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Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

As they get up, Lily mutters a quick little incantation to sharpen her senses, hoping to manage it unnoticed. When they're leaving the restaurant, she stops Laena at the door to quickly whisper: "He's a demon. Be careful."
Casting Arcane Brilliance for perception boost. 70/6=11.67 rounded up to 12+1 for 13 total, increasing perception from 26 to 39.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Despite the strange man, Garrett was thankful to have finally found a lead. He seemed fishy, though everybody that was a stranger these days could be a hostile, almost nobody was to be considered an ally unless they have proven them self somewhat trustworthy. The only person so far that he considered such was to be Laena, as she did save his life. Far as he was concerned, that pretty much abolishes any suspicion. He had only just met Lily, but she seemed decent enough. Still, he should stay on his guard around her.

A lead! Finally! I don't care who it's from, or if he's just making this up, I need at least something to go on. This is the first time I've actually come across anything so close to as a clue. Plus, he's paying for the meal! Free food on the house! Woo!

The man mentioned his name was Canderous, and offered that they visit his home. Usually he would of refused this kind of offer, as to isolate himself could only bring danger that he might not be able to handle quite yet, but the exception here was that he would be able to feel confident since he had safety in numbers. Laena was obviously on his side, and looking at Lily, she didn't seem to know who this man was. 3 on 1 were good numbers, so it would be foolish of the man to attack.

"Usually I would refuse this kinda thing, but considering the dire circumstances and how hard it's been to actually come across anybody that has known the slightest bit, I'll accept. Lead the way, and we'll follow."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena continued to eat her meal, a little more quickly now, since it seemed that they were about to go elsewhere. As the man put money on their table the harpy protested, saying "no, keep your money, I don't like to freeload off of people if I can avoid it. It makes me feel like I'm cheating them somehow." She got out a few of the coins she had stored with her, but the man insisted, and she sighed and allowed herself to relax. "Okay, fine" she said, putting the coins away. She blushed a little at being called lovely, instantly quieting down as a bit of shyness took over. When everyone was done she hopped out of the booth and began to follow behind the others, getting pulled aside by Lily just before they left the door and warned that the man was a demon. "Shit... this could get bad..." she whispered back, concerned what Garrett might do when he figured it out. When he introduced himself and told them they would be going to his home she considered saying something, but held herself back, instead only replying "I'm Laena."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, +14 Perception

Casting (Lily) : Success.
Buffs round up to the nearest even number, so Lily gets +14 Perception!

Perception: Lily succeeds. Everyone else is clueless though!

Canderous didn't seem to notice as Lily quickly took Laena aside to deliver her warning, and neither did Garrett as he followed the aging man. As he led them through the streets of Glassmoor, which was larger than Garrett or Laena had expected it to be, the latter having only seen small parts of it, he continued to speak. "I've lived in this city for thirty years now, ever since I left the empire. In that time, I've studied many of the legends of the jungle cultures and those of greater Amazonia alike. Many of the things I've learned in that time have been... Interesting, to say the least."

A short while later, they arrived at his home, a small cottage near the edge of town. "Home sweet home! Come on in, make yourselves comfortable. And take your shoes off!" Canderous said, holding the door open for them. Inside was fairly cluttered, several tables covered in books, maps and papers taking up much of the floor space, but there didn't seem to be anything overtly hostile about any of it, or even dangerous. There were a couple of chairs sitting around a mostly clear table, and he gestures toward them with his cane.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

They eventually stopped at a nice little cottage, nothing too fancy of excessive like he was expecting this guy to have. Why, he wasn't really sure. He just seemed to be the type that might have one.

The man opened the door, and he could notice that it was rather cluttered a bit. Probably most likely doing some research or work he had mentioned he enjoyed doing on their brief walk over here. If anything though, it was indeed a great place that held information. Maps of all sorts of places, vast amounts of books and papers he could assume was even more research. Even if this guy didn't have all the information he needed, with all this he had to at least have something that could point him in the right direction. It also seemed normal enough, nothing gave off a creepy atmosphere. Had this guy had shrunken heads around the place as decoration, that would of been another story. It was fair to be asked to take his shoes off, and Garrett obliged, as it would only be proper for a guest to do so. Taking a seat at one of the chairs gestured toward, he tried to relax a little bit. He awaited eagerly what the man wanted to tell him.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Lily does her best to keep her tension from showing, but some of it creeps to her face as she takes her shoes off and sits down, keeping her eyes on the demon. Her hair takes on a slightly darker shade, perhaps unconsciously. "I've always been interested in myths and legends. Most locals don't seem to like telling them to outsiders, here."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena flew along behind the others slowly, careful not to outpace them despite how easy it would be to do so with her wings. She wondered briefly what this demon knew of her kind from legends. She wasn't all that sure what Amazonian legend would say about harpies, though the people had been friendly enough with her that it couldn't be too bad.

