to Kylie's clothing and kept her safe from the tail and the hard thing it had which was pressing against her nethers through her pants instead of against her flower directly thankfully.

Kylie - FP: 6/6, AP: 2/10
Ilyana - FP: 7/8, AP: 4/10

Facehugger A - FP: 4/4, grappling Kylie around her head
Facehugger B - FP: 3/3, grappling Kylie around her waist
Facehugger C - FP: 4/4, grappling Ilyana around her waist and is currently raping her
Facehugger D - FP: 3/3, not grappling anyone
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, trying and failing to dodge out of the way, managed to keep the first one off her face, but the grapply little fucker wrapped itself around her waist. Scowling, Kylie didn't react in time to stop the next from scoring it's mark, it's limbs sliding around her face as it tried to force something into her mouth.

As Kylie struggled, she could hear Ilyana, who wasn't faring well either it seemed, before she started yelling and squealing. Ok, worse then before. Still trying to get the damned thing off, Kylie eventually had to breath, and the strength of the creature broke out her stubbornness as she felt that odd appendage shoved into her mouth as the creature settled more securely.

Pulling at the one on her face, Kylie Mmmphed loudly and continued pulling, before stopping, shrieking through the gag in annoyance, and letting her hidden blades slide out from her wrists, looking to skewer the one wrapped around her face before she wound up worse off. Unlike Ilyana, Kylie was not helpless like this, far from it. And as soon as this little bastard got it's dick out of her mouth, she was going for the other one which seemed to have been temporarily defeated, by the wonder of pants.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's hidden dagger shot out and pierced the thing on her face, which forced its appendage out of her mouth and the creature off of her altogether as it squeaked in pain. This allowed Kylie to see again where Ilyana's predicament was in full view of the young assassin. Ilyana was laying on her back with her robes opened up and the majority of her body showing and her hips high in the air, where the creature around her waist shimmied down a bit and penetrated her pussy with what could only be its dick, while its long penis like tail swung around and was drilling her asshole quite deeply, the long tail easily a foot deep inside of her. The drow girl was all but defenseless against the thing it seemed until she suddenly reached down and grabbed the thing buried in her ass and began pulling it out inch by inch, where she managed to force it out completely and with a nudge of her knees she managed to push the thing out of her pussy as well.

Kylie was able to keep the facehugger thing off of her face again, but the one around her waist finally managed to find its way into her clothing as its tail forced her clothing down and its dick forced its way into her pussy while its tail swung around and did much the same as the one on Ilyana had done as it drove deep into her pucker. The one Ilyana was contending with distracted her from the other one which dove back onto her face and forced its dick in her mouth again, which unfortunately for her gave the one around her waist ample opportunity to go back to what it was doing as the tail slipped right back into her ass and its dick right back into her pussy where both the tail and the creature's main body began thrusting and forcing muffled moans from her lips.

Struggling with the one on her, Kylie wasn't able to get it off or out of her any at all, while Ilyana looked to have stopped struggling against her two captors as they used her body at their leisure, her arms going limp and falling to her sides. This left Kylie in a bit of a bind however, though at the same time it did take 2 of the things out of the picture, though it did Ilyana as well unfortunately. The other creature that Kylie had wounded prior jumped back onto her face and latched on, but she was able to keep it from getting too tight a hold on her, so she could still partially see Ilyana and didn't have the thing's dick in her mouth yet.

Ilyana soon let out a muffled squeal and Kylie could make out of the corner of her eye the drow girl's hips bucking while the rest of her shuddered deliciously as she hit her peak, though the creatures on her kept going at it, intending to get their fill of her body it seemed. Kylie still had a chance to get free herself though, as she wasn't quite that hot and bothered just yet from these things, though she was in quite the bind, but she still had the use of her arms and legs for that matter.

Kylie - FP: 6/6, AP: 4/10, is grappled and being raped vaginally and anally.
Ilyana - FP: 5/8, AP: 10/10, is grappled and being raped, takes -1 to all rolls from her orgasm she just had.

Facehugger A - FP: 3/4, grappling Kylie around her head, but not raping her
Facehugger B - FP: 3/3, grappling Kylie around her waist and is currently raping her.
Facehugger C - FP: 4/4, grappling Ilyana around her waist and is currently raping her
Facehugger D - FP: 3/3, grappling Ilyana around her head and is currently raping her
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, having been the only one to draw blood so far in this fight, forced the odd creature off of her face with her blade in time to see what was going on to Ilyana. Though it wasn't hard to guess. Ogling the sight for a moment, Kylie gave a startled cry and a deep, throaty moan as the creature that had been battling against her actual pants finally got what it wanted, the only warning Kylie had being a swift touch to her bare thighs before her hips were filled completely.

Dropping to a knee for a moment in shock, Kylie's hips bucked a little as Ilyana was silenced again, and the other creature made another pass at her face as she was trying to force her own creature out of her depths to no avail... Little fuckers were slippery.

Latching on, but unable to slip passed her teeth again, Kylie ignored the one on her face and decided she was going to have to fight blind for this one, since the real threat was down below, currently fucking her... Damnit! If she was alone she'd enjoy all four and move on with her day! And she fucking knew it! Watching Ilyana buck her hips and give up as she came didn't help her any either.

It was tempting to give in, it really was, But Kylie wasn't quite there yet, though she knew immediately that if she came... It would be over, much like Ilyana, she wouldn't be able to fight them off. Taking both of her hidden blades, Kylie stopped pulling on the creature fucking her below, and started cutting, slashing at the body and the tail. She didn't need to see it, it was touching her. Ilyana was pretty much a lost cause, the little guys were going to fuck her until they were done, that was obvious.

