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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie shook her head as well as she saw the panther, the creature wasn't hunting or hostile, and it was beautiful. Smiling softly at the sight, Kylie looked up to find the moon, a small prayer to it's fey representative as a thank you for showing her such a touching and surreal scene. This night, Kylie and the Panther were Kin, and she left it in peace.

Then they found and ape, and Miu showed Kylie that despite her agility and speed, sneaking was apparently not her forte. Smiling as the ape beat it's chest, Kylie also remembered something else about such creatures. They were communal, they were never alone. Lowering her gaze from the alerted creature, Kylie put a hand on Miu's shoulder, and pulled her back slowly. They would leave this creature, and it's family's territory.

Here is your first lesson in stealth Miu. When walking through underbrush, leaves, or snow, keep your toes pointed down and gently brushing along the ground when you step. That way twigs, and other small dry things will be pushed away, rather then crushed under your weight and give you away. Kylie whispered as they made their way around the creatures home.

As they moved away, Kylie put her back against a tree, and sighed. Why is it, that when you go looking for evil and maliciousness, all you find are reminders of the natural order. I came out tonight to end the unnatural and dangerous. I have no desire to hurt an unhostile creature. she said, abandoning the trail as she started off again, and heading directly into the wild growth, step by careful step, showing Miu how to place her feet to avoid giving them away again.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Y-Yeah, I never said I was good at stealth, just hunting. And these apes are pretty damn fierce and everything," Miu whispered as the ape stared at them and beat its chest once more, as if trying to scare them off.

As soon as it did however, Kylie would see the shadow of something else only momentarily as it stormed into the clearing, a large greataxe swinging around at the ape and taking it in the back, the blow burying itself into the fur and flesh and causing it to roar out in pain. The moon shone down upon a minotaur, at least 7 to 8 feet tall, its horns were blood red, as if it'd been using them to pierce somebody or something. As soon as the ape was down, the minotaur looked over at Kylie and Miu and snorted, and Miu looked quite scared about this thing being here.

"Oh gods... a minotaur of the northern mountain clan. They battle with the goliaths of the southern mountain areas, where that Palla girl came from. There's an eastern mountain clan of minotaurs, but they're fairly peaceful considering, and they'll actually trade with the eastern town and villages for the most part in exchange for helping to protect them from the northern clan," Miu whispered in a scared voice, but she looked ready for battle anyway despite sounding scared, and her hands were perfectly steady as she leveled her spear for battle. "The northern clan takes slaves, mostly women, for their amusement, and they raid wherever they can. This one must be coming of age or something to come this far south," Miu added, stepping up beside Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Evil? Good enough! Kylie cried out as the Minotaur burst into view, the assassin seemingly unshakable. It was fast, but large, possibly clumsy... But Miu, although ready, seemed scared of what they were facing.

don't let it hit you... Kylie said almost needlessly, her bow already raised as the metal almost hummed with the tension, before her steel projectile was rocketing through air towards the minotaur. She had the fight she wanted, and it showed in her wild eyes as she reached for another arrow and was already drawing for another shot.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie: 6 vs 14 Minotaur, miss
Miu: 7 vs 20 Minotaur, miss

Minotaur: 15 vs 8 Miu, hit

Kylie: 18 vs 8 Minotaur, hit for 2 FP, no bleed damage caused
Miu: 3 vs 7 Minotaur, miss

Minotaur: 8 vs 1 Miu, hit and grabbed

"Alright Kylie, I'll stay in close while you rain hell down on him from afar alright, just don't hit me okay. And if he grabs me, then use that to your advantage to hit him easier," Miu whispered as she stepped in to close quarters to fight despite her fear, leaving Kylie along the edge of the clearing to fire her bow while she kept the thing distracted.

Kylie's first arrow soared through the air towards the minotaur, though it was able to raise its axe just in time to deflect the thing and make it fall to the ground, thankfully completely undamaged despite being completely ineffective. Miu rushed in and thrust her spear at the minotaur, apparently trying to use Kylie's arrow as a distraction, but her attack missed too. The minotaur then struck Miu across the back as she overextended herself just a bit with her attack, though thankfully it was the flat of its axe that it used.

