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Kult RPG


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
In one fa/tg/uy's words
The system is bullshit, the setting is brilliant, you WILL get nightmares, and the magic section is the reason parents think RPG's will turn you into a satanist. The actual rituals involved in casting spells aren't just described in full, THEY'RE THOROUGHLY ANALYZED, and the spells in this motherfucker aren't your nannie's "fireball", they're "Summon a Being of Madness" or "Turn Someone into Your Wretched Slave" or "Transform into a Being Out of Clive Barker's Darkest Imaginings Who Tortures The Souls of The Dead In Inferno"

Anyone up for a game? (you should support developers etc. but I know you're not likely to)

Also, I'll probably GM if there aren't any volunteers, but I'd rather not and I'm not very good at horror. If I'm the one to GM, we'll probably play using irc.

EDIT: Investigating a bit, turns out that the torrent is for first edition.
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Re: Kult RPG

Interest shown. EDIT: Mediafire did NOT delete the upload, but I was recently informed that one has to copy the link location and post it elsewhere, as mediafire won't work for anyone linking directly from ulmf.org.
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Re: Kult RPG

holy crap, aren't we popular nowadays. XD

I'll poke around it, but i think i have too much on my plate of late to actually play, unfortunately.
Re: Kult RPG

Alright, since I'm assuming we'll get no more players, I'd like to know the times people are available, so we can schedule the first session. You can also start preparing character sheets. The game is set in Chicago, 1999.
Re: Kult RPG

When you say...

The game is set in Chicago, 1999.

I read...

I was dreaming when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray. When I woke up this morning, could have sworn it was Judgment Day. The sky was all purple; there were people running everywhere, trying to run from the destruction. You know, I didn't even care. They say, "two-thousand-zero-zero, party over, oops, out of time." So tonight I'm gonna party like it's !

Weekends are best, but really any time between 0100 and 0500 GMT should be available on most weekdays as well.

EDIT: Character Posted:
Name: Francesca Giovanni
Player: Hopeyouguess62
Birthplace: Barboursville, West Virginia
Home: Chicago, Illinois
Address: Old Town
Archetype: The Company Careerist
Profession: Television Producer
Living Standard: 7 (6-8)
Employer: CBS Chicago
Age: 32 years old (born 19 March 1967)
Height: 6’6”/198cm tall
Weight: 170lb/77kg
Appearance: Fit build, blonde hair, hazel eyes, tans easily

Background: Francesca Giovanni’s father came from a long line of tall, dark Sicilian men (with a few connections to the Mafia). Her mother was of Swedish descent. Francesca was gifted with her mother’s blonde hair and feminine features, but unfortunately she also inherited her father’s height. Towering over almost any man she meets, she finds that very few men consider dating her seriously despite her attractiveness (which has resulted in an awkward dating life and an almost non-existent sex-life).
Francesca’s father was a functional alcoholic who operated multiple strip clubs in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia. Her mother was a nurse who left when Francesca was very young, never to be seen again. It was never really spoken of much, but the mother had a cocaine problem, and it’s believed that the drug addiction had something to do with her departure. Francesca’s father also snorted cocaine, but was able to control his addiction enough to thrive in business.
Francesca learned gymnastics and dance at an early age, and remains quite limber and quick. Unfortunately, long hours in her business pursuits have prevented her from maintaining her athletic prowess.
Her ambition initially came from seeing her father’s employees, women lacking in education or drive, unable to find any work besides rubbing their perfumed, glittery bodies against every man, so long as there was a fiver or even a dollar in their sweaty fingers. She studied hard in high school, then a summer internship turned into a full-time job at a local news station. She made the mistake of sleeping with the boss, however, and was forced to leave the news station when a co-worker blackmailed her (and these two became rivals and mortal enemies).
She spent a few years learning the art of surveillance and blackmail from one of her father’s less reputable business partners, then used these tools to rapidly climb the ladder at another news station. She would move every few years, advancing quickly and then switching companies before she could acquire too many enemies in one place. The last time she saw her rival, Francesca had acquired (for CBS) the news station her rival worked for, humiliating and firing the rival as a perk of the takeover (and exposing one of the rival’s more scandalous sexual affairs). Since then, she has kept an eye out for her rival, paranoid of retaliation, and unaware that the rival committed suicide at sea about two years ago (boat and body never found).
Francesca has acquired three very influential friends through the course of her career. Her mentor and father’s associate, Joseph "The Builder" Andriacchi, has become an underboss of the Chicago Syndicate. Her career in television has also tied her to Michael Jordan (she was responsible for working with Jordan through the course of several interviews and media events, and she helped him switch some DNA samples to avoid a costly paternity suit by Karla Knafel, an ex-lover; Jordan also ate Francesca out once) and Ted Turner (who encountered the young woman while she was working briefly for a CNN news station and was impressed by her “moxie” and ambition).


