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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see, well we'll get you cleaned up and everything, just let Delilah show you to our bath area. Welcome to Feynrial village, we hope you enjoy your stay here for as long as you wish to stay," the neko woman said, stepping aside to allow them entry.

When Kylie looked back to Delilah and asked her for help, the Siren moved over to her with a greatly concerned look. "Kylie dear, are you alright? What's the matter... oh heavens Kylie!" Delilah asked, crying out as Kylie started falling forward. Kylie would feel herself caught by someone and just as her vision faded out completely she noticed it was the neko girl and okami girl that caught her, both setting her gently down on the ground.


Some time later, Kylie felt herself coming to again, her body slowly waking from the slumber she'd been in. She'd feel herself laying in a bed with a thin blanket over her, and she could also tell she was stark nude under said blanket, telling he someone had undressed her in her sleep. When she opened her eyes, Kylie would see Delilah through the only door in the room, which was standing wide open. The Siren was talking to what appeared to be a dark elf, though she couldn't make out what they were saying as they spoke in hushed tones, likely assuming Kylie was still asleep and not wanting to wake her. Kylie would also see a window to her right on the wall a few feet away from her, and she could see from the amount of light there was coming through it that it was around sunset, maybe a little after.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie came to slowly, leveling herself up with her elbows bafore sitting up properly and looking around slowly. She had... Well that was embarrassing... And she was naked again... Blushing and looking at Delilah, Kylie wrapped her nude form with the blanket and got out of bed, walking towards the whispering pair slowly. "Sorry about that... Not sure what happened there Delilah..." She said quietly.

Looking at the other person in the room she nodded her head as waving would probably have been disastrous. "I'm Kylie, it's a pleasure" She said in way of greeting. So... She had passed out... closing her eyes and sighing, she opened them again and smiled. "Think I should be alright now, this was all... I dunno, a bit much to take in all at once" She said laughing nervously and still blushing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie got up and entered the room with the two of them, Delilah smiled and looked relieved to see her. The Siren swiftly moved over to her and pulled her into a loving embrace, kissing her on the forehead. "It's alright Kylie dear, but you really scared me there for a while," Delilah said, still holding Kylie tightly to her.

When she finally let Kylie go and the human girl introduced herself to the dark elf girl, the dark elf nodded her head back. "Of course miss Kylie. I'm Reina, I'm the head healer of the village. You were rather dirty when you were brought in, so I hope you don't mind I took the liberty of taking your clothing off and sent it to be washed, and then cleaned you up yourself," the dark elf said, introducing herself to Kylie and giving her some little bit of information about the village. A few moments later, she looked at Kylie, asking, "Are you hungry any? Thirsty? And also do you require a place to stay while you're here in town? I don't mind you staying here for now."

After that Delilah took one of Kylie's hand in both of hers. "Unfortunately Kylie dear you missed lunch with my friends earlier, but we've still got dinner with them in a couple of hours," Delilah said, still looking a little worried about Kylie even after finding out she was okay.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie hugged Delilah back and giggled as she was kissed. "Careful Delilah hehehe, you keep kissing and fretting over me and people are going to start calling us an item~" She teased, giving the siren a heartfelt squeeze nonetheless and smiling at her.

Nodding again at the greeting from the dark elf, Kylie was going to say something, but a low growling from her stomach answered that question rather quickly, blushing a little and laughing again, embarrassed. "I'm starving actually, and I am sorry for fainting there... Just... A bit much all at once you know?" She said hoping her explanation was enough. That's all it had been really, just way too much to fast for her to cope and keep coping, it was a lot to process after all. Her mind said that all of this was impossible, but she felt better funnily enough, after passing out and waking up to find out it was all still very real, she wasn't dreaming, and this was the reality she was going to have to cope with.

Looking at the pair, she blushed again. "Umm... Can I have my clothing back?" She asked quietly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh Kylie dear, nobody cares about that around here. This village is open to all sorts of relationships," Delilah said, smiling back at the blue haired human.

