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Hive World Alpha Unity, text RPG.


Demon Girl Pro
Dec 9, 2012
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WARNNING, I'm in the middle of switching languages so a lot of stuff on this page is out of date because of the changes​
I'll keep uploading links to this folder on Media fire. or Do note i'm not longer officially keeping the java versions.

I just got off my butt and reuploaded all the C#/Unity versions of the game onto my Media fire account.
I might switch to Mega.co since i have there app on my computer and it just simplifies things for me. It's also quite easy to download from them in general.
I will still be using drop box and will likely post that folder as a mirror; but that's going to be more of my development uploads so i can share it with friends.

Update, here is a tech demo of the event system.
It's a bit janky. I've had this complete for about two weeks or so, however i've been working on behind the scene stuff which quite frankly isn't that impressive.

I'm sure there are grammatical errors in this however the text was designed to find bugs (Which i have found)

Hello, i am blue light and i'm coding a CoC like game. I hate saying "CoC" like since i personally don't like this feeling that i'm degrading my own ideas and can't be creative. Anyways, down to the meat of my idea.

Latest project, pictures

The future comes faster than anyone can expect. in a span of 40 years, we moved for propeller based aircraft, to jet, to rocket ships travelling to the moon. from the year 2000, to 2100 the human race learned and mastered the ability to nullify mass, making faster than light travel possible. With this advancement came exploration of space and colonization of new worlds.

It's the year 2167 and you, have been sent to a small colony that was founded in the year 2081 The colony is a huge dome that sits on this worlds rocky surface. In theory the dome should be transparent but it look like a frosty yellow. The colonist broke away from earth so they may pursue scientific breakthroughs that were being held up by the legal reason on earth. For the most part it was left alone; except for one instant where empire civilians were tricked into a vacation, only the passenger liner disappeared; no one from that flight has ever been heard from again. All inquires by the empire have been denied

You job is to investigate the surrounding area for a group of civilians and if need be, enter the dome; your to leave the instant you notice hostile forces and to call drop carry just a day away. Contact was lost just 2 weeks ago and they are assumed dead. Their last broadcast had them reporting in, that they were about ready to drill into the dome.

Your search turned up nothing. No bones, no sign of a fight, no drilling equipment and no damage to the dome. The only clue you have is one set of tire tracks from the main campsite leading to a entrance of some type.

What can you expect for this game?​

Well my plans as i said is to make a game like CoC. The huge difference i think is the fact i'm likely to go with a more sci fi approach to this, but i'm also going to try to keep the game play simple and reasonable. One of the let downs to the latest CoC updates is these events that are 3 or so pages long. Look, it's nice to have a lot of content but when you get to 3 pages long it starts to become a chore.

The monsters/enemy i will provide will contain mutants which i'm hoping to provide a couple different kinds, all with their own text for sexual events.
Escaped science experiments like tentacle monsters, goo, and breast sucking bugs.
I also thinking of doing some Robots who might try to pump you full of drugs and suck every liquid they can, out of you.

You will go into this game armed to the teeth, however it might be foolish to equip your best equipment.
You'll be given some body armor and two types of guns.
You armor can be broken over time and the guns will run out of ammo.

I have a fetish for character covered in stuff, for instants cum or goo so i'm hoping to have a liquid mechanic where your character can be covered by several types of liquids. However this is right now on the back burner if anywhere and will likely be added at a later date.

I do have a mechanic where you can filled containers with liquids. Mixing liquids is possible and will provide you with the benefits of both liquids.

Right, alot of this is just ideas floating around in my head.


P.S. sorry for spelling or grammar errors. But i'm tired as all hell. NITE
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Re: KOL, a CoC Sci fi based game in java.

I think it`s okay if CoC inspired you to make this game, at least you make your own theme:)
Can`t say much now, but i hope you can provide a playable link soon.

PS* Why there are "Nihon Go" written in the first paragraph?any plan to translate it to Japanese?
Re: KOL, a CoC Sci fi based game in java.