Starting to shred the creature below, and only resisting the other one's attempts to penetrate her mouth being to clench her jaw, Kylie focused solely on the one most likely to get her off, against her own wishes. If she managed to remove it, which was a big if given that her hips were starting to roll and her pussy was clenching around the alien member, Kylie would stand stock still, lashing out at anything that touched her, determined not to let it back onto her waist. Even if the one on her face fucked her throat for a year... Though given how hot this was to the admittedly deviant Kylie... That could get her off too... Hopefully she managed to kill them before that happened... Or before they finished with Ilyana and joined in against her....
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Again Kylie couldn't manage to get loose from the things, her blade just missing the creature on her waist, the tail and dick plunging into her two lower holes giving her a pleasure spike that caused her arm to twitch at just the wrong angle where her blade only just grazed the thing's back and didn't actually cut it any. Ilyana meanwhile began struggling a bit again, though because she'd just orgasmed her body was still a bit weak from that and she was unable to break free and do much other than roll over onto her hands and knees as the creatures continued pounding her vulnerable body.

Probing Kylie's depths, the hugger on her lower section thrust in and out of her at a brisk pace, causing the pleasure to mount more and more as time went on which she couldn't deny for too much longer she'd know. The one on her face too managed to succeed in forcing entry to her mouth, its tail curling around her neck to hold on, but not enough to choke her in the same way Bob had done to Kagome the other day, only tight enough to keep itself in place as the tip of it caressed her cheek in an almost gentle way. It did not seem like these things wished to hurt them, but they were taking what they wanted by force regardless of the girls wishes from the looks of it.

Out of the corner of her eye, as she could still see slightly to her side where Ilyana was, she'd see the drow girl raising her ass high into the air as the tail plunging in and out of it pulled out to spank her perfectly heart shaped ass a couple of times playfully, which made her let out a muffled squeal before she grasped her ass cheeks and spread them open for it willingly to continue plundering her beautiful backside. Feeling her own climax not too far off, if Kylie was going to make a last effort of any sort to get free before that, then the time was now.

Kylie - FP: 6/6, AP: 7/10, is grappled and being triple raped.
Ilyana - FP: 5/8, AP: 4/10, is grappled and being triple raped, takes -1 to all rolls from her orgasm she just had.

Facehugger A - FP: 3/4, grappling Kylie around her head, but not raping her
Facehugger B - FP: 3/3, grappling Kylie around her waist and is currently raping her.
Facehugger C - FP: 4/4, grappling Ilyana around her waist and is currently raping her
Facehugger D - FP: 3/3, grappling Ilyana around her head and is currently raping her
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, unable to focus long enough to get a strike or even a cut in on the creature thrusting into her from below, groaned in a defeated manner as the creature on her front managed to pry her mouth open again, the odd taste of the creatures dick on her tongue as it got what it wanted.

Feeling the tail curl around her throat, knowing just how difficult it was going to be now to remove it, Kylie's hips bucked against the creature below as a long, lewd, muffled moan slid from her lungs.

Ilyana was trying to struggle again, but she wasn't going to get anywhere after just cumming... And indeed, she was too weak, and the effort didn't last long, a quick turn to her hands and knees, and a few spanks to her ass, and Ilyana just gave up, even going so far as to invite the creature back into her ass by spreading her cheeks.

Kylie wasn't going to be able to hold out for much longer, and at this point, knowing she was going to cum... Didn't care, She wasn't going to be able to kill these things before they got her off, and she wasn't going to fight if they did... Maybe she could add these strange things to her creature collection... That would be fun.

Groaning again around the length in her mouth, Kylie joined Ilyana, falling forward to her hands and knees, before resting her front on the ground, and just stopped fighting, moaning and squealing happily through the creature on her face as she gave up, rolling her hips in time with the creature's thrusting as she rushed towards her own peak.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Noticing that neither of the girls were resisting any longer, the creatures eased up slightly and weren't so rough any longer with them, but they didn't by any means stop. Ilyana's moans increased as she neared her second peak, and from the sounds of it to Kylie the drow girl was enjoying herself quite a bit despite how reluctant she'd been at first. Out of the corner of her vision Kylie could see Ilyana still holding her ass cheeks apart for it to plunder her rear, and if anything the tailcock that was taking her ass was even deeper inside of her than before and now at least a full foot and a half to two feet deep, worming its way around inside of her where Kylie would notice her stomach bulging slightly.

The hugger on Kylie's face soon pulled out where she'd get a nice fresh coating of its seed all over her face, which gave her the opportunity to see just how big the thing's dick was, and it was a good 8 inches round about and an inch thick. It slid itself back into her mouth, but didn't clamp around her head enough any longer to block her vision so much, allowing her to see Ilyana being hotly taken herself, where she'd see a thick coating of cum all over the drow girl's ass and pussy, and even more being spurted out by the tail of both creatures to join the rest of it as she watched. The one on Ilyana's face didn't bother pulling out of her mouth though like Kylie's had, merely pulling back a bit to give her vision back to her so she could see Kylie herself before it exploded inside her mouth, where Kylie would see her greedily and hungrily gulping its seed down as her tongue ran all over its length.

Kylie's hugger around her waist picked up the pace a bit when it sensed her peak nearing the tailcock in her ass tensing up suddenly as Kylie's climax struck her where she felt her pussy and ass both filled with the creature's warm sticky cum. It didn't spurt too much inside of her before pulling its tail out of her ass and cumming all over her lower body, though it didn't pull the dick out of her pussy and didn't really even stop thrusting in and out of her pussy as it came in there.

"Oh yes... fuck me... fuck my ass. Deeper damn you, shove that tail in my pussy next... all the way to my womb... make me your bitch," Kylie would hear Ilyana say, the dick in her mouth apparently having been pulled out for a moment before she was muffled again.

