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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: virgin island

Can't outside a PM. This game includes shota, and the mods are right now over in the RPGmaker thread making big loud points about how EVERYTHING under 18 is banned.

That kid in the 2nd town is not possibly 18.

note the the incoming horde: I'm not "starting anything" by simply quoting the rules. There is no exception for there only being one character, and that's only the clearest example. The girl from the same town is fairly guaranteed to be under 18 as well.
Re: virgin island

Honestly I don't know of a single RPG Maker game that does not have someone under 18. This keeps up I think we need to find a new forum for RPG Maker Games as the way everyone is bringing to everyones attention I am believing all RPG Maker games are pretty much going to be dead for discussions here :(
Re: virgin island

Oh my good call the police and arrest all who have sex with pixel characters who dont seme to be not older than eighteen.
I cant hear it anymore, I am an an Animefan many years, and very fascinated of design story etc. but I am able to be so realistic that I can say its good damed not real!

It would be shame to chancel this nice translation projekt in the name of pseudo holy thinking.

Or is in your country where you live forbidden so that will be injailed?

Re: virgin island

Oh my good call the police and arrest all who have sex with pixel characters who dont seme to be not older than eighteen.
I cant hear it anymore, I am an an Animefan many years, and very fascinated of design story etc. but I am able to be so realistic that I can say its good damed not real!

It would be shame to chancel this nice translation projekt in the name of pseudo holy thinking.

Or is in your country where you live forbidden so that will be injailed?


try again in English.

but yeah, Loli is against the rules, i assume shota is against the rules too.

deal with it.
Re: virgin island

i h8 to tell you star. but in America that's actually a crime a person got 3 years of jail time for having cartoon/anime porn depicting characters they were supposedly underage.

the problem with this is who decides the age of a fictional character.
their are anime girls that are 16-20+who look like their 7-12 years old...(tho 16-17 is still rape even tho they can move away from their parents...are laws are so fucked up :3)

of course if you don't believe me look up the stuff your self :3

Re: virgin island

If I were you guys I would just move ever RPG maker thread here onto Hongfire.

They aren't half as anal about loli and shota as the guys around here.


i'm pretty sure they arnt allowed to share ANY game links on hongfire.

thats how it was last time i was there anyway, thats why I came here.
Re: virgin island

If I were you guys I would just move ever RPG maker thread here onto Hongfire.

They aren't half as anal about loli and shota as the guys around here.

thats a great idea. hongfire needs more threads and more posts. i can still find useful information there without wasting an entire day searching hundreds of pages of ONE threat. that has to stop.
Re: virgin island


i'm pretty sure they arnt allowed to share ANY game links on hongfire.

thats how it was last time i was there anyway, thats why I came here.

Really? Cause you seem to be able to share links just fine as far as I can tell.
Re: virgin island

I dont understand why it is illegal, they are not real

It seems useless to me to go after people who read or play things like this than going after people who truly molest children

The world is so full of crazyness if you ask me.

But i guess im not now getting a link to the 1.23 version of this xD, i dont wanna buy it T_T
Re: virgin island

I dont understand why it is illegal, they are not real

It seems useless to me to go after people who read or play things like this than going after people who truly molest children

The world is so full of crazyness if you ask me.

But i guess im not now getting a link to the 1.23 version of this xD, i dont wanna buy it T_T

Eh people's priorities are messed up. Apparently it's worse to fantasize about it than it is toactually do it.

You can have the most twisted perversions out there, but as long as you dont act on them Who's it hurting really?

Better to just look at anime pics than to actually be forcing yourself on little kids.
Re: virgin island

That's how the world we lived in. It can't be helped.
I wonder if I am going to be arrested if I were to draw naked underage cartoon characters in my room.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Re: virgin island

Hongfire didn't eliminate their torrent and DL forums and make new rules to disallow sharing because of loli. It was a CYA measure in the face of potential legal action from facilitating the dissemination of copyrighted material.
Re: virgin island

anyone have version 1.23 all the links to that are invalid or deleted so could someone upload it again to depostfile or mediafire again please??
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Re: virgin island

btw i played thru virgin island 1.23 and their was no loli that i noticed(unless im not understanding the age group for loli which i would guess to be 14 and under? or lower)
the main character is like 16-18 right?

ohh...their was a underage kid at one time but that was a boy i never got that scene was not interested
Re: virgin island

Poor american people, i think you have the free speech law.

Thats how the usa act freedom for every body, fight against the evil countrys in the world against suppression of a free mind.

Even in stupid and intollerant germany you are allowed to own loli if its fiction and you dont distribute it.

And yes iam not the best english writting person but for me its enough.

But it interessting how much games with loli content i got here:mad:
Re: virgin island

Even in stupid and intollerant germany you are allowed to own loli if its fiction and you dont distribute it.

that's true, but even if you just talked about loli hentai like "omg this is so good" it would put you in danger because it would be considered advertising it.
the only way to be on the safe side is to never ever upload anything like it and to never ever talk about it or to never ever write stories about stuff like that on any public accessible media like ulmf for example... that would be considered distribution. it makes no difference if you're uploading a picture or just describing a picture or scene with words. in german law this is considered to be the same.
reasoning behind this is protection of children AND protection of the souls purity of those who (accidentally) watch/read this stuff. (im not making this up)

so our freedom of speech here in germany isn't so much better.

(and we're not stupid and intollerant :()
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Re: virgin island

it was a little hard to comprehend that but...yes the "freedom"of speech that we Americans have is utter bullshit...
its more like your allowed to say what you want so long as no one hears you...

you cant smack some 12 year old(along with his/her friends)who are trying to rob you in the middle of the day while your walking some where(this has happened)

hell you gotta be careful even when complementing someone...so they don't think your harassing them >.>
that's why i prefer to live in a fictional world...
brain washed fools call people that avoid society losers among other things but i think they have the right idea...

the other day in a chat channel a girl was complaining that a guy called her cute :/
mys well say something about the game the threads for...hmm...
The biggest issue i have with the game is the endings not even in what they are but that you generally will have to have a earlier save to keep playing if you want to have all scenes and stuff unlocked.
probably the best spot to have a back up save is right b4 you break into the mention as at that point its still possible to get every scene (if i recall)

if you get a scene save then reload a previous save and the new scene will be unlocked :3
btw my thing when i post says demon girl pro i never played that is that like a profile rank or is that changeable.
Re: virgin island

i always thought the biggest problem with freedom of speech in america is that you have to watch your tongue if you dont want to get shot by an angry stranger :D
Re: virgin island

Bad mad world

but so long owning loli is are allowed its ok for me, because iam not a producer of such media.

but i like the kind drawing only animecharacters.

I think the police have to search for real crime and not for manga characters.
If politicians dont think so they should not speak about chinese censorship.
Because if the law in china ore so strict the world have to accept it.

In sweeden was a man injailed but now he is a free man an loli is allowed in