Kylie's second arrow struck the minotaur in the left arm, but its thick skin seemed to almost stop it before it tore straight through, where it wrenched it out and tossed it aside, though not out of sight. Miu came in again and tried to sweep the thing's legs out from under it, though it stood its ground unfortunately, its legs being stronger than she'd anticipated, where it then retaliated and swung a large hand at her face, backhanding her across the cheek. As soon as it struck her across the face, Miu stumbled around, her whole body spinning a bit where the minotaur grabbed her up, a large hand snatching up her right arm while her spear was held in her left. She was still a slight bit dazed it seemed from the blow to her face and wasn't able to pull free before it got a good hold on her, where it looked like it started tugging on her long sleeved robes to pull them off. The minotaur seemed to be trying to strip Miu, and it also seemed to be ignoring the pain from Kylie's arrow.

"L-Let go... bastard. I'll not be your bitch tonight," Miu growled and began struggling.

Kylie - FP: 6/6
Miu - FP: 4/6, grabbed by the minotaur.

Minotaur - FP: 11/13, currently grappling Miu.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The minotaur, an unnaturally tough opponent with a hide thicker then tree bark only made Kylie's blood pulse harder in her veins. She had to take a second to breath, noting the quiver in her hand from her excitement causing her first arrow to go wide, but her second struck.

Everything seemed to be fine, until the creature grabbed Miu, and then Kylie saw red. She had come to hunt, not to watch a friend get hurt through bad luck, but she had remembered Miu's words and she didn't let her friends predicament get in the way of her shot.

Taking more time then usual to line up her attack, Kylie's breath slowed to nothing more then a whisper, as she aimed her wicked barb at the soft point under the Minotaur's arm, the one holding Miu, and let fly, looking to outright sever the limb if possible, or at least brutally wound softer tissue then the creatures outer hide, her second arrow aimed squarely at it's chest. She'd remind it who the real threat here was... and then well... chasing her was never wise.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie: 11 vs 18 Minotaur, miss
Miu: 20 vs 15 Minotaur, hit and broke free

Minotaur: 10 vs 18 Miu, miss

Kylie: 4 vs 6 Minotaur, miss
Miu: 5 vs 14 Minotaur, miss

Minotaur: 12 vs 11 Kylie, hit and grabbed again

Kylie's first arrow again missed the minotaur as it held Miu there, raising her around just before Kylie shot and making her have to change her target or hit Miu, though it didn't seem like it meant to do so really and that it just happened to do it. Miu however managed to get back at it as soon as Kylie's arrow struck the tree next to the minotaur, making its head turn to see what'd just happened, the neko's right leg swinging up and wrapping around its arm that was holding her, where she thrust her spear forward and into its left leg, forcing it to release her. The minotaur then swung its broad axe around at Miu, though the neko managed to duck the blow easily enough as she sprang back, ready to continue fighting.

As Kylie strung her fourth arrow, she was seeing this fight starting to turn against them somewhat as they'd done minimal damage to the minotaur while Miu was already winded somewhat and she was much smaller than said minotaur as well, so its was much stronger than she was in general. When she released her next arrow, the minotaur just barely glanced her way in the nick of time to duck enough so that it hit its left horn, cracking the horn but otherwise doing nothing else to it. Miu followed up Kylie's attack with another thrust of her spear, but the minotaur batted her aside with its axe as the arrow fell to the ground and he looked up at his cracked horn that looked like another good hit with only a stick would finish breaking it clean off.

"GRRAAAAHHH! You cracked my horn you bitch, you'll pay for that," the minotaur shouted at Kylie and rushed at her. "I'm gonna make sure you bear my firstborn for that one you fucking slut," the minotaur growled as it charged her, swinging its axe out at Kylie.

As soon as it swung its axe, Kylie saw it coming and was easily able to duck and spin under it, but that had been a feint as it swung its left arm at her, a fist catching her partially in the gut and partially in the right side, knocking the wind momentarily out of her. While she recovered, it was easily able to grab her bow arm where it tugged her towards it, snarling as it did so and barring its teeth at her. Miu it seemed had recovered and was soon to be on her way, but Kylie would be able to act before she got there if she went quickly.