Apparently Ilyana's request had been accepted because Kylie would hear her let out a muffled squeal of ecstasy and once she glanced over at her, she'd see the hugger had shifted positions and its main cock was thrusting in and out of Ilyana's ass. One of Ilyana's hands was guiding the tailcock to her pussy while the fingers of her other hand spread her lower lips as it slipped inside. "Yeah... that's it, nice and deep. Don't stop you lucky fuckers, breed me. You got the... drop on me fair and square... so... make me bear your young as punishment," Ilyana panted as the one on her face crawled down to her waist while the other one was perched just above her ass on her back pulled out of her ass again.

Suddenly the one on her waist now slid its tail around and pushed into the drow girl's pucker, the tailcocks twin fucking her now very deep. Ilyana soon hit her third orgasmic peak just as Kylie's second one was starting along nicely. Kylie meanwhile was getting a good romp on her end, the things picking up their pace some more, the one on her face swinging its tail around to playfully spank her on the ass a few times as they both went at her body, though not too hard. Soon enough Kylie would feel both of the things shudder again as they deposited another load each into her mouth and both of her lower holes, the tailcock of the one on her face spurting its seed all over her body some more. Kylie would soon get her second orgasm when the creatures moved around on her like Ilyana's had done with her, using both of their talkcocks to take Kylie's lower holes and leaving her face alone now.

If she looked over at Ilyana, Kylie would see the drow girl now facing her while she was on her hands and knees, a look of pure joy on her face as she let loose without a care in the world it seemed, both of their sweet moans filling the jungle air around them. "Oh... d-dammit... here it comes. S-Sorry Kylie... l-looks like we're... gonna... be pregnant with their... o-offspring together. I... it feels too damned good... t-to stop them now. Main reason... I wanted to stay in town... an extra day or two. S-So I could get a good fucking or two before we left, s-so this wouldn't happen. Was just too busy... to do so while on a job," Ilyana panted to Kylie before letting out a loud and lewd squeal as she reached her peak yet again.

As Ilyana squealed her pleasure for anything within a mile to hear it seemed, Kylie would see a bulge moving down the tailcock in Ilyana's pussy, though it was nowhere near as large as Bob's eggs were from the looks of it. Ilyana's body tensed up as the bulge entered her folds and continued going, though the bug like creatures legs started caressing Ilyana's belly and back where they both were, as if trying to calm and relax her, and they were apparently successful for the most part as she did relax some, enough for the bulge to continue its journey into her womb. Ilyana arched her back as whatever it was entered her womb, then the first bulge was soon joined by a second and then a third, and finally a fourth one from the tailcock in her pussy. The tailcock pulled out of her pussy and gently rubbed against her folds a few times as the creature maneuvered around and pushed its main cock into her pussy and quickly fucked her and filled her with its seed.

As Kylie watched the first creature using Ilyana finish up, its seed dripping from her now well used flower, she'd see the one hugger that was pounding her own pussy push its tailcock all the way to the entrance of her womb, where it was trying to find entry to it. As soon as it did, it squeaked and suddenly pulled out of her completely, its eyes peering at her with an almost betrayed look in them. "W-What the... Kylie... are you... a-already pregnant with something else? T-That's the only reason it would stop," Ilyana asked as the one that had been on her back had pulled out of her pussy and crawled up her back to perch triumphantly on her shoulders as it rose up on its back 2 of its 6 legs and did a sort of little jig while the one on her waist pulled its tailcock out of her and replaced the other one in her sopping wet folds and started pounding her again.

(I'm assuming that Kylie would answer Ilyana truthfully here without being embarrassed about it, because she's acted like that really the whole time.)

"S-Shit... looks like I'm... in for it this time," Ilyana panted before crawling shakily over towards Kylie and reaching out with one hand towards the two playing with Kylie. "C-Come on you two... y-you can... keep playing with Kylie some more if you want... but... I'll bear the little ones for you, so don't worry alright," Ilyana went on to say to the creatures, who had up until now seemed to have understood her and Kylie for the most part, or at least partially anyway.

With that, the two playing with Kylie went back to work on her for the moment, but not too long after that the other one on Ilyana reached its peak once more and bulges moved down its tailcock's length and entered her, with 4 more entering her womb. Ilyana cooed softly as it did as the first creature did and quickly fucked her and poured its seed into her from the dick on its body. When they were both done, Ilyana's belly was bulging slightly Kylie would see as the drow priestess slipped her robes the rest of the way off of her, pulled them over, and then sat down on them so she wasn't on just the ground. Kylie meanwhile wasn't left out and they brought her to another two delicious orgasms while she waited for Ilyana's second one to get done with her, and when the drow girl was ready for them to take their turns, the first two were perched one on the top of her head like a hat, while the other was on her right shoulder with its tailcock draped around her neck, and both of them seemed not exhausted but like they'd done what they set out to do and were taking a rest. Ilyana held the tailcock draped around her neck in her left hand as she sat there on her robes, a lustful look in her eyes as she gently stroked it and licked the head of it and the few dollops of seed that leaked out of it.

"Alright you two, now its your turn. Now go ahead and fuck me good and even more pregnant," Ilyana told the two on Kylie, who both looked over at her as she sat there, her legs spread wide and invitingly as she beckoned them over to her with her right hand while her left continued gently stroking the tailcock in it. "One good thing about these little guys... live births... much easier than pushing an egg out. Though drider eggs aren't too hard to birth out really, but they just have so damn many of them," Ilyana went on to say, a reminiscent look in her eyes as if remembering having done it before herself.

Scuttling over to Ilyana, the two hopped off of Kylie as they both tried to get to that sweet drow cunny of her's before the other. The one that had been around Kylie's waist to begin with beat the other to Ilyana and got first dibs as it wrapped around her waist before the other could, so it amused itself by latching onto her leg and burying its tailcock into her ass, which made her eyes roll up into her head as she let out a deep moan. "AAAAAH! D-Dammit these things really know my weakness," Ilyana moaned as her ass was taken again, with her leaning back some and lifting on leg up a bit to give it easier access as she spread her cheeks with her right hand.

