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Re: Hate Thread

Oh shut up. The book's ancient and the movie's been out for a week. :p

I didn't even spoil anything important.

He looked black with hints of red to me. I don't even know where you're getting the blue from.

Re: Hate Thread

One of the top comments says he's reddish at the theater.

My problem was that NO CUMBERBATCH
Re: Hate Thread

One of the top comments says he's reddish at the theater.

My problem was that NO CUMBERBATCH

he was blue at mine. I'll wait and see what he looks like on the DVD/Bluray then. -still grumpy-
Re: Hate Thread

I hate randomly getting ignored by my friend when all I really want to do is help them out when I knew they're going through a hard time. The people I let myself care about <.<
Re: Hate Thread

How can you make two movies from less than half a book? Seriously? Fuck.

I am pretty sure they are actually going into the conflict between Gandalf and the Necromancer, especially considering that they've CAST the Necromancer.

Who's fucking excited to see Sherlock as the Enemy?
Re: Hate Thread

So yeah previous post, found out why person I care about is mad at me, and to be completely fucking honest it's hilarious just fucking hilarious in the saddest way possible and it made me care even less about her.

It's been a nice growing experience though and if she ever calls me I'll try to be her friend still but jesus christ of all the things to get mad at somebody about this is just sad.
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Re: Hate Thread

Hate being woken up early by my cats havint a staring contest with outside cats.

No Stormy, you cannot get through the window do matter how many times to bat at it. And then when I go outside to shoo it, is already gone.

Troll level, outside kitty.
Re: Hate Thread

< see news thread

This just plain pisses me off. Why shoot at firefighters, honestly? There is no damn good reason. They're coming out on Christmas to help people and he makes two families lose their dad/husband on a joyous holiday of all times.

Hell, it bothers me that he managed to be able to be released on supervised parole after being convicted for murdering his grandmother.

(My apologies for posting in two separate areas.)
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Re: Hate Thread

I was always told to ask Papa before I gave my phone number to friends while i was in school. He's an officer and apparently some of the people he puts away wouldn't hesitate to hurt me to get to him.

I hate that.

Plus, that guy was... why on earth would you set a trap for firefighters? Why are all the crazy people coming out?
Re: Hate Thread

I was always told to ask Papa before I gave my phone number to friends while i was in school. He's an officer and apparently some of the people he puts away wouldn't hesitate to hurt me to get to him.

I hate that.

Plus, that guy was... why on earth would you set a trap for firefighters? Why are all the crazy people coming out?
Gotta love stupid, senseless, personal vendettas against officers for the felon's own actions.

As sad as it is, we typically get more crazy people during festive times than any other.
Re: Hate Thread

The NRA. I realize that I may be a bit late, but since we're talking about crazies again, I'd like to mention how much I hate the NRA.

As someone who likes guns, as someone who would like to own not just a gun but multiple firearms, as someone who wishes to carry around a handgun wherever I go: the NRA are batshit fucking lunatics. I understand you have to make a preemptive statement to make sure you don't lose face in the wake of gun victims, but that was literally one of the WORST things you could have said. What kind of fucking PR department do you have? "Hey Chris, we have to be really delicate about this, what can we say?" "Oh, offer up flaky and often refuted evidence. But most importantly, make sure to insult the families who just lost their children, that's key to making sure they don't take our guns away."
Re: Hate Thread

It's motherFUCKING Christmas time, and yet the world around me seems to want to do everything in it's power to piss me off if I so much as glance at the news.... or, hell, try to do anything other than eat, sleep, and read books.
Re: Hate Thread

It's motherFUCKING Christmas time, and yet the world around me seems to want to do everything in it's power to piss me off if I so much as glance at the news.... or, hell, try to do anything other than eat, sleep, and read books.

Then on the other hand a Christmas spent doing nothing besides eating books in your sleep would be too convenient.

And we can't have that, can we? Because everything has to be perfect - it's fucking Christmas after all. And since it is, we'd all better have unrealistic/idealistic expectations on how people should talk, behave and even FEEL.