Kylie - FP: 5/6, grabbed by the minotaur.
Miu - FP: 4/6,

Minotaur - FP: 10/13, currently grappling Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

1 miss as the lucky bastard pulled Miu into the line of fire. Twisting her bow to the side at the last moment, the arrow slashed through the air dangerously close to Miu. Cursing even as Miu managed to get herself out of the Minotaur's grip, Kylie's second shot went high as the creature finally paid attention to her, and she marred it's horn as the price.

Grinning wickedly as it spoke, Kylie spat on the ground at the creature's feet, before ducking the ax. She did not however, see the punch coming that caught her side. The creature was monstrously strong. Twisting around, trying to avoid being grabbed herself, Kylie failed in her attempt and wound up held by her bow arm. At least she still had a hand free.

Rather then resist it's attempts to drag her in, Kylie kicked off the ground behind her, and launched herself into the minotaur's face as fast as she could, her free arm tucked tightly to her body as she raised her knee towards it's groin. Kylie would repay the feint with one of her own, and thrust the mythril blade of her gauntlet into it's chest, before kicking away. Hopefully this worked, otherwise she'd have to claw at it like a pissed of cat. And she didn't like the reference to pussy, feline or otherwise right at this moment.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie: 11 vs 5 Minotaur, hit and broken free
Miu: 7 vs 10 Minotaur, miss

Minotaur: 11 vs 5 Kylie, hit

Kylie: 11 vs 11 Minotaur, player wins ties so a hit
Miu: 19 vs 18 Minotaur, hit

Minotaur: 14 vs 20 Kylie, miss

Kylie's plan worked out just as planned, her kneed swinging down and directly into the minotaur's groin, where it howled in pain and fell to one knee. Miu set upon it almost as soon as Kylie had struck, but it somehow managed to swing itself around as it let go of Kylie's arm, where it blocked Miu's thrust from behind and continued its spin to face Kylie again, slinging Miu past so they were both there. It swung at Kylie in retaliation, catching her across the ass with the flat of its axe and causing her to stumble towards it.

"Come on you two... I'll make you both my kitties for the evening and put babies in both your bellies," the minotaur said in a half growl half laugh at them as it struck Kylie's ass with its axe.

This worked to her advantage though as she fell forward and thrust her hidden blade forward and into its shoulder instead of its chest like she'd wanted, the blow landing and slipping right through its strong hide, but only just barely. Miu jumped in and stabbed her naginata out and into its leg, where it roared at her and swatted at her. The minotaur swung its big burly fist directly at Miu's face this time, apparently not caring any longer about her looks and only intent on defeating the both of them.

Kylie - FP: 4/6,
Miu - FP: 4/6,

Minotaur - FP: 7/13,
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Free now, and managing to land both of her blows, Kylie grinned like a jackal, full of madness and bloodlust as she licked the crimson from her blade slowly and shuddered. It was so... rich and hinted at metals. The taste was sweet...

As the Minotaur lunged at Miu once more, talking about something beneath the insane assassin's notice, Kylie took two small hops backwards, creating more distance for her arrow to gain speed, and to dodge later as she drew another arrow from her quiver, drew back, and let the whistling barb fly at center mass, below the ribs, looking to cleave internal organs and cause severe bleeding... She would stand on this monster's corpse and call her victory...

Another arrow drawn in a blink, and a short spin to hide her shot, Kylie once more let fly, watching the Minotaur, waiting to see if it came for her once again, if she could regain it's Ire... She wanted the kill so badly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 17 vs 6 Minotaur, hit
Miu - 3 vs 9 Minotaur, miss

Minotaur - 13 vs 11 Miu, hit

Kylie - 3 vs 2 Minotaur, hit
Miu - 10 vs 4 Minotaur, hit

Minotaur - 15 vs 4 Miu, hit and grabbed

As Kylie let loose another steel arrow at the minotaur after hopping back a bit and leaving Miu up close with him again, her projectile hit the beast square in the bottom left rib with a resounding thunk and crack of bone. The minotaur howled in both agony and rage at Kylie's arrow striking him, but the arrow had failed to pierce all the way through him, however it had hit him quite well. Miu took this opportunity and lunged with her naginata as the minotaur wrenched the arrow out of him and tossed it aside, however he managed to sidestep her lunge. The minotaur retaliated and used Miu's disadvantage of being a little overextended and slashed her across the back with his axe, a shallow cut, but one that did tear through her robes and leave a trail of blood all the same, and leaving the neko hurt quite a bit as she staggered a bit.