Ilyana's movements nearly shook the creature off of her head, so it hopped off of its perch and landed right in Kylie's lap while she sat there recovering from her own fun, its tailcock curling around Kylie's waist as it laid down in her lap, yawning like a cat would almost before it did so. Kylie would get quite the show after that, getting to watch Ilyana go pretty much wild as she was fucked silly by the other two creatures and impregnated further, with four bulges entering her from both creatures, and the whole time they had their way with her, she sucked on and licked the tailcock of the one perched on her shoulder. When they were done and the two had filled her almost literally to the brim with their seed and their young, Ilyana flopped back, totally exhausted from the whole ordeal as the three creatures took up positions laying down on her, the one on her shoulder moving to her chest along with the second, while the third perched on her now well rounded belly and laid down on it, its tailcock curling around the bulge of Ilyana's belly.

"Oh gods... that was an adventure and a half there. That's for damn sure. But you little guys aren't bad at all are you, you just wanted the finest pieces of ass around the isle didn't you. Well I can't fault you for that, and I'll tell you something... you damn sure got the best from us," Ilyana said as she raised her head back up for a few moments before flopping back. "Fuck me... and please don't take that literally little guys. But fuck me, I think it's safe to call it a night here. What do you think Kylie? If so... sorry to ask, but do you think you can get our tent set up over there by the main path? I don't think I'll be able to move much for a few minutes at least," Ilyana added to Kylie after a minute or so, looking obviously too tired to do so herself.

The creatures, which Kylie had never learned what they were called yet, all seemed to be quite docile now from the looks of it, having tired themselves out with all of the sex, which had taken them at least a good hour to completely finish up and knock the drow priestess up as much as they had, and her belly was bulging a good bit, though not quite as much as Kylie's had been with Bob's eggs, maybe about half as large like she was only about 6 to 7 months pregnant instead of 9 or more. If Kylie got up to fix their tent up to sleep for the night, the creature in her lap would make its way over to Ilyana and lay down right up against her crotch, as her legs were still spread apart, and it draped its tail over one of her legs as it did so, all of them seeming to understand that Ilyana carried their young and that they should remain close to her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, resigned to the situation, stopped resisting and started rushing towards her first peak, and was surprised, that much like Bob, these creatures lightened up when they stopped fighting, instead going about making things as pleasurable as possible. Yup, she was keeping them.

Bucking her hips against the one plunging into her lower holes, Kylie groaned around the cock in her mouth as her pussy rippled and pulled on the length pumping into her, not even bothering to watch Ilyana anymore, just noting the information that she was a buttslut away for future abuse, which was convenient since she was expecting a darkmantle birthing soon enough, and it would need to feed...

That and it would be hilarious to watch a tiny darkmantle chase her around...

Groaning in forced pleasure, Kylie heard Ilyana cum again, before she started to speak, and that more then anything, staved off Kylie's peak for a moment as she jerked her head up to stare at her companion in confusion. Kylie was needy, but damn! Rolling her eyes up, kylie shuddered and came, hard, as the creatures pumped her full of seed, and coated her ass and face with it for good measure before going right back to enjoying her, and Kylie was perfectly fine with that at this point.

Ilyana was dealing with her own problems, agreeing to be a breeder at this point... Yup, someone was going to spend a lot of time with bob when they got back. As well as these things. And anything else Kylie decided to add to her perverted zoo... Breeding stock was useful

Kylie was transfixed as she was pushed quickly towards another peak, the creatures not slowing or stopping as Ilyana not only gave in, but helped them along as the creatures shifted, begging for more. Watching as the first young were pumped down the creature's tail, Kylie felt the little things on her own hips start to do the same, before it literally hissed and pulled back, as if affronted. When Ilyana asked her if she was already pregnant, kylie nodded before cumming again, hard.

Collapsing on her front, Kylie screamed in her ecstasy as she rippled and clamped around the twin tailcocks pounding into her, her tongue lolling out as she panted with absolute and complete lust... until she saw the creature on Ilyana's ass actually dance... If Kylie could have palmed her own face, she would have. They were beaten by these things... Really? That was a sad commentary in and of itself... head now filled with ridiculous thoughts, and her body covered in cum, Kylie's eyebrows shot as far up as they could, as Ilyana took her second brood, and then offered to take the two creatures currently still fucking Kylie senseless.

Stammering for a minute, Kylie shivered all over again, and whimpered as a third orgasm ripped through her body... Another peak was followed even more quickly, that left Kylie not only breathless, but flat out jealous as her womb was already taken. Still, it abated quickly as Ilyana showed just how slutty she could get, taking a better position as the two creatures on Kylie stopped fucking her, to actually fight over Ilyana's cunt.

Taking their positions, Kylie sat up and panted as she watched, one of the little buggers actually leaping into her lap and sitting there like a content cat. These were by far the oddest little bastards Kylie had ever encountered, bar none, and she couldn't help but stroke the little thing in her lap as Ilyana took two more full broods, and her belly reached a point that quick travel would be impossible until she gave birth. Groaning at that problematic thought, Kylie waited until it was over, giggling as they all crowded around Ilyana like they were guarding her...

Getting up on shaking legs, Kylie nodded at Ilyana's request, but not before moving over to her and looking down at the drow archer. A buttslut, who would have guessed. She said, laughing for a moment, before reaching out to stroke the little creatures.

