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Introduction Thread


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
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Re: Introduction Thread

Everyone's coming out of the closet o_o, anyway welcome into the fold Imnotapervert! Yeah ;)

Does anyone argue black isn't a colour? That's just plain weird , haven't heard that before


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Introduction Thread

It's not, it's a shade


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: Introduction Thread

Never relax a afro, I should know. >.>

Now I look like Albert einstein.

The Fuck Boy

Demon Girl
Dec 19, 2016
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Re: Introduction Thread

Nickname: Peter
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: USA
Place of birth: Dominican Republic

Real-life appearance

Eye Color: Black.
Hair Color: Brown.
Hair length: Afro/ spiky hair.
Race: Hispanic with a mix of other nationalities.
Height: 5' 11"

Ideal appearance

I wish to look more buff....... that's it.

Aquarius( I'm not sure if that really matters.)
A loner who loves discussing philosophy, deep thinking and looking at the sky.

Things I Dislike:
Useless people who love to drag you down.
People who prove their stereotypes.

Things that I prefer/or like doing:
Exercising/ body building.
Drawing, whether it's digital or hand drawn.
Hanging around with friends.
Chilling by myself and brood for a while.

The Future:

I would like to be a cartoonist and do some art on the side.


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
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Re: Introduction Thread

Welcome Fuck Boy, I'm not sure how much philosophical banter you'll find on here, but enjoy your stay and mind the gap!

Check out the blank page section if you want some tips or feedback on artwork by the way.

The Fuck Boy

Demon Girl
Dec 19, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Introduction Thread

Welcome Fuck Boy, I'm not sure how much philosophical banter you'll find on here, but enjoy your stay and mind the gap!

Check out the blank page section if you want some tips or feedback on artwork by the way.
Thank you for the advise, I will do just that in the near future.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Introduction Thread

Your philosophy is wrong and mine is right.

There, every philosopher ever. You're welcome.

The Fuck Boy

Demon Girl
Dec 19, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Introduction Thread

Your philosophy is wrong and mine is right.

There, every philosopher ever. You're welcome.
That is little close minded to say everyone, everyone has their own lens and you only speak for you.

If it was a joke, good one. I chuckled a little bit.


Jul 7, 2016
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Re: Introduction Thread

Happy holidays, I wanted to add my "intro," post here.

Long time erotica author, with things I've written on Literotica / Amazon that are free. I started writing in high school, then college, stopped for a while and got back into it about five years ago.

Then, after I found some 3d games that I really liked, I wanted to make games, too. Since I found some awesome ones here I wanted to participate and learn more. Cheers.


Jul 5, 2010
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Re: Introduction Thread

- introduction snip -
Wow. After playing "VA11 Hall-A", I never thought I'd read the name "Fuckboy" ever again. o_O

Anyway, hello and welcome to the ULMF forums, I hope you enjoy your stay and will be an active member of the community!

- introduction snip -
A warm welcome and late merry christmas to you newcomer as well, gates! :)
A writer, huh? Apparently I had great potential as well, as my teacher told me to keep writing and improve my talent, so I may become an actual writer and make a living of it. However I never felt like I wanna share my writings with the world, it's rather personal and intimate. Well, at least back then in my "youth" when I did writing. By now, I'm one of the common wheels in economy's machinery. Even though I like to think that I can still write if I want, I'm pretty sure neglecting it all these years will have its bad impact.


Jungle Girl
Jan 2, 2017
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Re: Introduction Thread

Name: J
Screenname / Nicknames: Reno
Age: 21
Gender: M
Current Country of Residence: Aus

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brownish Black
Hair Color: Brownish Black
Hair length: Browinish Black - I mean medium
Breasts: Yes please
Glasses: Yes
Features:Many moles
Height: 170

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Yellow
Hair color: Brownish black
Hair length: Medium
Ears: 2
Breasts: None
Tail: Yes
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Nah
Glasses: Nope
Height: 180
Cyclops: Nope
Skin: Brownish

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: LEO rawr
My Fears: That I will regret getting married because Hentai
Common Utterances:
Bad Habits:
Wasting time
3 Things I Dislike:
1) Noisy extroverts
2) Yaoi
3) Unsuitable temperatures

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Ohtaka Shinobu (Magi)
Other manga of interest: Sinbad no Bouken, OPM, Re;Monster, Drifters,
Video game series: Pokemon, FF, Games made by Square
TV Show: None
Anime: Too many
Webcomic: Deathbulge is cool, Cyanide and Happiness
Drink: Water
Shoe: Converse
Hat: Nyet
Color: White
Music Genre: Guitar, Jpop, Metal, Punk Rock
Internet Meme: Anything on le reddit

Do I...

