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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I say Sbs only but I'll probably do other stuff. I'm noob at forums though so I'll probably be quiet for a bit and lurk some at first.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

And yeah, my first run in Bloodlines was a Malkavian. Sided with the Anarchs. Besides that, thanks for the welcomes and stuff. =P

I actually went with Gangrel, but I've yet to finish despite spending like 40 hours in the game.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Everytime I see or hear the word Tremere I find myself wanting to say:

Ever heard about the time my party ram-raided a Tremere chantry?

My character's last words were "I sincerely doubt the wisdom of this plan."
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well, I tend to roleplay characters lacking in the sanity department, so I figured Malkavian was the best fit. And until another character allows me to converse with the television in a meaningful sense, it will remain the best fit.
Tremere are ludicrous. Thaumaturgy is one of the best disciplines you can pick, in my opinion. Next to obfuscate.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I went with Toreador on my first run through bloodlines. What can I say I like being a pretty vamp. Being a Ventrue though is awesome as well, by the end you look like the frickin' highlander. Though not as much as in Vampire: Redemption. Christof is just a bad-ass...

Welcome Velvet.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I still by Que-Jin being where it's at. My character in that ramraid? One of them. They're a lot of fun to play and work on very different rules than the masquerade; they don't have to hide what they are to people. In fact, for some, it's their duty to punish sinners.

And until you can shoot balls of pure yang from your quarterstaff that deal ag damage to anyone struck, it just isn't OP enough. (Yang Prana 2. That's right, level 2 in a discipline gave me agonising damage :3 )
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Standard world of darkness rule of thumb - 5 dots in anything breaks the game.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Here, have my introduction - I grabbed the most recent one, which seems to have lost all the added questions, but I really couldn't be bothered going through over twenty pages of posts to find what the missing sections were.

So make do with what you've gotten.

~ Introduction ~

Name: Yes, I have one
Screenname / Nicknames: Hellcat, Cro, Crovexius
Age: More than 20
Gender: Present
Current Country of Residence: Australia

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brown-green hazel, Green-grey hazel
Hair Color: Brunette/auburn
Hair length: Long
Breasts: About half the population has them
Glasses: Most of the time
Features: Intact human
Height: 5'7

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Amber
Hair color: Black
Hair length: Looooooooong
Ears: Two, heavily pierced
Breasts: Maybe
Tail: Probably not
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: No
Glasses: Shades occasionally
Features: Intact human
Height: 5'10
Cyclops: I enjoy depth perception
Skin: Pale and attached

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Wood Ox, Cancer
My Fears: People
Common Utterances: Too many to list
Is the glass half full, or half empty: The glass is broken, please pass me another and we'll try the question again
Bad Habits: Procrastinating

3 Things I Dislike:
1) People who don't proof-read
2) People who think they know everything
3) Pink

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Don't have one
Other manga of interest: If I don't have one to begin with, it makes it hard to have others
Video game series: Varies
TV Show: Varies
Anime: Varies
Webcomic: Varies
Drink: Chai Tea
Shoe: I'll take two if possible
Hat: Fedora or black peaked cap with a silver and purple eagle on the front
Color: I'd say black, but that isn't a colour, so let's go with purple and red
Music Genre: Varies
Internet Meme: Not really

Do I...

Smoke: Second-hand only
Swear: Yes
Flip out and kill people: ...Not yet
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: No
Knit scarves for orphans: There is no reason to knit scarves for orphans
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Not from a thrift store
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Not that I know of
Have furry leanings: No

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Apparently
Should Marty have gone back to it?: The movie title wouldn't really have worked if he didn't

~ Other Stuff ~

Yes or No? No
Reason for joining: A certain someone made me
Other random trivia: The planet Mercury has a surface area of 7.48×107 km²

Notes: Only the black ones
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to the forums Hellcat.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I'd hardly call telling you that if you want to play in the in nomine game you'd need an account to be able to post as 'making you'.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

It is making me, in a 'round about way. I'd like to play In Nomine, you're running the game here, therefore if I want to play, I need to join.