...The only thing I can think when I see KOL is Kingdom Of Loathing, and I haven't even played the game.
Re: KOL, a CoC Sci fi based game in java.

this looks like it would be awesome. can't wait to try it
Re: KOL, a CoC Sci fi based game in java.

You can just say "text based RPG" instead of CoC-like if you feel bad about it.
Re: KOL, a CoC Sci fi based game in java.

So thank you for commenting everyone. I will get to replying to everyone in just a minute. So i'm working on my program today but I have college which means this isn't going to happen that fast. Most likely i will be working on the weekends; unlike today.

TODO list
HP Label isn't displaying, while MP is unaffected. - add repaint() function to my code for updating both HP and MP.

I need more room with my information. - increase row 0 height, move around XP or mudies. and add Level to the left or right of XP

Mudies and XP aren't updating when a new player objected was created. - changed the setters in the player class to update the Mudies and XP labels.

Black text is so bland - add some basic method for colored text support for the events. Later i will possibly add code for detecting key words and other such magical things like... different colors in mid sentence .( it's 1 AM... I'm not sane right now!)
Possible bold, and underline is also a possibility.

I don't like how Armor Panel is a class in GUI. - start refactoring ArmorPanel into it's own class. NOTETOSELF WindowBuilder doesn't like it when you take a normal class and open it up with WindowBuilder. Thus i should make a new JPanel class through WindowBuilder and call it ArmorPanel, then just move everything over.

I think it`s okay if CoC inspired you to make this game, at least you make your own theme:)
Can`t say much now, but i hope you can provide a playable link soon.

PS* Why there are "Nihon Go" written in the first paragraph?any plan to translate it to Japanese?

Thank You. I don't think i will have a link up for a active and working games for at least a month but who knows. I don't really think a month is enough time with my pace.

The kanji is there because i wanted to know if java would support it. I think someone else tested my GUI and said they could see it. I don't know if they had Japanese character set.

...The only thing I can think when I see KOL is Kingdom Of Loathing, and I haven't even played the game.
nope. Don't worry about the name. I'm going change it to something more appropriate. Right now it's a fantasy like name more than a sci fi.
It was something i used when i didn't have a firm grip on what i was creating beyond (as xzerogx puts it) text RPG.

EDIT before posting.
I have no idea what i'm going to called this game. hhmmm... I think i might just call it buttocks in japanese and be damned with naming it for now. I know, immature of me but i really can't think anything that hasn't been done before.

Maybe calling it "Scout team: Xray, Echo, Sierra. Another immature name.
GAh! now you have me on the name.
this looks like it would be awesome. can't wait to try it
Thank you.

You can just say "text based RPG" instead of CoC-like if you feel bad about it.
right, i might do that! Thankyou.
As for your name;it's to confusing for my sleep addled mind to understand... thus your new nickname is "X^2" or "X squared!"
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Re: KOL, a CoC Sci fi based game in java.

So i've been thinking on how to implement a event system. I think what i'm going to do is use a txt file and make a script reader.

I hate the idea of implement a scripts but i feel it's needed and i thought up of the logistics for a different project that i didn't start. (I like to preplan things so i have an idea what i'm doing.)
The tricky thing is getting it to do mathematics and if statements. I think if statements will be simple to implement but not else or if else. I could possible do it with a boolean but this get suddenly tricky if i have nested if statements.

I'm sure glad i took those logic classes. Makes coming up with a 5 argument if statement much simpler to read.

Also, i'm watching a moth and a spider fight in a spider web.... the spider is winning! Anyone know someone that's willing to kill a spider for cheap?... like for free? :(
Re: KOL, a CoC Sci fi based game in java.

(I like to preplan things so i have an idea what i'm doing.)
The tricky thing is getting it to do mathematics and if statements. I think if statements will be simple to implement but not else or if else. I could possible do it with a boolean but this get suddenly tricky if i have nested if statements.

I'm sure glad i took those logic classes. Makes coming up with a 5 argument if statement much simpler to read.

