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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Last big terrorist incident in Canada was done by a radicalized Canadian. Only time our War Measures Act was put into place was due to French Canadian terrorism. In Spain the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna are a terrorist group pushing for Basque nationalism. Not all threats come from the outside.

Bringing up the point of only one of the Paris shooters/bombers was a refugee is also interesting seeing as France has brought in roughly 5000. And how many of these terrorists actually believe in their cause, and aren't going to their own deaths under duress. Happened a lot with fighters and suicide bombers in Afghanistan; Taliban would threaten to rape and murder their families if they didn't do what they were told (which often involved conflict with ISAF forces).

On the other side of the coin... how come everyone only brings up terrorism? How about Polio? The WHO declared a public health emergency because of outbreaks in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Sure most people are vaccinated, but not everyone is. Just a devil's advocate point.

The fact of the matter is that most of us were much more comfortable when suicide bombings and other related forms of violence were exclusively problems for the Middle East.

My one correction here is that many only believe it a problem for the middle east. There's been suicide bombings all over the world really. One of the first recorded ones was a Russian in 1881. The Japanese kamikaze pilots of WWII. Nigerian attacks. Chechnya.
Re: In today's news...

Fair enough. I can't speak for the current situation in Europe--I haven't been there since 1999. I was discussing the moronic things that political candidates in the US have been saying, for the most part.

My one correction here is that many only believe it a problem for the middle east. There's been suicide bombings all over the world really. One of the first recorded ones was a Russian in 1881. The Japanese kamikaze pilots of WWII. Nigerian attacks. Chechnya.

I stand corrected.
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Re: In today's news...

Because I decided I needed more positive stories in my life.

Somewhat topical feel good story

Re: In today's news...

Somewhat topical feel good story

That's a great story. Thanks for sharing. Just shows what kids can do with the right role models. A little positive energy can go a long way... might even get you an iPad, haha.
Re: In today's news...

Last big terrorist incident in Canada was done by a radicalized Canadian. Only time our War Measures Act was put into place was due to French Canadian terrorism. In Spain the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna are a terrorist group pushing for Basque nationalism. Not all threats come from the outside.

Exactly, and in the UK we had problems with the IRA until the late 90s.
We have enough problems on the homefront already, we don't need to be importing problems from elsewhere too.

Instead of sorting out problems of the world we should be sorting ourselves out first. The UK is a first world nation yet over 15% of the population lives in poverty, meanwhile over the past ten years we've sent nearly two billion pounds to India in foreign aid - a country that not only has more aircraft carriers and and submarines than us but also a bloody space program.
Thankfully we've finally stopped carting cash off to India as of this year.

And speaking of Polio... Tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis was a disease that had been practically eradicated in the UK, but it's had a resurgence in recent years... because of immigration from Africa.
And this isn't just any old TB, this is Super TB - a highly resistant strain that antibiotics are largely ineffective on.

I'm not going to say that immigration is to blame for everything but there is a lot to blame it for.
Re: In today's news...

Here's another of those videos, this time it seems to focus on Islam and the 'not all muslims' hashtag stuff, as well as the established effects from immigration into Europe

It drops a few really rough statistics on this, and of course, testimony from Paris survivors, as well as a lot of polling statistics of muslims who do in fact agree with ISIS
Re: In today's news...

Just at the shops and saw as I was walking past the racks of used toilet paper the Sun with the headline "1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy for jihadis".

So, 5% of the 1000 sample strongly sympathise and 14% have some sympathy.

Make of it what you will.
Re: In today's news...

A "fighting age male?" I hope this is just poor phrasing. First, this implies that males at a certain age can (or should) fight. Are you prepared to stand at the border and make that determination? I'm at a fighting age, and I'm not sure if I'm prepared to pick up a gun and fire bullets at someone who's also firing at me.

Second, it implies that the females cannot fight OR perform acts of terror--the past several decades have proven that many of them can do both.

