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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, taking the case and listening, smiled. Of course I don't mind Ayane, don't be silly. Besides, I'd like to meet this Samuel myself, another contact would benefit me greatly and, as you said, I'm headed that way anyway. Kylie said, hugging Ayane and squeezing before glancing over and seeing the spectacle finally winding down. It seemed, that Hope and Maria were done playing, though Hope wanted to go again, and for some reason, Maria didn't want to say no...

Looking at Maria with a raised eyebrow, Kylie chuckled before swooping in and scooping up Hope in her arms, blowing a raspberry on her belly, and then hugging her. Nope~ Horsey's all done Little One. I'm so glad you had fun though! Hey, Mama has to head out again ok, and will be gone for a few days. Will you be a big girl for Ayane and help watch out for the other children while I'm gone? Kylie asked her, looking into Hope's little eyes and smiling.

Kissing her softly and hugging her close, Kylie slowly, and admittedly grudgingly, made her way back to Ayane, her adopted daughter held to her chest. Once again, she didn't want to go, but she had to, and Hope had to stay here and heal up. Soon though, Soon she'd be with her in their home, and everything would be fine.

Handing Hope off to Ayane, Kylie leaned in and kissed her on the cheek again. Be a good girl ok? Ayane just wants to help you heal up all big and strong again, and then you and me can play all the time. I love you Hope, and I'll come back in a few days. Kylie added, her voice catching a bit, before she smiled, turned, and started walking, the case in her hand and a backwards wave to Ayane. She didn't want to cry in front of Hope.

As they got to the edge of the clearing, Kylie turned and waved goodbye to everyone, before stepping into the trees proper, and starting to make her way back to the village. We should go pick up a few odds and ends from the tailor Maria, then head back to the house... Kylie whispered as she slid behind the priestess, kissing her neck properly now as she wrapped her arms around her waist, grinning at Miu from over her shoulder as her tongue teased her flesh.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ayane hugged Kylie in return as she hugged her, the alraune matriarch smiling thankfully as she gave the case to Kylie. As soon as Kylie had taken Hope and freed Maria, the vryloka priestess heaved a sigh of relief as Hope whined a bit, but relented when Kylie said Maria was all done for now and when she blew the raspberry on her belly, making her cackle madly as she squirmed around to prevent it. When Kylie spoke to Hope and told her that she had to go away, asking if she'd look after the other little ones, Hope smiled up at her and nodded before looking at the other little alraune, who'd mostly broken up now and gone back to scattering about and playing. When she brought her over to Ayane and attempted to hand her off to Ayane though, Hope shook her head, but didn't fight to stay with Kylie this time... she instead wanted down, saying as such.

"N-No mama, down. I watch over dem," Hope said softly as she pointed to her sisters, using her little tentacles and lowering herself down unless Kylie set her down first, where using one of them to support herself against the ground, she took a tentative step only to stumble. However before she fell there were two of the little red alraune just a little bigger and older than Hope there to catch her, the same two Kylie would notice that had been so absorbed in pulling on Maria's nipple rings earlier before Hope grabbed them the first time. The two of them got on either side of Hope and helped her to walk around, acting as her crutch and not seeming to mind one bit as Hope directed them towards a small patch of flowers, violets to be exact. Hope picked one of them, bending over and grabbing one with her good hand, where she then came back over with the little red alraune's help and offered it to Kylie. "L-Love mama too. H-Here, p-pwetty like mama. Bye bye mama... c-come home soon," Hope said, hugging Kylie's leg and kissing her back, but not looking so sad she was about to cry this time... almost like she was trying to be a big girl as Kylie asked her to do.

"Well my goodness Hope, you're getting really good with your words in such a short time. It must be a blessing from the gods indeed for her," Ayane said, leaning down and kissing her on the top of her head, where Ayane then turned to Kylie as Hope positively beamed at the attention. "I've been teaching her words and stuff, but I didn't think she was that good already. She's obviously very smart or at least she pays very close attention to us when we're talking. Hell at this rate if it takes you a week to get back we may have her talking as good as a young human child of a few years old at least maybe. But anyway Kylie, be careful if and when you do go," Ayane then commented to Kylie about Hope, looking extremely impressed with the little thing.

After all of the hugs and kisses were out of the way after that, Hope would wave by to Kylie with the little red's supporting their little sister as they too waved at Kylie along with the other alraune in the area, while Maria and Miu followed Kylie out, also waving at the alraune as they left. When Kylie moved up behind Maria and slid her arms around her, the priestess gasped slightly in fright, then shuddered as Kylie kissed and licked her neck more properly then she'd been able to earlier. "W-What sorts of things are we picking up K-Kylie?" Maria said tensely, but giggling ticklishly at her tongue dancing on her neck and trying to wriggle away from Kylie, while Miu just grinned from ear to ear.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie raised her eyebrows, before giggling and setting Hope on the ground. She watched her stumble, but made no moves to help her, and indeed, was glad for it when the little reds came over to help her walk around. Smiling widely and nodding as Hope actually went to do as she was told, to watch out for the others, Kylie beamed with pride, taking the violet from Hope and putting it in her hair. Thank you Little One. And don't worry, I'll be home before you know it. Kylie said, patting her on the head gently as she hugged her leg, and scampered off to do as Mama had told her. Turning to Ayane, she nodded. Aye, she's learning incredibly quickly and she was smart as a whip before. She'll grow into a force to be reckoned with, mark my words. she said to the matriarch, nodding and then heading off.

Ooo you know, a little thing here, an odd end there. I need thread and needle for some of my clothes, and thread is always useful. Kylie said, kissing Maria's neck again and sucking gently.

On back to the village now with Kylie sharing conspiratorial looks with Miu, and plotting against Maria, the walk was pleasant and everyone was all smiles, though Kylie bet that Maria was a little bit wound up, just as she wanted her.

If nothing conspired to attack the 3 armed, and dangerous women, and they made it back to the village, Kylie would make a beeline for the tailor, looking around as she grabbed some things she was after. A spool of fine, but strong silk thread, and an interesting little set of metal clips, no wider then her pinky. They must have been for dress catches and the like. They'd do nicely... Paying for them with simply a gold coin, and any change if there was a need for more, Kylie would just smile at Maria and hold up the thread triumphantly.

Now! To the house! She cried, ready now to ambush Maria properly, though she might need a hand... Eh, she was certain Miu would join in the ambushing of Maria if there was a need... Maybe. It would be interesting... Her rope and everything else was still in Tina's room from their last romp with Giselle... Kylie wondered what other toys were up there... Maria was in for an interesting afternoon...
Last edited:
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Anytime Kylie looked back at Miu on the way back, she winked at her and gave an evil little grin, seeming to have something in mind as well it appeared. Maria meanwhile merely shuddered and gasped softly as Kylie suckled gently on her neck, her eyes fluttering a little bit in the process. Once in town again, Kylie would easily find the things at the clothing store that she needed, where she'd be able to easily get it all for less than 2 gold, being given a couple of silver pieces and a single copper piece before she left as change. Miu kept Maria occupied for the most part while Kylie got the things she wanted, by showing her some of the sexier lingerie, to which Maria looked quite curious about, as when Kylie last saw Maria and Miu before leaving it was with Maria looking at a sexy black mostly see through bra and thong with a garter and stockings. Miu winked to Kylie and motioned for her to go on out and mouthed for her to wait, and a couple of minutes later Maria and Miu exited with both of them carrying a sack each, Maria's being small and obviously holding the lingerie she'd been looking at from the soft blush on her cheeks, while Miu had a larger sack that obviously had a couple of larger things in it.

"Alrighty Kylie, let's go. I'd like some water or tea to drink, or milk... yeah milk would be better, and it's been a while since I've gotten anything new to wear, and since we're heading to Tear Cove in a couple of days or so I'd like something nice to wear once we get there," Miu said as soon as her and Maria came out.

