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Re: Hate Thread

I hate when it's pouring rain and my dad tells me my car windows are down. I always end up running out there to find everythings fine and come back a soaking mess D:<

I guess that actually means I hate my gullibility . _ .

Another thing I hate is when people use stupid shit for their gamer tags that include any of the following: 420, kush, dope, or their actual name.
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Re: Hate Thread

I always end up running out there to find everythings fine and come back a soaking mess D:<

That made me giddy. :p Not that you were frowny... mostly just the "soaking mess" part. :eek:

Anyway, I hate when the sunlight seems like pure white all around and reflects off cars. It makes me squint and cry and I can't open my eyes no matter how much I want to...thankfully I wasn't driving at the time....but I do keep sunglasses in my car just in case.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when it's pouring rain and my dad tells me my car windows are down. I always end up running out there to find everythings fine and come back a soaking mess D:<

I guess that actually means I hate my gullibility . _ .

Another thing I hate is when people use stupid shit for their gamer tags that include any of the following: 420, kush, dope, or their actual name.

413 is a better number to have in a GT. Though kush sounds like a godawful word, why the hell would anyone use that?
Re: Hate Thread

Ranger: Of course that would make you giddy ;3

Oni: Trust me, I've seen it and I just wanna punch people.
Re: Hate Thread

Another thing I hate is when people use stupid shit for their gamer tags that include any of the following: 420, kush, dope, or their actual name.


Hey, if they use their real name, you can find them.
If they use Kush, 420, or dope (Also accepted are such words as KILLAH or L33t) then you have probable evidence and reason for murdering them.

Oh, and whenever I hear the word KUSH, I think of these guys...
Re: Hate Thread


Hey, if they use their real name, you can find them.
If they use Kush, 420, or dope (Also accepted are such words as KILLAH or L33t) then you have probable evidence and reason for murdering them.

Oh, and whenever I hear the word KUSH, I think of these guys...

I was thinking of something like that while washing my car. Mine turned out:


Ugggghhhh D:<

Those Koosh balls are awesome though o:
Re: Hate Thread

I hate balut.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate Sonic Rush type stages. Sonic Rush is always the same. This is why I do not think I will enjoy any Sonic game on a handheld. Dimps always uses the Sonic Rush engine for the DS and 3DS ports of every game. They did this to the first good sonic game in a while, Sonic Colors. Dimps is planning to attack Sonic Generations in this manner as well, despite the 3DS being more powerful than the Wii.
Re: Hate Thread

Despite the 3DS being more powerful than the Wii.

Theres... Something very wrong with this sentence... A company should never have there strongest console be a handheld...

invincible armor and 9001+sword,

(Yes, there's at least 3 games I just cited in that grouping. I dare ya to name em all)

This seems to be a Star Ocean....
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Re: Hate Thread

I was thinking of something like that while washing my car. Mine turned out:


Ugggghhhh D:<

Those Koosh balls are awesome though o:

I do target people who have things like 'pwn' or 'epic' as their call tag in Halo Reach online. Hell, there was one person who had king as his and I completely destroyed him. And as the douchebag I am after the match I messaged him something along the lines of "not much of a king, are you?"
Re: Hate Thread

Generally, because I'm usually always the teams largest Kill Seeder (Drops the shield and someone else gets the kill... Leaving my K/D rate crappy compared to my assists count...) I changed my tag to the Resident Evil based Umbrella Biohazard Containment Service... Just cause our performance is similar... Show up... Shoot things up... End up dead so some faceless noname hero can show up and clean house... Maybe flip off the new comer from beyond the grave...

Really hilarious when I end up getting killed by a friendly grenade... Then the betrayer gets killed by the person I was engaging...

Also hilarious how people who CANT SHOOT go for the sniper rifle when me and my friend's are nearly constantly practing shooting from moving vehicles... Nothing says get fucked than losing a sniper battle against the guy RIDING in the back of a mongoose...
Re: Hate Thread

My emblem closely resembles the Dai Gurren Brigade's emblem. I say 'closely' because it's not perfect.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Sonic Rush type stages. Sonic Rush is always the same. This is why I do not think I will enjoy any Sonic game on a handheld. Dimps always uses the Sonic Rush engine for the DS and 3DS ports of every game. They did this to the first good sonic game in a while, Sonic Colors. Dimps is planning to attack Sonic Generations in this manner as well, despite the 3DS being more powerful than the Wii.

Wait, Im confused, What was specifically wrong with Sonic rush? Other then the soundtrack of course. And the art style.
Re: Hate Thread

My computer has been royally screwed. Had to reinstall the OS this morning, though managed to save my files (as in games, my documents and settings is gone, though I'd backed up the important stuff a few days ago). Still, it's acting funky and I'm pretty sure I have a hidden virus I got while briefly getting on the internet to redownload my antivirus (irony).

I'm betting I'm going to just wipe the whole thing soon and start fresh.