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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine

When she collapsed onto him, momentarily too weak from pleasure to continue riding him, Chandler simply shifted slightly and bent his legs, raising her up slightly and lifting her up. Hands firmly gripping the mage's ass, Chandler let out a deep groan as he pulled back and quickly thrust back up into her, driving his rock hard manhood deep inside of her. The pleasure was even more intense than when she'd been doing most of the work, and soon enough the sounds of their bodies slamming together had returned, coming every time he bucked up into her flower. "Oh fuck that's good!" he groaned softly, and suddenly he started plowing up into her even harder and faster, sending lightning bolts of pleasure racing through her body with every powerful thrust of his thick, throbbing manhood.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe held tight to Chandler her mouth open with no sounds. Her hair stuck to the soldiers body from their sweat. Hands bawled tight she could feel Chandler ready to blow his load and mustering what little energy she had left Chloe tried to meet the thrust on instinct alone, her body trying to get as much of his cum into her as it could. She was nearing her own peak and desperately hopped they would be washed away together in the sensual bliss of they lovemaking.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine

Chandler's moans adopted a deeper tone as Chloe started bouncing back onto his cock again, meeting his thrusts and producing more pleasure for the both of them. Despite the tense throbbing of his member, the soldier managed to outlast Chloe by a few fractions of a second, his pounding driving her into a powerful toe-curling orgasm and the spasms of her inner walls milking out his climax in turn. Spurt after spurt of boiling hot cum spurted up into Chloe's sex, his member pushed up into her depths so that she could feel his heavy balls pulsating against her ass as they delivered their contents directly into her womb, flooding her inner chamber with the man's baby batter. She quickly had her body's wish fulfilled, not a drop of his seed escaping from her pussy as her inner walls sucked him dry.

When they came down from their respective orgasms, Chandler was panting heavily against her neck and moaning, his member still throbbing inside of her.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe pulled him in tight in an embrace and held him there content to leave herself impaled on his member as they rested. Her body glistened in the pale light threw the window as she held her lover close. Her face had a blissful look to it as she laid with Chandler slowly stroking his chest with her hand. She didn't want to speak and ruin the moment after all this man would likely head off to his death in the morning.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine

The rise and fall of Chandler's chest gradually slowed as the two of them recuperated together, his breathing normalizing while his manhood shrunk to about half hardness inside of her, though even then it didn't slip out of her. His hands carressed her back and sides slowly, and after a few moments he leaned forward and kissed Chloe softly on the lips. The room was silent save for the quiet rustling caused by their gentle motions and the occasional sound of the wind howling outside of the window, her lover enjoying the moment of peace as much as she was.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe returned the gentle kiss with her own before sliding off Chandler to lay next to him. Here she rested her head on his arm while her left arm draped over his body her hand on his chest. Her loins hurt but in a good way. The thought of what next crossed her mind but she couldn't bring herself up to make a choice. Maybe she should just let this go on like this the two of them simply being together. After all it was doubtful they would cross paths again even if he survived the army would simple keep moving him along. Sighing slightly after a moment Chloe got to an elbow and leaned over and kissed Chandler. If this was his last night then she was going to be sure he had a damn good one.

We can move on unless something happens or Chandler has something he wants to do or say.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Giving a tiny, almost inaudible grunt as Chloe shifted over, Chandler immediately wrapped the nude healer in his arms, and then reached over to cover the both of them with the blankets present on the rented room. Giving a wordless murmur as he kissed her back, it wasn't long before the two had both fallen asleep, the exhaustion brought on by their encounter and the alcohol still running through their systems working together to bring them both to a deep sleep.


Some hours later, the door into their room banged open, awakening a headache-stricken Chloe and a groggy looking Chandler. "Rise and shine!" said Lanys, grinning down at Chloe and Chandler only for her to realize that the blankets had shifted at some point during the night, resulting in her bounteous chest being on more or less full display. "Lanys...." Chandler groaned groggily, "What did I tell you about tact, mate?"

Grinning like a shark, Lanys replied in a tone that was clearly meant to be loud and obnoxious; "Got no time for tact! We're going to the slaughterhouse!" Sighing, Chandler gave Chloe a quick and fairly deep kiss on the lips before climbing out of bed, leaving her to cover up with the blankets if she wanted as he got up and started getting dressed, Lanys giving Chloe a wave before departing from the room.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe quickly moved to cover herself as the door banged open its noise magnified by her condition. Thankfully Chloe was not on edge or Lanys would have gotten an eye full of flash for such an awaking.

Covered with the blankets Chloe watched Chandler get ready. Thankfully his friend left letting Chloe get up herself. She got dressed as well though her eyes stayed on the soldier before her. "Chandler? Be safe alright.... I would like to have a proper date when you come back." Giving the man a parting kiss Chloe watched him go before heading out herself and back to the academy.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 73/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"I'd certainly like that," Chandler replied in a jovial tone, his entire attitude fairly devil-may-care about the upcoming battle. He left it unknown whether he was referring to a proper date, staying safe, or perhaps both, as he returned her kiss and promptly set off.