The walk back to siren sisters house was mostly uneventful, though when they arrived they would see Delilah and Palla sitting in the living room sipping at some tea. "Ah Kylie welcome back. Tina birthed the eggs and Giselle and Selara took her over to Reina's to get her checked out some because there were so many eggs and all, and Selara took the eggs into their room to keep them safe. Come on in though and have some tea with us, or something else if you'd like instead. Giselle also said to think of something nice for dinner tonight too, that it was your pick tonight," Delilah said to Kylie as soon as they all entered the house, with the sole siren in the house for now waving her, Maria, and Miu over to join them for a cup of tea.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just giggled as the lingerie proved an adequate distraction for the worked up Maria, and Kylie approved of her choice as well, though she didn't say anything about it. She was quite certain what she had planned for Maria would include all the working up the girl could take, and then some. Not to mention the incredibly thorough education she was going to get in a Whhhhoooole lot of things by the time herself, and Giselle were through. It was going to be interesting.

Add in that Miu seemed to have joined the game as well, and everything was just starting to roll like a boulder set on it's course far up hill.

The walk back was uneventful as far as from the tailor's to the house, and Kylie did indeed show Maria just a shred of mercy, keeping her plans to herself and not teasing her further. With a smile and a wave, Kylie greeted Delilah and Palla, though when she heard the news her face lit up like it was christmas.

Really!? The eggs were laid!? That's amazing news! And I'm sure Selara is thrilled! Kylie said, bouncing up and down excitedly in a small circle, her face all scrunched up as she though about the little lamia's scurrying, or rather slithering, all over the place. Feynrial, Land of Adorable Cuteness. That was this places unofficial name now. Though once Miu immediately, and predictably took Delilah up on that offer for a drink, and maria did as well most likely, Kylie would nod.

Tea sounds lovely, but I'm not all that thirsty myself, maybe a quick glass of water. I have some things to put in my and Giselle's room though, so just give me a minute. She said, looking a little disappointed, but twas only the next stage of her mighty and dirty plan... A plan... she had a plan? What was she doing aga... Oooo That plan. Her mind having taken a short little detour, Kylie seemed a bit lost for a few seconds, before her attention snapped back to reality, and she scurried upstairs.

Her first stop was actually Tina's room, there was a toy chest in there that she was raiding, and since the room was vacant, well... she was certain no one would mind...

Popping into the room as silent as a mouse, Kylie went to the closet where she'd seen all the various goodies of the more perverted bent, and gathered them all up, nothing was left out mainly because Kylie just grabbed the entire lot, and then carried them to her room, where she set the box just under the edge of the bed. Judging from the weight, there was quite the selection in there, this was going to be fun...

As soon as that was taken care of, Kylie took out the small steel hoops she'd bought, checking the clasps and finding they all worked wonderfully. Pulling out her thread, Kylie set 4 of the hoops aside, and the thread, and then a small little knife on the bedside table. She was going to need those, and... Ah! She remembered. Digging around in the box, Kylie dug out the steel bar that Tina had been hung up by, and, sure enough, found a ceiling fixture to mount it on, leaving the bar, and it's d-rings for cuffs and such, hanging 4 feet or so above the center of the bed. She was delighted to find it as adjustable, and did just that, setting it a little higher. Everything was basically set.

Counting in her head a she sorted things out, Kylie pulled off her weapons, her gauntlets, her bow, her arrows, and her clothing, and tossed it all aside. Standing naked there in the room, Kylie giggled as she dove into the closet, and started picking through her lingerie, finding a nice laceworked white bra, and a matching set of panties. Admiring her figure in the mirror, Kylie grinned widely. The only thing that really marred her figure were old scars, most razor thin, along her arms, legs, and front, and a small webwork of them on her back... Scowling at the memory, Kylie simply shook it off, pronounced herself amazing, and scampered down to the hallway.

Hey Maria~! Mind coming up here to help me with something? Hey Miu! You tag along as well! It was now time to begin. And Kylie was certain, that by the time Giselle was arrived, Maria would be ready for something a little more substantial then the lustful torture Kylie was about to bestow.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh she is thrilled, was giddy as a schoolgirl when Tina went into labor. If you need to go to Tina's room for anything just be careful okay, because they're on their bed wrapped up and stuff to keep them warm with some warm wet towels laid over them," Delilah said to Kylie as she poured the other two some tea and then got Kylie a glass of water to drink. When Kylie stated that she needed to put her things into her's and Giselle's bedroom after finishing her water, Delilah and the others nodded and the siren just waved her on as she went back to chatting with Maria and Miu. Apparently Delilah knew Miu somewhat and they were catching up after not seeing each other in a few days from the sounds of it.

After Kylie left the living room and went upstairs, she'd find pretty much all she was looking for in Tina's room, though she would also see a large pile of soft looking pillows and blankets laid on the center of it with two large beach towels laid over the top. If she lifted an end of the towel up she'd see a total of 18 eggs laying about in the safety of the pillow and blanket pile, they were solid white and had obviously been cleaned since the birthing took place. They were warm to the touch if Kylie decided to caress one of them.

Tina's toy chest though had just about everything she was looking for, but once she got back to her's and Giselle's bedroom she would find that their bedroom hadn't the necessary fixture for the steel bar Tina had been hung from, as it lacked the proper cords and ropes to hold it up and whatnot to tie it off and the fixture in Giselle's room was only a magically powered ceiling fan. Though she could just move the whole fixture from Tina's room to her's and Giselle's if she wished and switch it out with the ceiling fan, as it seemed not too complicated, but it would take time to do... or she could instead just use the spreader bars that were in the chest to prevent Maria from being able to move much and leave her unable to protect her vulnerable erogenous zones.

Kylie was easily able to find her white lace lingerie, and when she eased herself downstairs she'd see Maria and Miu still talking with Delilah and Palla. When Kylie called for Maria to come upstairs with her, and for Miu to come along too, they both turned their heads and nodded. "Alright Kylie. What is it if you don't mind me asking?" Maria replied as she got up, with Miu following a few moments after, the neko winking at Delilah and then motioning towards Maria and then giving a thumbs up.

Delilah merely nodded, apparently able to interpret her hand signals... at least it seemed that way at least, where the remaining siren tapped Palla on the arm to get her attention. "Come Palla, let us go out for some more training since someone is back to stay with the house and all, I'll help you some more with control," Delilah said to Palla, where the goliath girl nodded eagerly, seeming to like her lessons in control.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie stopped when she saw the eggs, her eyes getting huge and her lip pouty as she looked at the adorable little pile, soon there would be little lamia all over the place. That reminded her, when she was done, she should go check up on Bob's eggs. She wondered what little darkmantles looked like. She had a guess they were just as cute, like tiny black floaty jellyfish. She also had to wonder what Bob ate... What DID bob eat!? Did he live on sexy lady fluids? Or rats? She hadn't heard of or seen him complain about his living situation... Pocketing that thought for later, Kylie went on about her business.

Apart from the evil ceiling fan being in the way, Kylie was all set after a few moments, she'd had to forgo the raised bar in favor of a spreader bar she'd found in the toy chest. There was even a ball gag, Who knew! Tina really was a kinky girl after all! Still, as far as toys went, the spreader bar with it's 4 cuffs, and the gag, and Kylie's threads and clasps, she was all set, and it was all set at the side of the bed harmlessly, slightly out of sight, except for the thread. Sitting on the bed, Kylie was tying the hoops onto lines of silk when Maria and Miu started to head upstairs to answer her call.