It turned out that Canderous lived in a small cottage at the very edge of town, which was actually quite larger than Laena had thought from just the little bits she had visited in the past. She landed just in front of his door, watching as he opened it for her, and then hopped into the cluttered building, and to a table the demon pointed to, sitting down on her legs on the chair, as she had to considering her joints. She would wait for the others to start any conversation, though.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, +14 Perception

Once the three of them had taken seats around his table, Canderous closed the door to his cottage and wandered over to an alcove that turned out to be his kitchen. He came back bearing a kettle and set of tea cups, and he set the latter down on the table before taking the kettle over to the fireplace and hanging it over. "Let me make you some tea, I'm sure we have a lot to discuss. Laena, would you be so kind as to go into the kitchen and grab something for me? There's a small platter on the bottom shelf of the first cabinet on your right that has the tea and sugar on it. I'm afraid that I'm all out of honey and cream, and haven't quite had the time to acquire any more just yet." Canderous said over his shoulder as he filled the kettle with water and then began setting a fire beneath it, both tasks taking almost no time at all.

Turning back around, he glanced at Lily and said; "I think I might have heard of you... Lily right? You've been here a few days, and some of my colleagues might have mentioned you asking around for a teacher." The demon in the form of an old man smirked, "That they don't! I've been here for most of my life and have only managed to uncover a few of its secrets in all that time. I'd be happy to share what I've learned so far with you, but it will take some time. For now, there is something that I think your young friend here will be interested in." He turned to Garret, "I don't think I've caught your name yet, young man."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena watched curiously as Canderous wandered over to a small little alcove in the cottage, which seemed to be his kitchen. Garrett disliked demons so much that the harpy was a little bit worried that this one might have ill intent for whatever reason. But he came back with a kettle and some cups, the former of which went on the fireplace, the latter of which he laid down on the table. When he offered to make them tea, he requested that Laena get the tea and the sugar out of the kitchen for him. "Of course" she replied, hopping up and slowly walking in her seemingly awkward way towards the kitchen, searching for the platter he had told her about. It wasn't too hard to find, and she carefully pulled it out and then closed the cabinet, walking over to the table and setting it down before sitting quietly at her seat again, noting that the others were in conversation with the demon.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Indeed! He hadn't introduced himself.

"Ah! My apologies sir. The name is Garrett. Pleasure to meet you sir." He paused, considering that if he really should tell the truth or not about his reasons for needing this information. He most likely wasn't going to share until he knew it. And Garrett didn't see any harm in doing so.

"As you know, I'm currently hunting for information about where demons and such reside, possible ways to locate them. In truth, you were right about me doing some sort of demon hunting. But it's more a rescue quest in my opinion. My town was overrun with those things, abducted my mother and my two sisters, and killed my father. I had been out gathering wood when I noticed the smoke in the distance while heading back home. Long story short, I'm trying to find my family and possibly free them from the demons captivity. I know most likely though they'll be corrupted to the point of no return however, and in that case I wish to relieve their souls. Then hunt down the ones that did this to them. Possibly even try to close whatever gateway from hell that's opened up in the world. Not sure what I'll do if I can't find the gate to close. Probably just a wandering demon hunter, trying to protect towns and people from them and try to keep some sense of humanity alive and well." Garrett never fancied himself a hero, but if he could rid the world demons one by one, perhaps being a hero really was his aspirations for life.

"I know demons are powerful and tricky however, and it wouldn't be smart to take them lightly at all. A couple years after my town was attacked, I began to study on demons, trying to figure out most what I could. I even learned some demon magic myself, though I rarely ever use it. Wasn't intentional either, I guess I just picked up on it."

Giving a worried sigh, he looked in Laena's direction as she left to get the tea.
"I had planned on going this journey alone. I honestly don't care what happens to me much. It's other people. I wanted to be able to make decisions without worrying about another person's safety. But I came across her, and she's been following me." He turned back to his host, glaring as he leaned forward.

