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HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
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SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea threatened Wednesday to wipe the United States off the map as Washington and its allies watched for signs the regime will launch a series of missiles in the coming days.

Off China's coast, a U.S. destroyer was tailing a North Korean ship suspected of transporting illicit weapons to Myanmar in what could be the first test of U.N. sanctions passed to punish the nation for an underground nuclear test last month.

The Kang Nam left the North Korean port of Nampo a week ago with the USS John S. McCain close behind. The ship, accused of transporting banned goods in the past, is believed bound for Myanmar, according to South Korean and U.S. officials.

The new U.N. Security Council resolution requires member states to seek permission to inspect suspicious cargo. North Korea has said it would consider interception a declaration of war and on Wednesday accused the U.S. of seeking to provoke another Korean War.

"If the U.S. imperialists start another war, the army and people of Korea will ... wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all," the official Korean Central News Agency said. The warning came on the eve of the 59th anniversary of the start of the three-year Korean War, which ended in a truce in 1953, not a peace treaty, leaving the peninsula in state of war. The U.S. has 28,500 troops in South Korea to protect against an outbreak of hostilities. Tensions have been high since North Korea launched a long-range rocket in April and then conducted its second underground atomic test on May 25.

Reacting to U.N. condemnation of that test, North Korea walked away from nuclear disarmament talks and warned it would fire a long-range missile. North Korea has banned ships from the waters off its east coast starting Thursday through July 10 for military exercises, Japan's Coast Guard said.

South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported Wednesday that the North may fire a Scud missile with a range of up to 310 miles (500 kilometers) or a short-range ground-to-ship missile with a range of 100 miles (160 kilometers) during the no-sail period. A senior South Korean government official said the no-sail ban is believed connected to North Korean plans to fire short- or mid-range missiles. He spoke on condition of anonymity, citing department policy.

U.S. defense and counter proliferation officials in Washington said they also expected the North to launch short- to medium-range missiles. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence.

South Korea will expedite the introduction of high-tech unmanned aerial surveillance systems and "bunker-buster" bombs in response to North Korea's provocations, the Chosun Ilbo newspaper said, citing unidentified ruling party members. Meanwhile, a flurry of diplomatic efforts were under way to try getting North Korea to return to disarmament talks.

Russia's top nuclear envoy, Alexei Borodavkin, said after meeting with his South Korean counterpart that Moscow is open to other formats for discussion since Pyongyang has pulled out of formal six-nation negotiations.

In Beijing, top U.S. and Chinese defense officials also discussed North Korea. U.S. Defense Undersecretary Michele Flournoy was heading next to Tokyo and Seoul for talks.
South Korea has proposed high-level "consultations" to discuss North Korea with the U.S., Russia, China and Japan.


Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Who's us? *points at all the Canadians and the UK based admin*
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1


Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Who's us? *points at all the Canadians and the UK based admin*
Somehow, I don't think their aim would be that good.

Leaving aside the fact that Canada and the UK both sent troops to fight in the original Korean War.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Somehow, I don't think their aim would be that good.

Leaving aside the fact that Canada and the UK both sent troops to fight in the original Korean War.

Yeah, but Canada isn't the one going "Stop ur nuklear program!"
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Last I heard, the U.S. declared the North Korea was longer a threat... which I don't think is really truthful. They are still testing missiles. Come on.

And... Canada and the U.K. are both allies of the U.S., Canada and the U.K. are part of NATO, and we are a Western country. We'll still be targets.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Last I heard, the U.S. declared the North Korea was longer a threat... which I don't think is really truthful. They are still testing missiles. Come on.

And... Canada and the U.K. are both allies of the U.S., Canada and the U.K. are part of NATO, and we are a Western country. We'll still be targets.

Are they actually capable of this yet, though?
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Somehow, I don't think their aim would be that good.
Is that a racist comment about their squinty eyes? Are you trying to make some joke that the missile will fly at us at only 20 mph with it's blinker on the entire time? If that's what you're trying to say, I won't stand for it.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

I think he is more of trying to say they have little to no experience with missiles so far.

