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In today's news...


Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

Koei Tecmo gave a statement earlier today in regards to an overseas release of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 and they said they won't release it outside of Japan because they're afraid of recieving backlash from people over this whole "sjws taking over video games" controversy.

For those of you who wanted to get this game, the game has multi language support so you could still import though it will be more expensive.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

I rather think that's implied. You sure as hell don't hear about people leaving to fight with the kurdis in the news.
You don't? I certainly have. Just a sample:

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

You may need google translate for it

But German employers unions are complaining that the refugees are not the promised Syrian engineers and doctors, and do indeed consist mainly of the uneducated.
As such, they're asking if they can pay them less than minimum wage so there's a reason to actually hire them

And after a long (Mostly unreported) battle against ebola which appeared to be won in many sub-saharan countries, it returns

Sucks, but since the doctors are already there after trying to cure ebola it should hopefully not create another outbreak


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

But then NASA did have a theoretically sound warp drive and that's still not even started, so take it with a grain of salt. It takes a lot of time(And funding) before any of this new tech gets out. But it is a possibility
If you're referring to the Alcubierre (SP? Mexican scientist I believe) Warp drive well, the problem with that is it builds up particles (been a while could be something other than matter) on either the hull of the craft or the external side of the warp "bubble" that are turned into gamma radiation (literally the most destructive form of energy we've discovered) upon exiting from warp. Meaning that basically you're shooting a kill everything ray every time you initiate a jump someplace, sure you could attempt to re-direct that energy to a specific location that you've calculated to be safe, but while space is fairly empty on a comprehensible scale, you fire a blast of gamma radiation it's going to hit something, eventually. And that thing is dead.

Another problem being that it's from a theoretical physicist and requires 'exotic matter' which should be read as: Magical stuff that makes my theory work. Now, the last time I checked physics hadn't really progressed with any theories that had been proven in a long time, the only thing they've achieved is a consistent sense of internal logic giving them plausibility. Not to say it isn't worth-while, just view what they say with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Koei Tecmo gave a statement earlier today in regards to an overseas release of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 and they said they won't release it outside of Japan because they're afraid of recieving backlash from people over this whole "sjws taking over video games" controversy.
Not that I've ever actually played a DOA title, but it is sad to see idiocy win yet another battle... Granted, I really can't believe DOA gets that many sales outside of Japan so they could just be blaming a reasonable financial move on something else to save face.


Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

Not that I've ever actually played a DOA title, but it is sad to see idiocy win yet another battle... Granted, I really can't believe DOA gets that many sales outside of Japan so they could just be blaming a reasonable financial move on something else to save face.
Well there's a good chance that they were actually right on this one. Yesterday the Hong Kong based webstore Play-Asia announced on their twitter account that they would sell copies of the english/multi-language version of the game to overseas customers which not only pissed off a lot of people to the point that some made threats against them but also resulted in a huge boost of followers to Play-Asia's twitter account.

Warning: There are a lot of ads in the following link



Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Russia bombed 'supplies' convoy headed to syrian rebels just by the turkish border

It was a turkish convoy too
Last edited:


Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

Russia bombed 'supplies' convoy headed to syrian rebels just by the turkish border

It was a turkish convoy too
Aww shit here we go. :(


Nov 26, 2009
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Re: In today's news...

Its okay, it was a smuggler convoy carrying arms and explosives.

Also I've read that apparently Turkey's air force is currently grounded, not because Turkey decided to ground their planes but because as soon as their aircraft leave the tarmac they get painted by long range Russian SAMs.

Turkey might be having an Arab Winter soon.


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

Well, I always said that the middle east would be the flash point for world war 3. Been about 15 years in the making but this might well be the spark that fuels the flame. The interesting part would be, which side would I fight for? Being Russian I would want to back them, but being American as well I would be potentially on both sides of the coin as it were.

Interesting to see how this develops as Turkey may well have messed with the sleeping giant and with the pathetic president we currently have, I see little that the US will do to actually curtail the situation.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Turkish authorities have arrested two prominent reporters on charges of assisting terrorism. They had published video footage online that allegedly tied the country's state intelligence agency to Islamists in Syria.
So, getting this straight
Turkish government is giving guns and ammo to ISIS and other extremists
The press that reveal this is charged with 'assisting terrorists'
This after the turkish government is already trying to fully control the media

If anything, it really seems like Turkey is the clear and obvious bad guy here. Russia isn't exactly known for being nice, but at least they're not funding crazed lunatics on the warpath rampaging through the middle east


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

No different than the US training Bin Laden to be the next "bad guy" after the situation in Iraq was finally resolved.

War is good for business, so it is not exactly unheard of for elements to be put on the field that would instigate a conflict.