Ooo, you know, this and that, just come on! Kylie called back in answer, having scampered back to the room quickly after calling for them the first time. She'd have all 3 clasps she needed tied to the threads by the time they got up, and as they entered, Kylie was tying those three to a longer, central line. Her creation was basically three clasps on their own threads, hanging from a longer center line, and going over Maria's measurements in her head, they would be long enough for the job.

finally, you got here, and here I was all dressed up and waiting. Kylie cooed, crossing her legs on the bed and leaning back a little as she looked at Maria with a hungry little smile. Gods you guys are wearing a lot of clothing, get those stuffy robes off and come Kiss me already, I'm all worked up and ready to play! Kylie added in a happy little whine, fidgeting and pouting at Maria and Miu.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Maria and Miu arrived in her's and Giselle's bedroom, Miu saw what Kylie had in there and smiled approvingly. Maria meanwhile saw Kylie laying on the bed and pouting at her and Miu, looking quite unsure of what was happening and looking incredibly embarrassed when Kylie demanded she kiss her. "W-What do you mean kiss you? W-Why should I do that?" Maria asked, her face red as a beet and her voice coming out in practically a squeak. "W-Why should I take my robes off too... a-and what do you want to play?" Maria went on to ask as Miu took a step closer towards the bed, putting an arm around Maria and pulling her gently closer with her.

"Well we're going to play some games Maria, just to have a little fun and loosen each other up some is all, besides, it's just us girls here remember," Miu said to Maria, a sweet smile on her face that Kylie could easily tell was fake and hiding a devilish smile. "Now come on, me and Kylie will go first okay, let's just get out of these robes and into something a little more comfortable," Miu added, taking off her own robes to reveal only a set of skimpy panties and no bra to hold in her maybe slightly above average sized tits.

"A-Alright fine, I'll take them off then," Maria said as Miu moved to help her take off her robes covering her large tits, winking at Kylie in the process and nodding as soon as the robes were off.

"Alright then, there we go, that's a good girl. Now Kylie's going to get the toys, so let's just sit down okay," Miu said as she led Maria over and they both sat down, with Maria noticing the things Kylie had on the bed and looking a little tense at the sight of them, but she didn't make any moves to get away from them and seemed to trust them. "Whenever you're ready then Kylie, I'm sure that we'll both enjoy our game greatly, but Maria probably will lots and lots, because she's never played before," Miu added, winking at Kylie again to give her the go ahead to snag Maria with whatever she was planning, the neko seeming to want to get in on the fun as well.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched Miu work a little of the reservation out of Maria, hiding her own amusement well and enjoying watching the pair of them strip down, Miu getting an appraising look and a raised eyebrow, before her attention turned to Maria.

Sliding an arm around Maria's shoulder, Kylie leaned in and put her forehead against Maria's neck, before sliding up slowly. Relax, no one's going to do you any harm. Kylie whispered, before pushing her lips to Maria's and moaning softly, slowly and gently working the kiss deeper.

As her tongue slid passed Maria's parted lips, Kylie pulled her in tighter and moaned again before pulling back and looking into her eyes. You've been worked up all day, it's half my fault, just let it go. Kylie said with a soft smile, before kissing her again, deep and hungry as her hands slid up to undo Maria's bra.

Pulling back again, Kylie laid back against the wall and pulled maria gently into her lap, laying her down across her front, Kylie's breasts pushing into Maria's back while her hands trailed down her front. Miu, why don't you let Maria know how good that tongue of yours feels, it's her first time, we should be nice. Kylie said, her grin hidden from Maria as her hands trailed along the insides of Maria's thighs, before hooking into the waistband of her panties, and starting to edge them down.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"A-Alright you two, w-what are you both playing at here and... mmph..." Maria began saying before Kylie's lips muffled her talking, with Miu on Maria's other side kissing the vryloka's neck as Maria began to struggle momentarily.

She didn't put up much of a fight however against Kylie's and Miu's kissing her, giving Kylie ample opportunity to push her kiss deeper, with Maria's lips parting slightly and allowing Kylie to push her tongue inside as Maria gave a soft muffled moan of her own. As Kylie pulled Maria closer and tighter against herself, Maria gave a soft moan and again struggled, this time though very feebly, as if she was barely even trying to get away from them as Miu ran her tongue up Maria's neck and the side of her cheek and then her ear.

"W-What do you mean... Kylie? L-Let what go?" Maria said, her cheeks pink and her voice hot with arousal, her nipples standing erect underneath her bra where Kylie could easily see them. When she launched in and kissed her again, Maria let out half a gasp before Kylie's tongue delved into her mouth again, her eyes starting to shimmer slightly.

When Kylie began undoing Maria's bra, the vryloka didn't stop her at all as Miu was gently caressing her belly, causing her to giggle slightly as her and Kylie kissed. As Maria's bra came off, Kylie would see har large but perky tits bounce out of the cloth, her nipples fully erect and ready to be toyed with at her leisure, and Maria didn't seem to be struggling any longer as one of Miu's hands was gently caressing her belly and tickling her softly, while the other was gently caressing her inner thigh very near her panties and Maria wasn't even attempting to stop such a lewd act. "Mmm Maria, you smell really nice. And you taste nice too, almost like a coconut," Miu said softly as she ran her tongue up Maria's left breast, stopping before her tongue touched Maria's nipple though.

"Hah... t-that's because... I... I used the coconut oil after I... g-got out of the... h-h-hot spring," Maria panted as Kylie moved around and sat with her back leaning against the headboard of the bed, where Miu just giggled at Maria's reply and helped Kylie to move Maria into her lap.

When Kylie ran her hands down Maria's body, Miu joined in, almost guiding Kylie's hands towards Maria's big breasts and squeezing Kylie's hands over those big mammaries, giggling playfully the entire time as she playfully nipped Maria's nipple with her teeth, causing Maria to gasp and tense up a bit against Kylie as her breasts were groped and nibbled on by the two. "Aye, I'll be nice and gentle Kylie, don't you worry. Gods I've been waiting a long time to do this to you Maria, you've always looked so delicious, but we'll make you feel really good, so relax and enjoy it okay," Miu said, first to Kylie and then to Maria as she giggled again, looking quite giddy about this.

Maria gasped again when Kylie hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties and began sliding them slowly down her legs, where Miu dove in and began kissing Maria's inner thighs and around the rest of her legs too, as well as her waist, avoiding her crotch altogether. Maria squirmed around as Kylie's hands glided along her smooth silky soft skin, her body beginning to turn pink, panting softly as her chest heaved, making her breasts jiggle with every breath. Maria soon let out a soft gasp and moan when Miu moved on to stronger stimulation, where she moved down between Maria's legs and gently ran her tongue up Maria's virgin folds, making Maria let out a louder and much lewder moan.

"Mmm... so sweet and delicious," Miu said, licking her lips as she pulled away before diving back in and licking Maria again. Maria meanwhile had gone almost totally limp, her body at Kylie's and Miu's mercy now it seemed, as she wasn't putting up any resistance of any kind now, except writhing around a bit in Kylie's arms as Miu licked her.

"W-What is this... f-feeling? It's... it feels... so good," Maria panted between a couple of moans, her body tensing and untensing all the while, her words making it obvious she had never felt pleasure like this before. Gods it was going to be a good time with her Kylie was probably thinking.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was enjoying herself, through planning and the willing assistance of the playful Miu, Maria was already putty in their hands and each moan and little gasp had Kylie's hair on end. Although, when maria asked what she was feeling, Kylie stopped what she was doing for a moment, which happened to be gently tugging on Maria's nipples in time with Miu's licks, and thought for a moment.

Pleasure, Bliss, it only gets better... Kylie purred, her fingers going back to toying with the rigid peaks of the priestess's nipples. She had all the toys ready, she had the silk, she just had to wait for Maria to pop, for evidently the first time of her life, and watch the reaction. And she was going to be so tight for Giselle... Oooo, yes, this was going to be a good day.

