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ACT Abandoned [hentairobotfromthefuture] Hero and Monster


Jungle Girl
Nov 30, 2016
Reputation score
Re: [ACT] Hero and Monster

Hm, now here's an up-and-comer that looks worth keeping a tab on.

Alright, so here's some criticism based on what I've pulled from the demo:
-These guys are right about the zooming and whatnot, it's pretty janky. Right off the bat, I notice that after starting a new game, the game window jumps immediately from the smallest size to the second-smallest. There is also the problem that was mentioned about sprites being blurry during h-animations.

-The sound, as a couple have mentioned as well, is set poorly by default. I think it would be a shame if it stays that way, as when I first played around I barely had any inkling that there were actual sound effects. Once I figured out how to restart the game with the sound adjusted(had to change the setting, go ingame, press R, mashed keys for a second, and suddenly, restarted with the sound setting I picked), I felt the sound effects, well, seemed alright, at least to me.

-So, about the sound effects themselves - really, I think you should stick more to the theme of your game rather than trying to have realistic moans and goopy sounds and whatnot. The clash of a moaning character while their little sprite mouth moves without any synchronization is pretty weird. The sounds the monsters make at the moment seem alright to me as well. The sound for when your MC cums is a little lackluster. I feel like both the current monster and cumming sounds might be improved if they had a random(or at least varying) pitch, but if I had my way I'd have some new cumming sounds altogether. Someone made a decent point about muffled, deep sounds being really good earlier. If you've played the latest version of Eroico by any chance, I feel like that's got the best ejaculation sounds of, like, any hentai I've consumed ever.

-I think you've done a pretty good job with the enemies you've got right now and all the ways they can interact with your player character. Six animations each all with some changes in detail. Ring on, ring off, ring on->ring off, ring off->ring on, game over, game over->ring on... Awesome. Lots of cool little details in what's happening in those animations. Usually, starting with the ring on gets you some lighter treatment. Ring off, a little heavier. Put the ring on partway through, MC goes at it a little harder. Ring off halfway through, monster goes harder and MC looks a bit overstimulated. Game over animations were a little odd, if you ask me - MC spurts like a fountain when left alone, but with an enemy actually stimulating him, I don't see cumming happening at all. The one floating enemy, from what I could tell, didn't have a different animation for putting a ring on after "game over".

-There's all these unreachable enemies taunting me in the demo PLS MAKE IT STOP maybe if I get some sort of... noclip cheat,
maybe those enemies are already finished and he just wants to hold off on making them playable... maybe- ah shit, I'm too lazy to do that even if I thought it'd actually work.

-It sounds like you want to put some visual indication of being able to get free into the game, which is great - originally I thought I was basically just stuck until death if there's more than one enemy around. I'm also a fan of the traditional 'bar that shows you how close to breaking free you are'.

-Having the character's arousal indicated with a UI that also shows what's actually going on with his dick is not only unusual but pretty cool. Your little details are part of what makes this good. Balls expand a bit as he cums, your white arousal meter gets "reduced" in the form of cum going out of the cock.

Yeah, so overall I'd like to see that one of the best things about this game are its little details. All the variety in animations for each situation. Go from ring to no ring, MC's facial expressions seem just a bit more pleasured/urgent. Put on a ring halfway though, MC gets bold and starts "deepthroating" the floating enemy. There's the details with the UI that I mentioned. Good stuff.
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Jungle Girl
Jul 5, 2016
Reputation score
Re: [ACT] Hero and Monster

really like the demo. is there anything new? there havent been replies in this thread for a while


Demon Girl Master
Feb 7, 2016
Reputation score
Re: [ACT] Hero and Monster

really like the demo. is there anything new? there havent been replies in this thread for a while
..... You monster....

It's a cardinal sin in ulmf to necro a thread for an incomplete really good hentai game, whos dev is in a state of waking coma.. In other words, "alive, but only shows up or makes an update once every 3rd blue moon"


Tentacle God
May 2, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [ACT] Hero and Monster

..... You monster....

It's a cardinal sin in ulmf to necro a thread for an incomplete really good hentai game, whos dev is in a state of waking coma.. In other words, "alive, but only shows up or makes an update once every 3rd blue moon"
Here we go again !!


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
Re: [ACT] Hero and Monster

Deep into the crypt it creeps,
Where mist does twirl, and rot does seep.
A hooded figure robbed in black,
Searching for bones, to bring on back.