So, you made me.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

So you joined a hentai forum to play In Nomine? Interesting.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I only joined In Nomine so I could look at the rest of this site, and then didn't join In Nomine
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

So you joined a hentai forum to play In Nomine? Interesting.

I have a pretty 'Each to their own' mentality.


I have no problems letting people do their own thing, without having to be judgemental - so I forsee no problems... Anyway, lets me get to see how a different group RPs as opposed to the same old group all the time... ;)

Ever heard about the time my party ram-raided a Tremere chantry?

My character's last words were "I sincerely doubt the wisdom of this plan."
And we all missed you after you got ashed. It was sad. The Crane even said a few words for you... ... ...After we finished a) arguing with the Tremere, and b) RUNNING AWAY!

...my first run in Bloodlines was a Malkavian.
...Ummm... Ditto. Even managed to kill the werewolf... TWICE.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Interesting answers Hellcat, certainly you will enjoy this forum. Welcome
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hey all, long time lurker decided to finally pop my head in the door and say hi!

I'm not a huge poster but i'll contribute when/where I can :)

~ Introduction ~

Name: Darren
Screenname / Nicknames: Xabo/Dazz
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: Scotland

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: Med/Short
Breasts: Alas no, maybe a good thing prductivity wise though ;)
Glasses: Nope
Features: General awesomeness
Height: 5'5

~ Ideal appearance ~


~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Scorpio
My Fears: Nothing that I can think of
Common Utterances: **** **** and **** again
Is the glass half full, or half empty: My glass is always full
Bad Habits: Sarcasm

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Cowdenbeath FC
2) The way the world has become overly PC
3) Belly button fluff.

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Don't have one
Other manga of interest: None
Video game series: Various
TV Show: Blackadder, House, SGU
Anime: I've dabbled in a few, no stand outs
Webcomic: LFG & 8Bit Theater
Drink: Irn Bru or Vimto
Shoe: Vans/DCs
Hat: Fedora
Color: Gold
Music Genre: Mainly rock but its very varied.
Internet Meme: Keh?

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Trying to quit ;)
Flip out and kill people: I try not to make it a habit
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Not for a long time
Knit scarves for orphans: No, i make orphans knit them for me.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Nope
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Nope
Have furry leanings: I dont despise it, not my main fortay

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: I wish
Should Marty have gone back to it?: He should have manned up and smashed his moms back doors in.

~ Other Stuff ~

Yes or No? No
Reason for joining: Perversion mainly?
Other random trivia: A peanut is not actually a nut

~ My additonal question ~

Favourite author: Terry Pratchett
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Good day to everyone of the ULMF, and after lurking for about maybe 3 months, I decided it was high time to create an account and introduce myself to the nice people of the forum. I hope we get along fine, and I don't come off as too much of a "new" guy.


Name: Angel. I would put some witty line here to cover up the fact that I'm too paranoid to reveal my full name just yet, but I've got nothing. Apologizes.

Screen-name/Nicknames: I honestly don't recall if I have any...

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Current Country of Residence: Good ol' United Shutdown of America.

----Real-life appearance----
(Don't you want to buy me dinner first? HA, now I'm witty)

Eye Color: Brown, the more dullest brown you can possibly imagine.
Hair Color: Dark brown, black.
Hair length: Wavy, shoulder length.
Breasts: I appreciate them. On me, not so much.
Glasses: Sadly.
Features: I breathe, I eat, I type, and oh, I'm not witty.
Height: 6'2

----Ideal appearance----

Eye color: A light blue.
Hair color: Black
Hair length: Long, preferably in a ponytail.
Ears: Two
Breasts: Man-pecs
Tail: Nor a leash.
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: No, thank you.
Glasses: Meh, take or leave.
Features: Breathing is still nice.
Height: 6'9 or a bit shorter.
Cyclops: Then how would I see 3D movies?!
Skin: White with a small shade of tan.