Agility 14
movement 7m/rd, 42m/rd top speed, 2 actions/rd, init +2
Strength 6
6kg no exh, 18kg end loss, 3kg run, 60kg max lift, damage -3
Constitution 11
85 end, 4 scr=1 lt, 3 lt = 1 ser, 3 ser = 1 fat
Comeliness 11
Ego 20
Charisma 12
Perception 14
Education 12

Advantages and Disadvantages
+ Cultural Flexibility 10
+ Endure Hunger/Thirst (used to be anorexic, can handle hunger/thirst quite well) 10
+ Good Reputation 10
+ Influential Friends 15
- Greed (reduced from a 10 point disadvantage—her primary professional motivation is still the acquisition of assets, but over time she has learned to be slightly less stingy, particularly with those she cares about) 5
- Mental Compulsion (cleanliness – washes hands religiously, immediately sanitizes hands after shaking hands) 10
- Mental Compulsion (grammar Nazi – is meticulous about her own grammar and compulsively corrects the grammar of others) 5
- Paranoia (had a mortal enemy (rival) in the TV industry at one time; unaware of her mortal enemy’s demise and still checking constantly for wiretaps, etc. in her apartment) (reduced from a 15 point disadvantage—she has become influential enough that a majority of her discussions could do no actual damage to her, though she still checks regularly and keeps her ears peeled at all times) 10
- Phobia (germs, tied to mental compulsion, she also cannot eat food in places that seem “unsanitary;” brings along her own plastic flatware for emergencies) 5
- Sexual Neurosis (a terrible dating life has left her quite awkward and inexperienced in the bedroom) 5

Mental Balance +15 (weak positive aura, animals and children feel comfortable around her)

Skills (135 pts)

Handgun 10 (she knows how to safety, load/unload, aim, shoot, and clean her gun; taking it apart and re-assembling it would take her a half-hour at least; she is also reasonably accurate with pepper-spray at close range)
Sneak 10 (she can move discretely, but lacks true ninja skills)
Dodge 7 (knows when to duck, lacks ninja skills)

Bugging 12 (excellent at placing and detecting bugs and wiretaps)
Information Retrieval 16 (specializes in getting the dirt on people)
Written Report 5 (is able to write and file generic reports and memoranda, but without flair)
Security Systems 16 (has built her own on multiple occasions; knows where the cameras will be)

Diplomacy 6 (has a good handshake and a likeable nature, which is enough to seal the deal most of the time)
Etiquette 6 (knows which utensil to use, when oysters are in season, how to order wine; would have to refer to Emily Post’s book for anything truly elaborate)
Disguise 6 (is good at making herself less noticeable, using one or two optical tricks to make herself look shorter—important, as people tend to notice a 6’6” woman)
Net of Contacts: News Industry 8 (has several contacts in the industry; not the most influential of contacts, but helpful when tracking down information or trying to leak information to the news)


Swim 5 (used to swim in rivers and ponds as a young girl; able to tread water and swim laps for a short period of time)

Hide 5 (good at finding hiding spots, but again, lacks ninja skills)
Photography 5 (can take a decent photograph; is familiar with most digital and film cameras and accessories; no Ansel Adams)
Drive Vehicle (car) 5 (knows how to drive a car without being an asshole)
Drive Vehicle (motorcycle) 10 (a bit of a thrill-seeker on the motorcycle; no Evel Knievel)
Shadow 8 (is able to discretely follow someone at a distance; again, no ninja skills)

Read/write Native (she can read and write, hurrah)

Earthly Things
Monthly Income: $4,000
Net Avail/Mo: $2,000
Savings: $20,000
Credit Value: $150,000
Residence: Upscale condo in Old Town, one of the more expensive parts of downtown Chicago
Standard of Living: 7 (6-8)

