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Re: Hate Thread

Pretty much this. We're up to 7 billion, we can afford to stop making so many.

I made mention of it earlier that war is our way of "natural" selection. Trimming the population down a bit.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I forget to keep sunglasses in my car. Driving down the street at like 8am this morning, the Sun was so bad I couldn't see if the traffic light was green, yellow, or red! A couple times I saw a little glare of green or red but mostly just blinding white fury. Seriously... I had no idea if I was going to get rammed into my side except by watching the cars in front of me and in the next lane. It was like I was guessing if it was green or red. A couple times I thought I saw the car in the ...perpendicular? lane start moving and I was like bracing for impact. :( And by the time I got to the end of the street, my eye felt SWOLLEN from trying to stare into the sunlight for so long. I tried using that car visor, but that thing wasn't doing shit. That and this guy thought I was flirting with him because I didn't want to stare directly into the sun stopped at a traffic light. Ugh.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I got a prompt from Samsung that "An update is available for your phone." Great I though, since I last had it in for service it's been crashing frequently. So I press accept in good faith, and then... The update ruins my phone. Now, I don't know if anyone remembers, but I had this EXACT SAME PROBLEM about six months ago. And it's a problem that has been around for much longer than that, with plenty of people getting it...


So I have my backup phone... But... Because I have changed providers it won't accept my new sim card. I was like "WTF? It's been years since that was supposed to run out." But apparently I need to input a code to deactivate the lock.

Now before people start yelling at me because "I should be able to survive without texting people all the time" or some shit, I just want to point out that: 1. This made me miss my little brothers piano performance. 2. My employer has tried to contact me twice on my phone today. 3. I have a half finished sale of a car, and am waiting to finalize and get the second half of the payment, and need my phone for that.

And about a billion other things that I use my phone for in relevance with business, studies, family, planning... Blablabla.

EDIT: I also mildly dislike that I've kinda put myself in an awkward situation... People who've been watching the chat know what I'm talking about.
Re: Hate Thread

DC Universe customer support. Ive sent them DXDiags, MSinfo countless times, ive done crazy amounts of shit, included every key and HELPFUL PIECE OF INFO just to help these guys determine the situation, but no. They act like im just pouting fucking Gibberish. Im finished. Fuck you Sony, your the shittiest customer support company ive ever had the misfortune of talking to.
Re: Hate Thread

DC Universe customer support. Ive sent them DXDiags, MSinfo countless times, ive done crazy amounts of shit, included every key and HELPFUL PIECE OF INFO just to help these guys determine the situation, but no. They act like im just pouting fucking Gibberish. Im finished. Fuck you Sony, your the shittiest customer support company ive ever had the misfortune of talking to.

Damn, I coulda told you that. Shoulda come to me first. SoE sucks ass when it comes to customer support. Sadly, I don't find their games all that terrible, and continue to try to play them. If they just got some customer support that TRIED, they'd go from a D- to a C, maybe even a C+. They'd have to actually listen to their player base and improve their games to make the experience as fun as they can for the largest audience to get a B+/A-, but I know that that's asking too much of them.
Re: Hate Thread

Don't worry about overpopulation too much, we're racing towards global war like it was the only toilet at an all-you-can-drink beer-buffet (sounds awesome, and so wrong).

Cancer's at an all time high, and it's only going to get worse the more poeple that are on the planet, thus increasing the cost of treatment and eventually insurance companies are going to stop paying for it.

I don't know about everywhere else but in the US our government has pretty much stopped regulating what companies put in food. I can't remember what the name of the industrial chemical is, but someone read an article about it to me, and it's found in like 50% of canned food in america, and it only takes a small dose to fuck you up like crazy. I'm talkin effects like brain-damage, and gender-reversal shit. Yet we're so god awful worried about second-hand smoke you'd think it was second only to nuclear radiation in harmfull effects, instead of just smelling bad.