Zodiac: Cancer

My Fears: Driving is my most recent one to appear. I know, I'm too old to be saying that, but I do freak out over driving. Also, being in any forum and clicking "submit reply" instead of previewing the post. It's never happen, and I always make damn sure that continues to be a fact.

Scratch that, it just happened.

Common Utterances: Sweet Monkey Christ.

Is the glass half full, or half empty: half full but I'm generally a thirsty person. So I'll drink the rest of that glass and then it's fully empty. The next question would be what happened to the other half that I didn't think?

Bad Habits: Procrastinating, and having the tendency of thinking I'm right no matter what. I'm sorry if this becomes a future issue gentlemen and ladies.

---3 Things I Dislike---

1) People who prove me wrong. Hey, hey, I know what you're thinking, but at least I'm honest. I don't hate it, or rage over it, just makes me a upset kangaroo.

2) Oh geez, talking politics. Since I like being right all the time plus not knowing diddly squat about politics compared to more educated American, I end up looking like a straight jackass. Honestly though, I dislike it in general because I've noticed that talking politics can and has brought out the nastiest side of some people.

3) People who judge often, openly and harshly.


Manga artist: Hard to say, since I don't know many by name.
Other manga of interest: Haven't kept up lately, looking to get back into it, and because of that, I honestly can't name some off the tip of my head.
Video game series: Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Dead Space, Resident Evil, Sonic, Zelda, Duke Nukem, Mass Effect, Fallout, Fable, Final Fantasy, the more recent Lara Croft games (no, the older ones never did much for me) and getting way into Dragon Age and Elder Scrolls.
TV Show: Not much now. I know it might seem silly to some, but I've always been a cartoon guy so I do keep up with that much. I'm also a big pro-wrestling fan, but like to keep that in quiet most of the time.
Anime: Some oldies such as Outlaw Star, Lupin III, Dragon Ball, Tenchi Muyo and the more recent ones (not like super new) I liked that I saw was K-On, Level E, Darker Than Black, Mitsudomoe and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Webcomic: Again, I use to read so many but just dropped it all together. Now I keep up with GG-Guys, Nerfnow, Least I Could Do, and Looking For Group.
Drink: Gatorade, soda but water mostly.
Shoe: If they're comfy, affordable and come in a pair, then I'm all good.
Hat: Fedoras are sexy.
Color: I would say Orange, maybe blue. Purple as well.
Music Genre: Depends on what mood I'm in. I'm pretty much open to tons of music.
Internet Meme: Nope.

----Do I....----

Smoke: Strongly against it, but I respect if that's your life style.
Swear: Like a fucking sailor.
Flip out and kill people: Hiring is so much cleaner.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Play guitar? No sir. Air guitar? See "smoke"
Knit scarves for orphans: They need a home and family way before they need a scarf.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: This is a sexy question. Yes and no. Yes to the plushes and stuffed animals. I do that because my mother loves them and I get them dirt cheap, if not free, at, it so happens to be, the thrift store. A close friend of mine works there, so it helps. No to the other one. I don't collect figurines. Though I would love to start collecting.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: I might have been told this before. I didn't know what it meant, but it seems Hikkomori means to be closed off. In a way, you can say I am, but I do try to get out as much as I financially can. Though if I don't have a reason to get out, I don't like doing so. Quite sad, I know.
Have furry leanings: I'm sorry, no I don't.

----The Future----

Can you see into it?: Maybe tomorrow.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: ONLY AT 1.21 GIGAWATTS!

----Other Stuff----

Reason for joining: Why not? Seems like a nice community and I want to get to know everyone. Plus, I'm a total perv. Go figure.
Other random trivia: Did you know this took about 30 minutes to fill out? That's 30 minutes I could have spent doing something else. Now which is sadder? That, or the fact I would have had nothing else to really do for 30 minutes instead of this?

Notes: I really hope this big introduction questionnaire comes off nicely instead of pompously like I think it is.