"It's quite alright miss Kylie, I'll have some food brought to you, and its understandable to be overwhelmed sometimes, especially if you aren't very used to seeing many different races that you'd normally not see. About your clothing though, I had it sent off to be cleaned. It's hanging out to dry for the moment, so I'm sorry to say this, but you'll simply have to grin and bear it for the moment until the one I sent to get you something to wear until they get dry," Reina said, looking apologetically at Kylie before going over to a little table and pouring a cup of water, which she brought back to Kylie and offered it to her. Then Reina walked off, saying she'd have someone bring some food for Kylie and for her to just rest and await it unless she didn't mind letting Delilah take her to get it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"It's quite alright, you did enough looking out for me" Kylie said, answering Reina with another blush and fidgeting a little. "And no, I don't mind, I'll just be sporting the toga look for awhile, I doubt anyone here really minds and I would like to see this place of yours and stretch my legs a little." She said looking at Delilah. "Mind giving me the grand tour?" She asked, pulling the sheet tightly around her chest and knotting it to give her an odd looking blanket/dress for the moment, not giving much real thought to her nudity as long as she wasn't completely bare to the world and was with Delilah, whose presence put her at ease, it was good to have a friend.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah looked happy that Kylie wanted her to show her around the village some, and so told Reina to not worry about having food brought to Kylie, that she could eat with her and her friends. With that, Delilah led Kylie on out of the rather large house she'd been in and into the village itself, showing her where the market was, which was filled with quite a few people, probably at least three or four dozen or so, only seven of which were humans, with three of those being men and the others women. Other than that there was a couple of Sirens like Delilah, and she explained the rest to Kylie. There were several of the Shifters of different kinds, there were cat kin, wolf kin, fox kin, bunny kin, even what looked to be cow kin, the few females she saw of them all had enormous breasts, none being under an F-cup. Then there were a couple of what looked to be spider girls, having the upper bodies of human females, and their lower bodies being a spider's body equipped with eight legs, with Delilah telling Kylie they were called arachne. There were also a few succubi, elves of all kinds, nymphs, and satyrs. There were quite a few stalls and stands at the market area that Kylie could see, with many different kinds of items for sale. Most of the people there Kylie could see were wearing fairly normal clothing, tunics and trousers for most of the men, and light dresses or little outfits for the women, at least that was the case for most of the people, there were a few that wore different kinds of clothes. All of the succubi she saw, as well as the nymphs were all wearing bikinis that barely covered them any at all, even less so than Delilah's did her.

Once Delilah had taken her through the market and pointed out all of the different races therein, she then took her past a blacksmith, telling her that she could get some more arrows for her bow there, or some other weaponry and some armors as well. Then she took Kylie past a couple of other buildings, telling her one was where the chieftainess of the village lived, and the other was where her friends were and that was where they would be eating shortly, after Kylie had gotten some more clothing. After only about half an hour or so the short tour by Delilah was over, then the Siren led Kylie back to Reina's place and took her inside.

"Reina, have you gotten some clothing for Kylie yet?" Delilah called out as they reentered the building.

"Ah yes, I was about to send someone to come and find you. It isn't much, but I hope it'll suffice until your other clothes dry miss Kylie," Reina said, handing Kylie a skirt that hung down to around her knees and short shirt that showed her waist, both a dark green color.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was awestruck by everything she saw, and this time she didn't pass out either, which she counted as a blessing. The people she stared at the most however were the arachnes, just completely blown away by the odd amalgamation of human and spider that for the strangest reason sent a chill down her spine in the best possible way. Staying silent so as not to draw attention to herself. As Reina returned with some clothing, Kylie took the time to pull it on after stepping around the corner of a building and into the shade, dressing with incredible speed before hopping out and twirling a little. "How do I look?" She asked, laughing lightly, liking the feel of the fabric.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah waited for Kylie's return after she stepped behind the building, smiling at her when she did and asked how she looked. Kylie would also be able to tell she was wearing silk clothing now, which in the slight jungle heat felt very good on her skin. "You look wonderful Kylie dear, just wonderful. If I didn't already know you were a human I'd say you were a Siren with that blue hair," Delilah said, giggling slightly as she went over and pulled Kylie into another hug, pressing the fabric of the fine silk clothing against Kylie a little.