I got into a huge argument with my mother yesterday simply because it appeared that I didn't have enough fun - which is of course entirely my fault since, y'know, I'm SUPPOSED to have fun. Which I did have, by the way. BUT EXCUSE ME for not showing it in between blowing my nose and generally having a fucking fever.

But if there was one thing that bugged me it was most definitely the fact that in a time where you're supposed to calm down a little, to spend some quality time with your family, the season forces you to experience hecticness at it's finest.

I've always felt some sympathy with poor Ebenezer Scrooge. If we ignore his avarice for once he just wanted to have some goddamn peace and quiet. But no. It's Christmas. You're supposed to feel THIS way and think THAT way.
And the funny thing is, although the general problem lies in his obsession with money, in the end everything is solved with happy thoughts - and his money.

Although I could probably go on that Santa Clause may be nothing more than Coca Cola's advertising fatso of consumerism, these would only be words that have already been spoken a thousand times before. Let's just say that I too have kind of a difficult relationship with this time of year. Don't hate me for it.
I really didn't want to write anything about Christmas at all this year. But writing helps I guess. Even if it's just incoherent crap like this.

If I could change anything about the things I dislike I would change the name of this whole thing to something like "family appreciation holiday". Maybe that would help me and others to wind down, to care less about meaningless symbolism and rituals and just be grateful for the things you already have.
Re: Hate Thread

just be grateful for the things you already have.

But that's what Thanksgiving was for.

But yes, I agree with you. I got to spend some good quality time with family and that means more to me than any of the things I got this year.

I just wish I could have spent it with my dad.
Re: Hate Thread

But that's what Thanksgiving was for.

Sadly, we don't have that.

At the end of November, we have some other great festivities though.
Like "Volkstrauertag" (people's mourning day), or "Totensonntag" (Sunday of the Dead). Yay! No wonder we are internationally considered as being merry and upbeat.
Re: Hate Thread

Sadly, we don't have that.

At the end of November, we have some other great festivities though.
Like "Volkstrauertag" (people's mourning day), or "Totensonntag" (Sunday of the Dead). Yay! No wonder we are internationally considered as being merry and upbeat.

That sounds lovely. I'll have to ask my boyfriend about those.
Re: Hate Thread

Your whole entire rant reminds me of what I want to say that I want for Christmas, but everyone will think I'm just being ironic or something.

Ask me what I want for Christmas? Thinking: For the all people I care and love so much to be happy with their lives and become the amazing people they are supposed to be.

Says: Just some more clothes are fine.
Re: Hate Thread

I am somebody who shaves very rarely, my facial hair grows pretty slowly and I don't mind a little bit of scruff to wear around the house and around my friends, but occasionally I need to clean myself up properly because it gets out of hand or starts looking patchy, even if I kept a full on beard I would need to trim it a bit with a razor.

Now here's where the hate comes in, I have my own personal razor, along with my own personal blades for my own personal usage. I'm not the most squirmiest of people when it comes to hygiene, but I dislike gross stuff all the same, my middle aged bald brother needs an excessive amount of razor blades to keep his shiny bald head cleanly shaven, and when he runs out (Which is generally immediately), he will steal my razor/razorblades and start DECIMATING them.

I need to shave like, maybe once a week, once in two weeks if I'm not working or going out somewhere, but when I DO need to go out to an event, like say, a New Years party with my friends, I like to be able to shave my goddamn face. I should have about twenty razor blades and a clean, unused, sanitary fucking re-usable razor. Instead, I have a fucking filthy hair covered piece of shit and a bin filled with rusty razors that have been used ONCE EACH. If you're going to steal my FUCKING SHIT AT LEAST USE IT EFFECTIVELY YOU MOTHERFUCKER, FOR FUCKS SAKES! And now I have to either run on a hot summers day in Africa without transport to a nearby center and buy more disposable razors, or go to New Years with unsightly scruff. Thank you, dear brother. I hate your immature shitty ass habits. They inconvenience everyone.

PS: If you are somebody who needs to shave daily, re-use the same blades three-four times AT LEAST before throwing them away, it is a waste to simply use them once and once alone.
Re: Hate Thread

I think the answer is to start leaving the razors on his bed. Or in it. Or maybe stick the hairy one in his toothbrush.