Following in the soldier's wake, Chloe found Carly, Nina and Tesnya sitting at the bar nursing cups of water.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe waved to her friends before saddling up to the bar herself. "Wheres Stephanie?" Maybe the earth mage was still asleep or had headed back either way Chloe also got a glass of water. Looking over her friends Chloe smirked a little. Apparently each had hit the sauce much harder than she had. Still her own head pulsed a little but she would be right as rain soon. Invoking her magics Chloe eased her own suffering and offered the same remedy for her friends.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"She already went back to school," Carly replied quietly to Chloe's question about Stephanie, "Was real worried about getting knocked up... I guess she wasn't careful last night. Can't blame her too much, based on how drunk she was. Come on and sit down, we've ordered you breakfast." When she did a round of spells that quickly took care of their hangovers, all three women gave her a thankful smile. Their meals were served up quickly enough, bacon, eggs, buttered toast, and thinly chopped hash browns sprinkled with salt and some local spices, a hearty and healthy meal. Nina knew how she liked her eggs after their relationship, and Chloe would find the meal quite delectable, as was to be expected from the tavern's reputation.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe ate silently the question of Steph condition bothering her. Maybe she should check herself out. That could wait till later back at the academy where she had the resources to deal with it. Still thought of her own little one did strike a cord within her. Maybe if Chandler returned and she turned out to be carrying his child. Looking up she smiled at her friends and chatted about their night a healthy blush on her face from her own memories.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The others chatted lightly, responding as to their type. Carly, now free of her headache, was the loudest and most talkative as was her wont, and Nina was fairly talkative herself, albeit not nearly as energetic as Carly. Tesnya was pretty quiet, but no more so than usual, and soon enough they were all done with breakfast and Carly had payed for their meals.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe thank the waiter and cave Carly a hug in thanks for paying for her meal. Standing a moment she took in the quiet of the room where only hours before a noisy party had taken place. Smiling and feeling refreshed Chloe took a deep breath of the air as she waited for her friends to finish up before heading back to the Academy. Judging by the sun Chloe seemed to have enough time to clean up and get to work on time. "Ready girls?" Looking over her shoulder at her friends she smiled as she spoke. If all was set for them to go she would head back and clean up before reporting for duty.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Yes..." Tesnya reported demurely, "Yup, lets go!" Carly added, "Yeah, I've gotta go to the greenhouses today. Don't want to be late for work!" Nina said, the last of them to agree to leave. Departing the tavern and emerging out into the cool morning air and the pale sunlight of the Crolian morning. It was looking to be a pretty nice day, likely quick to warm despite the lateness of the season, and the clean air and warm daylight helped to wash away the last remnants of their hangovers away.

Making their way back to the Academy through the bustling center of Buttersville, Chloe and her friends parted after stepping back through the Academy gates, leaving the healer to return to her room while everyone else saw to their own business. Returning to her room, she found evidence of Stephanie's recent presence but no sign of the mage herself. She could wash herself off with magic, a fairly common practice for people in a hurry, or head either to the public baths or the private ones. The former would mean enough time to cleanse herself but little privacy, though they were thankfully divided by the sexes. The latter would cost her a bit of money and would involve the greatest investment of time, but she would be free to lounge in hot water for up to an hour. She didn't quite have that long before she was supposed to go to work, but Chloe could pick her preferred method of bathing before going off to work.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

While magical cleaning was always a quick and easy thing to pull off Chloe felt the need for an actual bath. Changing into her bath robe Chloe made haste to the public baths to clean up. Heading out she took little time to get to where the baths where and greeted the attendant. Setting her cloths in a locker as she stripped her mind was on the pleasant warmth of the water. With her cloths tucked away she approached the steaming water waving to a few girls she knew or had classes with. It was going to be divine she just knew it, slipping one foot in she grinned at the warm water slowly letting herself sink in.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The public baths were free, and Chloe was given a locker key for her things and a towel as she checked in, and then given leave to head on in. The public baths were fairly busy during most hours, and the open nature of them and the monosex environment normally kept the environment relatively clean despite the quantity of naked flesh on display within. There were plenty of people there, a few that Chloe knew and many that she didn't, and the water was pleasantly warm but unfortunately not particularly hot. The water was still quite nice though, and was kept clean via magic to ensure that it wasn't contaminated with the combined filth of all of the occupants. Not many bothered to socialize while bathing, some talking quietly while cleaning themselves while the majority simply opted to cleanse themselves as quickly as possible before beating a hasty exit.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe frowned slightly at the water temperature but the water was still pleasant enough maybe after her shift and studies she would opt for the private baths and make the water as hot as she wanted. Enjoying the warm water momentarily she quickly got to work cleaning and scrubbing her skin not wasting to much time in the bath but making sure she was well cleaned before getting out. Drying off Chloe thought about what the soldiers had said about their missing friend. Maybe she could look him up during one of the slower moments at work. Clean and refreshed Chloe quickly got dressed and headed for the healing hall to start her day.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Arriving at the medicinal barracks on time for her shift, Chloe found that the head healer, an elven man named Beligar Dentus, was the one on station at the desk. Such wasn't an unheard of occurrence, but it did mean that the girl before her hadn't shown up at all. Thankfully he was of a good mood, and offered her a polite greeting as she entered his line of sight; "Good afternoon Chloe! I hope you had a pleasant evening yesterday, I heard about that party you went to!" He rose casually, smiling and apparently in good humor, "Take over the desk for a while, I've got some paperwork to do."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"Hello Master Dentus." Chloe bowed slightly in deference to his rank before taking up her position on the desk. Today it seemed would be a long one. Sighing slightly Chloe organized the desk a little sorting papers and discarding junk which didn't take that long to complete. Pausing a moment Chloe thought about what those soldiers had said about one of their friends going missing at the academy. Likely his paper work just got lost and is using the confusion to get some R&R from the army.. but still something about it tugged at Chloe a gut feeling that there was more to it than she thought. Wrapping her fingers against the wood Chloe began to dig threw the files to find the solider in question. Muttering to herself as she flipped threw the files she tried in vain to find him. "What was his name Roger Morgus....Robert Mortus..... No it was Roger Mortis." Smiling to herself she searched for the man hoping that it was just a simple effect of misplaced paperwork.