And with the advent of genetic construction (HAVEN'T HEARD MUCH ON THIS RECENTLY HAVE WE??) comes the possiblity of viruses that can't be combated by any normal means. I heard them talking about genetic-construction kits for kids when this news was first released. That's exactly what I want, to give a 13yr old the ability to make a life-form from scratch, to the specifications they want. SAY GOODBYE TO BROCCOLI (fuck sp?) PEOPLE, BECAUSE TIMMY DOESN'T LIKE IT AND HE MADE A VIRUS THAT KILLS ANY BROCCOLI IT COMES IN CONTACT WITH.

Though honestly, I don't think all the problems in the world are enough. We need to start regulating reproduction. I don't give a fuck if it's a gross intrustion of personal rights. 3-4 kids is enough of a limit, instead there are families with 8+, and of course there are extenuating circumstances. But gol-fuckin-ee these goddamn people just keep makin more. IF YOU CANT CONTROL YOURSELF YOU SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE THE ANIMAL YOU ARE.

TL;DR FUCK ME, WHY COULDN'T NOSTRADAMUS HAVE BEEN RIGHT WITH HIS DOOMSDAY PREDICTIONS? I guess I'll just have to hope the Aztecs were better at this "seeing the future" thing than him.
Re: Hate Thread

Turns out someone I thought was a logical, understanding and mature human being actually has the emotional maturity of a six year old. Lost so much respect for someone I thought was a pretty cool guy.
Re: Hate Thread

Damn, I coulda told you that. Shoulda come to me first. SoE sucks ass when it comes to customer support. Sadly, I don't find their games all that terrible, and continue to try to play them. If they just got some customer support that TRIED, they'd go from a D- to a C, maybe even a C+. They'd have to actually listen to their player base and improve their games to make the experience as fun as they can for the largest audience to get a B+/A-, but I know that that's asking too much of them.

i REALLY dont know what else to do. DC refuses to go past launchpad, Everquest 2 refuses. Im convinced it must be a port issue, but the launcher downloads the updates just fine. I dont even know what ports id open.
Re: Hate Thread

@ Eye, yeah, it sucks when that happens.

Now for my minor annoyance of the day:

I love that I've gotten a really nice job/assignment fro this coming sunday, 8 hours of work, 420+ usd taking care of some french clients, now I know that they will most likely be able to speak english perfectly well, but the thing is, I really want to work more for this company and leaving an awesome impression saying you can deal with anything thrown at you (Including foreign languages) will be great. So I really HATE that I'm trying to remember french (I was able to speak it goddamnit!) But I'm practicing by myself, and somehow end up throwing all these japanese words in my sentences. WTF? Why does my brain suddenly say sumimasen instead of desolé or Excuses moi? Gah, so frustrating. Seriously cerebral cortex, why do you insist on making me say wakarimasen instead of Je ne comprends pas? (And yes, to all that know french, I know my spelling is messed up, but I worry about being understood, not about how they judge my temporal conjugation of words, or whatever it's called.)
Re: Hate Thread

Meh, your spelling is way better than mine and I grew up speaking French and English.

Must be something about speaking multiple foreign languages because when I was learning Korean I used to do the same thing. Except I would mix French, English, and Spanish in when I was trying to speak Korean so probably a bit more confusing to my listeners.

Oh and I hate dust. Seriously where does it all come from, I just dusted my bookshelf yesterday and it's all dusty again now.
Re: Hate Thread

Indoor dust is formed from a wide variety of things. Stuff like dead skin cells, animal and human hair, textile and paper fiber, minerals from the nearby soil, pollen... quite many things.

Oh and I hate this recent vanishing forum episode that keeps coming back. Darn forum just fails to exists for varying degrees of time, and I'm not sure what to do with this shit. Maybe I need to call the ISP and rave at them since aika or Nunu were not able to say anything concrete on the matter.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh and I hate this recent vanishing forum episode that keeps coming back. Darn forum just fails to exists for varying degrees of time, and I'm not sure what to do with this shit. Maybe I need to call the ISP and rave at them since aika or Nunu were not able to say anything concrete on the matter.