With that, Delilah would tell her that she would take her to meet her friends now and then grabbed Kylie's hand and pulled her along, smiling happily about taking Kylie to meet her friends. Along the way they passed a few people, one of the arachne that they'd seen in the market walking past them, carrying a large sack in her human arms and a crate of some sort on her spidery back. Then they passed a succubus, who giggled as she passed Kylie, giving the human girl a naughty and suggestive wink and then she blew her a kiss. After that they passed a nymph who actually grabbed Kylie and pulled her into a hug, pulling Kylie's face into her large breasts and squishing her there.

"Welcome to Feynrial, you aren't from around here I can tell. If you ever want to have some fun then just come by that big place over there okay, we'll make you feel really nice," the nymph said to Kylie, then she pulled her up and gave her a kiss right on the lips then let her go and went on her way.

After that, they continued on for another minute or two before they came to a rather large house on the opposite side of the village from where Reina's place was. "This is where we were supposed to meet earlier, but I was so worried about you that I didn't go on for lunch," Delilah told her as she pointed at the house she apparently intended on taking her to.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well... This place was interesting. Smiling at everyone, laughing at the succubus and even answering the nymph, granted her answer was muffled by the large tits her face had been shoved in, she was pretty certain that people with breasts that large had some kind of mumble detector build in. So she was also pretty sure that "rrmghn errf mrrf ruu" was translated to, "A pleasure to meet you"

The offer of fun was a little off putting however as was the sudden and unexpected kiss and Kylie wished she had just been a little faster because her gut reaction was just to cling on for a moment and drag her tongue across the Nymph's face and make a rather obscene noise. But she was too slow, so the nymph who had violated her personal space was spared a rather rediculous face lick.

Listening to Delilah and seeing where they were headed, she felt a little ashamed she had caused her new friend to miss lunch. But rather then mumble an apology she just headed on in. I mean, what else could possibly happen today?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah smiled and led Kylie on into the house she'd brought her to, opening the door and holding it for her, then followed her in. Inside, Kylie would find herself being led through another door into a living room of sorts, where she saw a young looking succubus, a pair of sirens that looked much the same as Delilah though a little different, with one having longer hair than Delilah's that hung to her butt and the other had only shoulder length hair, while Delilah's hair was between the two, all had blue hair though. There was also a nymph with long green hair, a female dark elf with snowy white hair that she kept in a long braid, and a blonde catgirl. The dark elf and the nymph were sitting together on a small sofa, the nymph looked to be playing a little harp while the other two sirens which were sitting in the floor beside her singing softly, their voices sounding just as enchanting as Delilah's did.

Ah Delilah, you've finally made it. Why weren't you here for lunch earlier?” the dark elf said, standing from her seat on the sofa and coming over to the two of them.

And who is your cute friend here hmm? She's so... delectable looking,” the succubus said, also getting up and coming over, eying Kylie with an obviously lusty look.

I'm so sorry girls I'm sorry, but my friend Kylie here fainted earlier when we first arrived and I was very worried about her health. So I stayed at Reina's place with her until she woke not long ago,” Delilah said, explaining why she hadn't been there for lunch with them.

I see... well that's okay, don't worry about it so much,” the dark elf said, then she turned to look at Kylie, holding out her hand as she introduced herself, “Well Kylie, my name is Ilyana. The lusty succubus here is Hazel, the neko is Kagome. The nymph over there is my sister, her name is Shaela.

