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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle made no effort to hide her still half hard dick from the two, and Kylie could see Maria eying just as hungrily as she was... well almost as much at least. "Of course I am. When I have such horny little minxes like you two I have to train you properly, hmhm," Giselle giggled at Kylie's words, winking at them both before kissing them lovingly on the lips, first Kylie and then Maria.

After they finished washing up and dried off some, Giselle put her shirt back on and her panties, the latter of which really didn't hide much. She left her trousers off though for now and teased the two as they walked back towards town, saying she was letting herself air dry down there.

Soon enough they made their way over to Alan's place again, with Giselle stopping along the way and putting her trousers back on once they reached the edge of town. Knocking on the door again they found it was unlocked now and the shop open. "Hello hello, come on in I'm open. Oh, it's you girls. How you doing today?" Alan called from behind his desk where his money box was, poking his head up from down beneath it and looking to see who was there..

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie only shook her head and chuckled as they started off, the assassin pointedly ignoring her fiancé's pantless state until Giselle managed to repants herself, Kylie slipping around Maria to wrap her hands around the priestess' breasts, squeezing playfully while pushing herself tight against Maria's back, letting her feel the soft vibrations through her shirt.

Releasing her immediately after however, Kylie slipped into Alan's shop with a bright Hello! and then started bouncing around for her usual supply of ridiculous bullshit, notably a pair of Kitsune potions both in albino white, tossing one to Maria and then immediately drinking her own. Only after a bushy tail had shot down from her skirt between her legs did Kylie turn to Alan.

May need some emergency birth control... Completely forgot last night. And then I'd like to know what we can do with the wyvern venom. O! And any aphrodisiacs you may have too. Don't ask why.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie hugged Maria from behind, the priestess shuddered and Kylie could feel Maria's nipples perking back up instantly against her palms. Maria moaned softly at Kylie's actions and Kylie could swear she heard Maria purr like a cat almost. For her reward, Kylie felt both of Maria's hands grab her ass and squeeze just as playfully as Kylie squeezed her large tits. "Can't let you just get away with that without you getting something in return you devil you," Maria whispered back over her shoulder at Kylie.


Alan watched Kylie look around the store and start collecting things, shaking his head with a half grin on his face. "Hey Kylie, here," Alan said, stopping her before she got too many of the things she was looking for and handing her a basket.

After she stuffed her stuff into the basket, downing the potion for the albino kitsune, with Maria joining her and downing her own. Kylie and Maria looked like Kitsune sisters almost when they got through transforming. "Yeah, I may need one too. I wouldn't mind having Giselle's baby, but not yet," Maria said, her fox tail twitching happily behind her.

Maria's tail curled around Kylie's and locked the two together while Giselle watched them both take one of the birth control potions each and down them. "Now remember girls, those only work within about... three days tops of possible conception," Alan told Kylie and Maria, smirking at them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie pushed her ass back into Maria's hands with a soft groan of her own, before she slipped away and they continued on, Kylie not answering Maria's statement with anything other then a shake of her hips.

Kylie just stopped and stared blankly for a moment as Alan handed her a basket, seemed the apothecary was just getting used to his odd employer. But he hadn't answered her question, so as she got her tail tangled with Maria's, she filled her basket with her usual kit. She didn't need any stamina potions, she still had two of those in her quiver, but she had burned the last of her giant's strength in the Wyvern fight, so two more of those dropped into the basket, along with the morning after potions, and the more usual birth control potions, before she set it on the counter, along with whatever she owed.

Cmon Alan~ Actually... Double this order, I'm going to Hespera tomorrow. she said suddenly, running around to grab 2 more of everything. But then she shrugged. Wyvern venom? Anything interesting? Something Anything? Pumpernickle? she asked, her tail tugging on maria's as they stayed tangled together.

Giselle probably laughing at the pair of them.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria was pulled along with Kylie all through the store as the young assassin grabbed her things she wanted. "Well, I think I've made a nifty little concoction that you'll like with some of that venom. It's a paralytic of sorts. Supposed to numb a specific area when applied to it... I think. I haven't tested it on anyone but myself yet, but I'm confident that it'll do that. It's a temporary thing, but it might give you an edge in a battle, and it's fairly easy to make too, and doesn't require a whole lot of the venom to make. I also gave a little to Reina to tinker around with, because she likes using new things like that to make stuff. She's made a pretty good painkiller some years back with wyvern venom, but the damn stuff is just so hard to get," Alan replied about the venom, holding up a dozen vials of thick greenish fluid in a pouch, and then he handed her a second pouch with a half a dozen vials containing a whitish liquid that was as thin as water. "You just drink one of those and it'll last a good six hours or so, giving you a little bit of a high feeling and raising your tolerance to pain quite a bit," Alan went on to explain.

