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RPG Maker HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Thanks for the translation, always good to understand what's going on better :D
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Well, I'd never expect this from you, Starke. But I guess I was wrong. :)

Thanks, and happy holidays to you, too.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I dont know whats going on but every time i try to play sacred eyes the character starts moving to the left then i cant progress. anyone know whats going on?

This can sometimes happen if you have a game controller plugged in or even just the drivers for a controller installed.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

cheers starke sorry about my earlier outbursts and slander earlier on in the year probably forgotten about it which is good... I had some trouble with money back then and yeah and problems with family but all is good since then and i've found a new way in life...

All the best to everyone on ulmf and hrpg heaven XD
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

cheers starke sorry about my earlier outbursts and slander earlier on in the year probably forgotten about it which is good... I had some trouble with money back then and yeah and problems with family but all is good since then and i've found a new way in life...

All the best to everyone on ulmf and hrpg heaven XD

I'm sorry... I really don't

People take the internet too seriously, usually if I seem mad online I'm probably just trolling you, I won't remember it 10 minutes after it happens.

There's a few exceptions, thankfully you're not one.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Why are you even doing this? I don't understand the purpose of your forum. All you're doing is stealing translators.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

"Stealing translators"? No one has a gun to their head. Or my head, I translated To H.

Our forum is more than just an H place to download pr0nz. People go there because they want to go there, people keep their translations and games there for many reasons, it's an hassle to constantly having to replace dead links, authors messaging you because they do not authorize changes/translations of their games, etc. etc.

We have a system, it has been working for 2 years and a half, we're proud of what we built and we like it there, it's like asking someone: "why did you leave your parents house? all you're doing is creating more bills". Doesn't work like that, aaaand we don't like mods telling us what we can post or not, we just post everything but loli there, no one complaining it's off topic or spam or double posts or shit, we just have fun, also:



Did I mention we're much more than an Hentai forum?
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

"Stealing translators"? No one has a gun to their head. Or my head, I translated To H.

Our forum is more than just an H place to download pr0nz. People go there because they want to go there, people keep their translations and games there for many reasons, it's an hassle to constantly having to replace dead links, authors messaging you because they do not authorize changes/translations of their games, etc. etc.

We have a system, it has been working for 2 years and a half, we're proud of what we built and we like it there, it's like asking someone: "why did you leave your parents house? all you're doing is creating more bills". Doesn't work like that, aaaand we don't like mods telling us what we can post or not, we just post everything but loli there, no one complaining it's off topic or spam or double posts or shit, we just have fun, also:



Did I mention we're much more than an Hentai forum?

Yeah or you know that if you didn't keep translations private then nobody would want to pay 50$ to join your forum.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

No ones preventing you from translating the stuff you want :p why gripe about ones you dont have access to?
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

No ones preventing you from translating the stuff you want :p why gripe about ones you dont have access to?

How would you feel if i stuck that translation behind a paywall and only released things to the public to try and salvage my broken reputation? Besides, if HRPGheaven didnt exist its likely its current translators would either have stayed with ulmf releasing translations for all to enjoy with no strings attached or have stopped entirely which is better in my opinion than creating a snobby little secret club.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

idk, im sure all the games ive translated for myself and released were translated long ago on their forum. doesnt bother me really tho. but then again i kinda enjoy translating non-story stuff :D
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

How would you feel if i stuck that translation behind a paywall and only released things to the public to try and salvage my broken reputation?

Honestly, I would politely message you, ask for the translation, and respect your decision. If you translated a game, you're not obligated to give it to anyone. It's YOUR decision what you do with your work, and sharing it freely does run the risk of having the author come back on you.

I think it's funny you complain about hiding translations behind closed doors, and then you insult the person when they release translations to the public. To me, that makes you sound petty. Why don't you just play the games released and enjoy one a few more English RPG Maker games?
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

idk, im sure all the games ive translated for myself and released were translated long ago on their forum. doesnt bother me really tho. but then again i kinda enjoy translating non-story stuff :D

I appreciate what you do and i love that you share them with the community at large. Though if i were in your shoes id feel slighted that whatever work you do is available to them freely, while their own work is not reciprocated.

Its not the end of the world obviously if HRPGheaven decides to never share their translations and its entirely up to the translators if they don't wish to share the work theyve done. But they shouldnt get upset or surprised that people think they're scumbags for hoarding the translations in a tiny little forum that charges money for access. Id go so far as to say that keeping translations private is actually hurting interest in 2d Hgames within the Western market and they are actively limiting its growth.

