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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The captain sat and waited as Sera surveyed the troops. It was a mixed bag of races and half breeds. Almost all of them had some form of visual mutation. In turn the girls eyed Sera as much as she eyed them some even giving her a wink. Making her decision known to Captain April Sera moved to stand next to June.

"Okay I want Alyssa, Penny, Jolee, Feris, Urma, and Grace. Front and center!" As the command rang out the woman moved to the front. Alyssa was a small woman reaching only 4'8. What stood out about her was her absolute pale skin sheltered from the harsh day with a hooded cloak that hid most of her features besides her pale skin red eyes and near white blonde hair. Two daggers wickedly sharp sat on the same hip a simple leather holster holding them in place. Feris was next and while Alyssa was small lithe Feris was tall and built like a prized brawler or pit fighter. Her brown hair was short and spiky and her armor was patchwork at best and full of unnecessary spikes. Her skin from the looks of it made her out to be a Aundorian and she wielded a Large greatsword. Grace came up next and while she fell in between Feris and Alyssa's builds she looked to be the only unmutated one of the bunch. Her weapon of choice it seemed was a glaive. She wore rather skimpy leather armor and her red hair was currently done in a pony tail the stretched to the ground. The last two Jolee and Penny came up together and from the looks of it where identical twins. Both had bows of white wood and their freckled coppery hair gave a hint at Carolinian blood but what set them apart was the colorful swishy fox tails and ears. Looking around the captain swears out loud. Lyla, Becky go find Urma and give her a week of breeding work!" Two more woman stepped out of line and bowed leaving the group in a hurry.

"Sorry Matriarch Urma is a good fighter but lacks discipline. Her mother forced her into the common guard to teach her a valuable lesson. The only royal in the entire core and she has no idea how her life is blessed by living in the palace. As for the tattoos the Matriarch is fond of the design and all of our soldiers besides officers are forced to have it. It ensures that the Matriarch has loyal soldiers even if their Ladies plan revolt."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing the way the girls were almost hopefully eying her, Sera couldn't help but smile and giggle a little bit at them, winking back some. After captain April called out the six names for the girls to step out and show themselves to Sera, she looked at them each on in turn as they stepped forth, looking a little impressed at their obvious strength from the training they'd been through most likely. When Urma failed to show herself at first though, Sera thought that she may have simply just been in the back or something, but after the captain called out to two other girls to go and find Urma and to give her a week's worth of breeding duties, Sera quickly thought to herself that maybe she could earn this Urma's loyalty by sparing her from breeding duty.

"Wait captain... perhaps I could try and help you out with Urma instead, because I don't mind someone that lacks discipline so long as they keep an eye out for June and myself, more June than me though, because I can handle myself in a fight. She wouldn't refuse the orders of a matriarch would she? If so then I could perhaps find a suitable punishment that would prevent her from disobeying orders again, or at the very least I could handle her punishment for you if that is acceptable of course. And also thank you for informing me about the tattoos," Sera said quickly to captain April, trying to catch the two girls she'd sent out for Urma before they left. If she did go ahead and let her go to find this Urma, then Sera would nod graciously and then look to the other five that had been selected to accompany her and June, where she would smile at them. "Come along then ladies, show me where Urma is and we'll go and have a talk with her," Sera would tell the selected girls and captain April if she wished to come along to find Urma and give the girl her orders.

If it turned out that captain April didn't want to risk sending Urma with Sera then she would nod while expressing a slight bit of disappointment before heading on, motioning to the other girls to follow her as she headed out into the town in search of someone that could work jewelry for her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

April seemed to think this over a moment mulling the idea over in her head before a slow smile graced her lips. "Deal however I will still have Becky and Lyla fetch her but I will leave her discipline to you. As for the others You have three girls to pick. Don't worry about separating the twins where on goes the other follows and will only count as one choice for your guards."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Very well then captain, send them onwards to fetch her. And so I'll have her and three others? Hmm... let's see..." Sera replied as she looked over the girls, trailing off as she made her decision. Maybe if she could gain their trust and loyalty, then she could free them when she left here. It wasn't much she knew, but it may very well be the best she could do in terms of freeing people from something that they may not wish to do. She'd have to learn more before she made any final decision on the matter of course, but it was definitely on the table. "Grace... Jolee and Penny, and Feris. If that is alright captain. Once everyone is here then ladies, if you can, escort me to the nearest blacksmith or jeweler in town that can make a sort of. I need to get a symbol for June here so that everyone knows and won't mess with her," Sera said to the girls she'd chosen, smiling at them all as they waited for Urma.

