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RPG RPG Maker [Swegabe] The Legend of Queen Opala!

Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Where's the fourth encounter with Naacia? is in New Game +?
It's random. Sleep a lot and sooner or later it'll show up.

Be warned, she's TOUGH. Tougher than most Legendary Monsters. Hell, I breezed through the Legendary Demon Guardian (a filthy lie, I had to use up most of my items to beat him) and still had (even more) trouble with her.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

(you may have to have their weapons. I'm not sure, i don't see a variable for it so i don't think you do.)

"I don't see a variable" seems to imply you're looking at the game in the RPG Maker XP construction software. If this is true, I'm wondering if you could explain how you did this? I know back in the days of RM2K and the like, you could just open the game folder with RM2K no problem, but RMXP game files seem to be encrypted or something. Can I even do it using the trial version of RMXP included with the game, or do I need a full version for that kind of thing?

Also forgive me if this is a stupid question/has been answered before elsewhere... I skimmed the thread looking for relevant information along those lines and didn't see anything, but maybe I just missed it.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Ok, I'm stuck... :p
I've entered the library on my way to the pharaos tomb. I walk through the dungeon and then end up in a cave. At the end of the cave is a small "island" with crystals on it and a chest i nthe middle.

Where do I go from here!?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

For the person stuck in library, you went the wrong way, goto dungeon level and head north.

For the person wanting to change party members, AFTER hiring someone just find them in the tavern or in the inn and ask them to wait there.
Side note. the order you pick up folks is the order that they end up in the party, I have found no way to rearrange the party other than asking them to wait and chosing the order in which to have them join.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Thanks Grockts.

But how do you get Farah in the party? She currently in my house and if I talk to her she just wants to fuck.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

own a boat and sleep with her a lot she wil join then
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

ALL of the royal family seems to be able to become party members, FIRST find a way to get them in the house, OPALA requires TWELVE servents in the house before she will open up and according to all RELIABLE sources she either has to be your wife or sex slave before she can move in.
Farah is easy to get, at least 12 servants, Osira as a sex slave is also easy with at least 12 servants.
After moving them to the house have sex with the girl/woman AT LEAST 4 times and she will offer to join up with your party.

Prior posts have revealed all of this for the last 3 pages, please by all means work on your reading skills to learn what we TRY to reveal to those who are skilled enough to READ!
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Hey, cassamotti? Will that walkthrough include much information about the New Game+ mode?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Where do I find the Ultimate Sword?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

ALL of the royal family seems to be able to become party members, FIRST find a way to get them in the house, OPALA requires TWELVE servents in the house before she will open up and according to all RELIABLE sources she either has to be your wife or sex slave before she can move in.
Farah is easy to get, at least 12 servants, Osira as a sex slave is also easy with at least 12 servants.
After moving them to the house have sex with the girl/woman AT LEAST 4 times and she will offer to join up with your party.

Prior posts have revealed all of this for the last 3 pages, please by all means work on your reading skills to learn what we TRY to reveal to those who are skilled enough to READ!

There are nearly 300 posts in this thread, a lot of them either the same information or the same question over and over again. It's hard to fish through and find the relevant information without having to read every single one. I was hoping for a straight answer to what I thought was a simple question asked politely. So yeah, thanks for the heads up, maybe someone can compile all this data into one?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Hey, cassamotti? Will that walkthrough include much information about the New Game+ mode?

I haven't had time to start on one for New Game+. I do plan to, but if someone else wants to start by all means go for it. Hopefully I'll get some free time soon.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

i have a question what is this new game + is it a new mode you get after beating the game or something caz i have and i havent found it
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Here's a save of the Octobreeder scene if anyone would like it.

Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

I can't find the last gatekeeper D:
I found fire, wind, and earth. Sorry I'm probably missing it somewhere out in the open but I've been wandering around for around an hour searching and its getting frustrating >.<
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Is there any way to go thru and delete all the redundant post always asking for the same information over and over again and only keep the posts that provide all the most asked for information?
There was a complaint a couple of posts ago about how HARD is seems to be searching thru all the posts for information that has already been revealed, perhaps if we got rid of some of the redundant posts this might make things a little easier........
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

I've done just about everything else in the game, but never come across a collar. My interaction with Nipha the sphinx seems to have ended after I brought her to Egypt. The first time she gave me a treasure map, and then in the new game + she gave me a vial of experience. I have the leash, but no collar and no hints on how to get it.

If someone has gotten it, could you please detail the steps you took? Thanks.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

First off since someone asked for it, here's a resource extractor for all RMXP and RMVX games.

Details and download are all in the thread.

Now I have two questions of my own.

Where is Wintero located? I've seen it mention a few times, but I have yet to see it. Is it somewhere in the islands you go to via boat?

Where can I find the key to unlock the door that contains the last painting in Osira's lair?

edit: Nevermind. It's amazing how beating a game answers so many questions.
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Okay, two Questions:

1)How the heck do I open the gate to the second level of Hades Tower? It says I need four keys, but I'm not finding any, and neither am I hitting any plot triggers to send me on a quest to get them or open up new areas to find them.

EDIT: OH MY GOD, I'm an idiot. It's those four blocks in the cells.

2) How do I move the frikking boulders? You know, the ones that block off all manner of interesting stuff?

I've been playing for a cumulative 9+ hours now, and I'm at an impasse. I'd just slog through the thread for the answers to these questions, but it's awfully spoilery in there, and I'd rather the game and the end were a surprise. (A bit too late for that; I scrolled through the first 3 pages. But still, I'd rather not ruin any more.)
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala! [RPG Maker]

Okay, two Questions:
2) How do I move the frikking boulders? You know, the ones that block off all manner of interesting stuff?

I've been playing for a cumulative 9+ hours now, and I'm at an impasse. I'd just slog through the thread for the answers to these questions, but it's awfully spoilery in there, and I'd rather the game and the end were a surprise. (A bit too late for that; I scrolled through the first 3 pages. But still, I'd rather not ruin any more.)

The boulders will move after you beat the game.