Don't tell me you're done with her little guys, she can still think, and talk! She deserves better then that, here, let me help. Kylie said, helping Ilyana sit up, before promptly moving her exhausted body into a more appropriate position, bending her over again onto her knees as she reached out for one of the little critters and plopped it on Ilyana's back. Just hold still. Kylie said, giggling at Ilyana's expense and catfacing as she pulled the Priestesses wrists behind her and held them together with one hand, while she used the other one to plop the critter onto Ilyana's wrists, curling it's limbs tightly around Ilyana's to lock her hands behind her back, like living handcuffs. Stroking it's tailcock, Kylie promptly guided it towards the priestess' ass, as she encouraged the others to join in.

Since she can't help with chores right now, go ahead and keep her entertained, she loves having her mouth stuffed to, so why don't you little guys take turns, show me just how much endurance you have, enjoy your willing bitch here... She did ASK you to make her your bitch, may as well do it. Kylie added with a grin, smacking Ilyana's ass for good measure as she promptly ignored the now trapped priestess' position, and went about getting the tent set up for both of them.

Ooo! By the way, fuck her good enough, and you guys can come with us for good, I like you, and you KNOW she does, so go ahead and convince us you want to stay~ Kylie added as an afterthought...

Once everything was set up for the night, Kylie would wait until the little guys were all done taking turns with their breeder and then help Ilyana into the tent, or help her clean herself up. Either way, Kylie would already be cleaned, and back in her clothing.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Y-Yeah... I'm a buttslut... I like it in my ass. So what, everyone has their... fetishes that they like a lot. Anal... just happens to be one of mine. Is that so bad a thing?" Ilyana panted as she recovered from the fun.

After Kylie helped her to sit up, Ilyana thanked her, having scooted the creatures off of her so that she could sit up. However when Kylie kept going with her and moved her around to get on her hands and knees again, Ilyana started asking what she thought she was doing, and when she laid the one creature on her back again and used its tail to tie her wrists behind her back, Ilyana's head laid down on her robes, as she was too weak to really resist. "Oh Kylie please, don't do that to me. I... think they've... already made me their bitch enough," Ilyana pleaded with Kylie, wriggling her butt around a bit in the process which really only served to be that much more enticing.

The creature Kylie put on Ilyana's back seemed ready for another round or two from the looks of it, and the rest of them perked back up as well at Kylie's words and actions too. Taking aim at Ilyana's perfect ass, the thing's tailcock teased her pucker with a few soft and gentle prods before plunging in deep, making Ilyana let out another squeal of pleasure as her ass was taken again. "Oh Kylie... y-you're mean, making me handle all of them alone like this," Ilyana whimpered before the other little things got involved and one of them muffled her with its tailcock, which Ilyana willingly opened her mouth for and didn't resist despite what she'd said.

Another of them grabbed hold of her front and took Ilyana's pussy again with its tailcock, while the remaining one grabbed onto her chest and squeezed her ample breasts together and slid its tailcock up between them. Shuddering and twitching her ass when Kylie smacked her on the ass, Ilyana began moving her hips in perfect rhythm with the tailcocks ravaging her as Kylie got up and went off to fix their camp up for them to rest.

After heading off to set their tent up, Kylie would be able to hear Ilyana's muffled moans of ecstasy the entire time. When she was done setting their tent up after a good 20 minutes or so, Kylie went to clean herself up after her fucking, then she got a couple of other things out of the way before checking back up on Ilyana, who after more than another hour was still being fucked silly and generally made the creatures bitch breeder.

When Kylie came back over to the drow girl where she was being taken repeatedly, she'd see that she was laying on her back once more with her legs spread wide, and it looked like she'd really been the object of their affection, as she'd been drenched in their seed many times from what she could see and looked nearly like a glazed doughnut. Yet despite this they still weren't done with her, apparently taking Kylie's words to heart, and Ilyana didn't seem to be resisting... not that she really could at this point though that is. Ilyana's belly looked even larger than before Kylie would notice, around the same size her own was after Bob got through the other day after laying his eggs in her womb. Kylie would see that they had obviously been switching positions around with each other so that they all got a turn or two on each area, and then she'd see another pair of bulges moving down the tailcock of the one in Ilyana's pussy, entering her and causing her to shudder a bit as it happened. The young assassin would notice that Ilyana's eyes had gone blank and were totally glazed over, and not from their seed either, the poor girl having been fucked totally senseless by the things.

As soon as that one was done, they all finished up with one last big orgasm together, the one that had just pumped the two more bulges into Ilyana's womb filling her pussy with more seed, while its tail and the rest of the creatures spurted it all over her body. Ilyana from what Kylie could see wasn't going to be able to move under her own power anytime soon, and it took the poor girl nearly half an hour to even come out of her stupor enough to even notice Kylie was there.

"Gods... these little guys are one helluva good fuck, and got a lot of fucking stamina, and I mean that literally. But... please don't do that to me again Kylie. Don't think I can... take them all on alone again. Now seriously this time, help me up and help me get cleaned up... please. No more sex tonight, cause I don't think my poor ass and pussy can take any more tonight, not without at least a bit of rest. And dammit they got me more pregnant, now we'll have to take it a bit slower, or wait till I birth them. Shouldn't take but a day or two at most to birth them," Ilyana said as she recovered again, her body quite exhausted after the second round. She held a hand out for Kylie to grab and help pull her up with, where she'd ask Kylie to help her get cleaned up and then over to the tent, telling her that she'd let her do dinner that night and didn't care what she ate so long as it was something with meat, because she was absolutely famished after all of that.

The creatures followed along behind them as they went along, scuttling across the ground around the two of them like a bunch of puppies or something. While Kylie helped Ilyana to get cleaned up, the creatures milled about, watching them as they cleaned their drow brood mother up, her bulging belly filled with their young and eying Kylie carefully, as if making sure she wasn't going to hurt Ilyana any. "Hah... darn, it happened again," Ilyana sighed and said idly as Kylie helped her clean up, gently running her hand over her belly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie looked down when it was all said and down... Ilyana didn't resist, not that she was really able to, when Kylie repositioned her, and served her body up on a silver platter to her current lords and masters... Chuckling to herself at that joke, kylie suddenly imagined Ilyana on a leash following one of these things along like an actual pet and lost herself completely in a fit of giggles at the ridiculous mental picture.

