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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June blushed at the kiss and the compliment before a slight cough echoed from behind her. "Matriarch it would be best if we get you to the palace. I will have our two foxy ladies await your word if you shall need us once more." Sera could head to the palace or stick it out a wee bit longer and explore some more. If she chose to head back to the palace she would part with her guards at the gate the two fox sisters waving at her as they sat near a fountain and chatted. Once inside she would see many of the servants running to and fro must fully clothed in maid outfits. None of the pregnant slaves where present.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Very well then, I shall check out the library later in that case. Let us go now," Sera replied, heading on back to the palace, with June and the others in tow of course.

When they arrived at the palace gates, Sera looked back to her guards closely for a moment before turning to Feris and Grace. "Can you two tell captain April that I thank her for sending you girls with me today? And if you'd be a couple of dears, can you also go and check with our blacksmith friend soon to see if he's completed the item I requested? I'd be very grateful to you both if you could do that for me, and make sure to find out how much the item he's making for me costs so I'll be able to compensate him properly for his work," Sera told Feris and Grace, leaving that task to them, then she turned to Urma and smiled at her slightly. "And Urma, thank you for the help you gave earlier in helping me pick out a dress, as well as making sure I didn't choose that Nyotaimori dish from the restaurant before that, which would have been quite embarrassing I think for both myself and June. Tell captain April that I believe you should have another chance as a sign of thanks from me and that I'm requesting leniency on any punishment because you saved me some embarrassment and helped to pick out a gorgeous dress as well. Girls, I expect you all to speak on Urma's behalf for me as well. Now I know we got off on the wrong foot and all, but you really do have my thanks on that Urma, and the rest of you have my thanks as well for merely accompanying me. Feris, Grace, one of the two of you can send for me when you've brought the symbol our blacksmith friend made for me, or when you find out it's done, at which point we shall venture down and get it," Sera then said, bowing her head slightly in thanks to Urma's excellent choice in helping pick out the dress, as well as warning her of the Nyotaimori dish before she chose it, which she was about to do before Urma spoke up.

With that, Sera would part ways with her guards, having the fox girls remain around the fountain to accompany her if she decided to leave at any point, while the other girls went off to do what she'd told them to do, figuring that Urma likely wouldn't be coming in at any point with her and that she'd be able to do what she'd told her to tell her captain. "Come on June, let's go and I shall make sure that you stay in our bedroom for this just in case, I don't want anyone trying anything on you and it would probably be for the best until Urma can show you the ropes... if we're here that long that is," Sera whispered to June as they went inside, unless they were stopped by any of their guard girls or by anyone else.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

For the most part Sera had free reign of the palace the guards still in their typical revealing armor stood at the ready in various places. By the sheer number of them it was hard to believe that they where all Urma's sisters. The Matriarch must be very prolific and fertile. Of course that lead to other questions such as how old was the matriarch. Urma herself appeared to be in her twenties maybe even older than herself. Still they where mysteries that would have to wait for another time as Pet interrupted her thoughts with a squeal of delight before pouncing on June right at their door. This of course frightened the poor girl but thankfully nothing else happened as Pet nuzzled June while they lay on the floor.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Leaving the guard girls for the time being, Sera headed on back inside with June, noting all of the palace guards that were apparently all Urma's sisters if what she'd been told was true, and they did look much alike both Urma and Jolynn, so it seemed that it was true, at least for the most part. When they entered their bedroom however, all thoughts were pushed aside for the moment as Pet pounced out onto June, knocking her down to the floor, frightening the poor girl something awful in the process. Sera couldn't help but giggle however at June's predicament, as it was kind of funny, but she rescued her yet again as she pulled Pet up and off of her with a gentle touch.

