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Re: Hate Thread


They extended the update by 6 hours.

Which means it won't be done 'til tomorrow.

If they had said it would be on the 29th, I wouldn't be making such a big deal out of it.
Hell, I know it's silly to make a big deal out of it anyways.

It's the principle of the matter.
They said they'd do the update on the 28th.
Err, sorry, but when 3/4 of the update is on the 29th, no, no you didn't do the update on the 28th.

Re: Hate Thread

People who come to a complete stop at the beginning of a 100-meter acceleration lane... thereby making it far more dangerous for me to merge.
Re: Hate Thread

That's when you remind them of how dangerous it is to do that with your car's cow-catcher.


What? I thought everyone had one of those?


Re: Hate Thread

Absent a cow-catcher, I've been seriously considering outfitting my car with headlight-torpedoes.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when someone smacks me on the back when I'm eating tortilla chips, which causes me to swallow a piece small enough to go down without hurting, but large enough that I feel the corners all the way down.
Re: Hate Thread

Sailor Moon's 20th anniversary is next year.

That is all.
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Re: Hate Thread

Meh, never watched Sailor Moon, it first came out around my birth...

Re: Hate Thread

I hate becoming an emotional wreck... even though sometimes I need it.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that my hayfever medication has decided to not work as well as it should.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my allergies.

I actually do like to go out and mow the lawn, but every time I do, I'm stuck sneezing every hour or so for the rest of the day. AFTER I take a shower.

And yes, I do take medication. It doesn't help enough.
Re: Hate Thread

Our local hospital is run by idiots, ugh x.x
Re: Hate Thread

I'm getting fricken annoyed as Steam is fighting to update my copy of Killing Floor, but is constantly suspending, pausing, downloading, before pausing again. If I knew what the fuzz was going on I wish I could rectify it, as it's PISSING ME OFF!!!
Re: Hate Thread

I'm getting fricken annoyed as Steam is fighting to update my copy of Killing Floor, but is constantly suspending, pausing, downloading, before pausing again. If I knew what the fuzz was going on I wish I could rectify it, as it's PISSING ME OFF!!!

Dunno how far along it is for you, but this happens to me all the time with Counterstrike: Source and Team Fortress 2 right at the end of the updates.
Usually fixes itself after I play around with the 'Suspend' and 'Resume' buttons for a few minutes.
Re: Hate Thread

Dunno how far along it is for you, but this happens to me all the time with Counterstrike: Source and Team Fortress 2 right at the end of the updates.
Usually fixes itself after I play around with the 'Suspend' and 'Resume' buttons for a few minutes.

I've never had this problem before. And the fact it's doing it randomly, and adding the extra boost of both Killing Floor and the full conversion Defense Assault 2 at once...
Re: Hate Thread

I'm getting fricken annoyed as Steam is fighting to update my copy of Killing Floor, but is constantly suspending, pausing, downloading, before pausing again. If I knew what the fuzz was going on I wish I could rectify it, as it's PISSING ME OFF!!!

Dunno how far along it is for you, but this happens to me all the time with Counterstrike: Source and Team Fortress 2 right at the end of the updates.
Usually fixes itself after I play around with the 'Suspend' and 'Resume' buttons for a few minutes.

Ditto. It took me 30 minutes from booting up steam till the game finally loaded, after three tries...
Re: Hate Thread

That's when you remind them of how dangerous it is to do that with your car's cow-catcher.


What? I thought everyone had one of those?



I want to drive a Herse with a cow catcher...
Re: Hate Thread

Bill S.978. This is my hate for the day.
Bill S.978 is a bill that is being discussed in the US government right now. It will make all posting of copyrighted material online illegal. I can understand streaming torrents of movies and such. But this would get rid of ALL copyrighted material. No more Let's Plays. No more music on YouTube. No more Machinima. No more TGWTG. Man, the US is messed up.
Re: Hate Thread

Seriously? That's like... if you were to get rid of radio because someone might be copying the songs.

Hopefully it won't go through, because that would KILL youtube. Does it mention if you can't post it even if you own it?
Re: Hate Thread

...how can that even work.

The US do not own the internet. There are international laws regarding it, but they can't just make a law that says down here in Australian, I can't for example post some copyrighted material from another Australian on an Australian website and suddenly have the US kicking my door in to extradite me for trial.

Shit just don't work. So hopefully this ridiculous proposal will be shot down.