Trailing soft kisses along Maria's shoulder and neck, Kylie moaned into her sweet flesh as she writhed, Kylie taking a moment to reach back and pluck her own bra away, letting Maria feel her own breasts pressed against her back, the warmth of her chest soaking through as the pleasure continued it's fiery path through her nerves. It wouldn't be too long now.

Reaching down, Kylie slid a hand slowly along Maria's front, before curling her fingers into Miu's hair and pushing her deeper, while her other slid down to join her first, only to slide a nimble finger down between them, finding the hard metal of Maria's clit piercing, and toying with it gently as Maria fell deeper into her swiftly rising peak... When she came, and she would cum... Then Kylie would reach for the toys, and Maria would be in for a very... in depth... learning experience.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye Maria, this is pleasure at its best... well almost at its best at least," Miu said before diving back down to kiss her sweet tender virgin folds.

"W-What? It g-gets e-even better?" Maria asked, panting a lot now as Kylie teased her nipples and moaned again at the gentle tugging on them.

"Yep it does. Doesn't it Kylie?" Miu replied, looking to Kylie for her to add something in to make Maria want it more, not that they really needed to though.

When Kylie began kissing and or licking the flesh of Maria's neck and shoulders to help tease her more, she would find that she did indeed taste like coconuts like Miu mentioned. After Kylie stopped teasing Maria long enough to take her own bra off, Miu leaned in further to keep her occupied so she didn't start to think of anything but the pleasure. Miu seemed to be enjoying the whole thing as well as she giggled and playfully pinched Maria's butt and nibbled on her clit a time or two before Kylie joined in on the fun down below, and both times Miu had done that it had caused Maria to jerk almost violently in Kylie's arms, the vryloka's head leaning back far over Kylie's shoulder and her body shuddering. As soon as Kylie's hand joined the fray and began gently tugging on Maria's piercing though, her body began quaking with every tug or twist of the metal ring, for the duration of each teasing Kylie gave her, after which Maria would calm down for a few moments before she went through it yet again.

"O-Oh gods... this feels... so good. Wait... s-something... something is... happening... in my belly... it feels so warm, and t-tight... like a knot," Maria panted, a slightly frightened but cute look on her face.

"Well Maria, that means that you're really liking it, so there's no need to be scared about anything at all, I promise... and Kylie promises it's nothing to be afraid of too. Right Kylie?" Miu said, stopping her licking for a few moments while she spoke before diving back down and running her rough catlike tongue up Maria's slit.

The three of them would go on like this for a couple of more minutes, with Maria's body tensing more and more as she got closer to her peak. When it Maria was very close, her body began quaking again in Kylie's arms as she panted, the vryloka priestess looking a bit scared again as she got closer to the edge thanks to Kylie and Miu's ministrations. "I-It's... it's coming, something's coming... I-I'm scared Kylie," Maria panted in an almost terrified voice as her right hand gripped Kylie's right hand, with sweat glistening on her soft silky smooth skin and her nipples so stiff they could cut diamonds. It was of course up to Kylie if she wanted to say anything to calm Maria down some, but within a few seconds afterwards if she did so, Maria arched her back and her whole body tensed as she let out a half moan half cry of ecstasy as Miu dug her tongue into her pussy while Kylie teased her clit ring.

Miu didn't stop there though and continued licking and kissing throughout the entirety of Maria's orgasm, a hand prodding Kylie's down there and urging her to tease her as well to give her the most pleasure they could. When Maria's first ever orgasm finally ceased, she fell back upon Kylie as Miu stopped licking to give her a chance to rest for now and lay her head down on Maria's belly, while Maria's body was completely limp now and unable to do anything really save lay there as she panted madly, trying to regain her breath. Her eyes fluttered and shimmered as she lay there and were half lidded when Kylie leaned around enough to see them once she'd come back to them from her orgasm.

"W-What... what was that? It felt..." Maria asked, trailing off before she could finish and swallowing her spit to wet her throat some. Miu just looked up at Kylie from her pillow of Maria's belly, grinning up at her after Maria spoke.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grinned and purred as Maria made her first little worries about what was happening known, Cooing into her ear. Nothing to be worried about. It's the whole reason we're here. It's amazing... Kylie added to Miu's words as they drove her closer and closer to her peak. It was building momentum now, the more Maria thrashed, the more Kylie learned how to press her buttons, and her teasing became more subtle. A slight extra twist here, a hand slide up to squeeze her nipple once and awhile... Just... the icing on the cake...

Ever onward, ever upward, inch by inch... Kylie drank in Maria's panting breaths and shuddering moans, before she became afraid again, and Kylie this time, remained silent, instead rushing Maria towards the bring, her deft fingers abusing her clit and even shoving Miu's head back down into Maria's folds. They'd let experience show for itself what was coming.

It was impressive... Maria was arched practically over Kylie, so far that Kylie could, and did, turn her head and slip her tongue into Maria's mouth, kissing her through her peak as her body thrashed and tensed, Miu most likely getting a thorough taste of Maria's nectar as she came for the first time.

When it was over, when Maria's first orgasm had finally subsided, she was laying limp in Kylie's lap, still shuddering as little tremors of pleasure echoed through her, Miu cuddling her, purring on her stomach.

That. Was an orgasm, the absolute height of physical pleasure. It doesn't get better. Kylie whispered, nuzzling her neck, kissing the sweet tasting flesh gently. That's what we wanted to share, and we're going to share so much more before we're done. Kylie added, biting the lobe of her ear and tugging softly, before slipping out from under her, and reaching for the toys.

Wrapping her lips around Maria's nipple, Kylie let her tongue aggressively slide around the rigid peak, starting to work the priestess up again, enjoying her reactions to the white hot pleasure she pushed on her already sensitive body, before pulling back and running her fingers down her sides to her hips before moving away. taking the spool of thread, Kylie reached up to take Maria's hands and brought them together in front of her, before wrapping the thin, but deceptively strong thread around her thumbs, one coil... two... three... Soon there was a little, neat pile of thread wrapped tightly around her thumbs, where Kylie knotted the thread, and bit it free of the spool.

Kylie knew that Maria would actually find it impossible to get her hands free, no matter how flimsy the binding looked, Maria would find it utterly inescapable, she would be unable to find the leverage to break the threads, and without her thumbs, she wouldn't be able to use anything to cut them loose either. Pulling the spool, and her hands with her up to the headboard, Kylie then bound her hands to the bed above her in the same way.

Maria would find she could grip and pull at the bedframe, twist her hands against the headboard, flex her fingers, but her hands were indeed stuck together, and to the headboard, and now that they were stuck that way, Kylie tossed the ball gag to Miu.

Time for the second lesson. Trust. Kylie said, grinning before taking up her silk tied clasps. As Miu got to work with the gag, an admittedly impressive one with a wide red ball, and several straps, Kylie started clipping the clasps around Maria's piercings. Starting with her breasts. One clasp went through each nipple piecing, and Kylie gave them a gentle tug. Remember when you played Horsey? It felt good didn't it, It was plastered all over your face. Kylie teased, drifting the other clasp lower over Maria's stomach, before leaving it there, letting Maria look at it, think about where it was going...

Reaching down for the spreader bar, Kylie slid Maria's ankles into the two outside cuffs, before strapping the leather restraints down securely, and latching them, Further restraining Maria, and holding her open for whatever her and Miu wanted to do, and Kylie didn't waste the opportunity, falling between Maria's spread thighs to lick and nibble at the soft flesh, tasting some of Maria's arousal as her tongue ran a long line up her sensitive petals, splitting her gently and watching her squirm.

Only now did Kylie reach for the last clasp, and enjoyed herself as she carefully slid the clasp through maria's clit piercing, binding all her piercings together, though that did leave a slight question. Because all three lines seemed to run through another clasp in the center of them, and they were braided a short ways into a longer thread. Taking up that thread, Kylie slowly licked Maria's tender folds again, before giving the thread a soft tug, yanking on Maria's nipples and clit at the same time, watching that shock of pleasure ripple through her.