The necromancer eyes the thread,
More than at least, four weeks dead.
He grasps it within his gnarled claws,
And lifts it up, before he drawls:

"Arise ye dead thread from your sleep,
And give to me answers that I seek.
More sprited porn I thus declare,
Is owed to me, it's only fair."

A door behind the monster slams,
The creature turns, with thread in hands.
But game creator it is not,
Instead a mob, with torches hot.

"Disgusting thing, filthy pest!
Disturbing this poor thread in rest!
Our hopes of progress you did raise,
So now it's you, being sent to the grave!"

And so the battlelines were drawn,
A vicious fight, fought over porn.
Remember this, it must be said,
Don't go and bump the fucking thread!



Jungle Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [ACT] Hero and Monster

I'd like to announce a simple little game I've been working on.

Genre: Action platformer.
Genre: Male protagonist, monsters, reverse-rape.

Concept: A young hero fights his way through hordes of monsters that want to suck his HP out. Through his dick. Because it's an H-game. His goal is to obtain the ring of infinite HP, because reasons.

Game currently has 9 enemies, 1 stage hazard trap, and 3 helpers. Each enemy has a normal H animation, another H animation if you have the ring, and another H animation if you're KO'd. Furthermore, each of those animations has a variation if you put on/take off the ring mid-animation. Helpers have one H animation + variation. Finally, instead of a boring white status bar showing how close the Hero is to, uh, finishing, each enemy has an animation of it stimulating the meter. If you're wondering why this is taking so long for me to finish, all that extra stuff is why.

Also there are 10 game over CGs.

The game will have three stages, gallery, blah blah blah.

Notes: This is my first game and I'm making it for fun. I'm well aware that it's a niche genre. It'll go up on itch.io when it's finished, and maybe dlsite if I can satisfy their insane censorship requirements.

Early access green light leaked pirated no-CD cracked ULMF-only demo:
Password for the zip file is ulmf.
Cool game!

I can only reach the crawling turds and those tiny flying insects though!


Jungle Girl
Jul 5, 2016
Reputation score
Re: [ACT] Hero and Monster

..... You monster....

It's a cardinal sin in ulmf to necro a thread for an incomplete really good hentai game, whos dev is in a state of waking coma.. In other words, "alive, but only shows up or makes an update once every 3rd blue moon"
im sorry i guess?


Jungle Girl
Nov 30, 2016
Reputation score
Re: [ACT] Hero and Monster

Cool game!

I can only reach the crawling turds and those tiny flying insects though!
You can also reach the slimes hopping around to the rightmost part of the level with creative jumping, but that is on purpose - only three enemies are meant to be a part of the demo.


Jungle Girl
Dec 31, 2012
Reputation score
Sorry to necro, but looks like HentaiRobot has been posting updates on his Pixiv, apparently he decided to make the game less of a platformer and has also been working on the HUD/UI which even includes a text box during h-animations.
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Tentacle God
May 2, 2013
Reputation score
Sorry to necro, but HentaiRobot has been posting updates on his Pixiv, looks like he's decided to make the game less of a platformer and has also been working on the HUD/UI which even includes a text box during h-animations.
Holy shiet i thought the whole project died....good to hear he still working on it.


Demon Girl Pro
Apr 28, 2013
Reputation score
Well damn, good to hear he's still at it. I had thought he dropped off the face of the planet.


Jungle Girl
Jun 11, 2013
Reputation score
Time for a necro update: the game seems to be officially dead, but OP posted a gallery of all animations that he had made on his pivix:



Well-known member
May 25, 2018
Reputation score
I know this is unexplored territory (male on monster) for the most part and people on here like this title, but uh...

The pixel art is... too basic to really find hot.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Thread moved to the Under Construction section.


Demon Girl Master
Feb 7, 2016
Reputation score
Always had a hunch the game would never see the light of day.. But I deeply appreciate the courtesy of the dev at least making a gallery.

At least that's something I don't have to quietly hope for one day anymore, that's more time I can spend waiting for a fully-built sequel to erotical night.


Demon Girl Master
Dec 9, 2015
Reputation score
Sorry for the nerco
but it seems like he back-ish? like making animations and 3d stuff and even ai stuff but im not sure if going make a game again

(on that note does anyone still have a link to the game he posted on page 1 i check but i cant get it without google request so i gotta ask here)