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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

"Happy new year!
Think of me favorably* this year too!

Last year, before I knew it, I'd only released 'Great Demon Lord' before it was over.
This year, I'd like to release at least two... But, this magical girl thing still isn't quite done..."

After that he basically talks about how he's gotten too many figurines of beautiful women, and he's been thinking about buying a new display case. He also mentions how his thoughts wander dangerously while looking at the figures on his desk...

If you meant the comments and responses, I can do that too, though I'd probably just include what was written a few posts ago with more accurate wording... Google Translate is horrible... "Absolute area"? Seriously!? Someone needs to educate Google that that term refers to the sacred area between leggings and a skirt where the thigh shows! It is VERY hard to coordinate that area with the character's design! It must not show too much or too little! It is art! ART!

*今年もよろしくお願いします contains a cultural phrase with no direct translation. Based on the circumstance it can mean many things... I just threw something in that made some kind of vague sense in English...
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

"Happy new year!
Think of me favorably* this year too!

Last year, before I knew it, I'd only released 'Great Demon Lord' before it was over.
This year, I'd like to release at least two... But, this magical girl thing still isn't quite done..."

After that he basically talks about how he's gotten too many figurines of beautiful women, and he's been thinking about buying a new display case. He also mentions how his thoughts wander dangerously while looking at the figures on his desk...

If you meant the comments and responses, I can do that too, though I'd probably just include what was written a few posts ago with more accurate wording... Google Translate is horrible... "Absolute area"? Seriously!? Someone needs to educate Google that that term refers to the sacred area between leggings and a skirt where the thigh shows! It is VERY hard to coordinate that area with the character's design! It must not show too much or too little! It is art! ART!

*今年もよろしくお願いします contains a cultural phrase with no direct translation. Based on the circumstance it can mean many things... I just threw something in that made some kind of vague sense in English...

haha so the guy basically points out that he's an Otaku and that it's distracting him from the games. Cool. haha Yeah, Google translate is absolute garbage....interestingly enough, probably like 2 or 3 years ago it wasn't too bad. You could usually plug it in and make some sense out of it...but now, "I took her out to the movies" translates into "Movies pooped her out the car window" or something. It's ridiculous...but it's all most of us Gaijin have to go with.

Thanks for the translation!
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

haha so the guy basically points out that he's an Otaku and that it's distracting him from the games. Cool. haha Yeah, Google translate is absolute garbage....interestingly enough, probably like 2 or 3 years ago it wasn't too bad. You could usually plug it in and make some sense out of it...but now, "I took her out to the movies" translates into "Movies pooped her out the car window" or something. It's ridiculous...but it's all most of us Gaijin have to go with.

Thanks for the translation!

You remember when google translate first came out? It was completely non-understandable. I usually read the first few words of a sentence, stop, and went over to babel or another translator instead. But yeah, it did become good and then suddenly went back to (although better) bad. I tend to use google along side Honyaku. Honyaku sometimes forget to translate English based words or skip kanji but it usually gives a better translation.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

You remember when google translate first came out? It was completely non-understandable. I usually read the first few words of a sentence, stop, and went over to babel or another translator instead. But yeah, it did become good and then suddenly went back to (although better) bad. I tend to use google along side Honyaku. Honyaku sometimes forget to translate English based words or skip kanji but it usually gives a better translation.

Thanks for the heads up on Honyaku! Just tried it - as you say, a good partner to Google. :D
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Weblio (ejje.weblio.jp/) is a very good translator in my experience. The settings, for those who can't read them, default to "English to Japanese." Hit the other radio button for JPN to ENG, then hit the grey button to translate. My professor gave me that one, but I generally only use it when I can't figure out the answer myself.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've been meaning to get around to updating the pack but I kept forgetting about it, is there anything I've missed so far that needs to be added?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've been meaning to get around to updating the pack but I kept forgetting about it, is there anything I've missed so far that needs to be added?
Okay, resent you the links in a PM
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Okay, resent you the links in a PM

Thanks, do you know whose responsible for some of the removal of censorship and the partial translation of Devil Girl so I can add their names to the credits?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Thanks, do you know whose responsible for some of the removal of censorship and the partial translation of Devil Girl so I can add their names to the credits?

The Daughter of the Defeated Devil translation was started by Tentakuru and is being continued by Ritsu. The uncensoring was probably Tentakuru.

Overthrow the Demon Queen was started by TitanAnteus and is being finished by Fooligan. The uncensoring and unlocking was done by EmmGee (ModGuy) originally.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

So, I don't know if this was mentioned before, but I fixed the sex scenes in Shogun Princess: the problem is that the subdirectory is called "Sub" and not "sub".

This isn't a problem in IE, because, like NTFS, IE does not understand the difference between capital and lower case letters.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

So, I don't know if this was mentioned before, but I fixed the sex scenes in Shogun Princess: the problem is that the subdirectory is called "Sub" and not "sub".

This isn't a problem in IE, because, like NTFS, IE does not understand the difference between capital and lower case letters.

That's why it's much more efficient to just use the flash projector instead of relying on browsers...
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

So, I don't know if this was mentioned before, but I fixed the sex scenes in Shogun Princess: the problem is that the subdirectory is called "Sub" and not "sub".

This isn't a problem in IE, because, like NTFS, IE does not understand the difference between capital and lower case letters.

I've checked that the total pack has the Shogun Princess game with the folder labeled "sub".
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hey all,

Sorry about the long absence... I've just been too busy with other stuff lately.

On that note... I'm giving up on doing this on my own. I've uploaded all of my translation files for Overthrow: The Demon Queen if anybody wants to pick up where I left off. Original.swf.txt is the file I was working on before I got sidetracked... it is the translations for the main swf file from the original Japanese version of the game.

https:// mega.co.nz/#!i5AjTIZb!AZnbuQQHy70w6h6y86uM7VBQlyO-FHPV0Tax7QOmu-I

Grab a copy of ytinasnI's SWF translator utility, and get to work!

If anybody has any questions, send a PM my way, and I'll do my best to answer!
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Off the top of my head, I believe only the interface was done, not the sex scenes.

Really? Does this mean I have the only translated version?
I think he forgot that he already translated it but left out [TRANSLATE] tags on some texts which indicate a machine translation.