"YOU FUCKING WHORES, I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THIS!" the minotaur cried at them as Miu staggered forward a bit.

Kylie was able to take this opportunity to fire another arrow at him, which hit him in the calf of his right leg. He seemed to almost ignore the pain from this though unfortunately as Miu came at him yet again, a quite angry look in her eyes and no longer any fear at all... to her now this wasn't a battle of supremacy or anything like that for the minotaur to get them to use them for his own pleasures... this was a battle to the death in Miu's eyes now, which Kylie would notice. Miu moved in and spun to the right, swinging her naginata around in the process and slicing into his chest a bit and leaving another cut upon his already quite badly beaten body. This however only seemed to enrage him further as he tackled Miu, one of his horns nearly goring her straight through the stomach, but she moved just in time to prevent it from hitting her there, though she wasn't fast enough to avoid him altogether. His horn had grazed her left side as he slammed her up against a tree where she slammed her head back against it, dazing her slightly.

Miu looked in bad shape, and she was bleeding a good bit from both her back and her fresh wound. But she didn't look to be about to give up just yet it seemed. Hell if anything she looked to be ignoring the pain of her wounds as much as the minotaur was his wounds, and Kylie would see Miu's eyes turn more catlike and feral in appearance as she raised her head up and let out a loud catlike roar as the minotaur grabbed her up.

Kylie - FP: 4/6,
Miu - FP: 2/6, grabbed by the minotaur

Minotaur - FP: 4/13, grabbing Miu
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie scored two hits, saw crimson splash twice... Miu's plight was now beyond her bloodlust. Kylie only saw the Minotaur as her world shrunk down to the kill. Certainly she registered the priestesses' own rage, and her feral appearance in her grappled state, but she didn't care.

The assassin's forearms and back rippled with muscles trained over years in archery with a weapon as formidable as the one she was now wielding, and the sound of the mithril straining as she drew back again was music to her ears offset by the controlled thump, thump, thump of her own heart pounding through her.

Kylie didn't loose this arrow immediately though, the beast seemed content to try and deal with Miu first, a critical mistake as Kylie took her sweet, lethal time, in carefully sighting her shot.

As her breathing slowed to a whisper, and her arm pulled back violently, the metal in her hand hummed with deadly intent as her sight settled on the Minotaur's chest... Thump... Ba-Thump... Ba... Thump... Her heartbeat was slowing with her focus, making her arm even steadier then it already was, her breathing stopped completely, her entire body completely still... and then...

Like the sound of bones snapping under a lightning strike, the bowstring rocketed forward, drawing blood from her forearm as the steel barb was launched like a screaming eagle towards the minotaur... This shot... This shot would be beautiful... and the spiraling shower of her own Carmine spinning out behind the tail of the arrow only confirmed her belief more...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 4 vs 3 Minotaur, hit and broke Miu free
Miu - 14 vs 13 Minotaur, hit

Minotaur - 9 vs 6 Miu, hit

Kylie - 9 vs 20 Minotaur, miss
Miu - 17 vs 6 Minotaur, hit

Minotaur - 17 vs 11 Miu, hit and knockout

Kylie's next arrow struck the minotaur square in the chest almost, hitting the right side of him and thunking loudly into one of his upper ribs over there with a crunch, letting Kylie know she'd broken another one. Kylie's arrow hitting the minotaur caused him to release Miu thankfully, where she swung her naginata around at the thing and slashed him across the chest. The minotaur retaliated against Miu however with a blow to the stomach from his massive fist, knocking the breath out of her and causing her to drop her naginata.

"Oof, bastard... you're gonna die tonight, whether by my hand or Kylie's, you will die!" Miu cried at the minotaur, her eyes narrowing in fury.