9mm Beretta Nano
6x8rd clips (two on person, two in vehicle, two in house)
Flash-bang harness (concealed gun harness clips onto bra between breasts)
Concealed carry permit
Mini 8mm camcorder (usually hidden in car/motorcycle)
Mini tape recorder
Small 35mm SLR camera with zoom and wide-angle lenses, removable flash
Bugging/surveillance/debugging equipment (usually kept in car/motorcycle)
2 sets of disposable deluxe plastic flatware (knife, spoon, fork, small napkin)
Benefon Esc! Cellular Phone (the first phone with a built in GPS, released in 1999), does not permit CallerID
PalmPilot Professional
SuperSlim Sony VAIO 505 laptop
Blinde Designer Sunglasses
Military-grade pepper spray (approximately 20 blasts of oleoresin capiscum) (Francesca has a couple of military contacts who are able to regularly supply her with this; I assume that for short range purposes, the handgun skill applies, as it is the most applicable skill)
Mini-Maglite (pity that LED flashlights weren't invented until 2001)
Press pass, wallet, identification, $200 cash

Drives a black 1999 BMW Z3 Coupe (nicknamed "The Black Beauty")
Also rides a black 1999 Harley-Davidson XLH Sportster 883 (nicknamed "Black Stallion") her vehicle of choice for crowded Chicago streets in moderate weather

Francesca generally dresses in dark, conservative business attire. She has a black leather jacket with reflective stripes and a similarly adorned modular (flip-up) helmet for use when she rides her motorcycle.

In her sparsely-appointed condo, she has a Lifestyle 12 Bose 5.1 channel surround sound system, ostensibly because she loves her movies and music. In actuality, she uses the sound to mask any conversations that she’s concerned might be overheard or bugged. She also regularly checks her phones for any bugging devices.
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Re: Kult RPG

Name: Charles "Blackthorn" Gregson. Referred to by associates simple as Blackthorn.
Player: CDubz
Birthplace: Glasgow, Scotland, East End, Glasgow Necropolis Cemetary.
Home: 3rd Floor of an abandoned warehouse, Calumet district, Chicago Port Authority.
Address: Warehouse 7-Block 19
Archetype: Reclusive Enforcer
Profession: Hired Muscle and Enforcer, Occasionally Hitman.
Living Standard: 7
Employer: Freelance. mafia ties.
Age: 39
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 240 lbs
Appearance: Taller then average, and broad, Blackthorn looks every bit as hard and imposing as his namesake. With a long stride, a quiet manner, and grey eyes that constantly glare out from under the mop of black hair, Charles wouldn't be considered attractive to many, breaking average along with most men were it not for the several long, shock white scars running down the left side of his face, jaw, and neck, disfiguring his face, 4 running parallel to each other across his features. His right arm is likewise scarred from shoulder to hand, a similar set of 4 deep cuts or gouges running through his flesh as if Charles had been mauled by something. A deep depression along his collarbone on the left side of his shoulder and neck are strangely reminiscent of a serious bite, and despite the disquieting severity of these wounds, they do not seem to hinder or visibly pain him. The source of these wounds has long been speculated about by his associates and contacts, but never dared spoken of in his presence. With a strong jaw and a clean shaven face, if not for these scars, Charles would not be an unattractive man.

Generally keeping to himself, Charles operates a standard dress of a heavy black wool trench coat, a matching fedora to hide his features, and thick denim jeans ranging from blue to black. His shirts are all simple cotton or wool, print-less and varying in color from grey to dark blue. His boots, usually mostly hidden by his coat are well made leather with reinforced uppers and a thick rubber sole. In the summer when the temperature reaches higher temps, Charles does not alter his manner of dress, and indeed, doesn't seem to be affected visibly by the heat outside of the usual increased sweating. Though he does insist all meetings take place at the Port Authority where the constant wind keeps the temperatures relatively low. Special exceptions are made for very specific people and requests. Charles is rarely seen outside of the area he has claimed as his own, a winding serious of cargo containers and warehouses, his own home known to a very select few, most meetings taking place in many of the other currently unused buildings in the labyrinthian warehouse district. With a reputation to back up his insistence of meeting on his own turf, this is rarely argued and Charles is never trifled with, always taken seriously, and always responding in kind, a smile an extremely rare thing to see split his marred face.