I'm picturing Yu screaming at the poor customer service rep on the phone in Finnish, "I want my tentacle hentai damnit!! Make it happen!"
Re: Hate Thread

Also, completely unrelated to my previous post...
The movie Puss in boots, that I wanted to take my siblings to as a Christmas present...
Release date in cinemas in most of the world: around december 9. 2011.
Release date in cinemas in Norway: Beginning of february 2012.


And still they wonder why people in Norway pirate a shitload of movies...
Re: Hate Thread

You could make a fancy pants piece of paper with characters from Puss in Boots and pictures of holly leaves and candy canes, writing something like Puss in Boots coming to your stocking on February 2012!!

Or you could import the movie from the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland, or Belgium. =P
Re: Hate Thread

I find it's easier when I'm talking to someone in a third language than practicing alone. Something about hearing the other language switches my brain over. Maybe find someone who speaks french an practice with them for a while?
Re: Hate Thread

Nah, I'm watching stand up comedy and some stuff, can't be bothered to find anyone that speaks french, but thanks for the advice, if I have more time to prepare some other time I think I will definitely do that:)
Re: Hate Thread

Indoor dust is formed from a wide variety of things. Stuff like dead skin cells, animal and human hair, textile and paper fiber, minerals from the nearby soil, pollen... quite many things.

Oh and I hate this recent vanishing forum episode that keeps coming back. Darn forum just fails to exists for varying degrees of time, and I'm not sure what to do with this shit. Maybe I need to call the ISP and rave at them since aika or Nunu were not able to say anything concrete on the matter.

Gross, now I'm really glad I clean it up whenever I spot it.

I second the hate for this vanishing forum thing, up till now I thought I was just crazy or senile though. Didn't realize it wasn't just me.
Re: Hate Thread

Gross, now I'm really glad I clean it up whenever I spot it.

I second the hate for this vanishing forum thing, up till now I thought I was just crazy or senile though. Didn't realize it wasn't just me.

Actually dust isn't really all that bad ... you might find it odd, but some dust is actually beneficial to the immune system. The existence of dust particles in an environment is crucial to keeping your immune system "on guard". Without some of it, at least, you become more vulnerable to diseases, allergies and the likes ... You know the old saying: "That which doesn't kill me, will only make me stronger."
Re: Hate Thread

If we had more parasites we'd have less allergies too. Studies show in places where people are infested with parasites they have little to no allergies. It's like our immune systems got bored and decided to make something up to attack! There's also an intestinal disease (Crohn's) they've cured by giving people a dose of harmless parasites that causes no damage and then they die and get flushed out of the system.

check out the reference links.

Uhm. Uh. Wait! I hate being sick like this with the hacking and the coughing and the infected sinuses.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh yeah, this is the hate thread ... Well, here's my spill ...

Don't you just hate it when someone with more money than you, buys something you're more interested to or have a wider knowledge of, and then totally screws up at using that item?

Take my example: I live in a college dorm with 2 other guys and one of the guys is a rich, nerdy douchebag ... and not like those cute nerds, no, one of those nerds that makes crappy jokes and starts talking to people without even knowing what the Hell they're saying ...
I happen to play bass, and this guy happened to be into a few of the bands I was into as well ... He saw my bass and thought he would start playing guitar as well (note that at first he barely knew the difference between a guitar and a Bass guitar) ...
I thought, whatever, until he asked me to come with him to the local guitar shop ... the guitar he picked was a Dean Vendetta with a Fender Mustang Amplifier ... The total came up to around 600 Euros (about 900 $?) which for a newbie is ridiculous!
I started with an old acoustic I found in my grandfather's attic when I was 10, and he at 22 years old buys advanced-level equipment thinking he can learn to play guitar just like that ... To top it all off, for some reason I agreed to tutor him ...
Each time I look at him and his guitar I just want to tear his eyes out ...

What similar experiences have you been through?