"Those sound good," Giselle said with a smile, looking at the vials before handing them to Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie took the pouches and hung them carefully over her shoulder while she stashed her other potions around her person like she usually did. Alan couldn't see it, but Kylie's tail, shooting straight out the bottom of her skirt, was raising the back of that skirt to show off her bare ass to Giselle whenever she got excited and it started flopping around excitedly, like it was doing now.... Which was probably why Maria was using hers to keep it under control so she wasn't flashing the whole town. Thanks Alan, and yea, if I see any more flopping around in the air I'll bag another one. It's always a pain getting this kind of stuff sorted out. she said simply, shrugging.

But, I don't have anything else I need or for you to do. So... Have a quiet time while I'm on vacation. At least you know I wont be tapping on your window at 2 in the morning again. Good bye. she said, turning to head towards the door with her various jangling bottles of ridiculousness.

Heading out, Kylie turned to the other two. Well.... I'm outta plans... though I have an urge to set the facehuggers at the temple free from their little pen just to be a pest. But... I think Giselle has a plan because she wouldn't have brought out that little ring for Maria if she didn't... Kylie said, raising an eyebrow and continuing tail wrestling with Maria.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Looking back, Kylie would see that Maria's tail was holding the back of her own robes up, though she didn't seem to notice it yet. "Good girl. And good, I was having a nice dream when you woke me," Alan told Kylie with a half grin, letting her know he was only joking. "Be careful down there, and have fun lass," Alan then told her, waving bye as they headed out.

"Oh Kylie please don't. Those four are too much as it is. They tried to pounce on me late last night when Kagome was checking on them," Maria begged Kylie as they headed out of the apothecary, her tail still showing her own ass but helping to keep Kylie's covered.

"Yup, I have a plan, but I'm not gonna tell you two," Giselle said, winking at them both as she slid up between them to wrap her arms around both of them. "Why don't we go pack up some stuff to take with us to Hespera. We'll go to the temple first so Maria can grab her things she's taking, and then we can go to the house and grab our things," she then suggested.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sure. Kylie answered simply, though she pointedly didn't answer Maria's protest about the other thing. Lowering her own tail so as to hide Maria's backside as well, leaving their tails entwined closer to their own calves, they walked arm in arm back towards the temple cos well, that's what Giselle wanted and Kylie didn't really care. She was trying to ignore 3 unusually warm tingly spots on her front.

Stepping carefully she didn't let it show however and just smiled to herself. Once they were at the temple though, Kylie's tail would try and disengage from Maria's so she could sneak off and get into trouble.... cos kylie.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The walk over to the temple took a few minutes, and along the way Kylie could see Maria's hips twitching and shaking back and forth every dozen steps or so, her hips bumping into Giselle's, which in turn bumped into Kylie's. When they reached the temple, Maria headed to her room and grabbed a backpack, which she stuffed some clothing down into, along with some other things like her hairbrush and whatnot. She then went to talk to Amara about going with Kylie and Giselle.

In the meantime, Kylie was left alone by Giselle, who kissed her on the cheek and went up to the shrines to pray. While nosing about the temple, Kylie wold see the door leading down to the basement in the hallways sitting just barely open. From the depths of the basement, she heard what sounded like Kagome shouting obscenities at something.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie allowed to slip off on her own, didn't have much trouble finding the basement, however, her ears perked up swiftly at the sounds she was hearing. She was barefoot, as was normal for her anymore, she wouldn't be bothering with footwear from now on unless a situation called for it.

Slipping down, Kylie tried to get a look at what was going on without giving herself away... She remembered another instance when Kagome had shouted like this in a basement...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Creeping down the steps, Kylie peeked around the corner at the bottom of them and saw Kagome laying on the floor in a large cage that had obviously been set up recently. The huggers were all four crowding on top of Kagome and worming their way into her robes. She was fighting them tooth and nail, kicking one off only to have it jump back on, then flinging another off with her arms only to have it jump back in its place on her head.

