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I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Bought access to her site once. Downloaded all of her games and art. The art is o.k. for fapping but the games are brutally bad. Literally every single one is a boring grind-fest walking simulator that would benefit of having just a "skip to gallery" button.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Vanja's games do need some work, but I feel like she's slowly getting more and more experienced. I email her regularly to keep up with her projects as well as provide input. Sometimes she even draws stuff I ask for:

Wii Fit Trainer with Pit and Mario

Poison with Guy from Final Fight

Rouge with Jack from Power Stone

Nude Ahri from League of Legends

I asked for all of these and she was super nice the entire time.

I am not afraid of being sued... but when someone tells me, "Hey, please don't share this." I don't share it. Not trying to be a douchebag or anything...

I find it funny that those who call her games crap and claim not to care are the first ones here to talk about it. I like her games, I like her art, and I like Vanja herself. Anyone can email her, anyone can speak to her about the exclusivity of these games. She's just a girl who likes to draw tits and dicks.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Literally every single one is a boring grind-fest walking simulator that would benefit of having just a "skip to gallery" button.

this, they are not worth the trouble.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

this, they are not worth the trouble.

A lot of them are tedious... unforgiving and sometimes just make me plain old mad....

I always give her feedback, she'll reply to you, she's cool as hell, but she's also a businesswoman who does do this as a source of income.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

There's only two possible scenarios with Vanja DRM:

-Based on the fact that get games are an absolute mess programming-wise (not a single one of her games aren't bugged where you're falling through the map or getting stuck through the walls, crashing, randomly resetting) the DRM is a bluff and she simply hounds sites for her links being posted to DMCA remove links, or;

-She's an amazing DRM programming wizard who makes games as a hobby, but her games and art never turn out to be as amazing as her prolific security scripting skills, and to pirate her games is to tangle with a beast the likes of which no mortal has ever encountered before.

You can take your pick as to which side you believe more.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

since I got a few of her games... I can just say, what DRM? The games I have do not even try to connect to the Internet
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Personally, I'm the type to take a product for a test-drive before purchasing it, especially since we're not talking about perishables or something that costs additional resources to copy I see no reason to gamble my time and money on a product with unconfirmed quality unless somehow convinced of it's merits.

Game developers being notoriously unreliable (sometimes even due to outside influences like publishers demands ruining a product) and the quality of their products being highly inconsistent it's no surprise people are becoming wary, cautious.

And that brings us to the main reason why DRM fails to function, it's not getting you any new customers.

This. I like to test games out first as well, there's no way to tell if there'll be game breaking bugs that may never be fixed. It's not like you can go on Youtube and see a playthrough of most H games, or find tons of indepth reviews like a retail game to check the quality.

All you're doing with DRM is deterring potential customers, you won't be making any new ones. I've always heard her games were garbage and the art/images don't look that great, the DRM bit just makes me not even care to find out for myself. I've never bought a DRM game, I just immediately avoid them. It's funny because most games I've seen DRM'd have had terrible reviews/sales. People thinking a little too highly of their product eh?
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Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Well I've only played one of her games that was up long time ago and gave it a fair shot.

There wasn't anything in it I could fap to so I just abandoned her games and moved on.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Yeah, in my experience, the games just aren't great enough to warrant losing too much sweat over.

Don't get me wrong, it's pretty dang respectable that she writes her own jump-and-run framework.
But you notice it has its rough edges: Animation around jumps is not great (and sometimes plain buggy),
jumping itself feels "wooden", and hitboxes just don't register the way you would expect.

The graphics are great, but in a kind of CG-gallery kind of way -
I can spend some time looking at the screens/animations, but they don't mesh well with the gameplay.
And that would be my main criticism: The games are just frustrating.
You get 3 health ticks, not enough checkpoints, and too many difficult-to-get-right jumps/attack timings.
Sometimes there's enemies I don't even understand how you're supposed to beat without losing a life.
The game just needs too much effort from me to clear, and doesn't provide enough fun while I'm doing that to keep me going.

So yeah, I suppose the reason you don't find these shared is a combination of:
- The games just aren't that great, from a game point of view
- The threat of "if you share this, she can find whose copy it was and kill your access / sue you"
- The community of supporters is just small enough to have the common decency to respect an explicit "please don't leak"
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

So long as nothing gets shared and the conversation stays civil, I'm fine with it staying up.

I haven't seen you around here for a very long period of time.
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Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Don't get me wrong, it's pretty dang respectable that she writes her own jump-and-run framework.
But you notice it has its rough edges: Animation around jumps is not great (and sometimes plain buggy),
jumping itself feels "wooden", and hitboxes just don't register the way you would expect.

