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In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Miller sighs. "Well, I guess we'd better hope we can find something here. You and Anne keep exploring while I take these to the camp with Willow."
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Alright... Fair enough" Jessica said, inwardly groaning. She decided she would take Anne back to the big metal door to investigate it and try to open it.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The combined efforts of the two mermaids slowly force the door to open, revealing a long corridor with strange green light coming from the end.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Between the two of them they managed to force the big stone door open, revealing a long corridor. It was bathed in a bizarre green light, which made Jessica wary. "That doesn't look natural... Let's be careful" she said, slowly swimming forward.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The tunnel leads to a large circular chamber with a brightly glowing green orb floating in the center. The water close to it feels warmer, and Jessica feels an urge to touch it. Anne appears to be wrestling with her own feelings as her hand slowly extends towards it.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

As Jessica and Anne swam down the tunnel the green light got brighter and more intense, until finally they came out in a large, circular chamber. In the middle was a floating orb, the source of the magical green light. The closer they get, the warmer the water gets, Jessica feels a nearly uncontrollable urge to touch it. Thinking about it for only a moment, she decided that maybe it was a good thing. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she had been transformed into a mermaid, and touching it would help her in some way. Either way, she reached out to touch the glowing orb.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

As Jessica touches the sphere, her head is filled with a song. The tune is similar to the song Mierin sang, but while Mierin's song was melancholic, this is joyful. Intuitively, Jessica knows that she has to make a choice, with one road leading far below the surface into a magnificent city, while the other will leave her where she is.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica touched the glowing green sphere and suddenly heard a song much like the one Mierin had been singing, except that it was quite a happy tune as opposed to the melancholy that had marked the mermaid's. The nerdy girl knew somehow upon touching the sphere that a choice was being presented to her, that she could either stay put, or be transported deep below the sea, to a hidden city. She couldn't help but think that she had been led here purposefully by something, with the singing from before. She looked to Anne, whispering "I think we have to go... They might be able to help us with this in a way the others and hanging around here won't." She wanted to leave, but not without the other assistant; she would just feel bad leaving her alone, especially since she now wasn't able to get back on land, and would be utterly alone down here under the waves.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Anne nods absentmindedly, and suddenly a wealth of information floods into Jessica's head: How to hunt for food, how to make clothes, how to speak in the language of mermaids and also, how to find the city... and Mierin.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

All of a sudden a tremendous amount of information flooded into Jessica's head. All of it was in the language that Mierin had spoken, but somehow the nerdy girl could understand it, the glowing orb having somehow imparted fluency on her. She learned about what it was she would be eating as a mermaid, and how to catch it. Thankfully her harpoon would be excellent for spearing fish, especially since it had the ability to shoot outward if she made it. It also taught her how to make clothing for herself, which was fortunate; she was wearing only a bikini top at the moment, and had nothing to cover what had once been her crotch. Finally, she now knew how to find the underwater city, and Mierin. She decided that she would make herself something to cover herself more fully, and then make her way with Anne to find the mermaid she had rescued from the ice.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Anne seems stunned from all the information, her mouth working as if to speak but no sound comes. To make clothing, Jessica would need seaweed or other plantlife, which should be easy enough to find near the shore of the island.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Seeing that Anne was seemingly overwhelmed, Jessica gently touched her shoulders, massaging them. "It's okay, we're going to be fine" she said, trying to be reassuring. "We'll leave whenever you're ready." She really would wait until the girl seemed to have herself together before swimming out of the labyrinth in search of seaweed and other such plant life.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

It doesn't take long for Anne to calm down. "Let's go." Shortly the pair gets out of the labyrinth. There doesn't seem to be much seaweed nearby, so they'd have to search further for it. Jessica also spots dolphins playing not far from the beach.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

It didn't take the two of them very long to swim out of the labyrinth. Jessica and Anne were getting used to their new bodies, and swimming felt so natural to the nerdy girl now that she barely had to think about doing it. Once outside she looked around for some seaweed to make a sort of bikini bottom, but couldn't see much. Over by the shore were some dolphins playing, and Jessica watched them quietly. "Hey Anne, lets go look for some more seaweed over there by the dolphins. It should grow more towards shore, and I've always wanted to see dolphins up close. They're so cool" she said, slowly starting to swim that way. She wondered if one of them would maybe let her pet them.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

As Anne and Jessica swim closer, the dolphins greet them with low whining sounds and one of them pokes Jessica with its nose while another flops onto its back behind her, almost brushing against her.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The dolphins allowed Jessica and Anne to approach them without trouble, even swimming over to the mermaids and made low whining noises at them, which Jessica couldn't really interpret. As they got really close one of the dolphins nudged at the nerdy girl's stomach with his nose and another turned over onto his back behind her, close enough that she could almost feel the water he was displacing. She was sort of in awe of being so close to them as she turned slightly, looking the mammals over as her hands reached out timidly to stroke head and belly with care, not wanting to move too fast and spook them somehow.
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Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

D 18 vs 20

As Jessica reaches out to rub the dolphins belly, she can see a large penis starting to extend from the base of its stomach. The dolphin behind her bumps onto her, trying to get its fins around her unsuccessfully.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

As Jessica rubbed the dolphin's belly, she noticed something she hadn't really expected. From the base of his stomach down towards the tail a long, thick penis began to extend, curling slightly. It seemed like the mammal could control it somewhat, almost like a tentacle. At the same time, another bumped up against her, and she could tell that this situation was quickly getting out of her control. "He-hey... guys, slow down" she said, trying to swim a little bit away from the pack of dolphins, though that would probably be difficult with them all around her. "I just wanted to be friendly..."
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The surprisingly flexible fins of the dolphin behind Jessica wrap around her, and the dolphin that was moments ago poking her with its nose pushes its member against her, trying to find her sex. Jessica can hear Anne shout something before she punches a dolphin.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The dolphins quickly thwarted Jessica's attempts to swim away from them, one of them wrapping flexible fins around her stomach. The nerdy girl could hear Anne shout something, though she couldn't tell what, and begin to fight back against them, the sound of her hitting one of them coming through the water. Jessica couldn't bring herself to really fight, though. As she felt the dolphin in front of her rub his prehensile cock around on her tail, trying to find her pussy, she couldn't help but become aroused. The sea floor wasn't that far down, and it was clear enough that she would be able to see fairly clearly; she dropped her harpoon down towards it, not wanting to use it or hold on to it, but also not wanting to lose the weapon. Then she reached down, her hand lightly gripping the dolphin's dick, and if he didn't object stroking it gently. The mermaid would continue to give the dolphin a handjob for about 20 seconds, during which time her other hand began to rub her lower lips, preparing herself a little more before she guided his cock to her flower, helping him penetrate her if he needed it. The nerdy girl couldn't really believe she was doing this, especially considering that Anne could probably see her, but she couldn't help it. She didn't want to hurt the dolphins, after all, and she would probably enjoy giving them what they wanted...