Understand, also, that we're talking about untrained civilians who do not have access to weaponry, going up against trained fanatics with guns and bombs. It's easy, from the comfort of your home with the internet between you and these events, to say, "Well those fighting age males should be fighting, dang it!"

I doubt you'd be saying the same thing if you lived in a war-torn country. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

Do fighting age females form rape gangs? Disclaimer: your answer may induce erections.

However that was not the entirety of my original point, so I concede and will alter my statement to : If your are a fighting age person. And yes, I would relish any tiny fraction of power I was given over other humans. (Tough break on this one, would have probably worked on someone with less megalomania or more empathy though!)

Finally, you can bet that if anyone attempts to invade my home I'll be out there fighting. I might not be able to stomach being a member of an organized military unit, but god help anyone that attempts to occupy the bum-fuck nowhere that I live.

Even though I'm a bit of a survivalist because of the environment in which I live and can't reasonably expect others to have that knowledge, every human should know how to do at very least these five things:
1. Make a fire
2. Find/make drinkable water
3. Build a shelter
4. Make a weapon (it's absurdly easy to create horrible things with house-hold objects, chlorine gas and thermite being the top contenders, hell a sharpened stick is better than nothing)
5. Kill (whether for food or defense)
Re: In today's news...

In today's news... 24th November 2015 00:19 It came from the comments section... IT CAME FROM THE COMMENTS SECTION!!!!


I don't know who neg repped me for my above post but they have a high rep and I suspect an addiction to sniffing glue.
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Re: In today's news...

The big problem with these refugees is that they're all healthy men, in the prime of their lives.
And they leave their family behind so they can personally go to europe and get welfare, while the family doesn't get anything.
They're leaving the actual needy so they can get free stuff here. And the family? Well, they're still wherever they were and good luck to them, because only rarely do they get help.

And in some brighter news

MtF trans may be able to get pregnant through uterus transplant within 5-10 years. More work is required to get the support structure of stuff like hormone production and blood vessel connections in place(And potentially also vaginal transplants), but in theory it is possible

But then NASA did have a theoretically sound warp drive and that's still not even started, so take it with a grain of salt. It takes a lot of time(And funding) before any of this new tech gets out. But it is a possibility
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Re: In today's news...

And in today's fucked up news

Turkey shoots down Russian aircraft over Syrian airspace
Then the pilot gets shot while he parachutes out (Apparently while the shooters keps shouting allah's snackbar)
And apparently now a rescue helicopter has been shot at (Edit: ISIS shot that one down)

Good job Turkey, you idiots

Edit: Putin said there will be consequences and this will not go unpunished. Also NATO does not technically need to get involved because Turkey started it. They probably will anyway because NATO seems to have a hardon for fighting Russia
Also Russia sending its navy to the mediteranean
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Re: In today's news...

If it was USA, Britain, France, or Germany that shot down the plane and Russia retaliated then NATO might get involved.
But what is Turkey to NATO? A useful staging area and buffer state between the West and East, nothing more.

If one of these tertiary states causes more trouble than they're worth NATOs not going to bother with more than sabre rattling.

Bit like how in 2008 Georgia was promised eventual NATO membership and celebrated this news by invading South Ossetia, and then NATO was like "Oh no you dumb mother fuckers didn't do that! Your mess, you clean it up. Peace."
Re: In today's news...

Turkey is adamant in claiming that the airplane had been intruding their airspace repeatedly. IF that is true (and Turkey's reputation isn't the best right now, to be fair), then it would have been an act of defense. And if Russia's retaliating THEN, the NATO has no choice but to stand with Turkey. Anything else would be proof that the alliance is nothing but a joke and may as well be dissolved.
Re: In today's news...

In other news, what would it look like if ISIS won and took over most of the middle east?

Well, just look at Saudi Arabia

Where people are sentenced to death for possibly not being a muslim in the same way as the ruling class
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Re: In today's news...

Just at the shops and saw as I was walking past the racks of used toilet paper the Sun with the headline "1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy for jihadis".