And the two sirens over there are my sisters Kylie. The one with the blue hair longer than mine is my older sister Tina, and the one with the shorter hair is my younger sister Giselle,” Delilah said, pointing at the two and giving Kylie their names.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie took a moment to absorb everything as she was led through the house into a living room of sorts and introduced to several people all at once. Although she hadn't expected to pass out upon being led to the village, it was of course what had happened and therefore the reason that delilah had missed lunch with not only her friends, but her family as well. Fidgeting slightly and smiling at everyone in turn, Kylie once again found her head turning to follow the voices of the sirens as they song. This was good fortune really because it blessedly meant missing the lustful look from the succubus and therefore managed to avoid blushing straight up to uer ears.

"A pleasure to meet you all, really. I am sorry about delilah missing lunch, its been a fairly strange day for me and is entirely my fault." She said fidgeting some more akwardly before looking for anywhere to sit so she could just be quiet and let delilah enjoy her friends.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh Kylie dear, don't worry so much about it. I promise you I'm not mad about it," Delilah said, trying to make Kylie feel less bad about her missing the lunch meeting.

"Yeah, Delilah's right cutie pie, making sure friends are okay is more important than some silly old lunch meeting. Now come cutie, sit with me while we listen to their singing. Now that Delilah is hear it'll be even more beautiful," Hazel the succubus said to her, patting Kylie on the head and ruffling her hair a little before taking Kylie arm in arm and pulling her over to a large recliner chair and sitting in it, then pulling Kylie down into her lap where she then kicked the foot rest up on the recliner.

While she sat there, Kylie would feel Hazel's tail gently coiling around her waist while her wings wrapped around her a little, kind of like a blanket, then Hazel would gently pull her back to rest her head on her quite huge G-cup breasts, the soft things making perfect pillows for Kylie's head. It didn't seem that she had any ill intentions from the way she was holding her, but Kylie soon felt her start petting her head again very gently, stroking her hair while they watched and listened to the sirens singing. After a moment, Kylie would see Delilah walk over to her two sisters where she sat on the floor with them, kissing both of them on either cheek and giving them a hug, which they returned and kissed her back. They chatted for a minute or two with one another, with Delilah telling them why she wasn't there earlier and telling them about Kylie, whom they looked over at and smiled to before turning back to Delilah.

After the got through talking, Delilah looked over her shoulder at Kylie once more and smiled to her, then as one, the three sirens began singing in harmony with each other. The song they sung was so beautiful it nearly made Kylie cry, bringing tears to her eyes. The sirens song lasted for the better part of five minutes, and every second of it was the greatest thing Kylie had ever heard, bringing her spirits up and soothing any worries in her mind, making her feel happy that Delilah brought her here.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well, this was interesting... Pulled into the lap of Hazel, and made to lay against her to relax, resting against breasts the size of her head like gigantic pillows, Kylie was a little stiff before finally and completely relaxing as the three Sirens began to sing in harmony with each other and her mind and soul were flooded with a kind of beautiful peace that actually brought tears to her eyes as everyone listened. It was something so powerful that Kylie doubted she would ever really get used to it, but it was so pleasant that she didn't mind in the slightest.

As the Sirens finished their song, and Kylie wiped the moisture from her eyes, she looked around, feeling warm and pretty mellow, her stomach grumbled again and she blushed, one problem having never really been solved by her incredibly gracious host, and probably wouldn't until dinner, where Kylie would probably act like a savage and shock everyone into stunned silence while she ate like a machine and showed she had the table manners of a pissed off monkey. But at least she ate so quickly that the shock was short lived and so completely that there wasn't any mess left to be shocked about, it was certain to be pretty amusing.

First day on an island, new friends, shocking sights, great music, care comfort and safety, barring an occasional rape, things didn't seem all that bad here, although she was starting to wonder what the hell everyone was eating to get breasts the size of 16 wheel trucks, seriously! They could be used as weapons! Kylie felt her thoughts turn to a very strange path indeed! If some of these women had breasts that large, and presumably heavy, How strong did their backs have to be!? Seriously!

