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Re: Hate Thread

as we say, some steryotypes are true.
Re: Hate Thread

as we say, some steryotypes are true.

Just because I say it doesn't mean it's true, hell the only reason I say it is stubborn pride. And just cause I say it doesn't mean all other Canadians do. I'm one person, I should not be the judging point of an entire nation.
Re: Hate Thread

I love Canadia-land and all, but I don't see people flocking en masse to live in Canada.
Re: Hate Thread

Also, I think that that's more of an African-american stereotype than a black people in general one, which might explain sinful not being aware of it.

Anybody tell this guy were I live?
Believe me, it's an "African of any kind" stereotype. KFC is so popular here in South Africa that they can sell horrible quality without them giving any notice.
And they do.

And as for believing in stereotypes, I hold this ideal in mind, "Always give the individual the chance to break out of stereotypes, but don't let disapproval ruin your opinions."
It's impossible to be unprejudiced on everything in this world, and sometimes it's more polite and necessary to keep your opinions private, but I believe that stereotypes tend to be there for a reason, no, not all women go gaga over clothes, not even most, but there is that group of like that which lead to the stereotype being created.

Of course not all Africans like chicken, of course not all Muslims are crazed terrorists(That was a specifically crafted stereotype mind you), and indeed, not all Englishmen are arrogant and snooty, but in most cases there is a group of people that made their race or social group develop a stereotype, and it's a social phenomena that is unavoidable, especially if it's reinforced by experiences in real life. So it's more of a question of tolerance and open-mindedness than consciously telling yourself to ignore the public opinion.

Also, there's the matter of all religious people either being hypocrites or nutjobs or both, that's a heavy-handed stereotype that holds a certain truth to it (Up until "All"), but once again, it would be much better if the individual was given the chance to break out of the stereotype, and tact used in person to avoid confrontation.

Of course, this is all personal opinion, so feel free to ignore me.
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Re: Hate Thread

Africans actually like chicken more than other races? I dunno, I hardly ever see coloured folks at my local KFC.

I actually know a black dude who goes to KFC whenever we're in Cardiff.

That's because KFC SUCKS ASS. Popeye's is where it's at. Best fried chicken EVER.

Shut your filthy lying whore mouth.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people blindly accept publicly accepted morals as the correct morals, and cannot comprehend somebody's opinion being different.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people blindly accept publicly accepted morals as the correct morals, and cannot comprehend somebody's opinion being different.

As I know you're talking about me...

Yes, I will act out against other's opinions and morals if I find them rubbing me the wrong way.

A group of people in the middle east believe it is morally acceptable to skin someone alive after butchering their family because they supported the government. Should I just sit back and accept that?

A group of people in Texas think it's wrong that homosexuals have any rights and that anyone who kills a homosexual or anyone who supports homosexuality should be get off scott free for doing humanity a service. Should I just sit back and accept that?

Thing is Cappy, your so very obsessed with your own morals and claiming to be the victim here, that perhaps you didn't think about how I felt about this whole thing. Where it seemed to come from you that stereotypes were okay. How do you think I feel about that having friends often being the targets of stereotyping and discrimination?

Will I convince you to see differently? I doubt it. But don't think I'm going to let you say these things that I feel are wrong without putting up a bit of a fight.
Re: Hate Thread

As I know you're talking about me...

Yes, I will act out against other's opinions and morals if I find them rubbing me the wrong way.

A group of people in the middle east believe it is morally acceptable to skin someone alive after butchering their family because they supported the government. Should I just sit back and accept that?

A group of people in Texas think it's wrong that homosexuals have any rights and that anyone who kills a homosexual or anyone who supports homosexuality should be get off scott free for doing humanity a service. Should I just sit back and accept that?

Thing is Cappy, your so very obsessed with your own morals and claiming to be the victim here, that perhaps you didn't think about how I felt about this whole thing. Where it seemed to come from you that stereotypes were okay. How do you think I feel about that having friends often being the targets of stereotyping and discrimination?

Will I convince you to see differently? I doubt it. But don't think I'm going to let you say these things that I feel are wrong without putting up a bit of a fight.

There's a difference between prejudice and unwarranted prejudice, as I have said several times, I only support stereotypes on the condition that individuals are not discriminated against in the process.

Yet you simply do not seem to hear what I'm saying, and brand me as some sort of holder of evil , I told you, that it is my opinion that if stereotyping were to be handled the correct way, things wouldn't be so horrible as they are.