Preplanning is good, trust me. My whole problem is that I find planning to be generally very boring, but making programs without planning is more than a little overwhelming.
Re: KOL, a CoC Sci fi based game in java.

Preplanning is good, trust me. My whole problem is that I find planning to be generally very boring, but making programs without planning is more than a little overwhelming.

Which is why i'm going to scrap my event script idea. I don't have enough planning done to smoothly do it and this seems right now to be more trouble than it's really worth. I think i'm just going to bite the bullet and make the 1000+ classes for the the event and see if there is anything i need to do.
Re: KOL, a CoC Sci fi based game in java.

so since i took summer classes at my college, this project didn't get much love.
I nearly had my event system working when i stopped. Anyways i started working on it again and have already spent 2 hours cleaning up my code.

I'm nearly ready to give a very basic event demo. This would literally just be 1 event to see how well it handles with other peoples testing it. it has about 3 interactions.

Also, i have plans on cutting support Male from the game. it's just something that wont get much support while i'm writing these scenes. Sorry for anyone that likes to play a male, or homosexual male, or a futa female. I might later support it but likely that will be a huge content patch for just that.

Edit, well it seems like i had a extra call for loading event information in when the event itself wasn't loaded. Basically I had my program do a action that would get variables from the event however the event didn't exist yet. Now i just need to test to make sure no other errors are getting throw followed by adding logical arguments to the starting event.
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Re: KoL Java, text RPG.

Well been working on a night club like scene. You're forced to negotiate with someone that is the manager and one of the few people that can not only splice your gene but also get rid of an annoying piercing which skilled player will not have to deal with. Don't expect a great work of fiction since this is to help test how well the engine works. Hopefully this time i won't have grammatical or spelling mistakes.

You can view it at this url:

This is really just concept and isn't much. A little over a page and that's filled with if statements. I'm worried i'm making these event to complex. I'm of two minds, in one i should make the players able to decide what they want and not run into pit falls where the button description doesn't really fit what's going on. The other says i should make these as simple as possible. I think what's likely going to happen is that i will have storyish elements be longer and have user input; i will balance this by not having too much text per action. on the flip side stuff like sex, i think i'm going to keep that fairly user free and try to keep it under a page of in game text.

Some help would be nice. Real over the text and see if you have a problem with this style of writing. if text has a "//" to the left of it then it's a comment but if the text is within "[]" then likely it's a logical statement of some type.
Re: KoL Java, text RPG.

Been talking with some People at the Legend of krystal forums about another project like this; except set in a Cowboy like environment. Some interesting ideas were brought up there. For instances we're talking about how to implement a parser like i was going to do. Strangely enough the implementation of such a feature would be quite easy and i'm not sure what my problem was before. Hell i coded some demo code for them in a couple of hours. Anyways that's another project that i'm only able to suggest ideas and method and not really able to help code. This is partly involved with them using ActionScript which i hate, but i did suggest it for the project they should use.

Anyways Going back to my program! I recently found a article that talked about red flags when programing. Well suffice it to say, i was committing one of these red flags which just means i'm doing something i likely shouldn't but the program would work just fine. Well i redesigned some entity classes and now my code is much clearer lowering the chance for mistakes to be made. This also allows me to have better design for making something called a factory for creating new entities.
Re: KoL Java, text RPG.

Looking at this thread makes me want to go back to java and make love. Man!
Well good news i have a 10% done game engine. I have a lot of stuff being worked on still,but this system is way better than the old.

So my Laptop has officially died. the GPU died and none of the screens work. So all my work is gone until i rip the hard drive out and try to connect it to a computer. In the mean time the project has moved to me using unity which is a 3d game engine (I know, a bit over kill), and i'm using C# now.

Here is a game demo, the only thing i have working is moving between events; and i'm testing background music.

here is the same thing but no music.

Tell me what you think, also some things with the GUI are out of my hand until i have complicated work around (for instances i need to count the width of text.)
Re: SoaE Unity, text RPG.