"Hmhm, maybe I shall play at being stern with her at first to spook her into shape," Sera said with a giggle before Urma got there.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Allysia the girl left out of the pick simply smiled and flash Sera a wicked fanged grin. The others stood at attention as the captain gave their marching orders. "You are hereby assigned as protection for the Matriarch during her stay. You however are not allowed to stay in the palace and will meet the Matriarch at the gates in the morning. Now head out." All the girls put a hand to their breast and bowed deeply. Free now Sera was allowed to explore the merchants and such as she liked. As she waited for Urma to be brought to her. Finding one metal smith Sera was surprised to find a young man working in the shop uncollared. "Hello matriarch what may I do for you?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera winked back at Alyssa when she smiled at her and showed her fangs, making Sera believe that the girl was a vampire or possibly just someone mutated enough to have fangs... likely the latter. After captain April gave the girls their orders, Sera went on, allowing captain April to send Urma on her way after they had found her, though Sera was a little sad that they wouldn't be allowed to come into the palace with her, as she wouldn't mind having the extra protection in there just in case.

Regardless though, they went on out and towards the blacksmith, where once they arrived they saw a young man without a collar standing inside working. "Ah hello there sir. I need some sort of symbol to give my lovely June here. I was thinking maybe some sort of silver or pearl feather on gold, something lovely that befits her beauty I think," replied to the young man, gesturing at June and complimenting the girl, hoping to brighten her up just a little bit as they awaited Urma.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"A piece of jewelry you say for your slave?" June winced a bit which Sera caught out of the corner of her eye. "June is it? If you mind Matriarch may I see your slave up close? I wish to pick the best material to complement her beauty." The man's tone wasn't cruel or demeaning but sounded simply as fact of life though clearly it made June uncomfortable. If given permission the smith would look over June carefully noting her skin and eyes though Sera did have to give a little instance as June hesitated. While simply overlooked here if June failed to heed Sera's commands with a meeting of one of the nobles then they would both be in trouble.

"Lovely simply lovely Matriarch you have woundeful tastes in slaves. I do believe I have been inspired. If you come back in the evening I should have it ready for you."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Aye, something beautiful for her to wear to show she's mine so nobody messes with her but me unless I say so," Sera replied to the man, nodding to the man as he asked June's name. Sera then touched June's arm to let her know that she wasn't really her slave and merely needed everyone else to think she was to keep her safe, where she then gestured to the guy to look her over. "You may see her up close, and touch her if you need measurements, just don't touch her in any inappropriate place please that she doesn't wish you to. It's alright June, nobody would dare harm you while I'm here with you, especially not with four other guards here at the same time," Sera added to the man, then to June to alleviate any fears she might have as she gave her a wink.

When the man complimented her on her choice in lovers, or slaves as he said specifically, Sera smiled back to him. "Why thank you very much good sir, I thought June was extremely beautiful the first time I saw her, and she's got a good heart, I shall return in a few hours then. Would sometime just before dinner be good?" Sera said to the man, asking if right before dinner would be fine to come and pick whatever he'd made up, hoping it would be pretty and that June would like it, and also that it'd serve its purpose as well and nobody would bother her.