"Come Pet, let her up off the floor okay, I believe you frightened her a bit with that," Sera told the cat girl, helping June up as soon as Pet was up and off of her, where she'd lead them both over to the bed and sit down, setting her bag with the new dress in it to the side for now. "You shouldn't scare us like that sweetie, it startled even myself a bit. But don't worry okay, I'm not angry with you," Sera told Pet, reaching over and stroking her hair a little for a moment.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Pet of course cooed at the touch willing to let Sera pet her. June however picked herself up off the floor with a slight blush. "Pet I know your fond of me but please I can't have you jumping on me every time you see me." This seemed to make the cat girl sad as she slumped her shoulders. "Im sorry sister but I like you so much. I just want to hug you and kiss you and be with you." This of course caused the girl to blush but only for a moment before she moved to sit down with Pet. "Pet its okay but you must really stay calm alright. Can you do that for me?" Pet nodded with a gleam in her eye and moved to hug June who returned it gently and began to pet the cat girl on the head.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera watched the two and just smiled warmly at them both, reaching over and patting Pet on the head after June hugged her and did the same. "Alright Pet, would you like to see my dress for the dinner party this evening? I think you'll like it," Sera asked the cat girl, getting her new dress out and changing into it so she could go ahead and begin getting ready for said dinner party. "Well what do you both think? Do I look good or what?" Sera asked the two, smoothing down the cloth where she could and giving them a twirl so they could see it all.

Once they had given her an answer on the matter, Sera really only needed to wait until dinner was ready and she was called on in, at which point she'd go, telling the guards around her room to make sure and bring food for June and Pet while she was gone. She would of course chat with the two while she waited and whatnot to kill time. She also waited for Feris and the others to bring word about the errand she'd sent them on too, wondering if they would get there before time for dinner, heading out to see them if they did so.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Pet clapped playfully at the display while June was looking at something else entirely that had nothing to do with her dress. Still they both complimented her on the look and Pet even offered to help Sera with her hair. If Sera relented Pet would lead her to their private bath where she would sit her down in front of a mirrored surface. "Let pet make you look pretty for the Matriarch humm?" June watched as Pet applied makeup expertly to Sera even giving her a fancy hair style. The make seemed a for her but Sera had to admit it drew attention to her eyes. "Do you like it Matriarch?" Pet stood waiting her tail swishing in the air.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera just smiled at Pet and her enthusiastic want to help and graciously accepted her help in their private bathroom to fix up her hair. "Yes Pet, that would be wonderful. Please go ahead," Sera told Pet as she sat down, letting the cat girl do her work.

When Pet was done with her hair, Sera smiled at her again and nodded her head at the question the cat girl asked. "Yes Pet it is wonderful, thank you very much," Sera told Pet, reaching over and petting her on the head and ruffling her hair a little bit in the process. After that, unless either Pet or June had anything else to say or do, then Sera would wait around until time to go to dinner, asking the guards outside to bring some food for June and Pet while she was gone.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After awhile of chatting with Pet and June Sera heard a gentle knock on her door. Answering she found one of the royal guards waiting to escort her to dinner. As she traversed the halls many of the servants watched her pass murmurs and whispers following her every step. As before she was lead to a massive hall that served as the dinning hall. This time it was hardly empty as nearly twenty woman sat at the table. Each one had various amounts of clothing on but all looked at Sera as she made her appearance and was announced by a maid. Each Lady of the court was attractive in her own right and all looked to be in the prime of their youth. "Ahh Matriarch Sera please have a seat at my honored right. Ladies of the court I officially introduce you to Matriarch Sera of the white feather tribe." Each of the woman at the table with the exception of Jolynn bowed their head in deference to her apparent rank. "Matriarch let me introduce you to my Mistress of War and Mistress of Culture. Lady Evalynn and Rei Two Moons." The bookish looking one bowed adjusting her glasses before turning back to her plate and apparent conversation she had been having before Sera's appearance. However Lady Evalynn took the opportunity to speak to Sera. "So Matriarch how was your tour of the city? Was Captain April respectful enough? If not I can have her issued to you for proper punishment." The woman a red head with deep black eyes grinned cruelly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When she heard the knock on the door, Sera answered it and saw the guard lady outside. Following her out and telling the door guards to please bring some food for June and Pet along the way, Sera waved to the two inside her room before heading on out, telling them she'd be back shortly if all went well. Along the way she listened to some of the whispers and murmurs as she passed people, and when they got to the dining hall she saw quite a few women inside as well, at least twenty or so. She watched as all eyes in the hall turned to her, all of whom were quite lovely to say the least she saw. When she saw Jolynn and made her way up to her, Sera smiled and nodded her head to her as she was greeted.