Ilyana was covered in cum, full of more eggs, or things... whatever these little creatures pushed into her... they certainly looked like they started as eggs. Still, it was going to be a wild ride getting them all out of there again, and Kylie would scoop them all up and they would have another stable creature to place in the menagerie... or to send to her friends in small boxes as surprise presents...

Waiting for Ilyana to come around after over another hour of solidly fucking, and by the looks of things, the lights were on, but nobody was home, Kylie had already started working on dinner, a beef stew cooking slowly that would take some time yet. Looking over as Ilyana regained her senses, Kylie helped her get cleaned off as well, taking her time, and laughing as Ilyana rubbed her swollen abdomen. hahaha, yup, seems to have, if by again, you mean knocked up by an overly affectionate monster. As for me, Darkmantle egg, one of what I now guess to be around... 42 total now, I'll have to introduce you to Bob when we get back, you'll like him a lot, he's quite affectionate as well. Kylie said, stroking her own stomach for the barest of moments. Despite growing inside her now for twice as long as normal, the egg had gotten a massive cumbath last night.

We can wait for you to birth these guys, I'm waiting on the same really, and I have to be close. He! Little troublemakers, you can come with us, but remember, if you want to get any action regularly, you have to do what me and Ilyana say, otherwise, other people will not trust you to behave, and try to hurt you. Ok? Kylie said, answering Ilyana before turning and addressing the little... tail cock... crotch grabby... face huggy... bug things. That name sucked. Fuck it, she was going to name them, right now.

Pointing to each of them in turn, Kylie did in fact give them all names. You're Grabby, you're Grippy, you're Huggy, and you're James. Used to know a James, slippery little bastard. Kylie said, giggling before scooping up Huggy the wonder bug, and plopping him on her own head like a hat. Hats were fun.

and just think Ilyana, we now no longer have to worry about regular people problems, because... you know... guard monsters. Kylie said suddenly, giggling. And look at that, they follow you around like lost puppies, personally I think it's cute. Kylie continued as Ilyana was finally properly rubbed down, and helped into another set of robes before Kylie dished up... The Stew...

Eating her own, but spending most of her time drinking water, Kylie giggled and kept looking down at her own belly You know.. My little friend here is now pushing 3 times as long to lay, compared to the full batch... Which makes me wonder how big he's gonna be when I finally push him out... Hopefully not too big, but still, he's due any time now. And you have a couple days. We can set up a temporary camp here, clear some of the surrounding brush, get some coconuts, and do some proper hunting while we wait. Kylie continued, thinking as she emptied her own bowl, and went back to her waterskin, Huggy the wonder bug slipping down into her lap again to be gently stroked like some kind of overgrown rapey cat...

And no Ilyana, I wouldn't make you take all 4 of these guys on your own again... though I certainly wouldn't stop THEM from making you, you are their bitch after all, said so yourself, proved it as well... Kylie said slyly... and if I counted right, you're looking at 24 more soon to be joining the following.... And they're eventually going to need a womb to use~ Kylie continued, seeming to be thinking seriously... So really~ If you're a good brood mother, you can be enjoying a good hard fucking around the clock Kylie said brightly, before bursting out into more giggles at the look on Ilyana's face.

Kylie had a feeling these little guys didn't take all that long to mature... and by all that long, probably Hours, not days, or months. Still, if you didn't mind the perversion, Kylie suddenly had a goofy idea garaunteed to make even Ilyana laugh, despite Kylie's teasing.

Standing up, Kylie stuck her finger in the air with a triumphant A Ha! and immediately pulled her pants down, Huggy scampering up her shoulder before Kylie slipped him back into her arms. Looking at him, Kylie raised an eyebrow and said No Fucking. and proceeded to guide the little thing onto her hips, it's limbs splayed wide across her crotch, and his tail being guided through her legs and then around her waist like a kind of belt. Feeling the warmth of the slick creature, Kylie shuddered a little before gesturing at herself. Rape Proof Crotch Plate!
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's mental image of Ilyana being led around by a leash attached to these things could actually be reality if she really wanted it to be most likely, as she had a leash back home to use when they got back after all. "I've been knocked up by some of the things around here before, the island in general not this area specifically. Not much of a princess am I huh. But my work here helps a lot of people, so I can put up with that sort of thing in order to keep helping them out like I do," Ilyana said as they continued cleaning her up, her hand caressing her belly again. "Besides it makes some of the creatures about more docile and less likely to attack people for what they want," she added with a shrug of her shoulders.

When told they could come with the girls, the creatures seemed to understand and one hopped into Kylie's lap, whom she dubbed Huggy and subsequently placed on her head like a hat, while the other three swarmed Ilyana as one got back on her shoulder and draped its tailcock over her neck to the other side, and the other two hopped into her lap, where she picked the one Kylie called Grabby up and smushed him against her chest. "It is kinda cute, though I believe that they'll think they can just fuck me anytime they wish, regardless of the time or place, if you tell them that kind of thing. And a darkmantle you said? I'd say in the next day or two if I had to guess, and it'll most definitely be a live birthing like these ones will be, though you'd be surprised to know I bet that these aren't eggs they put in me but embryos I suppose is the best way to say it. They grow just like a normal baby in a woman's womb, just they aren't humanoid," Ilyana said with a blush at Kylie's words about Ilyana being their bitch and that if they wanted to take her then they would. "But the young ones won't try and take their mother I don't think... at least they've never done so before now when I was kinda... caught by some of these in the past. Though I may have just gotten lucky is all in that regard," the drow girl added with a blush.