With that, she left the man to work on whatever he had in mind for June to wear, taking June by the hand and leading her away with her new guards through town, deciding to just walk around for now and take in the sights, and see any viable ways out just in case. After a little while, Sera leaned over and kissed June on the cheek. "Hey, it's okay June, I won't let anyone do anything to you okay, I promise. Only I can do things to you, and only then when you're feeling up to it," Sera whispered to June, though she wasn't trying to be quiet exactly either.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Humm an hour or so after dinner would be great Matrarch." The smith bowed before Sera only raising once she had left his sight. "Matriarch it was kind of you to give that man work." It was Feris who spoke the massive woman's voice a deep but feminine tone. "Aye that man has more troubles then most men around here." This game from Grace her voice was rich bordering on sultry. "Your the bestest most kindest Matriarch EVER! This came from the twins their voices evenly matched giving Sera a slight twined echo. June on the other hand remained silent lost in her thoughts as she was lead by leash to see around town.

There where many sights to see if Sera wished. The commons was a bustle of woman some with a few slaves of their own. The gardens where also a special sight a bud and bloom with strange exotic flowers. Her guides for the most part surrounded her making sure she and June where not accosted by hangers on. Thankfully her second and surprised public appearance seemed to shock most of the residents. After an hour or so of sight seeing the two guardswoman that had been sent to find Urma had returned dragging an uncooperative female in a cloak to stand before her. "We are sorry it took so long Matriarch she decided today was the day she wanted to start a fight. Thankfully no one got any serious injuries." With that they pushed the woman forward causing her to fall to her knees in front of Sera a long dirty brown cloak hiding her features.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Very well then good sir, thank you for this, I will find a way to pay you by the time I come to get it tonight then, have a good day," Sera told the man, nodding her head in thanks when he told her to come back an hour or so after dinner, where she then went off, an arm holding June's hand after she got the leash tied around her own wrist so that it was as long as possible so June could have freedom of movement as much as she could manage.

After leaving the blacksmith to do his work, Sera glanced around at her guards as they all spoke up and complimented her on her decision of the man whom she'd gotten to work June a symbol of office of a sort. "Hmhm, thank you all for the kind words, but really I'm not that great. How come he has more troubles than most men around here though? Are people cruel to him? If so then that is not right," Sera said with a giggle, asking why the man had more than trouble than most.

As they walked around taking in the sights of the town, Sera saw many women walking about in the commons, some of which had slaves of their own it looked like, which kind of annoyed her while at the same time made her a little more curious of their culture, as it seemed anyone was capable of owning a slave here instead of just the nobles. She did indeed stop at the gardens when she saw them also, bringing June with her and hoping that seeing the strange, exotic, yet beautiful flowers would cheer her up some. If anyone came too near to her she saw her guards not really allowing too many too close, but she didn't really say anything to them just yet about that, thinking to herself that she'd say something either once Urma had been brought there, or if they tried to forcibly keep anyone away from her or anything of the sort instead.

After an hour or so, with Sera deciding to stay in the gardens after arriving there if it seemed to cheer June up any, she saw the two guards from earlier that captain April sent to find Urma coming, pretty much dragging the girl who seemed to not like it one bit as she was struggling every step of the way. As soon as they pushed Urma towards her where she fell to her knees there, Sera looked at the two and nodded to them. "Thank you ladies, I appreciate your help, I think I can handle it from here now. Please, go and inform the captain that you've finished your mission of finding and bringing her to me," Sera told the two, thanking them for bringing Urma to her.

Once they were gone, Sera then looked down at Urma and knelt in front of her, reaching out and putting a finger under her chin and tilting her head up to see her face. "Please, let me see your face Urma, your captain told me to pick some guards to accompany me today in my travels around town since I am so new here, and you were one of the guards I chose," Sera told Urma as she pulled her head up gently so she could see her face, a kind and gentle expression on her own as she looked at Urma. Assuming Urma looked up at her and began to get up, Sera would even offer her a hand and help her up as well.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

All her guides where silent on the subject till Feris spoke. "As you know most men are slaves to the women. The smith their is an exception to the rule. His Mistress was turned into a slime girl. Sadly the transformation left her with out much of her memories except her unending love for the smith. She came back and defended him viciously from any who tried to claim him. In the end the Matriarch herself declared him free in order to maintain control over the crazed beast. Ever sense the woman have been reluctant to commission any work for him though the captain has all our weapons and armor made their so the man doesn't starve." It was a sad tale the gave even June pause out of her thoughts.