I think it's funny you complain about hiding translations behind closed doors, and then you insult the person when they release translations to the public. To me, that makes you sound petty. Why don't you just play the games released and enjoy one a few more English RPG Maker games?

Maybe its the attitude that comes with his release as Starke has never been anything other than arrogant and rude. And he isn't suddenly entitled to my respect either the same way im not entitled to any of their translations. So dont come here and try to chastise me for not licking his feet over what was essentially a token release to attempt and repair Starke's awful reputation among the Hrpg community in general.
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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

"Stealing translators"? No one has a gun to their head. Or my head, I translated To H.

Our forum is more than just an H place to download pr0nz. People go there because they want to go there, people keep their translations and games there for many reasons, it's an hassle to constantly having to replace dead links, authors messaging you because they do not authorize changes/translations of their games, etc. etc.

We have a system, it has been working for 2 years and a half, we're proud of what we built and we like it there, it's like asking someone: "why did you leave your parents house? all you're doing is creating more bills". Doesn't work like that, aaaand we don't like mods telling us what we can post or not, we just post everything but loli there, no one complaining it's off topic or spam or double posts or shit, we just have fun, also:


Did I mention we're much more than an Hentai forum?
And you're baiting with your paytowarez site again. Why did you break your promise and keep coming back here if the mods are so shit like you say? All you do here is shitposting and advertising your forum.

Like rea_jask said:
if HRPGheaven didnt exist its likely its current translators would either have stayed with ulmf releasing translations for all to enjoy with no strings attached or have stopped entirely which is better in my opinion than creating a snobby little secret club.

The whole english H-games community would be much better without you. We wouldn't have to pay for some guy who gets off of bullying people he doesent like.
I refuse to play anything shared by you. You keep coming back here, expect to be treated like a god and then harass the community and go back to your safe place where everybody apparently strokes your big ego even more.

You do livestreams which attracts the media attention just so you can get even more money. The japanese are already pissed at us because of rapelay, do you want to escalate it further? Why do you want to ruin everything for the english h-community?

Please go away.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

I don't think he made this thread to try to repair his reputation. In fact, I would submit that his reputation is exactly where he wants it to be.

I DO think he made this thread for the same reason all the other releases have trickled out from his forum, "leaked" or not-

It's very simple. The public releases are dangling carrots, to entice more people to pay him the $50 to join his forum. Its the same reason his sig states that there as supposedly only 4 more slots- to create a sense of urgency.

Those are two of the oldest sales tricks in the book- sheisters of his ilk have been employing them since the dawn of time.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Its not the end of the world obviously if HRPGheaven decides to never share their translations and its entirely up to the translators if they don't wish to share the work theyve done. But they shouldnt get upset or surprised that people think they're scumbags for hoarding the translations in a tiny little forum that charges money for access. Id go so far as to say that keeping translations private is actually hurting interest in 2d Hgames within the Western market and they are actively limiting its growth.

Do you know how much work goes into a full translation? A lot. So, if they want to release translations and charge access to a forum with those translations, then that is their prerogative. Should translation companies like Jast or Peach Princess release their products for free? Are they obligated to do so? Maybe you should email them about it.

Maybe its the attitude that comes with his release as Starke has never been anything other than arrogant and rude. And he isn't suddenly entitled to my respect either the same way im not entitled to any of their translations. So dont come here and try to chastise me for not licking his feet over what was essentially a token release to attempt and repair Starke's awful reputation among the Hrpg community in general.

Then don't play them. Problem solved. I don't lick anyone's feet, nor should you. But, I also don't whine about not getting free access to other people's work. I understand that it is their choice whether to release them or not.
Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Yeah or you know that if you didn't keep translations private then nobody would want to pay 50$ to join your forum.

Cool, they would save me the time of rejecting applications and answering mails like "LET ME IN OR ELSE..."

How would you feel if i stuck that translation behind a paywall and only released things to the public to try and salvage my broken reputation? Besides, if HRPGheaven didnt exist its likely its current translators would either have stayed with ulmf releasing translations for all to enjoy with no strings attached or have stopped entirely which is better in my opinion than creating a snobby little secret club.

I wouldn't give a fuck, there's a lot of places and things I don't have access to. Just so you know, some/most of our translators were already translating and NOT releasing before HRPG Heaven came out, VCT already had dozens of translations and his first public one was Arms Devicer which we shared with ULMF that you guys would've NEVER, EEEEEVER see if we didn't ask him to share with you guys, and considering how ungrateful some of you are, I don't blame him. ;)

I appreciate what you do and i love that you share them with the community at large. Though if i were in your shoes id feel slighted that whatever work you do is available to them freely, while their own work is not reciprocated.

