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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The group had a rest for now, Rui on the other hand was completely unable to remain still for a microsecond, buzzing about and striking up conversations with...very interesting subjects that made little to no sense, like if it was possible to dial a number with a carrot or what Hectate would look like frozen in amber, the very idea making her shudder, Rui seemed to be obssessed with Taku though, speaking to her the most while Taku had to sit there with a look on her face that reminded Hectate of a mother trying to calm down a hyperactive child, reading the book Hectate could see that it was instructions on basic hacking, allowing her to identify the level of security on systems and identify the chance of success if she attempted to hack it.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Quickly absorbing the basics of the instructions of hacking, which would come in handy, Hecate snapped the book shut and stood up. "Alright ladies, we're leaving" She said, picking up the gun and firing two rounds into the glass, knowing that if it couldn't take the weight of her big spider ass, then it wasn't stopping a bullet. However, rather then break, the reinforced glass spiral fractured, spider web cracks shredding through the glass before Hecate spun the gun and pistol whipped the glass.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The glass broke pretty easily as she sauntered out, with Rui and Taku following behind her, they were back where they started before they went to the arena, only of course they had a hyperactive christmas succubus in tow.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, happy to be out of the cell, properly armed, with the gun and new knowledge made for the stairs. There were the research floors to search now, because they sure as hell weren't going back to the arena...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Making for the research floors, Hectate could see that they were in a very large experimentation and observation room, the floor beneath them divided up into squares with glass floors so they could peer down into the cells, there were tables lined up with microscopes, things with operating tables, even experimental vials of transformative liquid, it was a scientists dream pretty much, but nobody in the room was a scientist and Rui dosent count.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate whistled softly as she looked around the room, noticing that the bastards up here could actually observe straight into the holding cells in an annoying way. Hecate remembered she had woken up bound with rope and cuffs, meaning a human or something at least with thumbs had bound her to that support beam... So someone... was here. And had probably noticed them coming. Annoyed, her eye twitching slightly, Hecate wandered around looking for a working computer in this scientific den of sciency things the likes of which she didn't understand because she wasn't sciency like that. She also looked around for research notes that she could intelligably read, looking for an explanation to this place, and even more importantly, any sign that someone had been here recently as it had probably been abandoned when the evacuation had been sounded.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Searching around, Hectate saw no signs of anybody having been here recently, however as she looked down, the occasional cell had a occupant, like a mechanical spider from earlier, large blobs of slime that had taken up the entirety of the cell, even a woman once or twice with the features of a monster pounding at the glass so they could get their next bit of food, which Hectate could only assume was sex, Rui was fiddling with equipment she shouldnt even be touching in the background and Taku was resting on one of the operating tables, falling asleep almost.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Looking down into the cells, the only thing that really caught her interest were the women, who all looked and acted like wild animals needing to feed, and the mechanical spider that honestly made even her blush when she thought about it, remembering her qoute unqoute capture by the things in excurciating detail and of half a mind to go down to it and have a little fun. It was in a cell, so it was probably sentient in it's own way, the large one certainly had been. Looking around for a computer, Hecate continued to explore the lab, paying no attention to Rui and letting Taku nap if she wanted to.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Searching around for a terminal or two, Hectate managed to find one on a table leaning against the wall, just above what looked like a very high security cell, it required a log in much like all the other terminals found around this facility, Taku had a sleep and Rui continued messing around with chemicals while Hectate ignored her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Rui dear, I don't mind what you do as long as you don't drink or spill those chemicals, so please be careful" Hecate called as she glanced down into the cell. After looking down into the high sec cell, Hecate directed her attention to the terminal, getting out her new book to try and start cracking if she had to, wondering what was going on here. Experimentation obviously, but why had everything just been abandoned, or even worse, continued to be used as the spiders suggested after the evacuation.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Evaluating the computer, Hectate could see this one was hooked up to a LAN instead of being online in a intranet like all the others, it was running quite a old fashioned operating system too, not like all the other computers she had seen before, infact it was so old it was only prompting a single password, the computer itself had a sort of digital camo print on it as well.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

An old military computer, that meant that based on the age, that it was made without real security in mind. Cracking her knuckles and flipping her book open, Hecate began to run through simple override protocols for the password prompts based around maintenance keys. Every computer had one, and the oldest of them had several back when computers were new. Time to find out what this place was really for.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Running some override protocols, Hectate run into a roadblock with the problem being that it wasnt interfacing with the old operating system, hmm, she had little to no clue on how to progress.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate laughed and rubbed her forehead before doing something much simpler, going around the back of the computer and taking the harddrive. A machine like this would have everything on it saved to the harddisk and she could take it back to the headquarters at the tram station for people better then herself to deal with it. This was done because part of her seriously doubted that anyone would leave out yet another password just lying about. Having accomplished that, Hecate looked around for any solid research notes. Filing cabinets, paper, folders, dossiers, and of course the release switches for the holding cells.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Shopping around for any important looking papers, Hectate unfortunately found nothing all the cabinets etc. had nothing in them and the control panel for the cell doors were nowhere to be found, the only thing of interest was a door that wasnt marked and Ruis strange creations with the chemicals she was using.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Ruis, stop playing with the chemicals before you blow us all up please, I found a door" Hecate called, before moving towards the unmarked door and peering inside, or kicking it open if it was locked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Rui stopped messing about with things Hectate probably shouldnt have let her touch in the first place, huffing in slight anger, she prodded Taku to get her awake as the group left through the door, finding themselves in a maintenance room, with vents leading all around this facility, there were five and they all led to different places.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Hrm... Vent's everywhere... That presumably go everywhere. Excellent~ but there are 5... and 3 of us, i'd rather it was 4... One second." Hecate said, looking around before heading back out and down to th holding cells, looking for the mechanical spider. Looking at it through the glass of it's cell, Hecate put her hands on her hips. "Okay... Now or never, are you intelligent, and if I let you out, will you do as I ask?" She said at the thing. They had seemed intelligent before...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Going back to the cells, Hectate tried to test if the mechanical spider was intelligent, it emitted a quiet metallic noise, signifying a yes as its faceplate grew green, nodding, Hectate now had to find the control panel for all the cells, if worse comes to worse it might be in that computer...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate said screw consoles because they were stupid hard to find and shot the glass before kicking it in, destroying it like every other cell in this stupid place with it's doors and secrets and stuff she wasn't smart enough to understand!

It was like a slight retard moment, but it had proven effective against the other cell door, and her own giant ass had done in two others, so this was much faster and just as effective as opening the door the appropriate way. "Excellent! Come on then~ We have a compound to search" She said cheerfully, reaching out to pat the thing on the head.