When they arrived at the gardens June's spirit immediately lifted and so Sera decided to stay her for a good long while. After spending some time among the flowers Urma was brought before her. Dismissing the other guards Sera lifted up the woman's face to see catch a glimpse of her features. Shockingly Urma was the near spitting image of the Matriarch. From hair to skin the only thing lacking was her mothers massive breasts and other gift. At the offer of the hand Urma looked away hastily shunning Sera's offer which seemed to cause Feris some anger. "Hey now you proud cunt the matriarch spared you from breeding duty so best behave or at lest be thankful." This didn't even seem to phase the woman who got up on her own accord.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"That is a sad story Feris, but thank you for telling me about it, and your captain is a good person for helping him out, perhaps this will earn him some respect from other people enough that he'll get some decent work from people. What happened to his old mistress? Did the matriarch... kill her?" Sera said after Feris told her about the blacksmith man who was doing her work. Then once they were at the gardens, Sera was happy that June had brightened up some and just let her lead them around the place to look at all of the flowers as much as she wanted to, merely smiling the whole time they were there at seeing June at least a little happier.


Urma's face she saw was... damn near exactly the same as Jolynn's was, hell the only thing missing was the dick and some larger breasts it seemed. Sera said nothing as Urma didn't take her hand and began getting up on her own as Feris angrily told her off for it. "It's alright Feris, I'm not angry at her," Sera politely told Feris, smiling and nodding to her to ease off, where she turned back to Urma. "So Urma... do you not talk much? Or do you just not want to talk to me? I'm not going to beat you or anything for any transgressions if that's what you're afraid of, I'm not going to do anything to hurt you for that matter. I would like to be friends with you if we can Urma, and the rest of you too of course. Will you follow me now Urma... and protect June and myself here from harm while you're with us?" Sera then asked Urma, slowly reaching out again to gently push Urma's hood from her cloak off and her hair out of her eyes so she could to show all of her face where she then extended her hand in friendship to Urma, to see if she would accept her offer of friendship.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I fear no woman dick or no." It happened so fast Sera almost missed it as Feris hauled of and slapped Urma across the face. "You will speak to those above your station with respect!" Looking at Feris Sera saw the tattoo on her chest glowing with red energy. Urma for her part took the slap in stride even as the blow turned her head. "Respect my dear Feris is why you are not dead at my feet. Matriarch I do not wish to be friends but I will follow your orders and guard your property.'
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see, well I..." Sera began saying as Feris moved so quickly and slapped Urma that she nearly missed the whole exchange between the two. She waited until Feris was through talking, more than a little stunned to even speak really until a few seconds after she and Urma were both done talking.

"Okay, Feris really... it's alright. And Urma, I really would like to be friends, with all of you if possible during my stay here. And I would like it if you all didn't fight amongst each other either, it doesn't show a lot of trust considering you're in the same unit I think. I wouldn't want one of you to allow something to happen to the other simply because you don't like them or anything of the sort which could in turn cause something to happen to myself or to June while I'm not around, in which case I would be very unhappy. So can I trust you all to play nice with each other at least while you're all with me and June?" Sera went on to say, first trying to calm Feris down before she started a bloody brawl in the middle of the street, while noticing the reddish glow on her chest from the tattoo, and then turning to Urma to see if she would calm down as well. "Just know Urma that my offer of friendship is always open to you regardless," Sera added as an afterthought.

With that, assuming everyone had calmed down now, Sera would look back to June to see if she wished to move on or stay in the gardens for a while longer before they went to the library as Jolynn had agreed to allow them to search through for records of anything that might help her in her search. Sera didn't mind staying there for a while if June didn't want to leave though, looking at some of the odd flowers there herself before taking June and heading to find something in the town to eat for the both of them, and for their guards too of course, as she would feel bad to eat in front of them and them not eat anything themselves.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Feris seemed to calm at Sera's words the glow from her tatoo dimming till it finally dissipated. "Don't worry Matriarch they are bound to do as you say and I will obey of my own accord." With that out of the way and Urma taking up a position that was clearly isolated from the group but still close enough to respond to any trouble if need be. June stayed as long as Sera would allow but alast they had appointments to keep and dinner to eat. The question was where to go first. Do they fetch some food or head to the library.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Very well Urma, ladies... come along then, let us be going now," Sera said to Urma, then the rest, gesturing to them to follow along, glad that they were all calm now, or at least now that they looked calmed down anyway.