Mmmm What should we do now Miu? It'll be a little while before Giselle gets here, and that's not even the finale, I have something in the basement as the finisher. Kylie said, giggling softly as she teased Maria again.

I bet we could enjoy each other, use this little thread to keep her at the edge while she watched us... Kylie suggested, reaching out to stroke Miu's tail teasingly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie latched onto Maria's nipple with her lips and suckled again as her tongue swirled around the vryloka's mountainous peaks, Maria shuddered deliciously for her, her already stiff nipples as hard as they could get really. Then just before she stopped suckling, Kylie would feel a small squirt of warm milk fill her mouth from Maria's large breasts, which caused Maria to sigh pleasantly as it did so. While Kylie got her toy box ready and grabbed the toys out of it, Miu kept Maria warmed up by gently tickling Maria's belly and running her rough tongue across Maria's nipples, suckling on them a bit, also getting a small squirt of milk for her troubles, which she happily suckled harder to get more.

"Wha... What's... happening? My breasts... they feel so... warm and... nice... like a weight's coming... off of them," Maria panted to the pair as Kylie grabbed her spool of thread and the clasps she'd gotten from the store earlier.

"That dear Maria is your mother's milk squirting out and making them feel so nice. I didn't know that these huge things had milk in them honestly, but that is even better I think. Now don't you worry about a thing, just enjoy our attentions okay sweetie, we'll make you feel really good. And by the time we're done you'll not want to move for a little while because you'll feel too good and relaxed to do so," Miu purred in Maria's ear as Kylie got her threads ready and got all she needed off of the spool for this.

Maria made no real attempt at struggling against Kylie as she tied her thumbs together, merely looking at her with a curious look on her face as her body appeared to still be a bit unresponsive from the orgasm not long before, a few twitches coming on as she tied her off to the headboard of the bed. When Kylie tossed the ballgag to Miu, the neko caught it and smiled at her as she looked it over and got it ready to place on Maria. Before Kylie started clipping the clasps onto Maria's nipple rings, Miu leaned over and whispered to her. "We need a blindfold Kylie, if you want to really get the second lesson to strike home I mean," Miu whispered to her before looking into the toy box Kylie had gotten.

As Miu looked around in the box, Maria gasped as Kylie gave a gentle tug on her nipple rings with the clasps and strings, her body arching a bit in the process as she looked down at the clasp Kylie had left on her waist, an apprehensive look on her face. "Y-Yes I remember," Maria replied in a slightly frightened tone as Kylie began getting the leg spreader put onto Maria's legs.

Maria did manage to move her legs around a little bit, looking a little scared about being so tied up here like this. However Kylie would notice that it was only a halfhearted attempt at keeping her from doing this... or perhaps it was because her legs were still weak from her orgasm, it was hard to tell if it was the former or a mix of both really. Regardless, Kylie would have Maria's legs placed into the spreader as Miu came back with a blindfold from Tina's toy box that Kylie had grabbed, where she set it beside Maria's head on the pillows while she put the gag into her mouth, clamping it into place to prevent her from talking or anything. As Miu did that, Kylie had the perfect opportunity to get a taste of Maria's pale, yet soft and supple flesh as she fell down between her legs and began licking Maria's tender virgin folds.

"Mmm... mmmph..." Maria sputtered through the ballgag in her mouth as Kylie licked her, a slight trickle of drool sliding down the side of her mouth and down her chin. Then when Kylie put the last clasp and string on, then gave a tug on the strings as she licked her some more, she would see Maria's pussy overflowing like a flooded river as the young vryloka squirmed around in a vain attempt to free herself, her muffled moans growing in sound and pitch, and Kylie could see how much she seemed to be enjoying this treatment despite squirming to try and get free. "MMMMPHMM!" Maria let out a muffled scream through the ballgag as her body arched yet again, her hands gripping the headboard mightily as her femcum squirted out and filled Kylie's mouth.

It seemed that Maria had lost control of herself there what with the teasing of her piercings and everything along with Kylie's licking, which had overwhelmed her senses enough to force another orgasm out of her. When Kylie finally did look up at Maria's face she'd see her eyes half lidded with a small line running down her cheeks where tears were sliding down them, her cheeks very pink with arousal and a look of satisfaction on her face. "Oh you have another toy in the basement to use on her? Maybe we shouldn't overdo it today Kylie, just let Giselle be the finale for her I think. We don't want to break her or anything, and this is her first time and all," Miu whispered to Kylie so Maria couldn't hear her, purring softly as her tail was teased by Kylie before it swatted her hand a time or two, as if trying to get it to stop. "I wouldn't say no to letting her watch us for a bit and keeping her on edge like that. It'll teach her some things, like how to please her lovers I think," Miu then added aloud so Maria could hear her this time, a grin on her face as she turned to Kylie and kissed her hard on the mouth, her rough tongue sliding into Kylie's mouth to wrestle with her's for a moment or two before pulling out.

Miu widened her eyes as she pulled her tongue out of Kylie's mouth, as if an idea had just come to mind. "Ah... I have a good position to show her, one that I think you'll like Kylie. If you'll trust me on this one at least," Miu said, a smile on her face as she looked around at Maria and winked.

If Kylie agreed, Miu would wink at her too then have Kylie lay down on her back and spread her legs apart, where she did too, then she moved in closer and scissored against Kylie and gently began to grind her folds against Kylie's, letting Kylie keep the string holding Maria as the vryloka priestess watched them go at it at her feet, her eyes glazing over a bit as she watched and the pair at her feet could see her juices overflowing again while watching, seemingly enjoying the show from the looks of it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

You're probably right Miu, the basement option is quite... Enthusiastic. Kylie whispered back to the neko just as Maria came again, her muffled cries of ecstasy setting Kylie's hair on end as she arched her own back and moaned in answer, looking up at Maria with a grin.

Raising her eyebrows at Miu as she mentioned another position, she didn't make any moves against her as she was laid down, and giggled as she saw the look on Maria's face, giving the threads another short tug in answer to her enjoying the show, taking a great deal of pleasure in the bound priestesses reaction. She was a little surprised when Miu scissored her though, having not expected it, and not paying attention to her specifically. Grinding her hips back in response, Kylie grinned as a shaky moan was pulled from her lips. It was pleasurable, Different certainly, but pleasurable.

Tugging on the threads every few seconds, just to keep Maria from coming down from her pleasure high, and to make her want more, so much more, Kylie was enthusiastically grinding her hips along with Miu, matching her pace as they rolled together, the view most likely fantastic for Maria as Kylie continued to shoot bolts of pleasure up her spine whether she wanted them or not.

Gasping softly as their positions shifted a little, Kylie moaned lewdly as her back arched and she came softly. Her body shuddering as the pleasure washed over her as their netherlips continued to roll against each other. Stopping as she came down from her peak, Kylie slid free from Miu's legs. I'm sure You'd enjoy the treat downstairs though Miu~ Kylie teased. She was going down there once they were done just to check on the eggs, but if Bob got some fun out of the deal, great, it was important to keep him happy after all. If Miu wasn't up for it, well... She certainly wouldn't mind being filled. And there was Giselle. Kylie was going to enjoy the look on her lover's face when she came in to Maria giftwrapped and dripping for her... It would be sublime...

Showing a little mercy, or perhaps a complete lack thereof, Kylie started tugging longer, and faster on the threads driving Maria mad with lust, driving her towards another peak with her piercings alone, knowing she'd never think of these little pieces of jewelry the same way again... And Kylie was always going to take advantage of them...