Ilyana ate heartily of the stew Kylie had made for them, taking an entire second helping of the stuff and even getting a couple of small bowls out and setting them down where their new little critters tasted it and ate some themselves, seeming quite pleased with it. "I would appreciate it though if we made camp here for a day or two, hell we could even make our way back to the town back that way for all I care, I just don't want to be getting near the mountain while I'm pregnant and risk one of the northern minotaurs running into us, they'd kill these little ones and the four of our new friends too. The sorry fuckers," Ilyana said, caressing her belly again as she watched their new little friends eating.

Ilyana watched Kylie stand up and watched curiously as she took Huggy and placed him around her crotch, giggling when she figured out what the young assassin was actually doing. "Ha, I'd do that myself but I'm afraid they'll get horny again and want to have more fun and end up knocking me up even more so," Ilyana said with a chuckle.

Ilyana laid back after that, scooting over onto her bedroll before she did so with James, Grabby, and Grippy all following her and groping around her breasts and crotch, the tailcocks of the two covering her breasts wrapping around behind her like a bikini top while James took her crotch and fixed himself around like Huggy did with Kylie, looping his tailcock right up between Ilyana's butt cheeks to tie around with the other two further up. "Well now... looks like they like this idea, thanks a lot Kylie. Please little guys, just no more sex tonight, pretty please. But... if you really must, just no more younglings please, any more and my belly may burst," Ilyana told the critters, petting James before pulling her blanket of her bedroll up and over her to go on to sleep for the night, obviously needing it after getting fucked senseless for nearly 2 and a half hours or so altogether.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, giggling as Ilyana talked, shoved her shoulder lightly. If you were a proper shrewish princess, we wouldn't get along. You get some rest, I'll deal with watch if you're worried about minotaurs, when you wake up, I'll go to sleep, and we'll keep going like this until we're free to move again. Me and Miu encountered and killed a north minotaur as far south as the village only 8 nights ago, so I wouldn't trust to much for distance from the mountain being a comfort. Huggy, my fine compadre, go be with ilyana and watch out for her. I'll be fine. Kylie said, watching the odd clothing form, before Ilyana curled up, and passed out.

Glad that Ilyana was actually getting sleep, and not really all that tired herself, Kylie got her pants back on, grabbed her bow and quiver, and crawled up into a tree near the southern side of their little camp, giving her a clear view of the area. Taking her knife, Kylie cut the stalks of some of the broad leaves a little bit, making them easier to bend, and then camouflaged herself as best she could, going very still, and very quiet, as she let Ilyana sleep, and took first watch herself, her hands constantly and slowly straying to her quiver to check on her poisoned arrows. One of the snake venomed steels already resting across her bow, knocked and waiting.

If everything passed smoothly, Kylie would notice when Ilyana woke, and whistle down to her to let her know everything was fine, and that Kylie was hidden to the best of her considerable ability, keeping overwatch. Only once, on this first morning, did Kylie actually speak, and it was only to say something very simple. If I'm asleep, and there's trouble, Scream, and don't stop screaming. You can't fight like that. she said softly, before getting a confirmation from Ilyana, and immediately closing her eyes to rest as well. she would continue this, insisting on staying right where she was, hidden and keeping guard, until Ilyana laid her brood, and was back in fighting form, eating the jerky in her pack and occasionally tossing down her waterskin to be refilled. It wasn't fun, but it was safer this way.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah those bastards like to come down every once in a while on their coming of age quests and whatnot. The southern clans though are pretty nice, trade all the time with the eastern town and villages, as well as with the goliath town up the mountain a bit. We're fairly close though to the southern areas of the mountain, and when they roam about they always give the southern and eastern slopes a wide berth," Ilyana said as she lay there, holding the covers up as Huggy hopped down off of Kylie and crawled under them and onto Ilyana's bulging belly.

After that, Ilyana went on to sleep fairly quickly as Kylie went out, where as she climbed the tree just on the southern edge of camp she found that was climbable. Through the remainder of the early morning hours of darkness, Kylie had no real trouble other than hearing a small bit of rustling in the nearby trees, which had been caused by a monkey that was roaming about.

After a good 6 hours or so, likely with Kylie having come down a couple of times to use the bathroom and or stretch a bit, Ilyana woke and made her way out of the tent, stretching once she was outside. Waving up at Kylie when she whistled down at her, Ilyana waved her down. "Don't worry, I know my limits. If something comes along to try and hurt us, I'll scream and shoot an arrow at it at the same time. Get you some sleep and I'll have something ready for you to eat when you wake back up, I can still at least do that. How long you wanna sleep?" Ilyana replied when told what to do in an emergency, assuring her she wouldn't take any risks and would call for help if need be.

Kylie was awakened by Ilyana a few hours later when she had told her to do, with a bit of breakfast all ready for her to eat, a bit of bacon and some potatoes they'd had with them that she fried up along with a few of their biscuits. "Breakfast is ready Kylie, even got these little guys to help me out a bit with some things. They're actually quite smart when you show them what you want them to do. Had a couple of them carrying a pot of water from the stream over that way that I boiled up to clean the frying pans up after I got through cooking," Ilyana said as she woke Kylie up, gesturing to a plate of food she'd had prepared for her that was sitting next to her. Outside their tent Kylie would see a couple of plates of bacon and some of the potatoes that the little things were devouring hungrily.

After she finished eating, about 20 minutes or so after, Kylie would feel a slight rumbling in her belly as Ilyana finished her food and set her own plate down, having eaten her's at a slower pace. A slight pain followed the rumbling, telling Kylie that the young darkmantle was ready to come out. Perking up when she figured out what was wrong, Ilyana quickly got up and dumped the water in the pot she'd mentioned out, and then told Kylie to hold on and she'd be back soon.