When Kylie launched another arrow at the minotaur, she missed unfortunately, the arrow landing in the ground next to its left hoof. Miu charged at the minotaur with her bare hands, her claws slashing across the thing's face and waist once. The minotaur howled in pain and anger at the neko's attack, but he wasn't down just quite yet despite the obvious amount of pain he was in and the damage he'd taken. He looked on death's door to say the least, but he still had strength enough to swing his axe one last time at Miu, cutting her across the front of her right shoulder and then punching her in the face, where the neko stumbled back and bonked her head against a nearby tree, where she then fell to the ground and didn't move or even make a sound.

Kylie - FP: 4/6,
Miu - FP: 0/6, knocked out and a bit hurt, bleeding from a couple of wounds

Minotaur - FP: 1/13,
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, seeing Miu still handling the brunt of the infighting, and unable to get the creature's attention despite how much pain she had inflicted, grinned wickedly when she heard the feral priestess's announcement.

As her second arrow left her bow, Kylie dropped it to the ground and was already sprinting silently towards the minotaur even as Miu traded blows, and was removed from the fight. She was hurt, but not too badly... and well.. Kylie already had tunnel vision.

Once again Kylie made her impressive speed known as she closed the distance between herself and the minotaur in a blink, and if the creature looked up at the last second, it'd see her, 4 feet in the air, her leg bowed at an impressive angle as it rocketed towards the minotaur's shoulder.

Aiming her blow so that no matter what, she would collide with the creature, Kylie's hands were wide and hooked into mithril covered claws, her blades out and shining in the moonlight, and if this kick failed to end the creature, then a dread dance of blood, speed, silver light, and pain would begin as she started to dive and dance around the minotaur, jabbing her blades into any surface of exposed flesh she could find, as quickly as her fast hands could until she saw her opening to climb up the beast, grab it's head, and run both of her blades around it's throat in a vicious, carmine soaked crescent...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 17 vs 8 Minotaur, hit and killed the bastard.

As Kylie rocketed towards the minotaur after he knocked Miu away from him, her mythril blades poised to strike the finishing blow against him. The minotaur turned back to see Kylie just as she was slamming into him, her dual hidden blades sliding into either side of his throat, crisscrossing with each other where she then yanked her arms apart, quite literally ripping the minotaur's throat out in a shower of crimson that sprayed into the air as the minotaur had tilted its head back. The minotaur fell back as soon as Kylie's blades exited his throat, with her riding him down in the shower of gore that followed. The only thing that she could hear from the minotaur was gurgling and a dull thump as he hit the ground, though she probably imagined that he was throwing curses at her for his defeat.

As soon as she had done whatever she wanted to with the minotaur after he drew his last breath, Kylie would notice Miu still laying there where she'd fallen after being knocked out. The neko was bleeding quite a bit from the wound on her back and shoulder, but not so much that she was in danger of bleeding out right then and there, likely not even after an hour or so, but it was obvious that she needed medical attention at the earliest convenience. The jungle had gone silent all around her, and Kylie would have the faint feeling that she was being watched curiously by multiple things around her, though none of said things were visible and likely in hiding.

The minotaur lay dead at her feet however, and what with the feelings and thoughts flowing through her, he was exactly where she wanted him to be, though he may not have suffered enough to her liking for all this. She did have a nice trophy though if she wanted to try and take it along with her in the form of his axe, though it was of course up to her if she took it or not. If she looked closely into his eyes as he stopped moving, she would see the last thing in them as his pupils dilated, and that was fear... of her to be exact.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, locked onto the Minotaur's throat as she felt her blades slide home, leered into his face, before ripping her hands away and letting the shower of blood wash over her, her eyes locked on his the entire way to the ground... It was a violent and beautiful spectacle to behold. It was a shame Miu missed it.

Panting from her place on it's chest, her own breathing growing faster and faster with the rush of the kill, Kylie laughed, throwing her head back and cackling into the night, covered in gore, the blood still dripping down her face and hair, her shining gauntlets stained a shimmering red.

Standing up, still laughing, Kylie looked around at the surrounding jungle, glaring at any and all unseen eyes within the darkness, arms low, hands open, before she screamed her victory out into the night like some kind of primal animal, her own version of a roar echoing out into the trees, before she spotted Miu, and she chuckled, letting her high fade.