Grinning at Miu, Kylie grabbed her thighs and yanked her further down towards her before spinning herself around and presenting her slick flower to the Neko's agile tongue. Kylie herself wasted no time at all in pushing her face between Miu's thighs, licking furiously, her tongue diving fast and deep into her folds, before pulling back to wrap her lips around her clit, suckling on it for a moment before returning to her feverish and hungry lapping. Maria was really for Giselle.. and the motions Kylie was making would be enough to yank on the threads often enough to drive her mad, and probably through another peak her soon... and then, well, she'd get her first taste of cock. This was a good day...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

With every tug on Maria's piercings as they rocked each other back and forth, Kylie would draw out a muffled moan of pleasure from Maria, the priestess obviously enjoying this despite her former fear about it all. Miu meowed and cooed with every pleasurable rub their nethers did across one another, the neko's cheeks flushed pink with arousal as she went at it more enthusiastically and began all but humping Kylie. When they reached their peaks, Kylie would feel Miu's pussy squirting it's warm nectar out all over her own, a look of pure bliss as Miu got her's as she let out a soft sigh. "Mmmeow... that was great Kylie... I knew I liked you for some reason as soon as I laid eyes on you, now I know why," Miu purred as Kylie pulled free of her scissoring position, a pleasant look on her face as she too came down from her pleasure high. "And I may have to see what this... treat downstairs is I think, because now you've gotten me all curious. And you know that we nekos are very curious," Miu said with a pouty look on her face.

When Kylie started tugging on Maria's piercings again, this time a bit longer and faster, it had the desired effect and soon Maria was panting as best she could through the gag in her mouth, where Kylie could easily see the streams of drool leaking out around her gag on both sides of her mouth now. A few quaking moans and shudders came from Maria as she neared her third peak, her clit and nipples all as hard as diamonds and her mind filled with naught but lust and need... aching burning need. By the time Kylie had her on the edge of climax, Maria was trying to speak through her gag. "Mmphe mmm phmess," Maria said through the gag with tears in her eyes and streaming down her cheeks... tears of joy that is as far as Kylie could see.

"Aww what's that Maria?" Miu asked sweetly, purring softly in Maria's ear as she lifted the gag out of her mouth to let her speak.

"P... Please... make me... feel good... again," Maria panted once she was able to speak once more, her words bringing a naughty and evil smile from Miu as she leaned down and kissed Maria hard on the lips before replacing the gag.

"Alright sweetie, we will don't worry," Miu said as she winked at Kylie and gestured for her to tug on good time on the piercings, which once she did Maria would arch her back yet again and let out a muffled cry of ecstasy, her eyes fluttering slightly as her body went limp on the bed... well mostly limp anyway, as it jerked a bit as Kylie continued tugging on her piercings.

When Kylie then got herself into the 69 position with Miu, the neko readily did as Kylie wanted and dove forward and delved her rough catlike tongue into Kylie's tight wet folds, licking Kylie very deep indeed... deeper than Kylie was able to lick her back. Miu ground her face against Kylie's crotch, finding a sweet spot deep inside of Kylie and sticking to it with her tongue, lapping at it anytime Kylie stopped to lick at the neko's clit, which prompted Miu to jerk her hips a bit in pleasure, which told Kylie where Miu's sweet spot was at, or at least one of them anyway. While they were feverishly going at it in front of Maria, the vryloka wasn't just laying there and shuddering without doing anything at all, she was indeed watching the show before her and looked to be enjoying every moment of it, never looking away at all when Kylie looked up at her. Finally, when Kylie was getting close to her second peak and when she could tell Miu was as well, the neko then suddenly reached around a bit with her right hand and Kylie suddenly felt Miu's middle finger poking at her rear entrance, where she then pressed it inside and began pumping said finger gently in and out, trying to drive Kylie over the edge before herself.

Miu's tactic in the end did indeed bring Kylie to a shuddering climax, the action catching Kylie off guard somewhat, but that didn't prevent Kylie from bringing Miu to a wet orgasm right after her, with Miu's juices splashing out and into Kylie's mouth as Miu's eyes rolled up. "Oh gods that was great, you really know how to put that tongue of yours to good use Kylie, and you tasted great too by the way," Miu said after they'd both come down from their peaks a bit, licking her lips.

Maria meanwhile was still laying there, still panting slightly, yet she did seem to have reached climax again unfortunately, mainly from Kylie having to stop for a few moments when she reached her own peak. "Hmhm, well what should we do now Kylie? I think if we do too much more with poor Maria here then we'll burn her out before she gets to experience the best part," Miu said with a giggle to Kylie, laying down next to Maria and cuddling up to her left side where she lay her head down on Maria's shoulder.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylies was almost certain now of one thing, that Maria had fantasized about someone using her piercings this way before, and that she was lost to the pleasure she wanted now as Kylie tormented her in just the way that had haunted her dreams... and it was delicious.

As Kylie and Miu gave her a show, Kylie made sure to keep Maria on the edge, always wanting more, always needing that one little extra push, and Kylie had made up her mind about making her wait now long before Miu addressed it.

As Kylie arched her back and came loudly all over Miu's face, her folds and pucker clamping down powerfully, she dove back down to ensure that Miu followed her in her peak, wanting to hear and feel the neko cum.

As they came down from their peaks, Kylie cuddled up along with Miu and nodded, reaching over to take the gag out of her mouth, and to untie her hands, tossing the silken thread aside, before slowly and carefully removing the clasps from her piercings. She left the spreader bar on though, just to remind Maria that she was still on the menu, to keep her spread lewdly open, just to increase the experience a little.

I agree Miu, and I'm glad you're enjoying all this Maria, but we have something very special for you coming, another thing you've never had before that will make you feel good in a way we simply can't without help. Giselle is coming to make love to you, and she'll be kind and gentle. Trust was the lesson, we had you completely helpless, we could have done anything, pushed you passed any limits, abused you in any way, but all we thought of was your pleasure, and how to introduce you to it. Kylie said softly with a little smile, leaning in to kiss Maria on the cheek softly.

So don't be afraid, don't be nervous or shy, just be excited and trust us and Giselle. Kylie continued, moving to drop little kisses on Maria's neck and lips, her tongue darting out playfully to tease Maria into a deeper, longing, and happy kiss. Moaning softly into her lips, Kylie reached down and just ran her fingertips over Maria's exposed stomach, thighs, and chest, just a drifting feather's touch.

I'm excited for you, so I'm going to go and get Giselle and then I'm going to leave you two alone for you special moment. Ask her for anything, tell her what you enjoy, she'll be sure to make you feel so good. Trust me. Kylie said finally, slipping away from Maria, and releasing her ankles from the bar as she left, dropping the toy on the floor.

Heading downstairs, Kylie looked around for Giselle, still completely naked and without a care in the world, Giselle Love~! Come out come out wherever you are~ She called out playfully, looking to draw her fiancé to her rather then go on a nude jaunt around the house just yet.

When she found her, one way or another, she'd simply pull her into her arms and kiss her like she hadn't seen her in weeks, long and hungry, her tongue wrestling with her lovers playfully for several moments before she pulled back. I brought you a present, she's upstairs with Miu. Maria needs someone to help her out, and I knew you'd be the best choice for her to experience it with on this island where what she still has is such a rare thing. I'd rather it be with someone loving and caring and sweet, and everything I adore, rather then some monster out in the jungle due to badluck. So go ahead lover, go show her how wonderful she can feel. Kylie said softly, her forehead pressed against Giselle's with a tender and loving smile on her face, not taking no for an answer and shooing her on up to Maria, swatting her on the ass with a wink. She's just the appetizer lover, you'll have me all night, I promise, and it's your choice, anything you want is yours~ Get creative with the toybox with me Lover~♫ She teased, blowing Giselle a kiss with another playful wink.

In fact, Kylie was so adamant about this happening, that she followed Giselle up. Once they were inside the bedroom, Kylie leaned in and kissed Maria one last, long time. Have fun. She whispered to the vryloka, before promptly grabbing Miu and dragging her out of the room. Come on you~ First times are special, we shouldn't be here for it. She said cheerfully, a sincere smile on her face as she waved goodbye to Maria and her fiancé.