"Thank you matriarch Jolynn, I'm honored to sit at your side for dinner like this. And hello everyone, I am Sera, a matriarch of my people," Sera said, first to Jolynn, and then as she bowed her head slightly in return to their bows as she spoke to everyone else in the room before taking a seat next to Jolynn. When Jolynn introduced her mistresses of war and culture, Sera nodded to the one wearing the glasses before she turned back to what she'd been doing before, then when the redheaded lady Evalynn spoke up, Sera turned to her. "Aye the tour was wonderful, and yes captain April was very respectful, punishment isn't necessary lady Evalynn," Sera replied to lady Evalynn.

With that Sera would stay with Jolynn for the time being and mingle with her, chatting with anyone that came over to them, unless it was time to eat that is, in which case she'd stay seated and eat, graciously accepting anything put in front of her and trying it out if it was nothing she knew exactly.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

For the most part the ladies kept to their own conversations though all stole a glance or two at Sera and she was sure that the topic of conversation had shifted to her. Lady Evalynn however seemed the most interested in her. "Tell me Matriarch how strong is the White feather tribe? I'm very interested in a possible military alliance during these troubled times." Evalynn had her dark eyes locked on Sera watching her closely at times it seemed the woman was undressing her with her eyes. "Evalynn this is a social gathering please save business for court." Jolynn had a smile on her face but her voice carried a certain dread in it. "Of course my lady please forgive me." Evalynn bowed but still looked at Sera in a not so innocent way for the rest of the dinner. As dinner was served she felt a hand trace over her leg and to her cock looking to her left she saw Jolynn with a smirk on her face and gave her a wink as her hand began to tease Sera's large member.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera looked over at lady Evalynn as she spoke again and smiled, about to give an answer when Jolynn basically told her in polite terms to shut the fuck up for now or else. Sera glanced over at Jolynn and smiled a bit. "I don't mind speaking about that a little bit matriarch, if it's alright with you that is, nothing overly long or anything of course, but just a little. My tribe isn't overly strong in terms of numbers, I mean sure we have a few small settlements and whatnot, but still nowhere near the numbers you have here, but we make up for that in other ways. Many of us are powerful magic or spirit users, I myself am a spirit user, a quite powerful one in fact despite my young age," Sera said to both lady Evalynn and Jolynn, shrugging her shoulders some.

She could tell that lady Evalynn was undressing her with her eyes just from the way she was looking at her, but she didn't mind really... in fact she rather enjoyed being undressed with in such a way by someone. After they started dinner however, Sera felt a hand caressing her leg and feeling her up, the hand making its way to her member over her dress's skirt. Glancing over at who the hand belonged to showed it was Jolynn feeling her up, and she saw a smirk on her face as she winked at her, where Sera smirked back at the other matriarch. Sera looked over at Jolynn and bit her bottom lip slightly, letting the other matriarch know that she was doing a wonderful job of teasing Sera. Sera reached over underneath the table just as Jolynn was doing, where she began doing the same back to Jolynn, her hand worming up under Jolynn's skirt and teasing her cock just as she was doing to her's.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The teasing continued awhile Jolynn grinning with a slight blush as dinner started. Still thats all it amounted to at the moment was teasing. Jolynn was only really stimulating Sera enough to get her hard. Soon however Jolynn bit her own lip in response to Sera's own teasing and brought her free hand over to a small silver bell and rang it. "Time to pay your respects to your Matriarch and to honor our visiting dignitary. Almost all the woman at the table blushed as they got up from their seats. A moment later Jolynn took her by the hand and helped Sera up. Looking over she saw Jolynn's massive prick straining under her dress. "Now ladies if you will please come up one at a time." With that said Jolynn let her skirt drop revealing her raging prick. Evalynn was first as she dutifully got on her knees and started to give Jolynn a blow job. "You do not have to partake Matriarch but the ladies of court would be more than willing to release your tension if you so desire." Jolynn licked her lips as the Mistress of war started to deep throat her length.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera was soon hard as a rock at Jolynn's touch and as her raging hard on was pushing against the fabric of her skirt and showing to anyone that was looking that she was horny and ready for action, she saw that her own ministrations soon had Jolynn at the same state of readiness. Sera ate some of her food before hearing Jolynn ring a silver bell that sat next to her, where she then told everyone that it was time to pay their respects. Sera noticed everyone in the great hall there blushing as Jolynn spoke, and she allowed herself to be pulled up by Jolynn as she herself stood up.