Retrieving her bow, Kylie dug around until she had two of her potions, the odd stamina concoction, and the potion of strength, and a part of her saddened a little at the mixed opportunity as she looked at the latter... She could have fought this creature on equal footing... How glorious would that have been!?

Drinking both potions down quickly, Kylie grimaced at the mixed taste, before licking her lips and stowing the empty bottles. Feeling the strength surge through her again, Kylie retrieved her arrows, the Axe, the shattered horn, and finally Miu. It wasn't that she didn't care about Miu, she did, a great deal, but she also knew that the Catwoman was in no immediate danger of death, and as the largest thing to carry, best to be the last one hauled up into position.

Draping Miu across her shoulders, over her bow, Kylie started the walk back to the village, the large and impressive Axe held casually in a single hand, and reeking of violence, death, and Menace. Much like with the large Cat, Kylie doubted anything would bother her... And she found herself liking the heft of this Axe as well... It would make a fine gift for Palla... But Miu came first, so as Kylie set off, she set off for the priestesses at the temple.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After drinking her potions once the battle was done, the blood and gore drenching her form, Kylie felt a surge of strength filling her body and she no longer felt tired in the least. Hells bells she felt as if she could run a couple of leagues before tiring at this point. She was able to retrieve all of the things she'd desired to grab, as well as all but a two of her arrows undamaged, one of which she could easily spot in the tree it'd hit, while the other was nowhere to be see, though to remedy the damaged ones she could just keep any damaged ones and return them to the blacksmith to fix up for her at a later date.

When she went to lift up Miu though, Kylie found the situation worsen instantly, as she'd found her other arrow that she thought might have been lost, it seems that Miu had fallen down upon the thing as it was sticking head first in her waist area a bit to her left side as she'd fallen slightly turned like that. It was hard to tell just how deep it had penetrated her upon the fall, but the whole head was inside just about, and there was quite a bit of blood coming from the wound now that Kylie could get a better look at it.

Miu groaned as Kylie got her rolled over and then up to carry her back, the neko waking up dazed by the blinding pain she was obviously in. "Kylie.... Are you okay?... Oh gods it hurts... I've... never had a wound... this bad before... myself," Miu panted, her first thoughts to make sure Kylie was okay before anything else, despite the amount of pain she was obviously in. "J-Just... help me up... and if you can carry me... then I'll... keep pressure on this until we get back... j-just try and hurry... t-to the temple... I dunno if... it hit any vitals... but I'm scared Kylie..." Miu continued with tears in her eyes, panting and shaking in pain the whole time and stuttering a bit as she tried to pull the arrow out, but stopped, obviously unable to because of the pain.

[I made a roll to see if anything else might attack or if anything bad would happen, and... nat 1. Don't know why I wrote this the way I did, just felt right at the time.]
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, finding that Miu had fallen upon one of her missed shots, swore loudly as she dropped everything and set Miu on the ground for a moment. No no no Miu, don't pull on it. Leave it in, it'll actually keep you from bleeding out if it's plugging the wound. Should buy us more then enough time, now don't touch it, this is going to hurt. Kylie said, leaving Miu on the ground as she turned to regard the Minotaur.

Picking up the axe in one hand, Kylie shook with rage for a moment, before bringing the flat of the heavy weapon down upon it's skull with all of her strength, turning his entire head to nothing more then pulp, before she set it back down, and began tearing long strips out of his shirt. Miu's other wounds would be fine, but the arrow needed a field dressing.

Taking the strips, Kylie moved back over to Miu, and forced her to sit up, despite any pain, and wrapped the cloth around the arrow just above the wound, before winding it around her waist. It would jostle the arrow a bit at first, but in the long run, it would keep it from moving any deeper.

Having seen to that, Kylie quickly rethought everything, and turned to scoop everything up again. Miu was cradled in one arm, the axe was held as her primary weapon for now in the other, and her bow and arrows were safely on her back, Miu's weapon slid through the strap of her quiver and tied off quickly to her shoulder. For the seriousness of the situation, Kylie showed a remarkable ability to multitask and handled it all quickly, and in less then a few minutes, Miu was up, Kylie had everything, and they were running, Literally, as fast as Kylie could move towards the temple. Hold the arrow shaft, but don't push on it, just keep it from moving. Kylie said as she tore through the underbrush, using the axe to clear anything in their path, and trusting to her sure footing to keep from falling.