Despite his size, Charles slouches quite often, walking hunched over and relaxed, hiding his actual size and intentionally hiding his features on the rare occasion he leaves his claimed sanctuary, be it for basic errands, or a job, his suppliers usually delivering what he needs directly to him, at one of several specified drop points around the district, a benefit of his chosen living arrangements and insistence on discretion. While he may work as a freelance enforcer, those that think his primary concern is money find out quickly that the Family can pay him more in what he actually needs. While no liquid assets, the Mafia has been Blackthorn's primary supplier of both protection, and equipment. On two occasions, he has made the fact that he was hired to perform an assassination of a Mafia underboss, or in one case, a made man, known to the Family, asking only that his continued home in the Warehouse district be protected as always, in exchange for killing the man that offered the hit, a note left behind with the body always reading the same thing, "Money, and Power. The Price was outmatched." This has led to Charles being avoided for jobs outside the family with the exception of private work. Out of respect for this attitude, the Mafia doesn't pry into his other work, trusting him to bring it to their attention in exchange for the protection his warehouse residence enjoys, not existing as far as other people are concerned, as long as the money or favors fall into the right hands, hardly a difficult thing for the family currently controlling half the criminal underworld as of 1999. When questioned about this by subordinates, Charles has heard the phrase "We do not control Blackthorn, we Respect him, and he returns that respect in kind. Do not make an enemy of Charles Blackthorn."

Indeed, this quiet and respectful attitude towards himself, has led Blackthorn to show an unusual amount of loyalty to the Family, prompting him to make an offer no other benefactor has received to date. As long as he is not betrayed, he shall not do so in kind, and making the arrangement well known. This does not make them allies that can link them to eachother, but rather two entities that offer a benefit to one another. Charles knows that as soon as he becomes a liability, his protection will vanish, and the Family knows that if they stop providing, Charles will stop showing them favored treatment they have relied on through their hold in the U.S. for over a decade. There has only been one incident of possible betrayal from within the family after an arrest was named, and a man with a description matching Blackthorns was offered in exchange for protection. With no other way to stop Blackthorn, the head of the family made a personal visit to Charles home, seeing him polishing his gun. Letting himself in, he said simply "Please, wait a day. Let me fix this." Before he left. Stunned by what those words meant, Charles nodded, and let the issue go. Sure enough, the witness was dead, poisoned while in protective custody, with his testimony inadmissible without his word in a public court. In response to the odd but appreciated gesture, Blackthorn made the only trip out of Chicago he has ever made to the Don's home, in broad daylight. Caught off guard by the extremely strange action on Blackthorn's part, the Don invited Blackthorn, to which he refused. "I make your men nervous, as always, you did me a favor, and I return it." he said simply, removing his hat as a gesture of respect, before handing over a Browning Hi-Power engraved in swirling silver with the words "Per la mia famiglia" embossed in the weapon's slide, and the picture of a rival arms dealer in Charles' area. "Poetic Justice" Charles said simply, meaning the weapon now resting as a gift in the Don's hand had come from this man, offering the family a chance to kill the man with his own product. Accepting the gift, the Don took Charles' hat, set it back atop his head, and wished him a safe return to his home.

Background: Born in the Necropolis Cemetary of Glasgow, Charles lived a fairly normal, wealthy childhood, kept bust in primary schooling until his rebellious nature saw him leaving schooling early, showing a deeper interest in some of his older brother Frederick's less legal practices, including dog fights, underground bareknuckle boxing, and gang enforcement. Roaming the streets of the city, Charles was rarely home, and disregarded by most of his natural family as unnecessary until he mentioned in passing on his 14th birthday, that he saw strange colors floating around some people, thinking perhaps he needed glasses. His father, a short, but imposing man immediately reacted, demanding specifics that confused Charles, such as the colors he was seeing, around what kind of people, and how often. Offering up the information easily, as he tried not to anger his family, who overlooked his more illegal dealings as a youth, Charles was quickly sent to his room in his families large estate overseeing the cathedral and the Necropolis Cemetary.