"Demons really piss me off for one reason. Laena back there is a very sweet girl. But demons and these creatures are taking such people and turning them into something else. That pisses me off the most about them. They capture, rape, and twist the people you grew to know and love, and make them monsters."

As Laena returned, he finished up his summary.
"So basically, that's why I'm here."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Hearing the putrid hate in Garrett's voice, Lily is shocked. Shit, Canderous is going to attack the fool any moment now, and I can't say he'd be wrong to do it, although Garrett wouldn't see it that way, obviously. The last words cause a smile to rise on Lily's face, though it seems to completely lack any joy. Words rise to her mind, and she is only barely able to stop them from coming out: Some humans I've met aren't much better. And how in the world are you going to track your family after more than two years?

Shaking her head Lily tries to find someway to diffuse the tension, but she can't think of any. Revealing Canderous as demon at this point would be certain to start the fight she wanted to avoid. "That sounds like a real tragedy, but... would it be any different if they had been human bandits instead of demons?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Well that was sort of a good question.

"Well there is a difference there. Human bandits, yeah I suppose I'd want revenge on them as well. But if my family was dead, I would still know they are at peace in the afterlife. With demons, they likely condemn their souls to eternal anguish and suffering, rather than just mortal suffering. So while I would be composed to go after the bandits as well, the urgency in this current circumstance is much higher." Maybe there was a better way to say this...

"Put it this way. I said that I'm pretty much going against something I know I have little chance against, right? But I'm risking my life anyway. However, if it were the bandits, I know my family would want me to move on and live my own life, make them proud by being a better person for them. But this current situation doesn't allow me to just "move on". I'd never be able to live with myself knowing that the souls of my family suffer while I continue my life. And I'm sure there are many other people who have met similar fates. I know I can't save everybody, but I sure as hell will try to."

Giving a nod of confirmation, he gritted his fist hard, clenching his teeth in determination.
"That's why I can't quit. This isn't about a quest for revenge. It's about those who can't break free of the hell they've been forced into. Revenge is just going to be the nice side dish that comes with the main course." He relaxed the tension in his body, giving a thoughtful sigh as he folded his arms leaning back in his chair.

"Though over my years in study, I've always wondered, could their be some exceptions with some demons? That's something about life that's always been true. There are always exceptions. So does that possibly mean their are demons that don't intend harm, but instead are just misguided in their intentions? For all we know, the world they come from could be like ours, possibly even normal people living there. Sadly though, I haven't come across such a setting or individuals, so for now I can only assume the worst from demons."
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Bound
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Bound
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Bound, +14 Perception

Attacks: Hit.
The group are all Bound.

Canderous nodded when Garrett gave his name, smiling and saying; "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Garrett." After that, he simply stood by the fireplace and listened as Garrett spoke, explaining his search and what had happened to his family at Artmirst.

In the kitchen Laena quickly found the tray in the cupboard, but strangely, she also found a note sitting next to it that read; 'He will not be harmed.' It was written in elegant script. When she returned with the tray, she returned just in time to hear Lily's short reply to the man's words, and when Garrett had finished the kettle over the fire began to sing. Canderous, smiling comfortingly at Garrett, brought the kettle over and quickly poured each of them a cup of tea, taking the last for himself before he sat down at the last chair at the table.

"Well, Garrett, I see you've lived something of a difficult life. Especially for one as young as yourself, it saddens me to see such hardship pushed upon anyone." He said evenly, and then took a sip of his tea before going on; "As I said earlier, I think that there is a way that I can help you. I don't know where your family is, but I do know of an artifact, hidden deep within the jungle. It is part of a collection of four, a set of items that might aid you in your search, and I know where two of the others are as well. I have only recently discovered the key into these ruins, but I am far too old to risk the dangers within. If you can retrieve all four pieces of the puzzle, you might even be able to save your loved ones completely, and restore them to what they were like before they were taken, for it is said that together the four pieces of the Metathran Lotus can grant their bearer the ability to control the flow of time itself."

He sipped his tea again, and then set his cup down and rose to his feet, heading back over to the fireplace and standing beside it. It was then that they noticed the piece set upon the mantle, a small black stone carved to look like a lotus petal, and with a strange pattern etched into its surface. Canderous stared at it for a long moment, his back to the three of them as his hands slowly clasped behind his back, but then straightened and set his cane against the mantlepiece. "But before I give you this key, there's something that you should know. About me."

