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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

I am looking for a game that I am almost certain was posted on this site some time ago but I can't find it.

Anyhow the description of it that I can give is as follows:
You play a monster who can create a pocket dimension in order to capture girls. If you lose or a girl escapes the time you can maintain the dimension decreases.

If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

They seem to have a a few similarities, but no, not them.

The one we're looking for didn't do series, or sets, he did doodles, that he usually wound up colouring, at least I think that's what it was.

Sometimes there was more than 1 page involved, but usually each image was a new concept, a new creature. Some memorable ones would be a large blue monster that trapped a woman's arms and legs and raped her untill she died, the flower I mentioned above and a monster that came out of one woman's computer screen and raped her (computer virus).

Here, I drew an example of the flower one (though it's quick and terrible), maybe it'll help someone else.

EDIT: removed link so I can post

It had a really glossy kind of style, like everything was shiny, but it wasn't too much, it kind of added to the effect of the image.

WAAAAY late (got distracted with work and forgot, sorry guys) but the stuff Im looking for isnt realistic in the slightest bit. Its actually very poorly drawn (better than rough sketches tho and they were all colored in), and some of them were actual series too. The main monster what was drawn was a large worm/slug like creature, I think it was black. It had words along with it (like a comic). As my original post said, the three main places I remember it happening at were 1. In a cave (I think that one was a rape that turned into something she enjoyed) 2. As the woman was testing the creature out as a sex toy in a lab 3. In her home as a sex toy. The women would just lay back and let it inside and do what it did. Here is my original post in case anyone has any new info on it

"Ive been searching all over, including several other forums and no one seems to know what Im talking about, even a stab in the dark is better than nothing so Im hoping someone here has the answer.

its a bit older and as far as I know it wasnt a movie or anything, as far as I know it was just on the net, it was pretty poorly drawn but I immensely enjoyed them. Some were single pictures, some were comics. They all had to do with some alien worm/slug like creature. Some women were getting raped by them, some women owned them as sexual pets. In some of the comics/pics people were testing them currently to see how well the women react to the pleasure and stuff.

I remember one a bit, there was 1 or 2 women exploring some cave and they came across them, one of the girls was wearing a hat and uniform sorta like Indiana Jones but with shorts. I know this isnt much but Id love to find them again since my last HDD crashed several years ago :-(

If anyone knows where I can find it all or even just the names and author Id be really grateful, I just cant seem to find them anywhere"
Re: Translation request

Not sure who you are replying to but your link just leads to the top of the page.

Because you are completely oblivious of where your post was vs where it is now. You posted a thread to look for a game. We have an entire thread for people looking for games. He directed you to this thread, instead of your thread, all cold and alone where it shouldn't be. So a nice mod came along and put your lonely post where it should be, in this safe haven for game requests. See, Oni was telling you that THIS is the home for which requests must be cared for and nourished in.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hey,i've been looking for games like:
Unholy Sanctuary
Nightmare Sphere
Basically ROR/GOR platformers.Could you reccomend me some?They don't have to be non-linear,just platformers.
I originally made a thread but it was deleted.So i decided to ask in this thread.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Does someone have the Game:

催淫魔法 -僕の手によって墜ちていく彼女

i can only find broken links...
(am i asking for it in the right place? i was going to ask for it in RPG maker Games thread but i remember someone saying to ask for games and stuff in hentai finder so...)
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Looking for this game

天昇戦記シナモニカ - just google u should see the pic site wont let me post url since im new

I tried looking for it and i find 2 different sizes one that 80 mb but i keep getting a dll error. Then there the 254mb one which is suppose to be the right size but when i launch the game i get a completely ugly looking game O_O that doesn't look like the one on the screenshot. If anyone find the right game please assist in a link:(.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hey, looking for a lot of Alon's Factory (亜龍工房) games.


ふたなりドラゴ◯◯エスト 旅立ち篇

とふたなり娘 出すときはママの中で・・・



ふたなりイメクラ すとれんじキッスへようこそ!! -2也-


(*I posted all of the urls but it seems I don't have enough posts, sorry.)

Sorry to ask for so many games! I really like the games Alon's Factory makes and I've been trying to collect all of them. Thanks to anyone who helps!
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

i hope i ask at the right place ^^°
i´m looking for thes 2 games
(Execution BOSOMtier) and
(VEGA -Execution of the Fallen Princess-)
so if anybady can hepl me i will be realy thankfull :)
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi Guys I found this Flash game about Asunyan @_@ but after Digging around I can seems to find any Links to Down it -__- any Help would be gladly Thankful.

Here's the DL Site Link

PS I've tried a Link from Hentai18 Site but it's a Dud.
What can I say... I'm in love with the PIC at DL-site XD
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi guys,

I can't find a ful version of this game:


(chance , to . in front of it should do it)

I played the demo and the game was awesome but i can't find the full version nor a good english translation for the game. Anyone can help me with this awesome game? The DLC says its from tsukinomizu.


Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

So... once upon a time ago, I had this game. Then I got a new computer.

Unfortunately I started from scratch and I'm not able to locate this game/flash/whatever it is. Can someone help me identify it?

I remember that there were 4 girls you could chose from to rape them with tentacles. I don't remember the first two, but there was a cat girl and then a blue haired girl as well.


Thanks all

That's by Tinkle Bell.
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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hye guys,

yesterday i posted the question for a great game. but it wasn't out yet. but geuss what? It came out today on hentai4daily!

search for it on the first page! (can't post url yet)

Enjoy! (i know i will)


Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi Guys sorry to bump but Just checking if anyone have any idea where to search for (RJ110880) that I've mentioned before, Tried alot of sites but the closest would be from Raptorgaitor, Need a Premium Account X_X.

Any Links would be Greatly Thankful.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi guys, I can't find the ver. 1.03 or 2.02 of this game RJ103523 (succubus nests).
Any help will be appreciated
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

I've been looking around for more 3D stuff lately, and these two have been very elusive. If anyone's got info on them sharing it would be much appreciated.