A year passed after his month-long isolation regarding the information he had shared without incident, and indeed, Charles was not foolish enough to bring up the subject again, hoping perhaps that his father had forgotten. He hadn't liked the unhealthy and hungering look in his Father's eyes. In that year, his father sired a bastard child, a healthy boy, and another sibling to join him named Gregory, his older brother, and their younger sister Anne. Anne, the kind and doted upon flower of the family was 2 years Charles' junior. A sweet, kind girl with long blonde hair and deep green eyes to match their deceased mother Anne was the foundation that held their family together. Immune to their father's stranger outbursts and temper, Anne had always filled that middling role of peacekeeper in the house, and was treasured by Charles and Frederick.

Now 16, Charles started noticing that Anne was drawn, as if she hadn't been sleeping well, and indeed, she seemed different altogether. Short tempered and likely to lash out if provoked, her performance slipped and in a last ditch effort to find out what was wrong, Frederick and Charles stayed up in their manor home, watching her room, worried that she wasn't sleeping. As it turned out, Frederick's hunch was correct, and soon enough, as the two brothers hid in the shadows, they saw their father enter her room, and lead her out. Confused, Charles stared at the colors streaming off their father, malicious, murderous, and was only stopped from interfering by Frederick's strong hand on his shoulder and a warning look. They needed to know what was going on.

Following quietly in their wake, Charles and Frederick were soon led deep into the Necropolis, the silence of the cold Scotland night itself oppressive in a way that made Charles' skin crawl with fear and disgust. Watching in horror, again Frederick stopped Charles from calling out or interfering, Charles trusting in his older brother's judgement as they watched their father standing Anne in the center of several stones in her night dress, and pulling out a large, leatherbound tome. Opening the book, both brothers were surprised that Anne hadn't reacted to anything, not the cold, not her state of dress, or even where they were, as if drugged or in a trance. Soon enough, their father left Anne there to stand in the cold, Anne unmoving and unresponsive. Rushing over, both brothers found that their sister would not answer their questions, would not speak or move, and actively resisted being moved away. Not wanting to hurt her, both brothers panicked when they heard the crunching footsteps of their father's return. Walking back, their father now carried a bucket with a crimson load, smelling of copper and old metal, the smell of fresh blood, and the stirring body of Gregory in his other arm... Before either could react, and indeed, frozen in horror, both watched transfixed as the blood was poured around Anne and on the stones, and then Gregory was killed with a long, dark, stone blade.

Filled with shock and horror, Charles was unable to react, but Frederick was already moving, charging through the stones to collide with their father with a scream of rage and hatred, a struggle ensuing as Frederick, Charles' equal in both size and strength wrenched the blade from their howling madman of a father, who even now laughed and cackled, before plunging the blade into his heart. Still frozen in place, Charles didn't know how to react, but his father wasn't dead, he could still see the aura, and indeed, as soon as Frederick looked away, their father's hand shot out to close around his throat, before the blade was turned on his older brother, who died quickly, with a shocked expression across his face.

As their father stood, Charles noticed no blood from the wound, nothing to indicate that indeed, his father had been stabbed, but when he started moving towards Anne, Charles finally found his legs working, and unlike his brother, Charles didn't stop until only the shattered corpse of his eviscerated father had stopped showing the colors only Charles could see, fading along with their father's laughter.

As if this would be the end of things, Charles finally turned to regard Anne, who, still lost in her own way, wouldn't wake. Picking her up, Charles started to walk back to the manor, stepping as if a dead man, his eyes glazed and lost, the bodies of his family left behind. Depositing Anne in her bed, Charles promptly passed out near her bedside.

Charles, haunted by vivid nightmares, was awoken by a banshee like howl splitting his ears, turning to see Anne... Her hair wild, her fingers tipped in long claws, and needle like teeth filling her mouth. He couldn't react before his sister was on top of him, tearing and biting. Screaming in pain as he felt her teeth tear into his shoulder, Charles struggled to pick her up, bleeding severely from his face, shoulders, and arm, Charles reached for the knife he killed his father with after throwing what used to be Anne across the room. With his own blood dripping down his hand on onto the blade, Charles fought Anne, his sister not subsiding until he had been forced to dismember her, and even then, she still screamed, and called, and Charles wept for everything, overcome by the insanity of everything. Crippled and unable to move, Anne was locked inside her room as Charles fled, only stopping to set the house ablaze as he ran, and ran, and ran. he didn't stop until his legs gave out outside a friends house, a local thug who paid him and his brother for easy work. shocked at the state he was in, Byron dragged Charles instead, treating his wounds himself, and stopping him from bleeding out completely, shocked that he was alive to begin with.