And like that, the dominoes tumble, and Maria gets to experience something she hasn't before. And life is for living. It's a grand thing. Kylie said happily, feeling as if her good deed for the day had been accomplished.

However! They were not done yet. When Kylie had promised Maria that there was a toy downstairs, it had been to her inner devil's commanding solely to get Miu's attention. Cat's were curious, and she knew it would drag the Neko into her clutches. She was into more stimulating and insane play for Miu.

Come on then! You wanted to see what was in the basement! Lets go! She cried happily, taking Miu by the wrist and charging downstairs, giggling all the way. Once they hit the basement, Kylie looked around for Bob, and promptly glomped him... her... it. Hugging Bob fiercely, Kylie kissed his odd face several times before looking around for the eggs. She wanted to see!!!!

Miu! Meet Bob! Bob! Have fun with Miu. Kylie said offhandedly. But go slow~ I want to watch, tease her good first~ And Miu, play nice, Bob is friendly and SOOOO much fun~!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Miu helped Kylie along as she started taking her toys off of Maria for now, taking the gag out of the vryloka girl's mouth so she could talk again, though all that came out at first was a soft moan as the clasps on her piercings were unhooked and they weren't being pulled any longer. When her hands were untied, her arms just limply flopped down to her sides, no more strength in them at all really. Maria lay there as Kylie spoke softly in her ear, her body shuddering a bit in the process, her half lidded eyes widened slightly when Kylie mentioned that Giselle was coming to make love to her, but not in fear really. In fact it was a little tough to tell what was going through Maria's mind from the look in her eyes really. As Kylie leaned in to peck the priestess on the cheek, Maria turned her head slightly to look up at Kylie, reaching out a bit to grasp her hand a moment.

"D... D... Drink.... need a... drink. Throat so dry," Maria croaked out, her throat sounding a bit scratchy actually. If Kylie didn't make to get her any water before moving down to kiss her, then Miu would get it instead, waiting until Kylie was done with her kissing before helping Maria take a few drinks of water and having Kylie help to hold her up enough to do so without drowning herself.

When she kissed Maria however, Kylie would find Maria kissing back as best she could with her inexperience and weak body at the moment, giggling slightly as Kylie ran her fingers across her belly and sides, but she didn't look unsure anywhere near as much any longer really and Kylie would feel Maria's left hand slip into whichever hand was caressing her body, her fingers entwining with Kylie's until the young assassin drew away from the vryloka. When Kylie pulled away from her, Maria whined slightly, appearing to have been enjoying the attention Kylie was giving her and lingering her grasp on Kylie's hand as long as she could when Kylie released her ankles, where Maria then closed her legs a bit and closed her eyes to rest for a couple of minutes, whispering as much just loud enough for Kylie to hear.

"A-Alright Kylie... I trust you, just gonna... rest until Giselle gets here then," Maria said before drifting off into a doze, unless Kylie woke her back up, though she did look a bit tired after their half an hour or more of fun. Miu stayed there with her for now though, gently caressing Maria's belly and helping her rest by making her comfortable and really relaxed.


After heading out and downstairs, Kylie wouldn't find Giselle at first, not until she looked out the front door would she even notice her, where she would see her heading towards the house alone, a pleasant expression on her face that said she was happy about something, likely about Tina's and Selara's eggs. When Giselle noticed Kylie she smiled and hopped up the steps of the porch as she waved up at her. "Hey sweetie, what'cha been up to to... MMPH!" Giselle would start to say as Kylie threw her arms around her and kissed her deeply, with Giselle letting out a muffled moan before sinking into the kiss and pushing back, slipping her arms back around Kylie and gently squeezing her as their tongues wrestled each other. When they finally broke their kiss, there was a strand of saliva connecting them still as Giselle sighed happily. "Wow love, what was that for? I missed you too and all, but just... wow," Giselle asked with an even more pleasant and happy look on her face.

After Kylie explained the situation to Giselle, the siren smiled at her playfully and leaned in to kiss her once more on the lips before pressing her forehead against Kylie's and giggling slightly. "You're so sweet Kylie, doing something like this for someone you barely even know. But are you sure it's okay that I am Maria's first time? I mean she is a priestess and all, and I don't want to anger the gods by taking away one of their pure warriors," Giselle replied to Kylie as she was shooed up the stairs towards her bedroom, glancing back at Kylie with a little eek as she was slapped across the ass. "Ooooh... I'm gonna have to give you a spanking later for that one. And anything I want huh... hmm... I'll be thinking of some things after I'm through with Maria then," Giselle went on to say, winking at Kylie before heading on up, wrapping an arm around the small of Kylie's back as they traveled up the stairs and back to their bedroom.

After getting back to the bedroom, Kylie would find Maria snoozing softly, where Miu would gently shake her to wake her up, where Maria would whimper softly as her eyes fluttered open softly to see Kylie back with Giselle. Then when Kylie leaned down to kiss her again, Maria went gave a soft moan as she went limp on the bed, her body having regained the ability of movement somewhat, though not enough apparently to resist a kiss like that. As soon as Kylie was done and had pulled away from Maria, with Maria's head following Kylie up some as she lingered in the kiss as much as she could, Giselle then leaned in and planted her lips on Maria's where the vryloka girl relaxed against the bed once more as Giselle gently pushed her back down, one of the siren's hands gently rubbing up Maria's outer left thigh while the other went up her right side, the action causing Maria to giggle ticklishly as they kissed as her toes curled and her arms wrapped around Giselle to hold her in the kiss, likely making Kylie think it was a job well done that she'd brought Maria so far that she was wanting this much at least.

"Aww... alright Kylie, come on then. Have fun you two, and we'll be back later to see how it went," Miu said, looking a little sad about not getting to watch, but definitely meaning to come back afterwards to see how everything went.

As Kylie was shutting the door, if she did so that is, she would see Giselle and Maria break their kiss long enough for Giselle to glance over at the door where they were at, a bright and happy smile on her face as she winked over at Kylie, while Maria moaned softly as Giselle's right hand went up her inner thigh very near her sensitive flower, her head rolling a bit to make her face the door where Kylie was at. She would see a slight bit of shyness still there on Maria's face as she blushed, but she made no move to stop Giselle, seeming to be caught up in the moment too much to stop now as she wrapped a leg around Giselle while they went back to kissing, Giselle's left hand drifting from Maria's side to her breasts to grope and caress them, which made Maria let out a louder moan because they'd broken their kiss again.

Miu silently followed Kylie to the basement, looking curious about this new toy Kylie mentioned being down here. When they arrived in the basement, Bob was laying in a large pile of gold, partially buried in it where they couldn't see him at first, but when Kylie came closer she'd see him lift up, a shower of gold pouring off of him as she came over and glomp hugged him, a pair of his tentacles sliding around her and squeezing gently before he hefted her up into the air. While she was suspended in the air, she could see the nest of eggs all sitting where they'd been left before, most of them looking a bit larger than they had before, while three or four looked a bit smaller than the rest. When she looked back to Miu, the neko was crouched in a battle stance, looking curious, yet ready to fight it seemed.

"Hmm... a Darkmantle huh... well he can have some fun with me... if he can catch me that is," Miu said with a playful grin before looking up at Kylie where her playful grin turned to an evil one as Kylie was set back down. "Hmm... no you know what, I've got a better idea. Bob... you wanna play with me? Then you can if you really want to, but..." Miu said, trailing off as she stared at Kylie for a moment before pouncing onto her, knocking her down with the neko on top. "If Kylie really wants to watch and get a good look, then she'll need to be really close, so you get to play with us both," Miu added devilishly as she purred in Kylie's ear.