Hah, writing your own jump-and-run framework is respectable, using it in a game that you publish and expect people to pay money for is just goofy when you have the option of using something already exhaustively tried and tested. It's like deriving the pythagorean theorem yourself when you're just trying to find the fastest path to the corner store.

The only reason I have any interest in these games is because I seem to remember some (or one) of them involving an aphrodisiac gas attack that makes your character masturbate. That's not something you find in every game and it is very relevant to my interests. Not paying $20 for all the rest of her crap though, haha.
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Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Several months ago I managed to dig deep enough into the bowels of the interwebs to find one on her games, and even having already been warned that they were mediocre at best, it was still crappier than what I had been expecting.

If the dull gameplay and the subpar sex animations weren't bad enough, there were also crash bugs and other glitches which rendered the game virtually unplayable.

I still wonder how she actually manages to make any money off this stuff.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

>how she actually manages to make any money

Dumb overexcited students deifying any female creature from internet.
Especially true for any 18+ environment, like h-forums.
With them, you can make good money, even if all your games completely shitty.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

It's a combination of mediocrity(or possibly worse) and security. One of the worst looking kinds. Because when you see the things in the internet. You just can't help but feel. Why out of everything is THIS unavailable to free downloading/piracy.

I mean, yeah sure, pirates are bad, blah blah blah(I don't think so, but that's another topic), however, when you look at the other products like Monster girl quest, Raidy, Tsukihime, the JSK games, Kurovadis, artificial academy and so on and well.......they have no DRM, no protection, no nothing. These games have less than an eighth of the security Vanja games have. I mean if piracy is so bad, then where are the white knights of Monster girl quest or Kurovadis? Isn't the later game also made only by one person?

On top of that, there are Fairy fighting, Hounds of the blade, Fairy War 2, Shoujo and other games that are both better and free to download. Free. I mean the piracy argument doesn't apply to those at all because they don't need any sort of piracy to the first place. And most of them made by single person each too. Because you see, this is an issue of comparison. We look at the internet and we just can't help but think "why out of everything and everyone is Vanja the one wearing armor?"

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's her business, and she hasn't done anything criminal or wrong. And she put protection because she can. But it still looks so very unfair and so damn out of place. It's like in a river, out of all the bigger and tastier fishes, some of which who want a standard bait to be caught. And others who want no bait at all to be caught. There's this small not so tasty fish that requires a golden bait. Yeah, I know the right thing to do is to simply ignore and that I am in the wrong here by just complaining. But I still can't help but complain since this small fish looks so damn annoying with it's crown, regardless of whether it's right or not.

I just thought I'd try to put in perspective and explain why many hate her. And they are in the wrong to hate her, she did nothing criminal or morally wrong. But still, she is kind of the one who put herself in that setting where she can become easily hated and infamous. She doesn't deserve it, but she sorta asked for it.

And it would be more easy to accept if the DRM increased her revenue. But the thing is, it's actually decreasing it(like other in the thread explained)
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

--Recent customer--
My experience
I'm a fan of her for her art style. She has a very big emphasis on cute. Long ago I obtained Witchcraft 1 from a site and shared it here, unknowingly making a few early birds happy before getting blindsided by the unique situation. Some time later I bought a month subscription to in part apologize and also because it gave me access to everything on her site. Many games, drawings, comics and movies. Well worth the price in my opinion. During the month she also drew a phoenix harpy for me which I was able to get before my month expired. That commission alone would have made me happy. I'll likely buy another month in a year and ask for another commission.

Games: Stages often a bit long and uneventful with unpolished gameplay.
Art: Cute focus. If you like her style you'll be happy. Look at her free stuff to decide.
Customer Service: The monthly subscription is easily turned off with no bad business involved. She is very polite and charming in her response emails and very quick as well. Her website does not spam you or throw ads your way. For those in the closet, she is also discreet if needed. She constantly updates every month and makes it easy to obtain the content you paid for.
Protection: I think it is due to constant searches to eliminate leaked content, marking system, notoriety, and that she doesn't use DLsite.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Bear in mind: The games are not her only output, and given the amount of stuff on her site, arguably not the main.

The way I see it, she produces comics and standalone drawings, and throws in a few movies and games as an added bonus.
Given that, I don't think her pricing isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

A lot of them are tedious... unforgiving and sometimes just make me plain old mad....

I always give her feedback, she'll reply to you, she's cool as hell, but she's also a businesswoman who does do this as a source of income.

You defend her overpriced, low quality, cut copy paste games and artwork?

I get it now, she's your Toonpimp :D

We aren't so different after all Papa.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Toonpimp used to be Papa's Toonpimp... that didn't work out well.
Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

Alright you know when people bring up that guy that a thread is headed towards shit. Questions have been answered, things have been discussed, how about we delete this now?
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Re: I got a question about a certain heavily secure H-Artist.

I will not have my threads deleted, sir.