Shaking her head from the odd thoughts Kylie was also glad she had managed to escape being in this group of people whilst still horny, her passing out seeming to have excused her from that akward moment in time, and there didn't seem to be any rope nearby with a kinky person holding it, so she assumed she was pretty safe on the randy front for now. "So, I know I'm new here, but How big is this island really? I don't even remember the name of the ship or the people I was with after washing up on shore, so... its all a little confusing." She said to the group in general, although her eyes had alighted on Delilah and her sisters.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Once the song was done, Kylie would see Delilah and the others all getting up, where the three sirens stretched their bodies while Hazel the succubus prodded her on up after she'd wiped her eyes. "Their singing is beautiful isn't it?" Hazel would ask as she too got up.

When Kylie had stretched her own body out, she would noticed that Iliyana and Kagome, the dark elf and cat girl, had already left the room and Kylie could smell food cooking from within. Delilah came over to Kylie and introduced her two sisters to her, who both shook her hand, telling her they were glad to meet her. Kylie would notice that Delilah's younger sister was rather flat chested in comparison to say Hazel, with only B-cups. Her older sister wasn't much larger really, having C-cups on her own chest and a pair of glasses on her face. The nymph also wasn't overly large either, having C-cups herself.

"Well Kylie dear as for the ship you were on I may be able to shed some light on it. the name of it was the 'Coralseeker', which is a little ironic really considering it crashed into the reef and sank," Delilah said, looking and sounding a little amused by this.

"But what we can tell you is that this island is nearly as large as Hazel's breasts there," Delilah's younger sister Giselle said, bursting into a fit of giggles.

"Oh now Giselle, don't joke like that. This island miss Kylie is quite large, though I don't know the exact measurements right off, I do remember that it's at east fifty miles in length, and around twenty in width. But beyond that and I couldn't give you specifics, but all in all it's more a continent than an island really," Tina, Delilah's older sister said, first to her younger sister to admonish her, and then to Kylie, pushing her glasses back up after answering Kylie's question about the size of the island.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The name Coralseeker seemed to light a little spark in Kylie's mind for a moment, flashes of peoples faces and the occasional conversation sparking through her memory for just a moment before it faded. Regardless, it left Kylie very sad for a moment, she must have had friends there. The quip about Giant breasts and islands however immediately through her into a fit of giggles. "Then it must truly be a gargantuan island indeed!" She said, ruffling the younger sisters hair for a moment smiling.

"Well if that's the case then that means there's plenty here to keep me more then occupied I suppose, we must discover and map it all and somehow avoid strange monster rape in the process! Yes! This is the plan! I think... probably not." She said in a goofy manner, although the smell of cooking food was making her mouth water something terrible.

"So, if this island is a continent roughly the size of breasts to large to comprehend, then there are more villages and such right?" She asked, although her nose was rising slightly to sniff in more of the smell from the food being prepared. "Also! what other monsters are out there apart from the Ochu?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle giggled even more when Kylie ruffled her hair, pulling her into a little hug and kissing her on the cheek. "I like her sis, she's fun," Giselle said to Delilah, looking happy at meeting Kylie.

"Oh there is plenty to do around the island, and yes there are a couple of other villages elsewhere Kylie. But they are a ways away and not reachable in a single day of travel. And monsters... well there are simply too many different kinds to count to be honest, so many that I've not seen them all," Tina said, trying to give Kylie as much an explanation as she could.

After a few more minutes of chitchatting with her new friends, Kylie and the others would hear a call from the kitchens from Ilyana, telling them the food was ready and to come and get it. With that, the three sirens, the nymph, and the succubus all got up, the motley crew of different beings in this place almost sounding like a bad joke or something. They all filed into the dining room where Kylie would see tons of different dishes of food, fried porkchops, barbequed ribs, chicken cooked in every conceivable way, as well as many different vegetable dishes and a dozen biscuits, each the size of Kylie's hands.