Whatever the case, they should know that war will not be a good thing for them with the entire western world(And japan from what I've heard) against one small country.

My bet would be they just want the bombs to compensate for being a tiny country, and they still want to have some influence.

Besides that, I'm guessing that by now people have developed ways to stop bombs of that size from reaching their target, I think the whole deal with the missile shield in eastern Europe pissing off the Russians was one of them.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

There is no missile shield, trust me, I'm a bit of a geek on these things. The closest is probably the laser based anti artillery technology under testing by U.S. forces, and it can only stop one missile at a time, has a long recharge rate, very limited range, and there's still only like 10 of them in the whole world.

Actually I think this is the nationwide version of a penis-extension, some people get racecars. Some countries get nuclear warheads.

And they'll probably be able to hit the U.S. not whith a lot of accuracy, but If they were to wipe, they'd need to fire a lot of missiles anyway...

Most probable delivery method would be high altitude trajectory with a detonation timer or Altometer (Measuring height.) assuring that the bombs go off before they hit the ground. Depending on altitude, the effects can be everything from a massive EMP blast, (Very high altitude.) to Shockwave and radiation damage over a maximum area. (Middle Altitude.) If the bombs detonate very close to the ground, the area of effect becomes smaller.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

To be honest, North Korea's just a joke to me. Even if they did pull out their nukes and start firing, are they really going to risk destroying the US and then have about eight countries down their necks?

It's like the kid who found a pack of cigarettes lying on the street. He thinks he's hot shit now, but he doesn't even see that all the other kids are driving cars now.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Darkfire, That was beautiful!
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Is that a racist comment about their squinty eyes? Are you trying to make some joke that the missile will fly at us at only 20 mph with it's blinker on the entire time? If that's what you're trying to say, I won't stand for it.


Is that a racist comment about their squinty eyes? Are you trying to make some joke that the missile will fly at us at only 20 mph with it's blinker on the entire time? If that's what you're trying to say, that's fucking hilarious and I'm going to give you rep :):):).

To be honest, North Korea's just a joke to me. Even if they did pull out their nukes and start firing, are they really going to risk destroying the US and then have about eight countries down their necks?

It's like the kid who found a pack of cigarettes lying on the street. He thinks he's hot shit now, but he doesn't even see that all the other kids are driving cars now.

*tear* Well said...

Also, overly large sig is overly large, Wonder.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Dammit, if it's not the Middle East threatening to kill off the entire world, it's that damned N. Korea.

Has nobody ever seen ? Jebus.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Are they actually capable of this yet, though?

They've already been testing their missiles. Once a few months ago whilst I was overseas, and apparently again not too long ago.

Also, lets not forget that during the Korean war the Chinese came in to help the N.Koreans. If war were to start again its far from impossible that they would come in to help once again. Also N. Korea's military strength isn't pitiful either. Especially for so small a country.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

To be honest, North Korea's just a joke to me. Even if they did pull out their nukes and start firing, are they really going to risk destroying the US and then have about eight countries down their necks?

It's like the kid who found a pack of cigarettes lying on the street. He thinks he's hot shit now, but he doesn't even see that all the other kids are driving cars now.

By race cars you mean Moon Bases right? Somebody should tell North Korea that if they want to be hot shit, they should get a man on mars. First. That would be bad ass. That would make the US cry.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

By race cars you mean Moon Bases right? Somebody should tell North Korea that if they want to be hot shit, they should get a man on mars. First. That would be bad ass. That would make the US cry.

Lmfao. That's actually not a bad idea. If they really did land on Mars, people would probably stop giving them shit.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

Dammit, if it's not the Middle East threatening to kill off the entire world, it's that damned N. Korea.

Has nobody ever seen ? Jebus.

What a strange game. The only winning move is not to play :p

As I tend to say, though- Almost only counts in horseshoes, hand gernades, and atomic bombs. Even if they launch one, it's gonna probably make a lotta people mad. The attention they want would probably end in invasion actions.
Re: HOLY SHIT North Korea's gonna kill us all!!!1

It's just us koreans and our oversized egos.... It's part of our culture, we just can't help it.