With the day and age as it is, information is much harder to keep away from others. Secrets stay secret for not very long. So does it surprise me that Turkey is going to be "framed?" for arming their own enemies, sure.

There are always three sides to a story. My side, your side, and the truth.

Oh, to whoever just negrepped me, thanks you finished my red lightsaber.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

So, uh... what happens when ISIS has been dealt with? It seems pretty obvious to me that Assad can't be left in power, he's a large part of why the civil war started in the first place. Granted he's not sending suicide bombers out to other countries, but there are those other .

Was really hoping for pictures on that link, but I guess good deeds take precedence over my perversion. I don't see human trafficking being a problem that goes away any time soon, the only globally applicable answer would be stricter control on what crosses boarders. Even then it would still exist, and those actions would more than likely make the conditions much worse for those that are enslaved. Simply catching those in charge won't result in any permanent change, as another will take over the operation.

I guess if I were to tackle the problem, I'd legalize prostitution, then regulate it so severely there's no profit left for organized crime.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

I guess if I were to tackle the problem, I'd legalize prostitution, then regulate it so severely there's no profit left for organized crime.
Yeah, that's pretty much my position on the issue too. It's not like keeping it illegal is stopping it from happening, and making it legal would make things a lot safer... and probably cleaner too.

I was a little surprised that the group of nun freedom fighters would even want to be known because it might make things dangerous for them... but I guess they didn't name any names and the people that do that crap probably don't read articles like that anyway. It's kinda freaky that one of the only ways to help people right now is to do crazy stuff like that. But also nice to know that people care enough to do that.
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Tentacle God
May 13, 2014
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Re: In today's news...

Damn, well done nuns.

I'm leaning towards a state-monopoly on prostitution. For those who don't know, in several Scandinavian countries, the state has a legal monopoly on selling alcoholic beverages over 4,5%, which is done through publically traded companies (where the state owns a majority, the Vinmonopol in Noway, and the Systembolag in Sweden) with their own special outlets. The argument goes that since alcohol has undeniable social detrimental effects, its sale should be regulated more strictly than other wares.

Now, granted, this manner is detested quite vehemtly by the right-wing parties, but I've thought several times about how it could potentially be a usable model for prostitution. It would essentially mean that all prostitutes would have proper contracts and work security, and so they could also organize and so forth. Well "all" is obviously stretching it, since there would still be an informal sector of "unlicensed" prostitutes working, but at least the option for them to go "legit" would be there - and without having to go into a possibly shady private sector.

I don't know... prostitution is one of those things that ruins a lot of lives, but is unlikely to go away, so we should at least attempt to help out the people who're likely to get shafted by it. Ie. the prostitutes.


Nov 26, 2009
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Re: In today's news...

So, uh... what happens when ISIS has been dealt with? It seems pretty obvious to me that Assad can't be left in power, he's a large part of why the civil war started in the first place. Granted he's not sending suicide bombers out to other countries, but there are those other .
Well, Iraq and Libya are so much better now their despots have been removed and the power vacuum has been filled with FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY.

Oh hang on...


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

Seems the wardrums are being beaten louder and harder in Ye Ol' Blighty - cross-party support for extending bombing of IS from Iraq and Afganistan to Syria, while the Opposition Leader has said no before consulting his own party, several members of his party feel otherwise, with some of his own Shadow Cabinet are apparently threatening to resign.

Good reasons have been thrown into the pit for and against the bombing - yes, we need to wipe out IS, they are a literal death cult, but look what happened before with our intervention. We could make ourselves a bigger target to terrorists by attacking them! But on the other hand, we're already fair game, what with seven or so terror-plots foiled this year alone.

It has been called 'we must be seen to be doing something, regardless of whether or not our manpower-diminished air-force, army and navy can achive that, and absolutely nobody in any authority has suggested anything approaching what you and I might call a 'exit plan' nor have much of an idea what to do.

In slightly less relevant news, people who go to Syria to join the Kurds in the fight -against- so-called IS are being prosecuted upon return, citing the legal argument that the Kurdish fighters belongto a 'known terrorist organization' or therin about). At the same time, we have over 450ish people who have traveled to Syria for training by the maniacs, and are currently back in the UK, apparently not a single one has been apprehended, despite so-called IS being... you know, a known terrorist organisation.

Among other things, UK's dealing with and against IS has been blasted as 'schizophrenic' at best, pathetic at worst.



Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

And in more positive news, fusion power tests

And in other news...North Korea

Is threatening to nuke Turkey because supporting Russia


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

And in more positive news, fusion power tests

And in other news...North Korea

Is threatening to nuke Turkey because supporting Russia
Yaaaay north koreans are good guys again! Pack it up everyone, shows over.