Smoke: no
Swear: yes
Flip out and kill people: next time maybe
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: yeah
Knit scarves for orphans: nah
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: some
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: shut up
Have furry leanings?: yeah

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: I am the future
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Too late now

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Hentai
Other random trivia: I'm having the slowest self-taught Japanese learning experience ever

Notes: Nopes

Aaaand, Happy New Year guys!


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Introduction Thread

Welcome xreno and enjoy your stay! Don't worry about marriage though, they say the cake is a lie


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Introduction Thread

Name: Guy
Screenname / Nicknames: The Guy/ Guy
Current Country of Residence: Merica

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color:blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair length: Short
Glasses: yes
Features: Ordinary
Height: Tall

~ Ideal appearance ~

~ Personality ~

My Fears:
Common Utterances:Well shit, what
Is the glass half full, or half empty: half
Bad Habits: When I get comfortable with someone I curse more around them

3 Things I Dislike:

~ Favorites ~

Video game series:almost any strategy game like total war/Civ
Anime: Got a few but Golden Time has stuck with me
Drink: OJ
Color: Blue
Music Genre:almost anything that I can 1: understand and 2: listen to without my ears hurting
Internet Meme: Like 60% of Ifunny

Do I...

Smoke: no
Swear: yes
Flip out and kill people: Depends
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: nope
Knit scarves for orphans: nah
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: younger
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: possible
Have furry leanings?: somewhat

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?:
Should Marty have gone back to it?: You mean from the Old West? he should have gone forward

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Been lurking forever in play by post (like a year) and finally decided to get account activated to try some myself
Other random trivia: Im willing to try new stuff.

Notes: noted


Jungle Girl
Jan 7, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Introduction Thread

Name: JD
Screenname / Nicknames: MindShard_Dev,
Age: 22
Current Country of Residence: USofA

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair length: Short
Glasses: Sometimes~
Features: 5 o'clock shadow or more. I'm a lazy shaver...
Height: Tall-ish!

~ Ideal appearance ~
6'2", muscular but thin, good smile (white, straight teeth).

~ Personality ~

My Fears: Spiders
Common Utterances: "But, um..."
Is the glass half full, or half empty: It's gonna be completely empty when I'm done with it!
Bad Habits: Nail-biting.
My life goal: Be able to fully provide for my family.

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Spiders
2) Socially awkward situations.
3) Being in situations out of my control.

~ Favorites ~

Video game series: Golden Sun
Anime: ToraDora!
Manga: Mx0 is pretty amazing, as is Ichigo 100%
TV Show: House of Cards
Drink: Coffee, Latte
Color: Grey
Music Genre: Punk Rock
Internet Meme: Most Interesting Man!
Food: Fettuccine Alfredo, hands-down.
Cookie: Homemade oatmeal raisin

Do I...

Smoke: On occasion, "socially"
Swear: ...Too much...
Flip out and kill people: My anger is something I try to continually bury.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Nope
Knit scarves for orphans: If only I could knit.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Pokemon plushies :3
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Giant anime library? Check. Obsession with manga and anime? Check. Play way too many MMOs? ...Check...
Have furry leanings?: Nekomimi is as far as I go!

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: I wish.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Marty really shouldn't have been messin' with the timeline.

~ Other Stuff ~

Reason for joining: A friend of mine recommended the forum!
Other random trivia: I really enjoy Chess, specifically the Queen's Gambit
Notes: I'm working on a Visual Novel!


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Introduction Thread

Wo lolo, welcome theguy09 and mindshard_dev, enjoy your stay and watch the gap!

What is the Queen's Gambit by the way? Enjoy a few matches of chess myself, but nowhere near a professional level.

And theguy, that tipping point of comfortably swearing around people is when you know who your friends are ;)


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Introduction Thread

Hi Mindshard_Dev!



Jungle Girl
Jan 7, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Introduction Thread

Wo lolo, welcome theguy09 and mindshard_dev, enjoy your stay and watch the gap!

What is the Queen's Gambit by the way? Enjoy a few matches of chess myself, but nowhere near a professional level.
The Queen's Gambit is an opening for White, where you allow Black the option of taking your C-rank pawn to offer a stronger middle-board position for White. I like it because I'm a fan of sacrificial openings - lose a small piece to gain a positional advantage. Now, Queen's Gambit Declined is a different beast entirely...

