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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Well, that explains the wetsuit. I suppose I should expect the next level to contain a river of lava...

Jamie continues her walk south, taking a look at the water feature as she walks.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie wades through the waist deep, dark water until she reaches what looks like a large grate to her West. The grate looks like she could be able to squeeze through it. It also appears to open to a wider area. Otherwise the area is a dead end.

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

What? How did mister wetsuit get down here? I swear, if I ever meet the guy who designed this place, I'll... well I'll have some really nasty words to say.

Jamie mutters to herself as she squeezes through the grate as quickly as possible, realizing it will be impossible to cover herself from view during this maneuver.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie does her best to cover herself as she squeezes through the opening. Looking around she up to her waist again in the murky water. There doesn't seem to be a terribly strong current, and she notices that the river, or lake, or whatever, opens to the north. Much like the desert below her, the reflection of the bright lights on the water make it difficult to see very far in any direction.

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Travel N/E
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Great, light-blinded underground. Well, if I *am* underground. I still haven't actually proved that, I'm just operating under the assumption...

Jamie's thoughts move on as she does, to the North.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie wades through the water to the north. There doesn't seems to be any reason for the water to be here, but then again, nothing seems to make sense. She looks around and figures she could travel To the North, West, or back south.

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Travel N/W/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

but the lack of windows doesn't really *mean* I'm below-ground. Maybe they just don't want anyone outside seeing this, for some unimaginable reason. I wonder which is more expensive, an underground building or an above-ground one. I suppose below-ground wins for heating/cooling and exterior maintenance, but it probably presents some challenges of its own for...

Well, a crossroads. Not like it matters which way I go, I don't have a map.

Jamie moves west.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie wades to her west, the sloshing of the water and the warmth of the lights numbing her mind. She briefly forgets her nudity. Looking around she finds a large grate on a wall to her south, and she sees that she can continue west or travel north.

(Boring rolls....)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Well, given my past experiences this will continue until I find the door, when I will be assaulted by boss-level monsters and not be allowed to rest. :p)

Well... if there's any sort of symmetry to this place, I should have to pass a second grate before I get to the stairs. Well, fat chance of any meaningful design, but maybe they're keeping something locked up? Aw screw it.

Jamie once again scrambles through the grate, hoping to find an end to the water and a nice solid doorway with an "exit" sign over it, but not really expecting it.

(And with any luck this will continue East until I reach the stairs!)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie squeezes through the grate into what appears to be a dead end. There is a small platform sticking out from the middle of the water about eye level with a lever on the top of it. There is no writing on the pedestal or lever.

Flip the Lever
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Travel N
Re: Jamie (thetwo)


A switch, eh?

Dare I?

But who knows what horrors this switch may unlock? Why would there be a switch in the middle of a room? Surely one would not go through the effort of installing a switch for the express purpose of not using it.

And if it is meant to be activated, then why not default the switch to the desired position from the very start? But, by that logic, would one not forgo the switch entirely? Thus making the activated state the only option.

I wash my hands of you, oh little switch. The responsibility is too great for one [wo]man to bear.

After a moment, though, Jamie can't bear the though of leaving the switch in unswitched and pulls the lever, quickly moving her hand back to covering herself as she watches and listens for any obvious result.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie stares at the switch with no immediate response. It appears that the switch actually does nothing...

Then she feels a rumble through her bare legs. A rushing sound of water appears above her. Her eyes dart upward just in time to see a flood of water drop out of a grate on the ceiling. Startled, she makes a break for the grate in the northern wall. She just squeezes through before the wave of water is upon her. She does under the water, tumbling head over heels. She struggles to regain control, and when she finally surfaces, She can no longer see the grate, or, really anything for that matter. The best she can assume is that she has been washed an unknown distance north. Looking around, she can not make anything out on the horizon in any direction. The water also has risen to mid chest.

(The trap washed you 1-4 squares North of where you started)

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Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Right... a switch that release a wall of water at whoever pulled it. A trap. Well, I suppose there has to be a first one, but I'd have thought if there were any they'd be on every level. Damn.

Now... I triggered a trap that pushed me north. Do I continue north or go back south? I guess I might as well continue rather then backtracking. Probably a stupid idea, but... maybe they'd expect people to think the way they were pushed was wrong?

Bah, next thing I'll be wondering if they're from australia and we all know where *that* leads...

Jamie struggles to walk through the chest-high water for only a moment before realizing it'd be faster to just swim.

Have to see where I'm going, though. As much as it pains me to even think it, I suppose I'll stick with the breast stroke...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Fun fact: they are on each level, you just missed them all until this floor ;-) )

Jamie swims for a few minutes north until reaching a solid white wall in front of her. getting her footing, she looks around to see if she can find her next direction. There appears to be a grate to her East and a small, half submerged door to her west.

(still no sign of baddies... :-( )

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Travel S/E/W
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Right, lets ignore the grate for now.

Jamie, not wanting a repeat of the trap experience moves west, through the door.

Hell, maybe there's no water on the other side. Of course, there will be *now* but it'll be less.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie swims to the door only to find it partially open. She shoves the door fully open and wades into the room. She sees a large piece of machinery sitting on a platform in the middle of the room. She sees a large man in oily coveralls standing on the top of the machine. He notices her and without saying a word throws a wrench at her, hitting her in the shoulder. She recoils backward, and he jumps onto the platform at the base of the machine and simply stares at the named woman in front of him.

Jamie DEF: 2
Man HP: 4

Flee E (33%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

Jamie tries to get out of the water and kick the guy, suddenly enraged.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

The man simply stares at Jamie when she emerges from the water. Jamie walks up to him with a purpose and swiftly kicks the man in the shin. He lets out a yelp as his eyes break off of the nude woman in front of him.

Jamie DEF: 2
Man HP: 3

Flee E (50%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie kicks the man again, aiming higher and trying to block the man's view while still attacking - a difficult maneuver at best.

"What do you have to do to get a job here, end up on the sex offenders list?"
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jami strikes this time for the man's abdomen, and connects again. This time the force sends him flying into the water below the platform. Jamie stares into the water for a moment before he comes back up, gasping for breath and floundering for a moment before realizing he can stand up.

Jamie DEF: 2
Man HP: 2

Flee E (67%)
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