"Y-You little bastards... g-get off of me. If Ilyana hadn't told me not to hurt you, I'd have already skewered you," Kagome growled at them, preventing them from gaining much if any ground, but not regaining any herself.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie swiftly dropped down the steps and looked at what was going on, before putting fingers to lips, and ripping off another brutal whistle. Hey! Knock it off! Huggie! Grabbie! Jumpy! James! she shouted, naming the original 4 as she stomped over.

You guys know better! Get over here, you're coming back to the house with me if you need people more indulgent. Come on, knock this shit off. she said, hands on her hips, tail lashing back and forth angrily, but her hands ready to snatch them out of the air if they jumped by their tails.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie whistled at them, the four huggers jumped off of Kagome in an instant. They looked up at Kylie with a curious look, and didn't try to get back on Kagome again. "Thanks Kylie, little buggers. Just tried to give them this food and they wanted more," Kagome said, looking around at Kylie and getting up, pointing at a large bowl with scraps from breakfast or lunch, one of the two.

Kagome managed to get them rounded up and into their cage that Ilyana apparently had set up for them and slid the bowl of scrap food in there with them so they could eat. "Wanna head back upstairs and get something to drink? I've been wrestling with those little buggers for at least fifteen minutes now. And yesterday evening they jumped me and managed to get a little taste of my sweet ass before Ilyana made them get off," Kagome asked her, gesturing towards the steps.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just shook her head when they'd settled down, watching Kagome go about feeding them until she sighed, walked over, and opened the cage. They're like this because they're pent up. They're just like Bob, they need to get the lead out or they become little pests. You wont have any luck in training them or at the very least co-existing unless it's a two way relationship. For the life of me, I don't know why you're gonna keep em around if you're just gonna cage them. I mean absolutely no offense, but if you think they're too much to handle at the temple, then it may be for the best if I move them over to our place with the other darkmantles and lamia and soon to be driders. Kylie said, picking them up and setting them on her shoulders and chest carefully.

You 4, I missed you, but all I get is complaints, you have to calm down. Kylie said quietly, stroking the little huggers gently as she turned to Kagome. I don't know if they're quite as smart as a Darkmantle, but I know they're close, they know what you're saying. Now, the 4 of you, eat up and then come upstairs to me, straight to me, or I'm telling Ilyana and she's gonna be really mad. Kylie said, setting them down to get their food but leaving the cage open and motioning for Kagome.

Let's go grab that drink and talk to Ilyana, we'll have to move them in with us or it's gonna keep being a problem. Aya is afraid of them, Yuki seems indifferent, and Ilyana doesn't want the attention. Kylie said as they walked, assuming the little shits did as they were told.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"They shouldn't be that pent up, my pussy is still a little raw from last night. And before that they got a piece of Yuki, but she needed it I say," Kagome said with a sigh, not stopping Kylie from opening their cage back up. "Ilyana is determined to keep them here. She was wanting to get them and outdoors pen of some sort, but I dunno. You'd have to ask her about it," she went on to say, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well I know they're at least a little smart. Because they listen to Ilyana, and don't try and jump her when she's down here. But they do everyone else, except Amara. I think they know not to tangle with an angel without her permission," Kagome said as she and Kylie went back upstairs, the huggers all four hopping back down and eating the food Kagome left for them. "And I don't think it's that Ilyana doesn't want the attention, it's just that she is a bit tired of being pregnant," Kagome added with a smirk.

Heading back upstairs, they found Ilyana sitting in the living room area of the temple, where she was restringing her bow and doing basic maintenance on it. When she noticed Kylie and Kagome coming in, she looked up at them and smiled. "Hey there you. How you been?" Ilyana said, motioning the two over to sit with her on the sofa as she moved to make room for them, and setting her bow down on the coffee table.

Kagome stopped on the way over to the sofa and grabbed three glasses and a bottle of something off of a liquor cabinet. "This is my own personal recipe, hope you like it," Kagome said, pouring each of them about a quarter of a glass of the clear liquid.

When Kylie took a sip of it, she found it was moonshine, and some of the best she'd ever tasted as well. It had the faint taste of strawberries in it as well, and wasn't very strong considering. "Newest batch I finished the other day. You like it Kylie? I like making shine, because it's so hard to find a good drink that meets your preferred tastes," Kagome said, looking a little hopeful.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hey Ilyana, just... scolding your children. Kagome about had a repeat of another basement situation I can remember. Kylie said, glancing sideways at Kagome and grinning like a cat, her tail drifting over to tickle her face before accepting the drink.