Canderous turned back toward them, facing them with his back unbent and his hands still clasped behind him. The years had vanished from his face, leaving him with an appearance that, had they seen it first, would have led them to believe that he wasn't that much older than Garrett, maybe in his thirties at the oldest. Before any of them could remark on his sudden transformation, however, Canderous tilted his head to the side, and their chairs suddenly sprang to life, wood sealing around their entire bodies and holding all three of them in their seats, unable to even budge an inch. Two tiny horns slowly sprang out from their host's head, gradually growing until each was about two inches long and had begun to curl backwards along the curve of his skull. His hair was still short and silver, but it had become more thick and lustrous than it had been when Canderous had turned around.

"I AM a demon, you see....."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena couldn't hear much of the conversation as she fetched the tray for the demon, but especially as she stared at the little note next to it. "He will not be harmed." She pondered for a long moment whether that was reassuring or not as she picked up the tray. Could she trust that it was true? Canderous was a demon, after all. But were they really as bad as Garrett thought they were? By the time she had come back and set the tray down Garrett was explaining more clearly what it was that he hated about demons. Or at least, the concept of demons. It sounded... odd. She had heard concepts like that, the idea that demons dragged souls into Hell and torment, but they had always seemed kind of ludicrous to the harpy. What did demons get out of that sort of deal? She couldn't think of a proper motive.

She surly didn't speak up and voice her opinion, though, instead sipping her tea and allowing the others to talk. Once Garrett had completed his long piece, Canderous began his, talking about a magical item that could help to save the man's family, something hidden away and split into four parts, which could ultimately change the flow of time if assembled. It seemed an amazing possibility, something that could easily change the face of the Amazon forever if found. It was utterly perfect... Of course, it was then that the demon chose to reveal himself to Garrett. Laena downed her tea quickly as the older man changed himself, suddenly appearing much younger. It was good that she had finished the cup, too, because the moment she had her chair sprang to life, sealing completely around her as horns sprouted from Canderous' head. The harpy sat still, even if this seemed excessive compared to what was necessary. She would trust that the demon really wouldn't hurt them, and hope that maybe Garrett would learn something about keeping his mouth shut. Or about tolerance. One of the two. Either was fine.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Doing a double take, he indeed saw that the man had seemed to have turned younger. Alarms went off in his head as he started to go for his sword, but the transformation of the furniture bound them.

"And THERE'S the catch!" He yelled, struggling a bit before admitting it was entirely pointless as it held firm.

"You know, you didn't need to hold me like this if you didn't want me to kill you! I said I look for an excuse to kill a demon. I don't make a reason, they have to do something first before I can consider just chopping of their head. But this is a reason! Unless you let us go immediately right now without harming us, I won't try to sever your throat!"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Lily struggles slightly before stopping to hear what Garrett has to say. "I'm surprised he's still willing to help after that little speech you delivered." Lily says in a dry tone. Turning her attention to Canderous, she continues. "Still, I somehow doubt you're doing this from the goodness of your heart. What's in it for you?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Bound
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Bound, +14 Perception

Canderous smiled at Garrett, but the expression seemed more sad than malicious. The demon sighed and shrugged his shoulders, rolling his head and cracking his neck audibly. Lily felt power expand out from him, and it was about then that she realized that Canderous was probably more powerful than she had imagined when she had first recognized his nature. A great deal more powerful. The sheer amount of energy that had begun to radiate out from the demon that had them bound into their chairs was staggering, and it wasn't a stretch of the imagination at all to think that he could quite easily have simply killed them. After a moment, Garrett and Laena felt the same overwhelming presence washing over them, as if they were being smothered by something far larger than either of them.

He didn't respond immediately to Garrett. Instead, he turned toward Lily and calmly replied; "It is within my interests to see that the current holders of these items no longer hold on to them. If left unchecked, those who have acquired the other two will cause a swath of destruction across a world already on the brink of collapse. I would rather not see my home burned to the ground, but I also cannot risk revealing myself. There are many parties who would seek my destruction if they knew of me, not the least of which are my own kin." He smirked slightly, and then went on; "Of course, you could try to reveal my existence to others in an effort to harm me. I'm sure that that would prove quite inconvenient for me, at least in the short term, but it would also prove quite problematic for you in the long run."

He turned toward Garrett again, but then paused and glanced at Laena, dismissing her bonds with a wave of his hand. "I can't imagine that position was comfortable for you, my apologies. Do not interfere, and you, your lover and Lily will not be harmed." He said calmly, his voice even but not cold.