Charles slept, and dreamed, hidden by Byron, it as a full week before he awoke, and another 2 before he was well enough to move, or eat on his own, Byron's non expert, but sufficient care enough to keep him alive, but not whole. As Byron spoke about the manor, the fire, and the bodies, he looked at Charles, unable to ask if it was murder, and unable to explain the terrible wounds he had shown up with. Charles said he wanted to leave, never to see this place again, to put as much distance between here as he could, and never return. Nodding with some understanding, a kind man at heart, Byron made the call, and soon had Charles on a flight to the U.S. with a good word with a fellow criminal that saw the start of Charles "BlackThorn's" Career... now he lives in Chicago, working on a good reputation and powerful friends, having earned his position and his respect the hard way. 23 years have passed since that night, and not a single day has passed without Charles screaming in rage and fear as it haunts his nightmares. Children seem to turn into vicious monsters, and crowds make him suspicious as the swirl of auras and confusing signals threatens to overwhelm him. Now he lives in seclusion, moving around at night, doing work as needed, and pretending his past is just that.... Passed.

Dark Secret: Family Secret/Supernatural Experience
Agility 14
Movement 7 meters. Initiative +2
Strength 15
Constitution 20
Comeliness 3 (originally 10)
Ego 18
Charisma 4
Perception 15
Education 5
Endurance 130
Advantages and Disadvantages
+ Influential Friends (15) ((Connections to many organized crime syndicates and fellow enforcers, dealers and other criminals. Notable friends include Hard ties to the Local Mob and favors owed that he has never collected on. In exchange, Charles became more and more ingratiated with the family, and is well known and respected.))
+ Good Reputation (10) ((Infamous in his profession. Known for his efficacy))
+ Magical Intuition (20)
- Maimed (15)
- Phobia - Children (15) ((Charles will actively avoid contact with children, he cannot look them in the eyes without growing extremely aggressive, or finding a reason to leave the area. Children that do not scare easily will force Charles to flee as he usually deals with this by scaring children away. this applies to anyone under the age of 12 {Family Secret} ))
- Phobia - Crowds (5) While uncomfortable in groups of people, and making an effort to avoid them, this is not as crippling as his problem with young children, and can be controlled.
- Nightmares (10) Charles has not known a night of peaceful sleep in over 23 years. He frequently awakes suddenly, and with a weapon drawn. He has never shared the nature of these dreams with anyone. The only ones who share this knowledge are already dead.
- Mental Compulsion (5) Upon entering or leaving his home, Charles will, without fail, check a family symbol gouged deeply into the door, looking for damages. If the symbol is damaged, Charles will not enter the building until it has been repaired. {Family Secret}
-Manic-Depression. (20)

Mental Balance -25 ((Disturbed))

Skills (0 pts) 175 total, 175 spent.

Handgun 25 (44 skill points)
Weapon Maneuvers: Double Shot (20)
Weapon Maneuvers: Quick Draw (19)

Impact weapons 18 (23 skill points)
Unarmed 18 (15 skill points)

Swim 15 (12)

Night Combat 15 (15)
Shadow 14 (14)

First Aid 18 (18)

Earthly Things
Money: $25,000
Monthly Income: $ 4000
Net Avail/Mo: $ 2000
Savings: $ 50,000
Credit Value: $ 150,000
Residence: $ 150,000
Standard of Living: 7
Property: a car, furniture is sparse, though not cheap. an advanced and thorough medical-trauma kit including everything needed to treat most serious wounds without a hospital in an emergency. Most of his assets are kept liquid due to the nature of his work, and the need to purchase equipment.
Beretta 92FS 9mm handgun +
+Silencer (Currently not attached)
+Holster (shoulder)
Blackthorn Cane (Use Steel Pipe stats)
Kevlar Overall (Easily the most expensive thing he owns, Charles does not enter a hostile situation without it if he expects trouble)
Kevlar Vest (What is worn more often, this vest is worn during any trip leaving his home while not working.)
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Re: Kult RPG

Just a reminder that the session is tonight, starting 2000 GMT-ish. The place is irc.rizon.net #baconroom or to those who don't have irc client.
Re: Kult RPG


Also some other stuff happened too I guess. Is happening. We're not done yet.
Re: Kult RPG

Unedited logs of the first session:


  • kult presession.txt
    3.7 KB · Views: 0
Re: Kult RPG

The system is bullshit, the setting is brilliant, you WILL get nightmares, and the magic section is the reason parents think RPG's will turn you into a satanist.