As the ladies at the table began coming up towards the two of them and as Jolynn dropped her skirt, Sera figured out what was going on and merely nodded to Jolynn as she spoke while lady Evalynn got down onto her knees and began blowing Jolynn's large dick. "You know what... why not, your home, your customs. As long as your customs don't directly cause harm to me or mine... then I would be honored to learn your customs matriarch Jolynn and follow them while I am here for the most part. And I am finding myself with a bit of stress lately and in need of some relief, if that is alright with you all that is. Also, I do hope that I am dressed properly for the dinner as well matriarch Jolynn, I was a little unsure about what to wear until one of my guards suggested I get something of this sort," Sera said to Jolynn as lady Evalynn began deep throating the other matriarch. With that Sera looked to the ladies of the court and gestured to any that wished to step forward to do the same to her as lady Evalynn was to Jolynn, untying her skirt and setting it back in her seat for now so she didn't lose it.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Rei Two Moons had the pleasure of taking Sera's cock into her mouth. The bookish woman quickly took her entire length eagerly. Sera could feel the tight confines of her throat quickly embrace her hot shaft. Looking over Jolynn smiled at Sera. "There are many benefits of being the matriarch." Jolynn smiled "It took decades to get the nobles to accept how I rule." One of her hands went down and stroked Evalynn's face lovingly. "I will have to tell you the story some time Matriarch." Jolynn moaned a little before putting a hand on Evalynn's head holding her in place. "You where always the most skilled at this Evalynn now clean me for the next please." As Evalynn complied Sera felt her own orgasm building under Rei's efforts. Looking at the woman servicing her Sera could clearly see wet drips falling from where she knelt.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera gasped softly as Rei Two Moons took her member into her mouth, the girl's glasses being there on her face kind of arousing Sera a bit further even as her dick was being sucked off. "Heh... I can see that there are quite a few benefits to being a matriarch here indeed, though this is a bit odd to say the least matriarch Jolynn. This custom of yours I believe I like, and yes you will have to tell me of it sometime I think, it would be interesting indeed," Sera said to Jolynn as she reached down with her hand and caressed Rei's face, urging her on further to deep throat her, but not forcing her to do so, letting her go at her own pace because it didn't really matter to her honestly, because she was certain it would feel good either way really.

As Jolynn finished up with lady Evalynn, Sera saw her hold her head down as she released her seed into her mouth, which Sera did not do to Rei here, not wanting to choke the poor thing. "Oh I'm almost there Rei... it's coming soon. Get ready for it," Sera said to Rei in warning, so the girl could prepare herself a bit before Sera's orgasm washed over her. She hoped that her knees didn't give out on her, gods that would just be embarrassing to say the least. When her orgasm struck however, Sera would grab Rei's hair as her fingernails ran through it, though she didn't hold or even force her head to stay there, letting her continue as she had been as her climax washed over her and she took her seed in her mouth like Evalynn did Jolynn's a few seconds before. "If you would kindly clean me up for the next Rei that would be most welcome," Sera would tell Rei as she finished spurting her seed, glancing down and noticing the the wet drips coming from the girl's flower and onto the floor and wondering if she would need to please Rei later too, which she didn't really mind doing, but she would like to know before it was thrust upon her, though she didn't want to outright ask Jolynn just yet and waited to see if she would speak further about this custom of hers.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn was partway through her second offering her head back clearly enjoying the sensations of the woman sucking her cock. Off in the distance she could clearly see Ladies Rei and Evalynn making out it seemed that she wouldn't have to worry about pleasing them. "Ohh this is so wonderful Sera just indulge and feel the pleasure." Lady Jolynn's voice was full of pleasure as her partner delivered her blowjob. Sera's new partner this time seemed a younger woman her face flush with embarrassment. Slowly the young woman got down on her knees and took the cock in hand. Behind her another woman spoke, reassuring the woman and encouraging her. The young woman herself was fair of skin and had black hair with near sapphire colored eyes. She wore a pale blue dress that was more conservative than the others at the table. "Matriarch please forgive our friend she is new to court and she is under my tutelage." Looking from the young woman to the person she spoke Sera found yet another Cat looking girl in a red nearly see through dress.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh I shall enjoy it matriarch... indeed I shall," Sera replied to Jolynn when the other woman spoke up, telling her to basically indulge to her heart's content.