When he turned to face Garrett again, his expression had become flat, and his tone followed suit; "Making threats is not something that one in your position should do, young man." His bonds tightened until they were almost painful, "Your words are those of a desperate man. A man acting in fear and anger. That does not inspire confidence, nor does it inspire me to help you. I'm going to do it anyway, however, because you, being an outlander, are currently my best option."

He turned around and plucked the stone lotus off of the mantle, and then walked over to stand in front of Garrett. "So. You can take my advice and my assistance, which I am offering without any attached costs or expectations, or you can maintain your petulant attitude and leave here with nothing gained. What's it going to be, Garrett?" He held the stone out, and the bonds on one of Garrett's arms suddenly relaxed, allowing him to move slightly once more.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

As an aura washed over him, he felt the raw power of his foe weakening his muscles and purging him of most of his confidence. But while he was indeed bound, he could of easily gotten out by teleporting. However, it's usually best not to let your enemies know you can do such things until an opportunity arises.

"You underestimate me. Sure, you're more powerful, but I'm not desperate. I may be a bit rattled as your magic presence is overwhelming, but if a person is never scared of anything, that just means they're morons bound to commit drastically fatal actions out of self pride, rather than retreating when given the possibility to be the smartest mood. Angry though, I sure as hell am. But at least your request isn't stupid."
The next statement did catch him a bit off guard though. He referred to Laena as Garrett's lover. An odd time for slight flush to warm his cheeks in embarrassment for a rather serious situation.

Knowing if another person has had sex with somebody in the past... that's a new one.

"I still have to ask, as your proposal surely does have a cost. Demons never make deals without some sort of exchange, or they'll do something that exploits a loophole in their promises. So don't assume I'm a gullible idiot, and just tell me what the catch is."
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 43, EP = 77, Status = Bound
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Bound, +14 Perception

"The catch....." Canderous muttered, smiling darkly as he tasted the words. The demon laughed, the sound filled with genuine mirth rather than malice as might be expected. "You're a prudent man, if a bit straightforward, Garrett. The catch is quite simple really; these artifacts are possessed by extremely dangerous people. You will have to fight them in order to acquire them, as well as face any additional threats that you might stumble upon in your travels through the jungle.

"As I said before, these artifacts are quite dangerous if left in the wrong hands. Believe what you like about demons, I live here just like anyone else, and I don't want to see the place set on fire by some would be conqueror. If I can keep that from happening without dirtying my own hands, what do I care who does end up with the artifacts? You seem like a decent enough young man, I'm sure you'd do something with them that wouldn't involve the slaughter of countless innocents." He held up the stone lotus petal to Garrett once more, his face somewhat impatient. "So. What's it going to be, Garrett?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Laena frowned darkly at Garrett’s reaction to being bound by the chair. Such bravado. She was starting to doubt her choice of mates just a little as he struggled futilely against the chair and threatened the demon, even in the position he was in. Canderous smiled sadly and sighed, cracking his neck and beginning to emit an aura of power that the harpy couldn’t feel at first. When she could, however, she very nearly vomited. It was the strongest presence she had ever felt, crushing down on her chest and stomach, and it was plainly clear that the demon in front of them could kill them at any time, probably with just a thought. She listened quietly to Canderous’ words towards Lily, pondering vaguely what this magical item he was talking about meant. It sounded now as if the thing was a tremendously powerful thing, a superweapon and a force of healing all at once, capable of being used for either good or ill. They needed this thing. Not just because it could save the Amazon from destruction at the hands of the alien invaders, but because it could also destroy the Amazon just as easily.

She was brought out of her ponderings when the demon turned to address her directly, and with a wave of his hand the chair let go of Laena, though truth be told the restraint hadn’t been nearly as uncomfortable as just being in the presence of such a powerful being. Of course, even that was pushed out of her mind as he called Garrett her “lover.” She blushed bright red. How did he know anything of the sort? She nodded silently, content for the moment to continue sitting as comfortably as she could in the chair and listening. After all, she would jump at the chance the demon was offering. The others he might need to sell. Garrett’s answer, though, really started to bug the harpy. She was developing the urge to yell at him, and his bizarre penchant for what seemed to her to be machismo. Was he trying to impress her by acting tough? Why did he assume that a demon could never help someone, or keep a promise? How could you even make generalizations like that? She wondered if he would treat her differently if he knew the way the majority of harpies treated men… It wasn’t like Canderous didn’t have a legitimate motive to help them, either. If Garrett did something to screw this up, Laena didn’t know what she’d do…