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Re: Hate Thread

That;s cuz dominoes really really fucking blew
Re: Hate Thread

P1: "Hi! how are you?"
P2: "Hey, fine thanks. You?"
P1: "Fine. What have you been up to."
P2: "That new job mostly. Nothing special."
P1: "Ah, cool. Anyway I brought over that story I said I'd been writing..."


P1: "Hi! how are you?"
P2: 'Lost job last night. Cried for an hour in the car. Cried for an hour in bed. Felt ill all morning. Awful headache.'
P2: "Hey, fine thanks. Just a little tired. You?"
P1: 'Had major argument with flatmate. Flatmate is moving out. Severe financial problems. Half of family has recently disowned me. Cat shit on my bed last night. I'm also concerned that you hate me.'
P1: "Fine. What have you been up to."
P2: "That new job mostly. Nothing special."
P1: "Ah, cool. Anyway I brought over that story I said I'd been writing..."

Can't let down the team. Gotta keep up appearances and all that.
Re: Hate Thread

thats very australian of you squid, like us you will move towards having two moods, good and okay.
Re: Hate Thread

Terraria, why does all the crazy stuff happen at once!?!

Quite literally had a Goblin Invasion show up JUST as I got enough silver to build my Silver Armor, (which also means I had to finish building it while dodging those darn goblins), and then the next night after getting horribly mauled by goblins most the day, the Eye of Cthulu spawns cause I did the autospawning requirements by making my new armor. Least I didn't die to Cthulu, unlike the goblins x,x;
Re: Hate Thread

Toxic's GIF parade in the Giddy thread. Just because it's in a spoiler doesn't mean my computer won't be affected.
Re: Hate Thread

Hate that some people didn't think I was being sincere the other day.
Re: Hate Thread

If you're talking about the post in the Members Announcement thread I think it's more the way you worded it that made people question your sincerity. If it's not that then ignore the fuck out of this.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I say something cheerfully, then days or possibly even months later, I remember what I said and realize that I sounded like either an enormously sarcastic asshole or a complete fucking idiot.

I also hate my own laziness. It is just short of being crippling.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people immediately jump to conclusions, especially against something that (while I admit isn't entirely infallable) either is based off of old information, or a small fragment of the population of a certain subject.


I'm probably gonna get told that noone gives a carp past this point, but Runescape is a relatively good example of this. Most everyone I know of instantly jumps on me for mentioning it, complaining it's a low-graphic game that they're surprised hasn't died yet.

While that may have been true for Classic, which actually HAS kicked itself into the vault by now...
...Graphicly it has vastly improved. Admittedly it won't be riviling one-time purchase RPGs like Skyrim, Dungeon Defenders, or Borderlands anytime soon, but the fact it's changed from the first pic to this...



It does make me wonder if they'd at least heard a little about it at all during the like, what, 4 years since classic has closed down?
Re: Hate Thread

If you're talking about the post in the Members Announcement thread I think it's more the way you worded it that made people question your sincerity.

Ok, yeah, you're right. It was poorly worded, but it's hard to know what to say in a situation like that. And what I wanted to say came out wrong.
Guess I should start re-reading my posts before I post them.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people bitch me out for not having time to play a game with them, but then when I DO find time, they're burned out on the game and have no desire to play.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how every time i sit down to play TF2 I get distracted by something else and run off without playing it.
Re: Hate Thread

Are you sure tf2 isn't the distraction?
Re: Hate Thread

I get annoyed at the fact that people are still denying man made climate change...
If it were just idiots, then I'd be fine with it, but there are a lot of intelligent people out there, (Most of which aren't scientists, but you don't need to be a scientist to be smart.) who still deny anthropogenic climate change.

I understand not wanting to accept something, especially something you don't understand, but when pretty much all the scientists in the world agree on something, for more than 10 years, it's time to wake up and smell the roses.
Re: Hate Thread

Mmm. I hate it when most of those scientists who "proved" anthropogenic climate change lose their nobel peace prizes because they fluffed their data to make it look way worse that it actually is.