Its not the end of the world obviously if HRPGheaven decides to never share their translations and its entirely up to the translators if they don't wish to share the work theyve done. But they shouldnt get upset or surprised that people think they're scumbags for hoarding the translations in a tiny little forum that charges money for access. Id go so far as to say that keeping translations private is actually hurting interest in 2d Hgames within the Western market and they are actively limiting its growth.

Maybe its the attitude that comes with his release as Starke has never been anything other than arrogant and rude. And he isn't suddenly entitled to my respect either the same way im not entitled to any of their translations. So dont come here and try to chastise me for not licking his feet over what was essentially a token release to attempt and repair Starke's awful reputation among the Hrpg community in general.

Ditto. I'm not in a beauty pageant or reputation pageant, I shared because I care, sharing is caring and sometimes I like to spread the love, even if I don't get love back.

And you're baiting with your paytowarez site again. Why did you break your promise and keep coming back here if the mods are so shit like you say? All you do here is shitposting and advertising your forum.

Like rea_jask said:

The whole english H-games community would be much better without you. We wouldn't have to pay for some guy who gets off of bullying people he doesent like.
I refuse to play anything shared by you. You keep coming back here, expect to be treated like a god and then harass the community and go back to your safe place where everybody apparently strokes your big ego even more.

You do livestreams which attracts the media attention just so you can get even more money. The japanese are already pissed at us because of rapelay, do you want to escalate it further? Why do you want to ruin everything for the english h-community?

Please go away.

Most of what I did here in this account was share stuff and help people. Whenever I feel like.

You don't want to play anything shared by me? Whatever floats your boat.

You want to know why I keep coming here? The thousands (literally, didn't make up a number) of people that actually do play them and deserve to get stuff shared with them because 1) I promised I would and 2) the warm thanks you get in the end (which I admit is awesome to have our work recognized), despite of all the haters and the terrible mod(s) (never had problems with admins).

Not once I expected to be treated in any way, good or bad, apparently you don't understand that... I don't give a fuck... I seriously don't, I honestly expected waaaaay more hatred when I started the poll, lol. That's why I started the poll... as a joke, to see all the entitled people go ballistic but this time unlike in the April's fools joke, people took it like champs which is commendable.

We do livestreams because we have A LOT of fun doing them and our users have fun listening to them, simple as that, the livestreams were created FOR OUR FORUM, it was shared outside at popular request.

I don't give a fuck what the Japanese are pissed off at, our forum is not public, it's behind a pay wall and our links are safe. [/sarcasm]

I don't think he made this thread to try to repair his reputation. In fact, I would submit that his reputation is exactly where he wants it to be.

I DO think he made this thread for the same reason all the other releases have trickled out from his forum, "leaked" or not-

It's very simple. The public releases are dangling carrots, to entice more people to pay him the $50 to join his forum. Its the same reason his sig states that there as supposedly only 4 more slots- to create a sense of urgency.

Those are two of the oldest sales tricks in the book- sheisters of his ilk have been employing them since the dawn of time.

I'm not a "salesman", the 50€ is trying to keep people out, not it... I don't care where my reputation is here (it helps when it's not in the red so people don't PM me asking if my links are legit/virus), despite all the "fanboys" and all the "go away Starke" reputation messages and hatred PM's, I will keep sharing, and replying to what I think is worth replying. I honestly don't like replying to hate mail so when I do, I come off as arrogant/snide but if I don't do it with some sarcasm I'll probably go bored and ignore you, I legitimately think "this guy is too stupid to understand why he's stupid" and move on.

I hope that replying to all this mindless provocation will answer some questions to other "fanboys" and I can just link them here instead of writing another wall of text, so see this one as an exception. I mean the whole post, not your quote specifically, to be fair, I haven't read your name and I won't remember you 10m from now, keeping it 100 with you.

I can remove the lettering, it's not hard to type "Sorry, we're full" the whole 1329412849128 times I will have to do it. (Now that number was made up, it's an hyperbole).
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Re: HRPG Heaven X-Mas Gift

Is that why half of your posts on this board are little more than stating that you have something and can't actually share it? More dangling carrots. Of course you share a little here and there... if you didn't, people would have no way to believe you have anything and wouldn't be willing to pay to join your forum.

And I noticed you removed the open slot countdown... very classy and predictable move there.
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