I'm no where near professional level either though! Merely a hobbyist that is really intrigued by professional-level play. I hope to understand so that I might be able to emulate one day! xD

Nice to meet you and Hentaispider!


Jungle Girl
Apr 21, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Introduction Thread

Name: James Chris
Screenname / Nicknames: p00chie, Crabby, JC
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: USA

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: As brown as dark roast coffee
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: Short, never gone past my neck.
Breasts: Flat as a pancake
Glasses: I'm wearing them
Features: Lithe, squishy-ish muscles.
Height: Around 5'6

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Tbh, anything that looks cool.
Hair color: Depends on Eye color.
Hair length: Depends on Both eye and hair color.
Ears: Normal ears.
Breasts: Still flat
Tail: I'm good
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: How about no?
Glasses: If there are windshield wipers, then yes please.
Features: Less Lithe, more muscle mass. Not too much though.
Height: The same. So I can still easily fit through tight spaces.
Cyclops: No
Skin: Same

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Leo
My Fears: Being alone in the dark, being alone and in danger, Spiders, being told to spell long words, Uncertainty, talking to people over the phone, Scary Horror games especially when playing alone/ in the dark.
Common Utterances:
>Responses to people "Yeah", "Okay", "Wow", "Uh-huh", "Nah", "Oh".
>Another way of saying "yeah" for me "Un"
>Greeting people "Sup"(With really deep voice), "Hullo", "Hi", "Yo"
>Playing competitive FPS games like Destiny "SHIT!" "FUCK!" "GahwDAMMIT!" "Wow, lag..." "THAT'S BULLSHI- XBOX RECORD!"

Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half empty. But I guess at times it can be half full.
Bad Habits: Cursing when playing competitive games, Staying up real late, Not eating sometimes, forgetting things, procrastination.

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Not being able to decide which things to add to this list of three.
2) Lag in video games.
3) Unreasonable people who can jump off their ego to their IQ and reach terminal velocity.

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Uuuuu, I don't know, so many. ; ^ ;
Other manga of interest: One I like is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Video game series: SO MANY. SO VERY MANY. I'm currently playing "Destiny", also one of my most favorite FPS games is "Halo"! As for action games, Uhhhn! I love "Legend of Zelda" games! I love RPG games like "Fire emblem", "Dark Souls" or some of the games on this site, heh. Oh man I also love "Hyperdimension Neptunia"! Fucking play that a lot on Steam! I could literally write paragraphs upon paragraphs about this topic but I'm going to move on now before that happens lol.
TV Show: I guess nature documentaries? I fall asleep listening to them. I guess some comedy shows like "George Lopez" are cool too.
Anime: It's the same with video games, I could list so many things and type a goddamn essay about this, but I'll only list three of my favorite anime that I watched in 2016, "Tokyo Ghoul", "Boku no............. Hero academia", "One Punch Man"
Webcomic: I guess One Punch man? That's the only one I read lol.
Drink: Tea, Coffee, Kappa-chino(Cappuccino), Sunny D(Courtesy of Dark Souls)
Shoe: If I can run in it, then it's good. I don't want any of those tight as ass shoes or crap lol.
Hat: Sometimes I wear beanies, or duck bill caps.
Color: Black, gold, white, purple. (Sometimes blue)
Music Genre: ANY kind that I like, I love listening to music a lot!
Internet Meme: 8/8 would masturbate.

Do I...

Smoke: No.
Swear: If you read the above, then you should know lol.
Flip out and kill people: Er, no.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Air guitar when I'm listening to sick guitar rifts.
Knit scarves for orphans: Nope, I knitted one pair of shorts one time, and put it on, it was tight as fuck.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: I have a fatass stuffed Pikachu, that's it. Might get a body pillow for shits and giggles though lol.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Sometimes I hiss at sudden sunlight.
Have furry leanings?: -Googles- I don't think so.

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: I think I have flashes sometimes, which then later become Deja vu moments, so I think yes.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Mcfly should definitely do that.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I thought, "Why not? Not many places to have a good discussion about hentai anyways."
Other random trivia: The human body contains many salts, of which sodium chloride (AKA common table salt) is the major one, making up around 0.4 per cent of the body's weight at a concentration pretty well equivalent to that in seawater. So a 50kg person would contain around 200g of sodium chloride - around 40 teaspoons. Since we lose salt whenever we sweat, it has to be continually replaced..

Notes: Tired
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