She looked around to see her next offering coming up, a young girl that seemed around the same age as June give or take she thought, and she could see she was embarrassed a good deal. Behind her a ways off in the court room, Sera saw Rei and Evalynn both making out, so it didn't seem she would have to worry about pleasing the two of them thankfully, which she of course didn't mind if she had to, but she doubted very much that she'd be able to handle that after these offerings. When she heard the woman behind the younger girl in front of her encouraging her as she got down on her knees and took Sera's length in hand, Sera looked down at her and smiled warmly as the lady behind her spoke up, taking in the girl's features and what she was wearing.

"Oh it's fine miss, I'm sure she'll do wonderful. I'll even help her along so she isn't so scared," Sera replied to the cat woman that spoke up, then she looked back to the girl on her knees in front of her and smiled again, giving her a reassuring pat on the head. "It's alright dear, no need to take things too fast or anything. Just hold it gently like you're doing and stroke it nice and slow at first, don't want to go too fast too soon or anything. Then once you do that you can speed up just a little bit. And after that you'll need to get a taste of it, so lick it a bit. After that everything should come naturally I think, and I know you'll do me and the rest of us proud," Sera went on to say to the young woman, gently caressing her head and coaching her on how to give a proper blowjob.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The woman's face was flush but followed Sera's instructions almost to the letter. As she worked Sera's cock the woman got more and more confident more and more energetic. Soon she was going forebore sucking Sera's cock. Moans of pleasure ripped threw the woman as well as Sera. "Oh dear another one. Quickly ladies stop her before its too..." It was too much Sera exploded in the woman's mouth as her friend tried to pull her away. The woman who was shy and embarrassed before swallowed Sera's cum immediately. "More please more...." The girl was breathless and drained. "Oh dear Lady Eria please take your young charge to the medical ward and be quick about it. You don't want the effects to become permanent. No worries about your offering see to your friend." The cat woman bowed and quickly grabbed her friend and pulled her away which caused the drained woman to speak. "No more please let me have more...." Jolynn however didn't let this event slow down her pleasure as she quickly emptied her load into another woman's mouth. Meanwhile another woman took the others place and cleaned Sera's cock before starting her own blowjob.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera gently ran her fingers through the girl's hair as she went to work, encouraging her with caresses to her cheeks and a few words too, congratulating her when she started getting into it fairly well. Sera heard Jolynn speak up as she was getting dangerously close to the edge, where before she could stop or anyone else could stop her, Sera exploded into the girl's mouth, unable to stop herself as she hit a toe curling orgasm and nearly lost the strength in her legs. The girl gulped her seed down as greedily as a baby drinks its mothers milk, and Sera was quite astounded at the girl's change. She looked over at Jolynn as she spoke up again before looking back to the girl while the girl was then pulled off and away from her before she could keep going, which seemed to be what she'd intended to do. This left Sera a little dumbfounded to say the least so she looked back over to Jolynn as the cat woman took the girl off to the infirmary.

"Um... what just happened if you don't mind me asking? I'm assuming it has something to do with her being... n-newwww," Sera asked, finishing her next sentence with a stuttering moan as the next woman took up position and began cleaning her and sucking her off now.