"Come now Kylie dear, eat as much as you wish. There's plenty for all as you can see," Delilah said to Kylie, sitting down and patting the seat beside her, apparently wanting Kylie to take the seat between her and her younger sister Giselle.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie filed into the dining room with the rest and didn't really speak after seeing the food after sitting down in the offered spot. Right up until Delilah told her to eat as much as she wanted. "Delilah, plenty for all is a relative term, you've never seen me eat..." She said before serving up a plate larger then Hazel's chest and proceeding to destroy it like a starved animal, the food seeming to simply vanish as she attacked it. There really was no describing how hungry she was and a second plate the same size soon followed the first, probably eating several pounds of food before leaning back and sighing happily before the others had even finished their first.

"Thank you soooo much, I needed that" She said, covering her mouth to belch softly as she reclined and spent the rest of meal time chatting with Delilah and Giselle. "It seems i've been indoctrinated accidentely into the blue hair brigade" She said giggling to Giselle, feeling much better and finding to her surprise, that there was in fact plenty for everyone, and despite having demolished entirely too much food, reached for a biscuit to nibble on. "Absolutely divine" She added between bites. "My compliments to the chef."

"Now mostly to sate my curiosity, if there are that many monsters outside the village and travel takes more then a single day, how do you travel? Or don't you. Judging from how my and Delilah's little romp here went, I can't imagine you do it often and that moving alone like that is rediculously foolish. You should see the blacksmith about having big chastity belts made so nothing could rape you, now that would be a safe way to travel" She said, inspired by the sudden and rediculous idea. "I mean... what are they gonna do? tickle you?" She said laughing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah and the others save for Hazel and Ilyana were rather amazed at Kylie's ability to stuff food down her throat, with the succubus and dark elf putting away nearly as much as Kylie herself did, probably making her think that was how Hazel's breasts got so large. While she ate, Kylie noticed Ilyana's breasts were quite large as well, being DD-cups, but the neko Kagome only had average B-cups, both of them as well as all the other girls here were quite pretty and had very gorgeous bodies. She saw Kagome get up a couple of minutes after she finished eating, mumbling something about dessert.

"Hehe, yeah there are quite a few of us with blue hair here I guess aren't there. But I gotta say i didn't expect you to be able to eat quite that much Kylie, you... excuse me for saying, but you don't look the type," Giselle said, smiling at her new friend as she ate, though she looked amazed and surprised at the amount that Kylie put away.

"Well we do travel to the other villages, and there are a couple of small communities around the island also that aren't part of the villages. But about the monsters though, while there are quite a few different kinds of them, we've still got to go to the other villages for trade. Most of the monsters will let you go after they've had some fun with you, assuming they beat you that is," Delilah said, giggling a bit at Kylie's suggestion of the chastity belts.

"Dessert anyone?" Kagome asked them all, placing a chocolate cake with a bit of icing on top in the center of the table. All of the others got themselves a piece of cake and Delilah offered a piece to Kylie, of course it was up to her whether or not she took it and ate it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie raised an eyebrow. "had some fun? Well... good for them? I'll pass if I can thank you very much. Also, I don't look the type because I'm not, I was just really really hungry, feel a great deal better, and all of this energy has to come from somewhere right?" She said giggling, prodding Giselle in the side playfully before sticking her tongue out.

All other thoughts were driven from her mind however when cake was placed in front of her. Taking a piece, Kylie pleasantly took her time enjoying the delicious treat, mainly because she was too full now to inhale it, and thanked Kagome for it before lounging back again to rest. "Well, if I want to go exploring, it seems rape is a risk involved, how depressing" She said pouting a little. The encounter with the Ochu had been scary for sure, but not exactly what she would call... unpleasant, and that made her blush right up to her ears before shaking her head back and forth wildly. "So the story I have so far is the badly named ship I was on crashed, sank, i'm the only known survivor, have amnesia, and am living with and around creatures I couldn't even have believed existed until today. Which is a little jarring if you ask me. So lets skip the more heavy conversations for later and focus on something else. What do you all do for fun? Also, where did you get the glasses?" She asked suddenly, looking at the older sister.