I think a single thing: If you're going to not use the 3D in Unity, and use it only for it's ease of use, then I'd suggest that you drop it and choose something else to make it in.
I mean, Unity is pretty good of an engine, but for the amount of features of it you'll be using (namely showing text and buttons) not only it's pretty much overkill, but it'll kick up the size a lot. (20 MB is a lot for a text game)

I'm not going to say "stop doing it in unity" because it's your game and you choose, but maybe you can check some other way of making it that wouldn't be so overkill. So yeah, I'm going to suggest OpenFL + HaxeFlixel. On the plus side, it's free.
On the bad side, the coding is kinda like actionscript and you stated you hated that.

So, yeah, just sayin'.
Re: SoaE Unity, text RPG.

I think a single thing: If you're going to not use the 3D in Unity, and use it only for it's ease of use, then I'd suggest that you drop it and choose something else to make it in.
I mean, Unity is pretty good of an engine, but for the amount of features of it you'll be using (namely showing text and buttons) not only it's pretty much overkill, but it'll kick up the size a lot. (20 MB is a lot for a text game)

I'm not going to say "stop doing it in unity" because it's your game and you choose, but maybe you can check some other way of making it that wouldn't be so overkill. So yeah, I'm going to suggest OpenFL + HaxeFlixel. On the plus side, it's free.
On the bad side, the coding is kinda like actionscript and you stated you hated that.

So, yeah, just sayin'.
I'm perfect fine with people suggestion things and bring problems to my attention. but this isn't really isn't much of a big deal to me.

Look the reason i'm using unity is not because i think it's going to make a better game but because i want to learn unity. In fact this just kinda happen with unity. I was working on a airplane/snake game and then i needed to learn GUI so i moved on to a new project to mess with GUI.

Yes 20MB is huge for a tech demo of a text RPG and the fact CoC recent builds clock it under 7MB doesn't say much about space efficiency but at this moment 20MB is really nothing. If say the game takes 100 MB then i think i might start consider space saving methods. Since i don't know what's taking up space, just scraping the project doesn't see like a good idea nor do i want to half learn how use unity and then move to a another engine or language only to half learn that.

If space does become a issue then i'll see what i can do about parsing from a text or XML file.
Re: KoL Unity, text RPG.

Hah, that's a nice one. Nah, I don't think it'll start taking up more space unless you add tons more text; that 20 MB point is fulfilled by the engine itself.
So no, as long as you keep on doing text and not add tons of 3D graphics and stuff, it isn't going to suddenly blast up to tons of used space.
Just spend five minutes to put together a GUISkin and slap it on the buttons; maybe fix the text area so it scrolls down automatically or gets emptied on actions or something too.
It's a nice start, really, and it's just that I thought the choice of engine was odd. But since you're sure about that, there's no more point in talking about the matter anymore.

Oh, yeah, you might want to make the resolution a tad bit smaller, and make the fonts a slight bit bigger. Other than that, it looks like it's going to be a nice game.
Re: KoL Unity, text RPG.

So neat thing about using unity is that i'm able to do way more with the GUI in terms of game play. With java i have these objects that have firm locations but with unity because everything is done per frame i can move stuff around. What i'm trying to say is that i'm going to have mini games based on GUI; hell even possible card games. Here a old tech demo on a drinking game.

This is kinda old and i'm not sure what state it's in. I can comfrim i plan to update it late.
Re: KoL Unity, text RPG.

Your mediafire link is dead and dropbox refuses to download the apparently much needed "'EngineTestBUILD7_Data" folder.
Re: KoL Unity, text RPG.

Sorry, i'm a bit stressed with school. I'll fix them at another time. Thankyou for bringing this to my attention. You have to download the files as a zip so folder containing the engine itself is also downloaded.
Re: KoL Unity, text RPG.

Aye, that's the problem. Clicking 'Download as zip' results in: "Failed to download zip file."

Oh the mediafire one actually works. Have to copy and paste, clicking on it says it's gone.
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