There was more of an impact when we stopped being hunter/gatherers and started farming, than there has been since the industrial revolution.

Not saying it hasn't happened or we're not affecting anything... just saying that it's not as bad as everyone like to make it out to be, and what we're doing now it just a drop in the bucket.

It's not save the planet. It's been save the people all along. Fuck people. The earth will bounce back from whatever we can dish out. It's survived worse things than us.
Re: Hate Thread

It would be nice if human stupidity solely affected our own species. But it doesn't. And yes, the assorted ecosystems we're eradicating will eventually recover... Some ten thousand years after we've wiped ourselves out, assuming we don't do so with the nuclear option and make this planet uninhabitable. But saying; "It'll get better;" Is not an excuse for doing something outright harmful to someone else, particularly when that something comes with little to no benefit.
Re: Hate Thread

Very True, But as a species that adapts its environment rather than itself, we were at a disadvantage from the start, It's in our nature to destroy existing systems to make room for our own, and its catching up with us, Our only hope is to fix this fundamental flaw
Re: Hate Thread

Which is pretty much impossible at this point.

And even if we do nuke each other out of existence... the planet will still rebound. Yeah, a lot of animals will die out, never to be seen again. It sucks, but hey, I'm glad there aren't any Deinonychus terrorizing my neighborhood. Whole biomes have disappeared. The whole planet was frozen over at one point. And this was all before Homo sapiens became the dominant life form.

It's like Blind said, we adapt the environment to us. We don't adapt to the environment. So unless you're willing to go live in the woods somewhere and hunt only using your body... then you're going to deliberately harm something in an effort to have the comforts of life. Even without the "comforts" of life you're still harming things. You eat, yes? Whether you be a Vegan or a normal omnivore, you can't live without killing things.

I see no reason to change my habits because Polar bears are just like the Mammoth and the world climate is changing too fast for them to adapt. Extinction sucks. But it's been around for a long time, and things have died for far less reasons than us.

And if you could clarify what you mean by little to no benefit, I'd be grateful. Because I'm not giving up my car, computer, heater, or any of my other creature comforts.
Re: Hate Thread

Ok, firstly, way back when humans changed from hunter gatherers to farmers, there were very very few of us, and it did not affect climate change even nearly as much as what we're doing today.

And yes, some scientists got stupid, mostly because they had been trying to make people wake up and realize before it's too late, but they kept getting blocked by oil lobbies, so they tried to make it seem more serious. On that note, I don't think there has been a single paper on global warming or pollution from the offices of BP that hasn't at some point been shown to be... Tweaked.

I don't think that the scientist that twiddled with their research data were in the right, but I can see their frustration after 20 fucking years of being ignored while the issue got worse, and we slowly edged closer to the point of no return.

But these were not "Most" of the scientists that support the idea of man made climate change... The scientific community in general agrees pretty well on the subject, and have done so for several years.

When it comes to the affect this has on humanity, there are going to be millions of people who will lose their homes, more drought and more freak storms as a result of climate change. Fuck the polar bears, I wanna protect people.

Lastly, I'm going to bring up some numbers. You don't need to be a scientist to understand that we have a serious effect on the environment.

We are currently burning around 90 million barrels of oil per day, that produces some 648409100000 (648.4 billion) cubic meters of co2. Every. Single. Day. And that is only under ideal burn conditions. We also release some methane and a lot of co, which are much more potent as greenhouse gases.

I live in Norway, and I fucking love oil, and I gotta say, we could do with a few extra degrees up here in the north, but if that means putting millions of people on the run, and perhaps starting a war or two because of it... Well...

And Chibi, I don't care about the planet, in the words of the late George C. "The planet is going to be fine! It's the people who are fucked."

And if we continue on our current path we truly are royally fucked.