This quote was actually pretty accurate. The mechanics are about as complete as the second Death Star, which is to say they are NOT complete. A lot of the game mechanics are judgement calls of the GM, bereft of rules that adequately cover the situation. Still, to further the Death Star analogy, the atmosphere is somewhat engrossing (in the absence of the Millennium Falcon and X-wings). There is almost a pervasive aura of menace that pervades each session, so it works out quite well.

Also, I'll probably GM if there aren't any volunteers, but I'd rather not and I'm not very good at horror.

Spider did an outstanding job as GM for the first session, which mostly consisted of what I'm sure will later be called "The Great Cheese Caper of '99." I was pleasantly surprised to discover that our party actually worked well together, after the initial awkwardness of three near-strangers deciding to track down an arcane book.

It did not hurt the party dynamic that two of our characters are female... nobody minds girl-on-girl action--except poor Charles, who was not only basically forced to listen, but who (due to his abilities) was actually able to detect the randy auras of the two women before they made a soggy mess of his bed (without him). Heh.
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Re: Kult RPG

Unedited logs for the second session:

Not required, but for referencing things and such it might be nice to have the logs tidied up and stuff.
Re: Kult RPG

3rd session logs:

Also, everyone gets 5 experience points to spend. Can increase one ability by a point if you want.
Re: Kult RPG

So +1 CharismaorConstitutionorwhatever OR 5 points in skills, right.

Also have these pictures of what I keep imagining Rebecca looking like, even though she's presumably not Asian.

Or maybe she iiiiisss. Delicious Murka and it's mixed races.


Re: Kult RPG

Increasing abilities costs 1 point or 3 past 20. Except for comeliness and education which can't be increased normally.
Re: Kult RPG

Apparently no Kult today because Wolf is getting his kid and can't play + his character is kind of essential to the interrogation and stuff.
Re: Kult RPG

It would be different if my flight had been on time, instead of delayed 3 hours. So sorry!! Please post for available times for 2morrow, well try and make this work. Again, between bad luck and circumstance, it's my fault, apologies.
Re: Kult RPG

A couple of notes:
1) In the game, Francesca does NOT keep a journal. This is just a way to clean up our logs and keep the story straight.
2) If Fran WERE to keep a journal in the game, she wouldn't be so stupid as to write about anything that has happened in the past week. She makes it her job to find journals like this and blackmail their owners.
3) This is written from Fran's point of view at the end of each day, so there is some information that it won't take into account (i.e. Rebecca spotting the mystic hobo outside the warehouse, as Rebecca didn't mention it until the next day). Also, there's some stuff she'll remember wrong (like what Charles said about children being untrustworthy creatures).
4) If you find any mistakes, let me know and I'll correct this thing. So far I just have the pre-session and the 1st session covered.

Francesca's Journal
Tuesday, August 24, 1999
Met Joseph at one of the Family-owned establishments in town. Shared a drink, got caught up on family, then got into his car to talk shop. Joseph’s always been a gentleman like that—pleasantries before and after business.

As I suspected, this is a little side job for the Family. I don’t need the money, and it’s not like I’ve sworn any oaths, but the types of favors these guys can perform make it a mutually-beneficial arrangement, my loyalty aside.

This job’s different from the usual, though. I’m not even tracking a person… I’m tracking a book. “Arcanos, or something like that,” as Joseph put it. Apparently there’s already been some foul play trying to track it down; the late businessman David Lynn was found with some torn pages of the book, floating in the harbor. Sounds odd, even for Chicago, but dig deep enough and there’s usually a reasonable explanation for these things.