After June had gotten her fill of the gardens, Sera looked to her and smiled. "Hey, are you getting hungry now June? Or would you like to go on to the library first? Either way is fine with me really, but I am feeling a little hungry myself. So if it's okay with you I think we should get us some lunch to eat before heading over that way to the library," Sera asked June, patting her shoulder a time or two. "You ladies can come with us and get a bite too if you wish, I'm sure that it's nearing your normal lunchtime anyway and I'm not so mean as to sit and eat while you all watch," Sera added to the others if June agreed to go and have lunch, where she'd walk around town to see if there were any decent looking places to eat at there, asking her new bodyguards if there were any if she and June couldn't find any soon after starting their search.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera walked she found quite a few restaurants that had delicious smelling food. However many clearly had signs stating Citizens only no slaves. At this Urma seemed to humph while the rest of her guards didn't seemed phased. After an hour or so and with June holding her rumbling belly Sera found herself at a restaurant that looked off the beaten path and a little shady. What had caught her eye however was the woman going in and out with their slaves.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As they went onwards, Sera simply couldn't find a decent restaurant that would serve both her and June, along with their guards, puffing a cheek out as she noticed just ones that didn't allow slaves and their owners inside, not that June was her slave that is of course. Finally after quite some time of walking around town, they came to a place that was a little off the main roads or paths of the town, where Sera noticed a couple of women walking in and out with their slaves. It was a good thing too that she spotted the place, Sera thought, as June was obviously getting quite hungry from the way her belly was growling as she held it.

"There's a place we can eat at I think, I don't see why our lovers can't enter with us at the other places, but alas I don't make the laws or it would be so," Sera said as she led them over towards the slightly shady looking restaurant, hoping to get some food for herself and June, as well as the others of course. Once inside, Sera would ask for a table or two tables that were close by one another for them all to eat at, where she would order something simple for lunch or if they had a nice soup or stew then she'd get that instead, then she would get June whatever she wanted as well and tell their guards to order something for themselves as well if they were hungry.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera entered two things happened at once. The first was the usual din of plate and fork, talk and chatter stopped leaving the place in near dead silence. All eyes where on her and her entourage. The second thing that happened was a fairly older woman in a rather revealing dress stepped up to Sera after giving Urma a quick glance. "Ah matriarch please have a seat and forgive my patrons they have only heard about your arrival in the city. I must say Im quite surpris.. eer.. honored to serve one such as yourself at my humble establishment." After a moment the din of eating picked up though the tables closest to where Sera was lead still eyed her. Some had eyes of wonder while others was either Jealously or contempt. "What can I serve for you today. Do not worry about payment your are my personal quests today." With that the elderly woman handed over a group of menus. On them where listed fairly common foods thought the special menu seemed to have exotic dishes. The strangest of these was called Nyotaimori.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As the group went inside Sera could hear the sounds of plate and sliverware clattering around, as well as people talking a bit. She then noticed that everyone stopping with their food and whatnot as they all came inside the place, all of the people in there staring at them all now. "It is okay, I am not offended by the staring and whatnot miss. And yes I will worry about payment, there are seven of us and I doubt you could handle not getting paid for that much food. If it were just myself and June here then I would accept your offer, but as it's not I won't," Sera said, unwilling to not pay for the food and noticing some of the jealous and contemptible looks she was getting and simply ignoring them for the most part.

Giving the elderly woman a gentle smile as she took the menus, Sera took a seat at a table large enough for them all if there was one, taking two tables and pushing them together if there wasn't one large enough by itself for the seven in their group. "What is this Nyotaimori exactly miss? I'm curious," Sera asked about the strange dish she saw.