Miu most likely hadn't damaged anything vital, but the wound wasn't pretty, and Kylie set her jaw as she ran, ran as if the very gates of hell had opened behind her...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah I know I know... was just testing it... to see how deep it is. Doesn't feel... like it struck a bone or anything vital though... thankfully... else I think I'd be... howling in greater pain than I already am," Miu panted as Kylie told her to not pull on the arrow then got some strips of the minotaur's shirt to use as makeshift bandages. Miu didn't really stop Kylie or even try to as she bashed the minotaur's skull in and left its head a bloody mess, seeming almost glad she did in fact.

Miu hissed and cried in agony as she was bandaged up, bashing the ground with her fists, but she didn't try to stop Kylie at all and didn't beg her to stop either, as she knew that it needed to be done. When they were done and Kylie was getting Miu up, the neko kissed her on the cheek and thanked her. "Thanks for helping here... and sorry I screwed up there too. Just hand me the axe there and I can... hold it and the arrow too... that way you can carry me easier," Miu said as Kylie got up, taking the axe in one hand if Kylie gave it to her, though the neko wouldn't press her on it if she thought she could handle it and her too. In that case she just held the arrow tightly with her hands to keep it from jostling about and possibly pushing in deeper.

Tearing through the brush, Miu suggested staying on the paths as much as she could, as it was faster, and thankfully it wasn't overly hard to see and stay on them. Along the way, Kylie nearly lost her footing on a loose log, but she was able to hop over the rest of the way before it rolled with her, and Miu looked a bit scared of that and clung to Kylie with one hand a bit harder as she held onto the arrow with the other. Making their way back to the guards at the gate, Kylie was quickly let through when they saw her carrying the wounded Miu, telling her to hurry on to the temple.

As soon as Kylie got to the temple, after another 5 minutes or so of running with Miu through the town, she saw that they seemed to have gotten ready for sleep and the majority of the lights were out, but there were a few lanterns fixed up out at the gate as well as a few along the sidewalk leading up to the doors. Knocking on the door brought Yuki to answer it, where as soon as she saw the two girls standing on the porch her eyes went wide and she hurried them on in.

"Take her in that room there and lay her down on the bed inside, I'll get lady Amara to help heal her," Yuki said in the same calm tone as she had the last few times she saw her, pointing Kylie to the room straight to the left of the doorway down at the end of the hall in that direction.

As soon as Kylie had Miu in there, it took literally only a minute before Amara, Yuki, Hazel, and Aya were all in there. "What happened? And how long has it been since she was hurt?" Amara asked quickly, setting down a bag that had a few medical tools inside, with the angel pulling out a potion and tipping the contents into the neko's mouth. "Here Miu, take this pain killing potion, so that I can take the arrow out," Amara added to Miu as she waited for Kylie to speak, letting the potion take effect before starting, which gave Kylie time to explain to her.

After Kylie told the others what happened, Hazel held Miu's shoulders while Aya got her ankles, and Amara told Yuki and Kylie to hold Miu's waist and hips down where the angel then grabbed hold of the arrow with one hand and then took a scalpel in the other, then she sliced the skin a bit around the arrow to allow it to slide out easier without tearing the skin so badly. As soon as she'd cut Miu's skin enough to her liking, Amara pulled, slowly at first, but as soon as it started sliding out she yanked hard and the thing came out with a small squirt of blood coming with it and splattering Amara's cheek. Miu screamed as soon as the scalpel started cutting and screamed even louder when the arrow came out, but as soon as the arrow was out all the neko did was shudder and pant, giving only a few soft whimpers of pain now, and she didn't scream quite as loud as Kylie probably figured she would have considering the amount of pain she was in out in the jungle as soon as it happened. Amara laid her hands over Miu's wound without even bothering to bandage it any to stop the bleeding, where Kylie would see a soft blueish white glow start up from the angel's hands as she wound began closing up. Miu gripped Yuki's and Hazel's hands as they'd moved to hold them now, and she did let out a couple of soft cries of pain, but soon the wound was closed up and scabbed over, but Amara continued healing anyway despite that and didn't stop until it was sealed up more so. As soon as she'd healed it to her liking, Amara handled healing her other wounds a bit before she started bandaging the neko up with Hazel's and Yuki's help.