Mm Yes, that is good, not my usual favourite... I've kind of picked up the expensive taste of netherworld scotch much to the despair of my funds. Kylie answered before sitting down, her eyes on the basement door.

Sighing, Kylie shook her head again. Ilyana... you sure you can take care of those 4? If you keep penning them up they're gonna keep pouncing anyone who comes to them who isn't you or me. They like you, and they... Respect me. I'm pretty sure the last part is more an animal thing. They know I'm meaner. Just like they avoid fucking with Amara. Kylie said, looking at her fellow insane archer. We've already got half a fuckin critter farm at the house, and the new place is coming along quick, there'll be more then enough space. It's up to you I suppose, they're your pests. Kylie said, regarding Ilyana.

Eventually they're gonna take it just a bit too far at the wrong time like this and end up smushed, probably by Yuki. Kylie finished, sighing softly and shaking her head again before sipping at her drink. Despite her serious demeanor her thighs kept rubbing constantly as she tried to ignore her own personal problem of being Giselle's fucktoy, wet and ready for the day.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Ah, should have known. Little things just love me I think. I'm gonna get them a good pen set up outside so they don't have to be in the basement and stuff. And I do want to let them have another taste of me, but I need a bit of a break after Eileen's eggs and everything," Ilyana said, savoring the taste of her drink while she sat there.

"I'm positive Kylie, but if I can't then you'll be the first to know, I promise. I may have found them a playmate though that they can work off all their stress with every few days," Ilyana assured her, taking another drink and looking confident that the playmate she mentioned could handle them. "And speaking of which, said playmate will be here soon to help start taking care of them. She should be here by tomorrow when we leave for Hespera. I'm coming with you, but I'm not staying with you all, I have other things I gotta go do there," she added, downing the last of her drink.

"What's the matter Kylie? Something wrong? You keep wriggling your hips around," Kagome said, noticing Kylie's hips twitching back and forth every now and then.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Little souvenir from Giselle that's all. Kylie answered in response to Kagome's question, while nodding at Ilyana. If you say so. What the hell is Maria packing? Kylie asked herself, wondering what was taking the girl so long. Facepalming, Kylie set her glass down and stood. Eh, I'll see you both later. I'm gonna find the missing members of todays party she said, waving and heading off back into the temple grounds, looking for Giselle and Maria. If she could find them, they could just head back, her squirming was getting noticeable at this point.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh, well as long as you're alright and all," Kagome said, looking concerned but letting it go since Kylie seemed to be just fine.

"I'd say Maria's talking to Amara about taking her vacation. When any of us take one, we call in a few extras to take our place for a while. Sometimes they stay on for a while longer too. So it works fine most of the time," Ilyana said, letting Kylie know that the temple wouldn't be undefended and everything.

When Kylie mentioned she was gonna go find the others, she saw Maria standing in the doorway of Amara's room on her way through. "Thank you Amara, I appreciate it," Maria was saying as she and Amara stepped out as Kylie came up. Maria turned and bumped into Kylie as she did. "Whoops, sorry bout that. Let me grab my things and I'll be ready. I already have it all packed," Maria added to Kylie before heading over to grab her things.

Looking out the back door, Kylie saw Giselle walking back down the path towards the temple, waving to her as she did. "Okay, I'm ready when you two are," Giselle said when she got a few feet from the temple, pecking Kylie on the lips.

Soon they were on their way back to the siren's and Kylie's home, where they were greeted by Delilah. "Welcome home girls. You have fun while you were out?" Delilah said, smiling brightly and seeming giddy, likely about their upcoming vacation time.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yup, it was a great time, the children were wonderful as always. But... We have to cancel the trip to Hespera... I'm sorry... But the mole people at the center of the earth say it's not ok... and I must always listen to the mole people. Kylie said in complete seriousness, fucking with Delilah a bit, before smiling and whomping her with her tail, which she then proceeded to follow with her eyes, before pouncing on it and rolling around

After about a minute of chasing her own tail, Kylie laid flat on her back on the floor, humming to herself before looking up at Giselle. So... everyone needs to pack I suppose. she said, standing up slowly, before noticing Wraith whooshing up the stairs, only to stop dead in the air in front of kylie, his eye following her tail

He seemed a bit confused, which led Kylie to tickle him with it, upon which he latched onto it, Kylie swinging him around a bit with the fluffy appendage just because, letting him figure it out. Mommy had a tail. Go figure.