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Re: Hate Thread

Well, if any of those are entirely written by a single person and the artstyle is taken care of by the same person for the whole series then i can enjoy them.
Otherwise it only ends in chaos and bullshit, of which most mainstream comics seem to be made of...

Many of them are, however some have had to change creative teams over their longer life span as a series, especially Witchblade, but its still easy to slip back into it.

But you still seem to have dismissed comics as a whole without even bothering to look at them outside of Marvel and DC, judging by your reaction here.
Re: Hate Thread

I dismiss comics in general because generally i don't like comics, there are exceptions, but i tend to not like the superhero format and the majority of comics follows it, so i don't like comics in general, doesn't mean i hate them all.

By the way, the only two i know of those you mentioned are spawn and witchblade and i don't like either enough to follow them, i just don't like the characters and premises.
Re: Hate Thread

Without taking a good look at my collection... Y: The Last Man, Walking Dead, Hatter M, 28 Days Later, Warhammer 40K, Black Gas, Preacher, Shrapnel, 30 Days of Night... even the Marvel adaptation of George R.R. Martin's The Hedge Knight... all comics not filling the super hero formula. Indeed I'd say most comic series don't follow the super hero formula.
Re: Hate Thread

The only zombie stories i like are in some videogames and a few carpenter movies, zombie stories get boring fast and the artstyle tend to be messy or sub-par.
Checked Y:tlm on wiki and i had a face palm moment at the premises, not gonna say it's stupid, but it's not my cup of tea.
The hatter M one seemed interesting till i saw the artstyle, thanks for bringing my attention to the books tho...
Preacher is ugly and i hate religion stories...
30 days of night could as well be a zombie story for the stupid looking vampires and i hate the artstyle.
Shrapnel looks nice but short, i just don't like short stories.
I just hate everything that came out of warhammer 40k, don't ask why cause i won't tell.

I also hate the fact that comics are extremely small, each issue being something around 20-30 pages on average of actual story, which means everything smaller than 15-20 issues i just don't care reading unless i really like the artstyle and the premises strike my interest, i still have to see that happen tho.
As a matter of fact the only comic i ever liked was PK, only the first series, cause i grew up as a paperinik fan.

Maybe i'm just too used to manga and manhwa, i just don't like comics in general.
Re: Hate Thread

Go read Bone. That's a graphic novel that's not superhero based and isn't 30 pages :p
Re: Hate Thread


I hate tv, I watch cartoons damnit!
Re: Hate Thread

You can watch cartoons without having to watch the tv.:rolleyes:

Btw, don't like cartoons in general either.
Re: Hate Thread

There are comics that aren't superhero comics, and to dismiss an entire medium for the content of a small portion of it is silly. It's like saying you refuse to watch tv because Jersey Shore exists. Yes, there is some degree of protection there, but you'll never know Dr. Who, or whatever the hell it is you watch in your free time.
Re: Hate Thread

*sigh* Yeah, that would be really silly, hating comics just because of superheroes is a really stupid thing, whoever said it must be a real idiot.:rolleyes:

As for me there are many more reasons why i hate comics in general, starting from artstyles and writers passing through editors, stupid stories, uninteresting characters, boring premises, stupid superheroes, even stupider antiheroes, non-sensical plots, short or overstretched stories and list goes on, 90% of the comics i ever read or seen or had brought to my attention had at least 3 or 4 of the above and that gives me a good enough reason to stop wasting my time trying to find diamonds in heap of charcoal. I don't have enough time to waste on something that never gave me any proper feedback, if there is something i might like in there it'll have to come looking for me, cause i ain't going back.

What i find stupid, boring or uninteresting is not objective and doesn't need to be, so there's no reason to discuss about it.

I could say the same thing about mangas, among the thousands of titles there are only about 20-30 i like/liked, but there is a general trait that put's them in a higher ground in my view, the story is taken care off by one single person and same goes for the artstyle, most of the time being the same person, till the product is finished or someone dies.

Is this a good enough explanation or do i have to keep repeating myself over and over again till you get bored?
Because it doesn't matter what kind of paragon of comic excellence you bring out of your shelves, unless you show up with 100+ of them my general opinion of comics won't change.
Also i really don't like this feeling that i need to specify that general doesn't stand for every single fucking piece of paper with COMIC written on top, but leaves a considerable space for all kind of exceptions.

I didn't want to turn this into an argument, but if you really want me to, i'll start properly addressing your points from now on...
Re: Hate Thread

You state that you hate comics, yet that doesn't apply to mangas, which are a type of comics. You further go on to state that you'd require over 100 examples of good(from your rather specific point of view) comics, yet you also say that there are less than third that number of mangas you like.

Also, "hating comics just because of superheroes is a really stupid thing" is grammatically pretty fucking stupid. And same style of writing seems to continue throughout your post.