"Grabby, Huggy, you two stay with Kylie, James and Grippy come with me, I need your help, and Kylie does too. and if you want her to carry any of your babies then she'll need your help now," Ilyana said, directing the critters around a bit, with them actually listening to her and the two she'd told to stay with Kylie taking up flanking positions beside her to protect her from whatever came their way.

Ilyana returned shortly after, with the pot of water being carried between the two critters that'd gone with her, while she carried her bow and had an arrow strung to it just in case. "Alright I'm back, lemme get this water warmed up a bit and we can use it to clean you up afterwards. I don't know how long this could take though, but I'll be here with you for all the rest of it," Ilyana said, putting the water pot over the fire before moving to aid Kylie in her birthing.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie never actually left the tree until her watch was over and she could sleep, holding herself back, and taking care of problems when she was free to, her poisoned arrow sliding back into her quiver carefully. Kylie nodded, glad that Ilyana picked up on her advice so quickly, willing to let Kylie take the lead on this since she was the most combat capable right now.

The 6 hour rest for Ilyana passed quickly enough, a monkey almost getting pinned to a tree before Kylie eased up. As Ilyana rose and Kylie got her attention, Kylie looked around one last time, before slipping out of her blind in the tree, making a short path to the tent after handling her business, and immediately passing out.

A light sleeper, Kylie still didn't waste any time. Though the danger was light, it was real, and Kylie was taking her watch as seriously as it could be, as they were only staying for a few days, Kylie hadn't bothered with trips, alarm lines, or real traps, making the situation faster to run from if they had to, and leaving less of a sign that they'd been here to Kylie's satisfaction.

Waking up, Kylie glanced around, taking note of everything she could see, before letting out a held breath and relaxing. Seeing her breakfast, Kylie sat up with a light groan, and immediately shoveled it down, mumbling a thank you to Ilyana as she stood up and popped her back and neck, sighing happily as she walked around, eating as she moved.

Through her meal, Kylie listened to Ilyana's praise of the creatures, nodding and smiling as she watched. Excellent! That's amazing news, thank you little guys. I'm glad you like us so much. Kylie said as she set her plate down, before a rumble in her guts, and a sharp pain had her clutch her abdomen. Looking at Ilyana, Kylie nodded before doing as she was told, sitting down and staying where she was, trusting Ilyana and her odd little helpers to handle things as the labor started. Setting her bow and arrows aside, Kylie did however draw her knife and stick it into the ground, just in case they either needed it for something, or something actually went wrong with another creature, even as she was guarded by a pair of the odd little huggers... Grabby and Huggy, flanking her and looking around.

Nodding as Ilyana came back, Kylie just laid back, and relaxed, waiting for the inevitable and eager to greet what was likely the first of the new darkmantle brood. Bob would be so pleased. Sighing at that thought, Kylie pondered her odd attachment to some of these creatures, and her concern for them, usually more then for actual people, and simply threw it up to her natural distrust of other intelligent people, letting it go rather then stressing on it. It seemed she wasn't the only one like this either, Ilyana sharing this odd streak in her care for Grabby, Huggy, Grippy, and James. It was time for a new friend to join them, and Kylie was eager to greet him.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright, I got you, just squeeze as much as you need, and it'll be over soon enough," Ilyana told her, holding Kylie's hand the whole time and whispering to her to push when the time came.

Huggy reached over with one of his small legs and prodded Kylie's folds a couple of times, which sparked a small bit of pleasure through Kylie and actually made the pain stop momentarily, though the pain wasn't too great thankfully. Suddenly after a couple of minutes, Kylie and Ilyana heard a loud crack come from inside of Kylie, which had to be the egg, then another crack came a minute later. After a good forty five minutes to an hour or so and several more of the cracks, Kylie could feel the critter inside of her shifting around a bit before starting to make its way out as she pushed.

Huggy and Grabby both were right next to Kylie's crotch when the young darkmantle began sliding out of Kylie, and Ilyana reached down with her hand that wasn't holding Kylie's hand and gently rubbed her belly. "Shh shh, it's almost out. Just another push and it should be clear of you," Ilyana whispered to her, then the two little hugger critters grabbed hold of it and pulled it out of Kylie the rest of the way as she pushed, as if trying to keep her pain from being prolonged after sensing that she was hurting from all this. "Heh, see what'd I tell you. Smart aren't they," Ilyana said with a chuckle as she reached down for the small darkmantle.

The drow girl grabbed it gently and set it on Kylie's chest, where she felt a mouth grasp on her breasts and start suckling, her own body having made some milk in preparation for the young she was bearing despite it not being human, or humanoid for that matter. "Goodness, lucky you it's only one of those, I've got like twenty to push out when I go into labor, but thankfully mine are smaller than that," Ilyana said as she helped Kylie to lay back if she wished, or propped her up instead if she preferred. "Here, let me get you a drink and then I'll help you get cleaned up," she added, handing Kylie a full waterskin to drink before getting the water pot and letting it cool a little bit before using the steamy water and dipping a couple of towels into it and using those to wipe Kylie down and clean her up.

"You'll probably be sore for a little while, so stay out of the trees for now alright, I don't care how good a position it gives you. Now you four, we need more firewood alright. Remember this?" Ilyana told Kylie while she was washing her off before turning to their four newfound critter friends and gesturing at one of their branches of firewood and motioning it towards the fire. They seemed to understand and bounded off into the nearby jungle areas and began bringing back a small branch or two of firewood each every minute or two until Ilyana stopped them. "Alright little guys, thank you very much. Now you each get a kiss for being so good to us," Ilyana told them after about fifteen minutes, actually stopping as she washed Kylie off gently and not caring to lean down and kiss each of them on their heads before finishing up with helping Kylie get cleaned up and into some fresh clothes.