Joseph had his driver take us to the harbor area to meet an associate of the Family. Evidently I’m now under the protection of Charles Blackthorn, about whom the most applicable descriptor would be “Junkyard Dog.” And “Scottish.” Maybe “Scarred Scottish Junkyard Dog.” I wonder if he owns a kilt and bagpipes. Have to try not to ask, I can’t remember if that’s Scottish or Irish. Also need to avoid asking about his scars. Might offend him.

Still, I’m happy to have this particular monster on my side. I hardly see why it’s necessary at the moment, though. Tomorrow morning I’ll check in on the news team, then see if any of my news contacts have a little information that isn’t quite public. You never know.

Thursday, August 26, 1999
Woke up in the hospital. I remember asking a few people about this book, and beyond that I have no memory of Wednesday. Apparently I was dropped off in front of Emergency Services with a concussion and scratches. Doctors gave me some pain meds, but probably the weak kind, especially after a concussion.

Anyway, Mr. “Junkyard Dog,” AKA Charles, was waiting with one of Joe’s guys and one of those Family cars with the reinforced metal frames. Surprise, surprise, though… one of my interns, Rebecca, came charging up with all kinds of information about the book. I have to remember to ask who clued her into the search; as useful as she’s being, bringing a college student into this is kind of fucked up. Still… we were better off bringing her along at that point so we brought her along.

I had a couple of “experiments” with the other girls in college, but it never really stuck. I was more interested in guys, though my freakish height kept most of them away. Rebecca’s the first woman that’s taken my breath away, but as an intern she was strictly off-limits. She’s no longer an intern… but I’ll write about that in a minute, I need to keep this thing chronological.

Anyway, as we were leaving the hospital we saw a homeless guy making all kinds of weird gestures. Apparently Charles saw something freaky about the guy and beat him with a cane. Seemed rather excessive to me, but he’s been doing this for a while. Turns out he had a good reason, which he explained at the worst possible time.

So apparently we’re hunting for the “Arcanum Metropolis.” A little internet research uncovered the warehouse that the book was shipped to, in the harbor section. Also, apparently Rebecca’s done some work with the porn industry. I was shocked. And maybe just a little bit aroused but the WORLD SHALL NEVER KNOW, my lovely journal! We headed to Charles’ place near the harbor.

As it turns out, Charles has some kind of psychic… gift, as far as I can tell. He can pick up “auras,” apparently, and literally see someone’s mood. At least, that’s what I discovered when he CALLED MY SHIT on being attracted to Rebecca… IN FRONT OF REBECCA. What an asshole. I was fuming mad, but Charles made it obvious he really didn’t care how I felt. Or maybe he never learned that some things are private. Or… I don’t know. I’m still kind of mad.

And Rebecca quit her job so she could sleep with me. So… there’s that. The paperwork isn’t a problem, and she’s no longer my intern so there’s no moral problem. And I hadn’t gotten laid in… well, over a year. So I needed that itch scratched, and holy cow did she know how to scratch. She did things I hadn’t ever HEARD of. It’s petty of me, but I couldn’t help but feel a little bit of spiteful glee, knowing that Charles would have to listen to us… doing stuff. He kind of deserved it, after what he said to me.

Hmm… so one of Charles’ connections dropped off some weapons and whatnot. We headed to the warehouse and I disabled their security system. We had to handcuff a guard, and Charles beat him bloody anyway. Again… excessive. Hope that guy lived. We found the shipment crate, but someone got there before us. The book was no longer there. While we got a little more information on the shipment, the only real prize was the massive shipment of cheese that Charles took home. And Rebecca got some new handcuffs from the guard.

ALSO ODD: Charles mentioned something right after the hospital, about being unable to go to the library because children are there. I hope he’s not some kind of pedophile, because that’s a deal-breaker in my book. He’s not going to like it, but I’m going to ask him about it tomorrow. Messing with children is an atrocità, and I’ll have to find a different bodyguard if that’s the case.

And apparently it’s bedtime. Because there’s an evil seductress in my bed, and I think I’ll be sore tomorrow morning. I haven’t stretched this much since I was a gymnast! :/
Re: Kult RPG

Session 4 log(unedited):

Just a reminder, until next we need to deal with moving clocks, the game will be 19:00 GMT instead of 20:00. That way we can have longer sessions without me having to worry about passing out.