Honestly, I wouldn't even make this post, but I can't be bothered to spread around rep just to negrep you. So I guess I'm posting this in hopes that someone else will do that for me...
Re: Hate Thread

You state that you hate comics, yet that doesn't apply to mangas, which are a type of comics. You further go on to state that you'd require over 100 examples of good(from your rather specific point of view) comics, yet you also say that there are less than third that number of mangas you like.

It is common sense that when referring to comics one talks about western products, similarly to the differentiation between anime and cartoon, and even if the manga industry might have been inspired by western comics, it also retain cultural and structural differences, originated from the indigenous history, culture and folklore, from the original western comic form, so much that manga can be rightfully considered in their very own category.

That being said, even if one wanted to consider manga as a sub-category of comics, none of my statements is disproved:
I still hate comics in "General" (although some people stupidly keep forcing a repeatedly denied interpretation of the term), because the manga sub-category would still only hold an insufficient amount of suitable objects to justify a change in my opinion, increasing in fact the percentage of disliked objects, which in turn increases the number of comics necessary to meet the requirements, while granting a larger amount of possible exceptions.

Also my hatred toward comics is not simply related to numbers, but personal experience too, an unsatisfying or enraging experience can cause the birth of a mind barrier, an extremely simple form of trauma easily explained with the common saying "Once bitten, twice shy", which obviously needs to be removed before reason can be dealt with. Simplifying, since my experience with manga was considerably better the amount of required objects to obtain a satisfactory reaction is considerably lower.

Also, "hating comics just because of superheroes is a really stupid thing" is grammatically pretty fucking stupid. And same style of writing seems to continue throughout your post.

It might sound stupid, as it's supposed to, being a sarcastic response about stupidity, but the grammatical structure of the sentence is correct, unless you have your own personal opinion on what grammar is that i don't know of.
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Re: Hate Thread

I dismiss comics in general because generally i don't like comics, there are exceptions, but i tend to not like the superhero format and the majority of comics follows it, so i don't like comics in general, doesn't mean i hate them all.

*sigh* Yeah, that would be really silly, hating comics just because of superheroes is a really stupid thing, whoever said it must be a real idiot.:rolleyes:

I never said you hated them all, I said dismissing an entire medium based on what you dislike is silly and shouldn't be done. Misquotes are bad, reading comprehension is good. Here's some recommendations for things I think you might enjoy based on "No capes" and "Single writer/artist", in no particular order:
The Goon: A mob enforcer dealing with a rival mob, most of which consists of voodoo zombies. Weird shit happens, frequently.
Atomic Robo: Nicola Tesla built a robot, that robot solves mysteries involving superscience and the occult. Much more light-hearted than it sounds.
Hellboy: There were two movies, you ought to be familiar with the premise.
We3: Animals in battle armor escape from a weapons testing facility. The end is sad as hell.
Tales From the Bully Pulpit: Teddy Roosevelt and the ghost of Thomas Edison get in a time machine to go to mars in the future and fight hitler. Better than it sounds, goddamn weird.
The Walking Dead: Zombie survival comic, hard core. Don't pick favorites.

If any of those catch your interest, look them up. The Walking Dead is still going, so there's a chance they'll switch artists in the future, but it seems unlikely.
Re: Hate Thread

I think the chances of JohnDoe here picking up anything we recommend is excessively slim, to none. So there's little point in recommending more titles to someone who is stomping his foot down in the judgment that really... only Japanese media is for him.

So I say let it lie, as nothings going to come of this. No matter what we say, that concept of capes and tights isn't going away.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that after being told my department never works later than 6.30pm, I've been told that every second week we'll be doing 12pm-8pm shifts.

I also hate that the weeks we're not doing that, we're forced to take hour long (unpaid) lunch breaks, resulting in things such as 9.30am-6pm shifts. And that we'll often get sent home early on these non-12-8 shifts, resulting in less paid hours.

And I hate myself for saying I could work the Grand Prix. I'm going from a 12-8 shift on friday night, to a 12-7 on saturday and 11.30am-9.30pm sunday, both on my feet behind a bar all day while noisy F1 cars assault my ears...

And then work again on monday back in my other job. >.< Sure, I'll make a lot of money, but I am going to really hate myself on that monday morning.
Re: Hate Thread

I think the chances of JohnDoe here picking up anything we recommend is excessively slim, to none. So there's little point in recommending more titles to someone who is stomping his foot down in the judgment that really... only Japanese media is for him.

So I say let it lie, as nothings going to come of this. No matter what we say, that concept of capes and tights isn't going away.

Heh, yeah, tights are really hard to get over, but the japanese media thing is wrong, i like some korean manwha too.;)
Re: Hate Thread

THQ says my graphics card is not supported, even though I'd very much disagree. Still, I've pretty much given up hope on my birthday present working :(