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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: virgin island

i dont about right now but. when i had last played it. it was enough to beat the game.
the intro
the battle system
and most of the stuff from the 1st town.
and all items

yeah? i just started up, finished the intro, and the first guy i talked to spouted moonrunes at me, guess it was just bad luck.

are the H scenes translated?
Re: virgin island

I just got the wish stone. The fortune teller says that I should face the demon now. But where's the demon?
Re: virgin island

On the way to the moon tower, you may have encountered the masked man going into a cave to the east of the forest's exit. This is the final dungeon where the demon is. You can use the moon tower feathers sold by the skelton to get there easily.
Re: virgin island

whats ending 4? i just looked through the images and that ending was not in there.
Re: virgin island

whats ending 4? i just looked through the images and that ending was not in there.

It's the slave ending, with the fat glasses guy who watches your fight at the arena, and also the mayor's son (I think he was the mayor, too long ago to remember)
Re: virgin island

some/most of the H scenes in the 1st town were done if i recall(its been a while) i know for a fact the 1st 2/5 of the guy on the beach were in English
Re: virgin island

Well not much translated in this version yet. Nothing I could find translated after the intro scene.. hopefully see some updates to the translation soon.
Re: virgin island

Myeah sorry about that. Busy with exams and stuff, haven't had too much progress. That other translated version is one done by another member on the forums here but I'm using it as a base.
Re: virgin island

Sweet. I have to say that this is one of the best RPG maker game I have played, even though it's a bit too short. The way she transformed into nude goddess during the final battle really surprised me, haha. I wonder if the transformation won't happen if she loses her virginity. I haven't tried it out. It definitely deserves a translation. I have downloaded more than 10 RPG maker game during this week. I stopped playing them in 30 minutes, because they are shit.
Re: virgin island

no that's what a goddess is is a perfect begin a non virgin is not perfect.if you are not a virgin when you use that wish you are granted a God Ball in which if you never used them would have 3 total :3
Re: virgin island

so i'm trying to free the eyepatch guy in jail, but i dont have the option to free him,

perhaps i need to learn about the mirror from someone else first?

who do i talk to?
Re: virgin island

so i'm trying to free the eyepatch guy in jail, but i dont have the option to free him,

perhaps i need to learn about the mirror from someone else first?

who do i talk to?

I think you learn about the mirror from the red haired kid in the 2nd village after you rescue the little girl. It's been a while since I played this game thought so I might be wrong on this.
Re: virgin island

I think you learn about the mirror from the red haired kid in the 2nd village after you rescue the little girl. It's been a while since I played this game thought so I might be wrong on this.

she doesnt seem to have even gone missing yet.
Re: virgin island

ya i dont have this game anymore but if its ever fully in english ill get it again :3
as for that its hard to say because i don't know what the characters are saying...just talking with every npc you can find it will work out eventually :3

what i do know after you do something a maid sweeping should appear in front of the mansion talk to her. what ever she says has some importance...
also if you haven't done it already agree to go to the home of the fat ugly kid(how to do this im not sure maybe win the 1st 2-4 fights in the arena or activate the awkward shower scene)

after talk to him and agree(1st option) you will go into his house and he will try to molest you you punch him square in the jaw(although i was ecstatic when this happen as a girl finally does something against a human! ending 4 utterly ruined my joy and all the stuff leading up to that)
anyway after you seen the inside of his house you should be able to free the prisoner.
Re: virgin island

she doesnt seem to have even gone missing yet.

I think you sopeak to the girl inside the house, then speak to the dad of the boy, now sleep i nthe INN overnight, I think the little girl outside goes missing then.
Re: virgin island

Someone could please helpme?

Im trying to get the 1.23 version of this game, also at english because i heard there is a version im not sure, i only have the 1.06 version.

Please, help xD