Have you presented any evidence or argument saying differently? And I mean really bringing a point to the table? So far I've just seen you show examples of the evil that stereotyping can do, I already know that stereotyping can bring evil, but a lack of it can be just as deadly in different instances.

My idea is moderation of stereotyping, to not let it get to the point were it would affect your opinion before you've even encountered an example of what you're hearing about yourself.
Re: Hate Thread

I'd just like to say that what I meant by that is that I thought that was a stereotype that primarily exists in the US. As in, the idea of "black people like fried chicken" was an American thing, not that there was a difference between black people here and black people in Canada or elsewhere. I guess I was wrong though. *shrug*

PS: Stereotyping people can be frequently hurtful even over inconsequential things and I don't see the upside to doing it, so I avoid consciously doing it. The most I indulge stereotypes is in jokes, and that's only when I know the person I'm joking with is cool with it. Like with my one Korean friend who plays a third of the starcraft I do and still consistently beats me. :(
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fact that Star wars Knights of the old republic uses the DnD dice roll combat tactics. Its a great RPG otherwise.

I hate the fact evey man has to basically like call of duty now. Ive been a battlefield fan since 1942, and i love hunting my prey as a sniper in battlefield. Fuck call of dutys arena gameplay.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fact that Star wars Knights of the old republic uses the DnD dice roll combat tactics. Its a great RPG otherwise.

Pfft. So does more or less every RPG by Bioware, and quite a few by other companies, to a lesser or greater extent. I haven't played Mass Effect so I can't say much about that, but the only Bioware game I've played that hasn't is Jade Empire.
Re: Hate Thread

Pfft. So does more or less every RPG by Bioware, and quite a few by other companies, to a lesser or greater extent. I haven't played Mass Effect so I can't say much about that, but the only Bioware game I've played that hasn't is Jade Empire.

A true shame, my fellow RPG lover, mass effect is a great series to get into, and steam had some great sales for the PC version. Thats how i got into it. As for the rolling in mass effect, i dont think so, it uses more of a..hmm..Borderlands type system. Except less sandboxy.
Re: Hate Thread

A true shame, my fellow RPG lover, mass effect is a great series to get into, and steam had some great sales for the PC version. Thats how i got into it. As for the rolling in mass effect, i dont think so, it uses more of a..hmm..Borderlands type system. Except less sandboxy.

Eh. It just never appealed to me, and the steam sales thus weren't cheap enough to make me get it.
Re: Hate Thread

Eh. It just never appealed to me, and the steam sales thus weren't cheap enough to make me get it.

They werent? i could've sworn i saw it on sale for $9. Heck, i got Bad company 2 for 6.87.
Re: Hate Thread

They werent? i could've sworn i saw it on sale for $9. Heck, i got Bad company 2 for 6.87.

Maybe, although I think my price was a little higher.

Even so, $9 is a lot for a game I don't really want. I have already bought so many games this steam salesmas.
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe, although I think my price was a little higher.

Even so, $9 is a lot for a game I don't really want. I have already bought so many games this steam salesmas.

Oh i know right? Ive been wiped clean, and i went to town on those sales. Bad company, Sam and max devils playhouse, vegas, a dlc for borderlands, etc. i barely spent 50 and i have like like a boatload of games, Enjoyed waiting because i got new vegas for 25.
Re: Hate Thread

There's a difference between prejudice and unwarranted prejudice, as I have said several times, I only support stereotypes on the condition that individuals are not discriminated against in the process.

Yet you simply do not seem to hear what I'm saying, and brand me as some sort of holder of evil , I told you, that it is my opinion that if stereotyping were to be handled the correct way, things wouldn't be so horrible as they are.

Have you presented any evidence or argument saying differently? And I mean really bringing a point to the table? So far I've just seen you show examples of the evil that stereotyping can do, I already know that stereotyping can bring evil, but a lack of it can be just as deadly in different instances.

My idea is moderation of stereotyping, to not let it get to the point were it would affect your opinion before you've even encountered an example of what you're hearing about yourself.

Actually, please do give me an example where stereotyping will be positive.

And I'm not pinning you to be a hoarder of evil, those examples I gave where not of stereotyping, but rather or morals. Because you were angry about people being brainwashed into having society's morals, despite the fact that those morals can be what keeps us good... or at least an attempt at it.