So, 5% of the 1000 sample strongly sympathise and 14% have some sympathy.

Make of it what you will.

(Disclaimer: I'm not the neg repper)

Firstly: The question the poll asks, "How do you feel about young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria?"
It does not specify which of the many factions of fighters, it does not specify ISIS, and it does not specify Jihadis.

Secondly: It in no way asks, "Do you have sympathy for the cause or motivations of the group they join."
It's very common to express sympathy for the individuals that have been led astray into making such a shitty decision in life. Neither the question asked nor the results say absolutely anything about endorsing or condoning the attacks.

Thirdly: We're sourcing the fucking Sun now? You've got more luck getting mature and accurate reporting out of bloody Fox than those clowns. That paper is nothing but football, celebrity tits, and sensationalist gossip headlines for semi-literates to skim through. They don't even remotely try to hide the pathetically blatant spin they put on their ("exclusive telephone poll") data because they know none of their audience has enough of a brain to try and interpret it themselves.

So in conclusion, what I make of it is...

Since we're posting anything these days, if anyone is looking for other reputable and quality non biased news sources to share, there's a handy newsletter signup at the bottom of this page.
Re: In today's news...

Actually the Sun hasn't had tits in it for a couple of years.

I never said it was a good source of information, if my contempt wasn't super obvious by referring to all published rags as "used toilet paper", well... thats your problem not mine.

Anyway, the results of that poll aren't too far fetched considering other polls, conducted by other organisations, about Charlie Hebdo, the dutch cartoonists, etc have yielded similar results.

And any statistics generated by such polls are going to be dubious at best, you don't even need to subscribe to a religion that permits lying to the infidel to realise that maybe telling the random person telephoning you that you support terrorists is maybe not such a good idea.
Re: In today's news...

Firstly: The question the poll asks, "How do you feel about young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria?"
It does not specify which of the many factions of fighters, it does not specify ISIS, and it does not specify Jihadis.

I rather think that's implied. You sure as hell don't hear about people leaving to fight with the kurdis in the news.
Re: In today's news...

The actual answers to the polls honestly aren't at all that far fetched no. The imagined re-interpretation of those answers though, is just ridiculous. Because as I mentioned, none of the questions actually asked if they support terrorists.

And yes, I saw that you compared it to toilet paper, yet you shared it anyway with the classic, "make of what you will" line, which tends to translate to "I believe this enough to share it, maybe you'll agree."

It's like if a scientific body examined a paper, could see the blatantly flawed and biased methodology using a famously unreliable form of testing, and decided, "Meh, let's add it to the study anyway. It's not like we're trying to be objective here."

And yeah spider, it's plenty implied in the article, but it's still not the question the people on the end of the phone actually got, even if they all presumably all assumed as much. You don't ask people "Do you feel sorry for German soliders during WW2?" and then report that anyone who answered yes is a Nazi supporter.
Re: In today's news...

On the Russian plane that got shot down
Turns out Turkey just decided their airspace extends into Syria.

Kind of like how China claims all islands in the south Chinese sea belong to them
Re: In today's news...

On the Russian plane that got shot down
Turns out Turkey just decided their airspace extends into Syria.

Kind of like how China claims all islands in the south Chinese sea belong to them

I don't think that particular source looks terribly unbiased (or reliable), based on its multiple articles that have already claimed that this action is a massive NATO conspiracy.

With that said, the other claim that Turkey has made is that Russia is bombing areas populated by Turkmen, or Turkish people living just across the border. It would be hard not to draw parallels between Turkey's actions and the many military actions that Russia has taken to defend Russians living in former Soviet states (Ukraine, for example). You walk a fine line when you come within even twenty-four miles of a state's borders, let alone inside of twelve.

I'm not saying that Turkey is completely in the right here, but Putin is being very indignant over something he himself could rather easily be accused of.

Personally, I wish we could all set our differences aside and crush ISIS. But I'm not in charge.