Bob didn't waste any time whatsoever and scooped them both up before Kylie could protest, with Miu letting a surprised little meow out as Bob's tentacles all began to come out to play, several coiling around both girls, though he didn't engulf them this time like he had Kylie before, seeming to know it might be a little too cramped for them in his maw. Since the girls were already both naked, it didn't take Bob long to invade their bodies with a large thick tentacle in either of their pussies, their folds easily parting to allow entry for them, with Miu letting out a long lewd howling meow as the tentacle thrust so far into her that Kylie could see the neko's belly bulge ever so slightly it was pressed so deeply within her. Bob lifted them both into the air, right above the nest of eggs Kylie could see, where he began thrusting his tentacles deep into both of them, driving pleasure into them both enough to make them both scream in ecstasy as Kylie felt her womb being pressed against by the tentacle. A second tentacle pressed against Kylie asshole after only a dozen thrusts or so into her pussy, enough to make her get wet enough that it dribbled down and onto there to lube her up a bit, as well as a slight bit dripping down and onto the eggs. If Kylie was able to look down when her juices dripped down, she would see the eggs reacting to it somewhat, the two that got dripped on by both her and Miu shuddered slightly.

When she looked over at Miu, Kylie would see that she already had about a half a dozen tentacles coiled around her body, caressing and fucking her hard and fast, but Miu didn't seem to mind much... hell if anything she looked like she was a little let down that there wasn't more as one tentacle pounded into her throat and she made lewd muffled gulping and slurping sounds. After a few thrusts into her mouth, Miu grabbed said tentacle and pulled it out then looked up at Bob as he stopped thrusting into her altogether, as well as Kylie. "Come on big guy, surely you can stuff another into me, I don't feel full enough. I want to be so full I'm about to burst... and let Kylie watch too, so swing me around so she gets a good up and close view of it all right in her face. Put me so close that when you and I squirt it goes all over her face," Miu said in a naughty tone before taking the tentacle dick back into her mouth, trying to milk Bob's seed out of it.

Bob did exactly as Miu demanded, swinging her around so she was only about a foot away away from Kylie's face, where a second, not quite as thick tentacle pressed at the pussy's pussy as the one already in there pulled itself downwards a bit so it could fit. The second one plunged in, with Miu letting out a muffled cry of pleasure as a third very thin tentacle wrapped around her clit, and another pair of them did the same to her nipples, rubbing, pulling, and tugging on them all whenever Bob felt like it. Kylie would feel the same being done to her, save a second tentacle in her pussy that is, but she was receiving almost the same amount of pleasure that Miu was. Miu's pussy was being pounded fast, deep, and hard, little squirts of her femcum splashing Kylie's face when she reached her first orgasm about half a minute in, as more dripped down and onto the eggs.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was so busy showering Bob in affection and fussing over the eggs from her squidy perch, that she didn't even notice what Miu was saying before it was whispered right into her ear. Shivering at the feeling, Kylie's eyes shot open as she turned to glare at Miu. "Now wait just a minute! I've already car- Aghh crap" She started, before being swiftly bound up in Bob's tendrils.

Note to self, do not cuddle darkmantle while naked. And like that, another Rule in the "How to raise your own DoomSquid!" Manual was written.

Struggling weakly, but not really fighting any, though it quickly turned into a sultry moan as her folds were split by one of the darkmantle's tendrils, Miu likewise speared as the creature wasted no time whatsoever in fucking them both. Kylie, bucking against the intruder and gasping with pleasure, arched her back even farther as Bob filled her ass as well, making her even tighter and sending another rush of pleasure through her body as the twin lengths thrust into her. Breathing hard and twisting in the Darkmantle's grip, Kylie's eyes were drawn down to the eggs, her cum... being... Fed to them? So that WAS it! It wasn't fun! Well... It was! But it was also food! No wonder!

As her eyes rolled back in her head from the bliss, Kylie turned her panting, lustful gaze to Miu when she made her retort, before promptly earning herself another tendril in her already stuffed pussy, the neko soon muffled by the tendril again and being brutally fucked into submission no matter how smart her mouth got, Bob apparently enjoying the new toy to play with.

Kylie was quite happy with 1. Thank you very much, she didn't need to be that stretched out, the eggs had been fun all on their own, and those had stretched her quite far. What was the point if it didn't feel good anymore because it whistled every time you took a step?!

Stray thoughts driven from her mind by the darkmantle's smaller tendrils, Kylie was soon thrashing and screaming in a wondrous peak, her orgasm ripping through her as her cum dribbled down onto the eggs.

She also got a full blast of Miu's but she'd been wriggling so much the show had been lost on her. Now she took note of it though, and realized it was like watching Tina get fucked, if Giselle's cock was a long pink snake. Which it wasn't...

Patting Bob to let her down, Kylie stretched, feeling better and flopping onto the gold. Bob, Miu there is perfect to feed the kids, she's quite the squirter, I'm going to go take a bath, and when I get back you'll have to stop, but until then... Enjoy~! Kylie said to her friend, giving Miu an evil wink as the tendril in her throat pushed deeper.

Ahh, enjoy the ride sweetie~ Kylie called back over her shoulder as she headed up to take a quick bath. She was really only gone for maybe 10 minutes, whether Bob had finished with Miu by then, and Kylie highly doubted it considering Giselle had earned a full 20 minute fucking of a lifetime when Kylie had ambushed her.

Heading back downstairs, clean, dry, and happy, Kylie also brought Miu a towel, a drink, and another towel for when she inevitably wanted to bathe. Despite everything, Kylie wasn't all that horny, and was more then happy to save herself for Giselle tonight. She was however eager to see how Miu fared against the darkmantle's lusty onslaught, and to see the reaction the eggs had to being properly fed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bob didn't stuff another tentacle into Kylie thankfully, but Kylie didn't have much time to really think on it as she and Miu were both thrown over the edge together, their juices pouring and squirting out all over the eggs, which were reacting and twitching a bit with each drop of their sex juices that touched their shells. When Kylie patted Bob and spoke to him, telling him to let her down, Miu grunted in disapproval at her. "Oh come on Kylie, don't be such a party pooper," Miu said after pulling the tentacle out of her mouth for a moment, trying to urge Kylie to stay.

Bob however didn't let Miu go enough for her to be able to grab Kylie, but he did indeed let Kylie go, seeming to sense that she didn't want to be there, where Miu just rolled her eyes and laid back to enjoy herself for the time being. Kylie's bath was uneventful for the most part, but from above she could hear the dull creaking of Giselle's bed and some low moans coming from both Giselle and Maria, who's voices she could easily make out. The sounds of their lovemaking continued the entire time Kylie was in the bath since she was hurrying it up in there, and as she got out and began to dry off she'd overhear Maria's and Giselle's moans increase in pitch until they both let out a passionate cry of ecstasy, at which point the creaking from Giselle's bed ceased.

Once Kylie was out of the bathroom and went on back downstairs, she'd find Miu sitting on a pile of gold right next to the nest of the eggs, patting Bob's tentacles as they coiled about her, a content look on her face. "Oh hey you're back. Bob here... heh he doesn't have a whole lot of stamina you know, just barely managed to satisfy me before the poor thing gave out. He must be fairly young to not have that much stamina," Miu said as Kylie came back down into the basement, bearing a towel for her to use.

The eggs Kylie would see had grown in size half again their original size and looked full to bursting almost, but not quite. Miu got up as Kylie handed her the towel, reaching over and patting Bob a couple of times before following Kylie back upstairs, if she was ready to head on back up that is. "Thanks pal, that was fun, I may come and see you again sometime soon if I need another good fucking," Miu said to Bob before heading back upstairs, the creature seeming quite content for the time being. Miu headed to the bath to get cleaned up after that, leaving Kylie to go and check on Giselle and Maria if she wished to.