"Alright, Yuki, Aya can you two get her to her bed so she can rest some? She'll probably need to stay off her feet for a couple of days at least," Amara asked the other two priestesses, both of whom nodded and helped Miu up and out of what was left of her bloody robes before helping her off to her bedroom to sleep. "Whew, thank you for looking out for her Kylie, I really appreciate it. Is Maria alright too? I haven't seen her for a while today," Amara said to Kylie, asking about Maria too.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie ran, and she ran, and she ran. She noted Miu's advice, but admonished her for speaking, the assassin trying to keep her ears open for any threats in advance so she could steer clear of them. When she almost lost her footing on a log, especially with her heavy burden, the assassin's reflexes saved her again as she pivoted on her steady foot and bounded over it.

When she reached the gates of the village, Kylie was moving fast, and slowing down was almost a problem, before the guards quickly opened up for them, and Kylie was passed them and that infernal gate without another word, flying towards the temple with long, leaping strides. Now on pounded road, Kylie was moving even faster, no longer concerned with her footing, and she made the long trip in almost 5 minutes, pounding on the temple doors with the flat of the axe, the resounding Boom... Booom. BOOM... Impossible to miss.

Yuki was the first to respond to Kylie's insane knocking, and within moments, they were rushed inside, Kylie turning care of Miu over to Amara and the others, dropping into a nearby chair and twitching, her chest heaving. She wasn't winded, or even tired, she was just over stimulated from the drugs, the combined effects of both potions pounding through her blood as her grip on the axe tightened to a strangle hold and Kylie struggled to answer. Maybe a half hour at most, There was a Minotaur, it's dead now. Very dead. Kylie panted out, sitting there and remaining silent afterwards as she calmed herself down.

It was incredible, the feeling of stamina and power rushing through her blood, and soon the juiced assassin was standing and pacing around, waiting to make sure Miu was alright, before immediately leaving the room, and heading outside towards the back of the temple. She had to work this stuff off, or at least do SOMETHING to take the edge off, and once again, the temple's trees became victims as Kylie took the axe, and started hacking through several trees, before turning those trees into burnable logs with powerful swings of the heavy, double bit weapon.

Covered in a mix of sweat and gore, Kylie looked like she truly had lost it as she bled her rage out into the jungle trees, before finally collapsing in a heap an hour later. She felt better, still juiced, still on edge, but better. There was no longer that compulsion there to act, and keep acting. It was the stamina potion it had to be. The giant's strength elixir had had no jitters to go with it, none of the nervous energy that came from being so thoroughly stimulated.

Panting, Kylie still paid no attention to the way she looked, gave no care to being bathed in hot crimson. She was certain someone would interrupt her musings soon, Hazel or Amara or Yuki, someone would come and demand to know what the fuck had happened, and thinking back, to know what had become of Maria...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie moved out to chop the wood while the girls worked, the adrenaline really being the reason she was doing so, she didn't really hear Amara say what she did to her, the angel thinking Kylie was still in there the whole time until she turned around and noticed she was gone. A few minutes later, after they'd cleaned up the room once Miu was taken to rest, Amara came out to find Kylie, her angelic wings fluttering softly behind her as she walked.

"Ah there you are, I heard the sounds of wood being chopped when I came to look for you, but was unsure just what was causing it. It seems we'll have plenty of firewood in the coming days at least," Amara said in her same usual kind tone, then she cleared her throat and stepped a little closer to Kylie, avoiding the axe by leaning back if Kylie was still swinging it when she came upon her. "So... what all happened exactly? And where is Maria also? I was asking inside but you'd disappeared on me before I could. We were getting a little worried about her because she usually lets us know if she decides to stay out for the night is all," Amara then asked, still in her kind tone, but there was a hint of curiosity in her voice as well, but not a demanding tone like Kylie had thought there would be.